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Dog Days event: how to punish leeches and reward honest players at the same time


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The moderators are correct, on a 1st offense it's not banable, it's the 2nd one.

They said it's not bannable AT ALL. Even on the 2nd offense. The worst you can get is a "warning" which is just a slap in the wrist.


 As much as i would like to contact the several hundreds of players reported for afk (which i would need to unignore to do so) to clarify your statement, i will not do that at wall.

So you've reported hundreds of players for AFKing? Have you ever stopped to think that maybe their life isn't as miserable as yours, and they might actually have things to do that requires them to leave the controller for a few minutes? If you get so upset that people go AFK for a minute, you shouldn't be playing multiplayer. Simple.


Support warns once and then bans, the reason why bans are hardly applied is because players quit after the 1st warn, they don't trust their own gameplay and have the intention to leech and afk more times, the problem is that they know a 2nd report will be far worse than the 1st one. So the the pros and cons of warframe sink in and they ultimately quit the game, better to quit on their own terms than to have support decide for them, for example in the midle of a huge update, event or even causing the current clan to kick you due to the lack of activity.

It's so hard to even understand what point you're trying to bring up with this. Seriously, use more periods (.) please.


I could confirm who got banned and who got a warn, but i am not unignoring players 1 by 1 to try and find a banned one, forget that, i can confirm that in certain cases, repeated offenders were removed from the game, i simply do not remmeber the username, but it did happen as some players didn't care for the 1st warn and that lead exactly where i'm saying, a ban.

So you're going to make an argument and NOT use a slight bit of effort to back it up? What? But anyways, what kind of ban do these guys get? I'm curious, seeing as I've gone AFK plenty of times and haven't gotten even a warning.


Repeating offenders will even, at the 1st sign that someone is going to report, they will instantly quit the match, to try and find a squad more inline with what they do.

Or maybe they, you know... leave the game to finish doing whatever they're doing outside of the game? Like I said, some people have things to do that don't involve a controller or keyboard. It's extremely sad to see you report people just because you're upset about something that's so stupid and ridiculous. Some people have dinner to make, bills to pay, a kid to help with homework, etc. I don't think these people want to be penalized and lose all the items they got just because they had to leave from something out of their control.

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Not that I condone AFKing in anything, but do you not see the reason why they are AFKing in the first place?

It is for the same reasons as people who AFK in ESO or Hydron while formaing weapons for the 40th+ time, it is boring and gives no reward of any value to even remotely tempt players into doing anything. The grind is designed so poorly and has no reason to even try to perform because performance isn't rewarded in any way, 0 kills or 100 kills it is the same amount of time spent on the same amount of rewards.

This is a common problem in game design, but it isn't solely on the players when the content has nothing meaningful behind it and when effort put into content is utterly meaningless.

Hence why I stopped with the event after mission 4 and checking the prices, it wasn't even worth the AFK time it would take to go hide solo.

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On 2019-08-05 at 7:02 AM, Otakuwolf said:

What I mean with this is, give to the "honest" players a "one time only unique reward". Maybe the Soaktron itself since a lot of people have been asking for it.

Can't support it being a weapon, but a cosmetic that we can wear, announced at the end of the event (or for maximum salt a short time before the end). 

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From today's patch notes on hotfix:

"08/06/2019 Hotfix #5:
Dog Days Tactical Alert Changes:

  • Performance now can yield better results for the final Dog Days mission! Mission 4 now yields 1 Nakak Pearl per kill in addition to the 50 given at end of mission. More kills, more Pearls! 
  • As an added note, we will have more feedback implemented when DOG DAYS returns, including fixes for AI and more. Thanks everyone for the feedback and fun during this Tactical Alert! "

Will this mean less afk players? Probably not.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.

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On 2019-08-06 at 7:45 PM, (XB1)Gamesbi said:


If you are an afk player, then it's obvious you don't understand what is it like to avoid those players, the issues they can cause (yes, afk can acount as an action against the team in certain gamemodes), what is it like to report them and what happens to them, you have literally no clue and actually defend afk behavior.

Since afk behavior is one step away from quiting the game entirely, i don't believe you will last long in warframe, but what do i know right, only several hundreds of players left, maybe you can show me wrong. I'll see you next year, or not.

Edited by KIREEK
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As I posted in another place, after they made killing enemies reward a pearl each and people still afk to the same amount:

"On average, there is one afk person in every Dog Days mission. I'm farming for my third scene and have encountered teams where all four contribute, but I can probably count those times on one hand. The only possible punishes come to the ones that are active in the event - we can lose out on pearls by also lazying off (though that'd be kinda sad), we can choose to fail the mission, but that'd hurt our completion stats and pearl gains once again, or we can carry their AFKing behinds, rewarding their inactivity.

I get it, your parents asked for your laundry, your cat got stuck in the christmas tree, you spilled your soda. I'm not saying any and all afk-ing as soon as it appears is bad, but a whole match? Yuck. I also get that you may have a bad run and keep getting killed while not getting any kills. Still I'd like some order. What I vote for is a "you need to move at least every minute", or "shoot your weapon every 30 sec to stay in the match", "have at least two kills to get the reward at the end" or anything to not reward the inactivity (and lazy behaviour).

I don't mean to come across as negative, mean or anything else. It's just starting to taste a little bit bitter, ya see. Stay well, peoples."


To reply to some things people have mentioned earlier in this post:
"It is boring!" For being an event, it really isn't that bad. Could do with being a minute or two shorter, maybe. Also, it's still no reason to leech.

"Who caaaaaaaares!!!" It is rude to not at least try to contribute. It shows an unnice way of not valuing other peoples time as much as yours, when they are on par. Oh, and obviously, at least some people do care.

"Afk solo..?" To afk solo doesn't bother me, since then you don't put a dent in others experience.

"Just have fun/stop bothering with the pearls" I find it much more fun when people act in respectful ways/give off the vibe of wanting to do the event instead of AFKing. Also, the argument could be made that the AFK people could stop counting their pearls, should they not want to contribute.

"But... boring... even if you don't think it's bad! Don't whiteknight a bad event!" Oh come on. As I said, it still doesn't excuse some of us having to do it all and others not. That said, I would not mind some changes. Kela coming in having fun, bathing gear and all, confusedly throwing in beach balls and shooting her own team? Hell yea, I'd get a nice good chuckle out of that!

"Prices, my dojofloofs 😧 " Sure, sure, make some/all things cheaper, all good with me. *shrug*

"Report them, ez" Well, reporting one player each match? Wouldn't have time to play any >_> 

"People afk in other places when they forma smthn for the nth time" Still no excuse to let other people do all the work. Also, I have almost not encountered this, call it luck or no, but I don't think it's as widespread.

"Give a 1 time only cosmetic/weapon" I'm not for this. Wouldn't be fair for (completionist) people joining the game in a week.

Longer post than intended. Pat yourself on the back a bit for reading to the end.

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On 2019-08-07 at 2:45 AM, (XB1)Gamesbi said:

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe their life isn't as miserable as yours, and they might actually have things to do that requires them to leave the controller for a few minutes?

are you saying player lives are miserable because we are playing game? How about we still have time to play a game despite having a lot of respinsibilities. 

if a player needs to have their priorities done then get out of the game and focus on your priorities. be disciplined and finish your responsibilities first before logging in. 

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On 2019-08-09 at 2:00 AM, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

are you saying player lives are miserable because we are playing game? How about we still have time to play a game despite having a lot of respinsibilities.

Woah, it's almost as if things can randomly come up, without warning. And no, I never said everyone's lives are miserable just because they play a game. I said HIS life is miserable because he feels the need to "punish" people for leaving the controller/keyboard for a second.


if a player needs to have their priorities done then get out of the game and focus on your priorities. be disciplined and finish your responsibilities first before logging in. 

I used that as an example. There's so many things that could happen that wouldn't really make sense to leave a game for. Maybe you have to go to the bathroom, or your kid accidentally broke a glass plate or whatever. It wouldn't make sense to waste your time and leave, when you can simply stand up, fix the problem, and sit back down to finish the game.


Since afk behavior is one step away from quiting the game entirely, i don't believe you will last long in warframe, but what do i know right, only several hundreds of players left, maybe you can show me wrong. I'll see you next year, or not.

I've been playing for 3, almost 4 years and haven't gotten a single warning or ban about being AFK. Saying "I won't last long" is just a petty ego boost.


If you are an afk player, then it's obvious you don't understand what is it like to avoid those players, the issues they can cause (yes, afk can acount as an action against the team in certain gamemodes), what is it like to report them and what happens to them, you have literally no clue and actually defend afk behavior.

Notice how I previously said "I exclusively play solo for this mode." How could I be an AFK player if I only play solo for this mode? Now, if you're referring to normal matches, you're even more wrong. I basically never go AFK in normal matches unless I absolutely have to. And no, I've never reported anyone for AFKing because that's a stupid and petty thing to do. If you don't like it when people AFK for a few minutes, you shouldn't be playing multiplayer. AFKing is in literally EVERY multiplayer game there is. Would you report someone in Call of Duty for "AFKing"? What is they were using a killstreak? "hE iSnT mOvInG, hEs AfK!!!" Grow up man.

Edited by (XB1)Gamesbi
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