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We need more Hard Limits on Abilities....


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1 hour ago, ranks21 said:

I just logged in and re-read some of what the op stated about abilities and what he is implying about nova and balance. never had I laughed so hard about an ability and what someone said since oberon's pea floaters.

we've already been through modding specifically for 1 or 2 abilities in the past when they were ability mods. now on the matter of anti matter drop,(nova's second ability). obviously he haven't exploited that ability to know how its synergy works to the point where it will do millions of damage, and is quite frankly nova's best ability when it comes to damage and it all depends on the weapon, the dps, and the fire rate/clip size.

sure you have a lot to learn.

I still just can't get past his claim that Saryn is all about Miasma..

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Ok... I normally am just sarcastic about these kinds of posts but this one angers me. Why?

I spent money for forma, no indication that a nerf was coming and Mirage got nerfed. Had I known about the nerf, I wouldnt have used the 2 forma that the nerf made pointless. And got NO refund for it.  You want limits? Go farm that vault and use corrupted mods to nerf yourself. Otherwise, leave DE to the job they do very well and stop suggesting nerfs that cost people money.

call for stronger foes, call for maps that aid in limiting abilities... but just stop this insane nerf attitude. Why do I call it insane? Because no matter how you justify it, it breaks down to whining about not being as good as some one else and wanting mommy to make him stop being better than me. STOP IT. Get good or go away. I suck enough that I will NEVER be an elite player. Im good, but not great. And Im not getting jealous about it either. I know my limitiation. But Im not going to ruin it for other people by having mommy step in and nerf others.



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And here I thought it was use spores vs grineer and miasma against corpus...

Thats a joke if you didn’t catch it.

More to the point, she is fine.  Mostly.  Yeah overused for some content but that is just because her abilities are ideal for specific things that this game has a lot of.  But miasma is not the end all of her ability.  I find myself using molt more than miasma (speed bonus is a godsend).

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I read the first paragraph and thought Lutesque might actually have made a valid comment for once, but then I read the rest of his statements and the replies he made. 

I laugh at this thread and give it a haha. 

I am straight up gonna ignore the Saryn and Harrow comparison parts because OP has shown his lack of understanding about the frames and their mechanics in the past, no need to add more here. 

And most of his responses seem to be "yeah make all frames powerful cause I lack the capacity to understand mod effects and cannot optimize builds "

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On 2019-05-01 at 9:47 PM, Xavori said:

.  Same with Volt.  I suspect we'll see Volt other place for at least a week or two now tho.


I see volts in defenses all the time and no volts in defenses we don't need your damm speed boost to stand here and protect this pod

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