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Summer 2019 Featured Dojo Contest [Winners Announced]!


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Summer is in full swing, and we’re looking for another season of magnificent Dojos to feature on the Star Chart. Show us your unique Clan Dojo! The exclusive Trophy, a stockpile of Resources, and a featured spot on the Star Chart could be yours!

There will be three winners per Clan tier per platform (20 first place winners in total).

  • PC: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • PS4: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • XB1: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • Switch:  Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon

How to enter:

Decorate your Clan Dojo by yourself or with members of your Clan. Take us on a tour by sharing image(s) and/or a 3 minute video of your Dojo here! Feel free to dive into interior design detail and tell us what went into creating your rooms of art!

We recommend submitting images in a spoiler tab to keep everything organized!

Click this icon to make a spoiler box appear in your post:      



To include a video tour, upload to a video-sharing site like YouTube and share the link to your video here! Click here for a guide to uploading to YouTube.

You must include the following information with your submission:

  • Clan name
  • Clan tier
  • Clan platform
  • Your Clan role (Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions)
  • Feature image of a section of your Dojo that you want to highlight (in addition to any other images or video you choose to include)

Please keep in mind that the winning Dojos will be accessible from the Star Chart. That means that, if you win, all players will be able to access your Clan Dojo at any time!


Based on your feedback, we have updated Featured Dojo contest prizes! Although most contests are for Platinum, we understand that for Clans, Resources are what really matter for decoration and research. That’s why we've changed the prizes to massive stock piles of Resources!

The amount of Resources awarded to each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner is determined by Clan size. See the full list of prizes below!


Featured Dojo Prizes.png

We have retroactively given all past Featured Dojo contest winners these Resource prizes!

Need an example?


Clan name: Blackmore
Clan tier: Shadow
Clan platform: PC
Clan role: Founding Warlord
Feature image:DojoFeature.png

Video tour: 



  • One submission per Clan
  • Must list your Clan’s name, tier, and platform with your entry
  • Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions for the Clan whose Dojo you submit
  • Video tours must not exceed 3 minutes
  • Dojo theme and presentation must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Do not reserve spots in the official contest thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified

Spring 2019 Featured Dojo contest winners are not eligible for the Summer 2019 Featured Dojo contest. They are welcome to enter again in a future round! Please keep in mind that Clans that have never been Featured are given priority.

Best Practices for Winners:

  • Nothing vulgar or offensive can be added to your Clan Dojo while it is featured on the Star Chart
  • You cannot change your Clan tier while your Clan Dojo is featured on the Star Chart
  • Winning Clans who do not follow these guidelines will have their Dojos removed from the Star Chart

Selecting Winners:

After the contest closes, a group of Warframe Community Team members will take one week to review all submissions. Once the top submissions have been chosen, Community Team members will closely review and compare those submissions a second time to select the winners.

We look for creativity and quality. Large structures are impressive, but keep in mind that small details set winning submissions apart from top submissions. Focus on creating an immersive atmosphere with details we can’t ignore. Make your Dojo a testament to your unique Clan!

Winners will be announced on August 29 during our Prime Time live stream at twitch.tv/warframe

This contest starts now until August 22 @ 1:00PM ET!

All players from PC, XB1, PS4, and Nintendo Switch can participate!


On 2019-08-30 at 12:03 PM, [DE]Helen said:

Thank you all for sharing your Clan Dojos with us! It was a pleasure to tour and read descriptions of your creations. Here are the winners of the Summer 2019 Featured Dojo Contest:



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This was all built and sourced by me over 3ish years since I started my account

I never thought dojos would be such a big part of the game for me but I'm so happy they are.

-Twinstar Centauri

-Ghost Tier Clan r10


I recommend 2x speed to get under 3 minutes

Building this dojo has been fun since the artwork part is done and I just get to place stuff :) 

It's also fairly linear so when starting at the top (of 5 levels) you can work your way down to essentially the far end of the bottom floor and see it all along the way, or use the transporters hidden around the place.

Hope you enjoy!


Edited by _______ECHO
cleaning up superfluous text
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Clan tier: Storm Clan (Rank 10)

Clan platform: XboxOne 

Your Clan role: Clan founder and only Architect

Feature image: 

Each room was created to tell a story or for you to create your own story and let your imagination go wild.   Hello this is OGPervySage206 I would like to thank my clan member for helping me make my dream come alive! It was a lot of hard work but we got it done😭💪🏾

this YouTube video was created to intro the CantGetRight Clan Dojo so show some support 

Please spread the word and help this clan get that big win🔥😉

Edited by (XB1)OGPervySage206
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16 minutes ago, (XB1)OGPervySage206 said:


Clan tier: Storm Clan (Rank 10)

Clan platform: XboxOne 

Your Clan role: Clan founder and only Architect

Feature image: 

Hello this is OGPervySage206 I would like to thank my clan member for helping me make my dream come alive! It was a lot of hard work but we got it done😭💪🏾

this YouTube video was created to intro the CantGetRight Clan Dojo so show some support 

Please spread the word and help this clan get that big win🔥😉

Well Done Pretty Dam Dope 

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Clan name: - Black Paper -

Clan tier: Ghost

Clan platform: PC

Your Clan role: Warlord (the custom name is Executioner)

Relevant info:

The dojo is essentially 4 large rooms connected to eachother in a square shape, this prevents the tipical trope of going forward, room after room and then going back, the way i've done it you can always go in 1 direction and still end up in the 1st room you arrived, no backtracking

Decorations are considered decorations, not obstacles, if you want to see things you will be able to do it without having to go over rocks and a clutered scenery, so there is space to move around.

A few portals connect certain areas, including the center of the dojo, with the research, this means that once inside the distance to every room is the same, we do not have portals on every single room because that defeats the purpose of decorating hallways and because i do not want a clutered warp list, if players want to go somewhere, they can. even while walking the distance to things isn't to big, we do not add rooms for the sake of adding rooms to build stuff in them, every room serves a purpose.

If the room is already decorated then not much is added because adding something will cluter it, in these cases there is no point in showing it

In the center, you go to research, to the oracle (currently the treasury) and it leads to an elevator, this elevator goes underground to a center room that connects all reactors, so this room artificially manages all reactors.

The room you spawn is the trading room, no need to warp.

Dojo layout (this gives a general idea, location of certain rooms have changed and the dojo does have more rooms atm)





Main Hall:



Video: (credits to Slerky11)


Other images: (image heavy)
























































Edited by KIREEK
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Clan name: Soaring Free Eagles
Clan tier: Ghost 
Clan platform: :Ps4
Clan role: Founding Warlord
Feature image:https//youtu.be/03rbxKNoBCo 

will try to make better 

why url everytime. post to our community would be great simplified.. how import photos  

Edited by (PS4)oThunderoHawko
O think I got it hopefully
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SOME AREAS WERE NOT SHOWN in this video in order to cut time and comply with contest rules. Our entry into Warframe's dojo contest. Our dojo is shaped like a phoenix ship as it was completely destroyed and remade.

Clan: Archangels Legion

Tier: Storm Rank 10

Platform: PC

Founding Warlord & Architect: Azriel.

Edited by Azriel.
missing vital information
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for ps4 Warframe Dojo masterpieces for communities to report bugs on PlayStation 4 recommend for the dojos that we need community for this contest especially do the fact of the bugs at are bugging  some of us designers De take control of my community or make  "Dojo designer communitys" like fashion frame



We Lift Together  two more blank items added still trying to figure out 

Edited by (PS4)oThunderoHawko
URL problem same
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Clan name Asturias

Clan tier Ghost

Clan platform PC

Your Clan role  - Owner

                           - Architect/ builder

                           - Chief Butt Inspector (Licensed)

Feature image Don't want to spoil anything, just walk up to the portal and warp to Cruiser Epsilon

However, this entry is not for the contest, but for a visit from Rebb! C'mon just send Rebb there once for a visit seriously that's all I ask. That's the ultimate prize to me.

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Clan Name : Ruined Ashes 

Tier : Shadow

Platform : Pc

Role : Alpha (Founding Warlord) , only Architect

Feature ImageVtu4UXd.jpg?2

Other : 



About the Dojo : Very atmospheric - some locations can be used for group pictures. More Nature, less buildings. Basically it's just a huge tileset with rooms you can chill in.

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Name: Lone Rangers
Tier: Moon
Platform: PC
Role: Warlord / Architect

Featured Image:



Other Images (hosted on Imgur):


As the Lone Rangers are over 6 years old, the dojo itself has evolved over time, so with that also comes years of history baked into the very foundation. Numerous areas across the entire dojo have been decorated, and with a lot of subtle details added in, but while still keeping key areas open for quick movement. For easy access, the primary labs are immediately adjacent to spawn, but if one were to start exploring, they would find themselves in all kinds of diverse areas. Sometimes a room isn't even quite as it seems until a person looks a bit closer to find everything it has to offer. A lot of rooms have hidden alcoves and various "easter eggs", along with numerous messages that allow for insight into our history.


Edited by Sean
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  • Clan Name: Furud
  • Clan Tier: Storm
  • Clan Platform: PC
  • Clan Role: Architect

Featured Image: Waterslide. Built so you only have to hold ctrl and slide into a secret cave under the observatory! There is a hidden floor under the lower limit, so no one will fall into space, you can actually take a stroll in space.



Things you will see in the album:

  • Main room which looks like an old village in the moonlight.
  • A giant robot you can actually climb
  • Nightclub with an upper dancefloor
  • Orokin Hall with a RoboViking holding the stairs to a hidden club
  • Space garden
  • Panzerhund style dragon statue coming out of a waterfall
  • A giant phoenix statue
  • Snake robot that goes trough a mountain wall
  • Floof Kingdom, with shops, a diner, a bank, a park, a temple, throne, and more 
  • Hall of trophies with an Atlas statue.
  • Variety of gardens and many more. 

Hoping people like it and thank you to anyone who checks the album.

Edited by Pentore
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Clan name: Elusive Dawn
Clan tier: Ghost 
Clan platform: PC
Clan role: Founding Warlord

Banquet HallERfaFyh.jpg

Other screenshots:


Main Hall JJvo2KD.jpg

Ascension HallU5982Po.jpg

Main Observatoryv9cAUUr.jpg

Trophy Room/MuseumHaC02ad.jpg

Nexus Core1Jl5hKa.jpg

Retreat HomeqkJCzOp.jpg

Stonehenge (small one lol)mNAVzc7.jpg



Pyramid of the VoidmJnq2JV.jpg

Battleship and DockjevjYso.jpg

Outdoor Concert HalljMTO714.jpg




Reactor Control RoomcOz68p8.jpg

Someone will recognize this :)gjigm6c.jpg


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