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Ingame Customizable Glyphs


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I do like some glyphs, but I'm fairly picky and change them semi-often. First I had Excalibur, then Nidus Halftone, then Cherry Tree, then I went to this one, now I'm using the Buried Debts glyph, and I'm considering changing my glyph again(that's not even all of the glyphs I have used). Even though I went through all of those glyphs, I still haven't found one that is my "favorite".

What if we were able to make our own, with what's in game? There could be an option in captura menu/settings, that you select and use like a smaller camera, and it saves to your first free headshot slot. (There would be more slots(10+?), I'd even be okay with earning the (20)platinum to buy it)


  1. Enter captura scene with desired Warframe/Companion/Weapons
  2. Strike your pose, jump in the air, stand in front of a rock, remove all lighting, whatever scenery you want
  3. Then your warframe is unmoving in the air, or wherever to get their photo taken
  4. Go to captura settings, and find and click headshot or custom glyph headshot, or something
  5. Specific boundaries would appear(you would be able to zoom in and out), and there would be a 40% layer of transparency(maybe you could adjust that in settings too?) outside of the boundaries, so you could tell how it would look as a finished image.
  6. Then once you take the photo, it would save in a new tab of glyphs called "Custom" or something like that.


    Ability to change borders around glyphs. Examples: Prime orokin border, argon crystal border, cephalon transparent blue, sanctuary transparent yellow, geometric shapes, plants, space, standard borders, holidays, special mastery rank borders, special event borders, nightwave borders, etc.  

Edited by GrayFrequency
added more to bonus
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8 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

You could have bought the grand Tennocon ticket. Those people get their own unique Glyphs, you know.


Yes, but why not have an ingame glyph maker? It would be limited to what's in captura, so the ticket would still be a thing

Edited by GrayFrequency
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Idk it's just a thought.

It'd be cool if we could make our own captura glyphs, and add cool borders. Something simple, but it wouldn't override the Tenno ticket, or current glyphs.

It wouldn't hurt anything, and would add more customization. (Maybe a player really likes to use that frame, or it's their favorite kavat, so it becomes a personal glyph...)

Edited by GrayFrequency
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As nice as it would be for the mature group it's limitation seem like it wouldn't be worth the time.. 

Besides if it were bound to capture pictures you could essentially take a picture of someone else's glyph they post on a wall for you and get it free. 

Ok so they make it solo, idk to much details for a fun tiny glyph. 

I personally want the "In action" series for my favorite primes, the nearly prison profile pictures are dull.. 

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