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Bring back the "difficult" eidolons!


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Dear developers, because you made eidolons too weak, the prices for arcanes such as grace and energize have fallen, so the business of players like me started to crumble! I find this insulting and urge you to roll back the changes! 


I have never before questioned your competence, but if you really think that the eidolons were too strong, then at least go to YouTube and see how to properly kill(capture) them, it's not at all difficult.

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4 minutes ago, Nordia said:

Dear developers, because you made eidolons too weak, the prices for arcanes such as grace and energize have fallen, so the business of players like me started to crumble! I find this insulting and urge you to roll back the changes! 


I have never before questioned your competence, but if you really think that the eidolons were too strong, then at least go to YouTube and see how to properly kill(capture) them, it's not at all difficult.


speaking from ps4 not pc [so i don't know if there are changes afoot] but the price of energize and grace have dropped because of being given out free from nightwave.


if there are changes to make the eidolons easier coming then maybe this is the beginning of the end for me, eidolons are the only content i still really enjoy doing

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Like smb-twisted already said, the prices have fallen due to the gifts from NW. Also the saturation sets in slowly and more people getting into hunting themselves.

You can't put thus on DE. I made tens of thousands of plat from Exodia Hunt in the first couple of months and then the price dropped to 300 because the market was saturated.

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2 минуты назад, (PS4)smb-twisted сказал:


speaking from ps4 not pc [so i don't know if there are changes afoot] but the price of energize and grace have dropped because of being given out free from nightwave.


if there are changes to make the eidolons easier coming then maybe this is the beginning of the end for me, eidolons are the only content i still really enjoy doing


As far as I know, only grace was distributed from the nightwave, so the price of energize should not have fallen. 

I completely agree with you on the eidolon`s score, if it weren’t for them, I would definitely abandon the game

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1 minute ago, (PS4)smb-twisted said:

the price of energize and grace have dropped because of being given out free from nightwave.


Also I don't think Eidolons were changed on purpose, like amps deal less damage to shields but it's easier to blow off limbs. For your average eidolon hunter this isn't easier in any way, any competent DPS already blew off synovias in less than half a second but less damage to Eido shields means EVERYONE kills them slower than before.

Not sure where you got the idea it's easier. Mind giving a source or some maths perhaps so I can test it myself?

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2 minutes ago, Nordia said:


As far as I know, only grace was distributed from the nightwave, so the price of energize should not have fallen. 

I completely agree with you on the eidolon`s score, if it weren’t for them, I would definitely abandon the game


energize was given out in the wolf 'story' and grace in the infested baby 

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2 minutes ago, -Icarus- said:

Also I don't think Eidolons were changed on purpose, like amps deal less damage to shields but it's easier to blow off limbs. For your average eidolon hunter this isn't easier in any way, any competent DPS already blew off synovias in less than half a second but less damage to Eido shields means EVERYONE kills them slower than before.

Not sure where you got the idea it's easier. Mind giving a source or some maths perhaps so I can test it myself?

again, im on ps4 so not sure if these changes are in my future or not, but it's still not hard to 1 shot shields with a decent VS multiplier.

obv the rubico prime made limbs easier, umbral mods to boost chromas strength, kitguns etc but all these changes are quite a while back now

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3 минуты назад, -Icarus- сказал:


Also I don't think Eidolons were changed on purpose, like amps deal less damage to shields but it's easier to blow off limbs. For your average eidolon hunter this isn't easier in any way, any competent DPS already blew off synovias in less than half a second but less damage to Eido shields means EVERYONE kills them slower than before.

Not sure where you got the idea it's easier. Mind giving a source or some maths perhaps so I can test it myself?


I have no evidence that DE really made the eidolons weaker, but obviously any person who hunted them before and after the update can say that they have become much weaker and now even without MR you can destroy the synovia with one shot.

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Just now, Nordia said:

I have no evidence that DE really made the eidolons weaker, but obviously any person who hunted them before and after the update can say that they have become much weaker and now even without MR you can destroy the synovia with one shot.

Neither do I and I only did one or two hunts since this weirdness popped up, might try with weaker weapons.


2 minutes ago, (PS4)smb-twisted said:

but it's still not hard to 1 shot shields with a decent VS multiplier.

Probably nothing changed in that regard. I'm more of a casual hunter than most so I don't use VS.

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7 минут назад, K4RN4 сказал:

Arcanes were at their most expensive when raids were still around, so your suggestion is to bring raids back and delete Eidolons? That sounds alright to me

I created this topic not only because of arcanes, but also because at this pace the eidolons will become too weak, and then the interest in hunting will begin to disappear, and sooner or later nothing will remain, and I don’t really want to quit the game again waiting new, noteworthy content.

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6 минут назад, (XB1)alchemPyro сказал:

Well there really isn't too much DE could really do. Whenever they release something "challenging" players just find a meta build to nuke the new thing in an instant. DE could potentially had a sort of health-gating mechanic to prevent nuking, but then people complain about how their builds are being oppressed.


Nobody (it seems) is against the complication of hunting for eidolons, then the price of arcanes, on the contrary, will increase and most (I think) will be happy, and if you just simplify the hunt, the current builds will work even better, but no one will use them, because even now you can take the MK-1 Braton and calmly walk 5x3 :/



Personally, I don’t understand the reasons why DE is listening to little tenno who just cry instead of opening google and reading a couple of guides on the eidolon hunt.

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It has nothing to do with Eidolon design and no raids will sort it either by themselves.

It has everything to do with power creep that impacts 90% of the game wholesale.

some weapons with maxed mods very strong

rivens making them broken

arcanes making them more broken

synergies with some abilities making them even more broken

no downside from constantly entering/leaving *spoilermode* allowing stuff like endless replenishing of energy

Is there climbing from this hole? Sure there is.

Delete rivens, nerf arcanes, put impactful cooldowns/limits on abilities and *spoilermode*?

Q: Will ANY of it happen? 🙄

A: *insert random ROFL meme*

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Am I missing something here? DE didnt make eidolons weaker on purpose, they are weaker as a result of a bug that caused the damage reduction on eidolon limbs to not be applied properly. It's one of the many bugs that the mainline release caused. Steve already acknowledged on twitter that they are aware of the issue and it will be fixed next hotfix.

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The damage reduction got removed from the Eidolons limbs recently. So now you can oneshot limbs with most weapons easily. I don't think that this was intentional. Also amps were bugged. That got fixed recently with Hotfix 25.7.3 atleast. Some people have adressed that limb issue on Eidolons already, so I hope that DE will take a look into that and fix it soon.

The arcane market is also saturated, because Tridolons got introduced over a year ago already. That means much time for people to actually aquire arcanes from them. Resulting in lower prices over time.

I don't know, but I hunt primarily for the fun and not for the plat. Hunting Eidolons just for the plat without having fun is not how it should be in my opinion. ^__^

Maybe the arcane prices will rise up again in the future. Who knows... 

For me Eidolons are one of most enjoyable content in the game. So I really hope that DE will fix them. I'm not really interested in "weak" Eidolons. They should be a little bit challenging atleast. ^__^ 

Why is this Thread under "Warframes" btw? ^__^

Edited by Afterburner_X
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57 minutes ago, Nordia said:

so the business of players like me started to crumble! I find this insulting and urge you to roll back the changes!

Please, if you can't adapt to an ever changing market, leave it! You're clearly not cut out to be a "business player".

Seriously, worst reason to ask for a change EVER! At least come up with a contrived reason that makes more sense. Here's a free tip: Endgame. Could have covered up your greed driven motives just by claiming that Eidolons, a supposedly "endgame" enemy, is too easy. Instead, you let the whole world know you're only in it for the money. So you get no sympathy from me.

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14 минут назад, Gabbynaru сказал:

Please, if you can't adapt to an ever changing market, leave it! You're clearly not cut out to be a "business player".

Seriously, worst reason to ask for a change EVER! At least come up with a contrived reason that makes more sense. Here's a free tip: Endgame. Could have covered up your greed driven motives just by claiming that Eidolons, a supposedly "endgame" enemy, is too easy. Instead, you let the whole world know you're only in it for the money. So you get no sympathy from me.


I already wrote above that I created this topic, not only because prices have fallen, but also because eidolons are becoming too weak, and if it’s an end game, then I’m very disappointed :/

Maybe I wrote something wrong, because English is not my native language, but I hope now you understand that I'm not only interested in platinum

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2 hours ago, Gabbynaru said:

Please, if you can't adapt to an ever changing market, leave it! You're clearly not cut out to be a "business player".

Seriously, worst reason to ask for a change EVER! At least come up with a contrived reason that makes more sense. Here's a free tip: Endgame. Could have covered up your greed driven motives just by claiming that Eidolons, a supposedly "endgame" enemy, is too easy. Instead, you let the whole world know you're only in it for the money. So you get no sympathy from me.

Bad cop, you should have come after me bro lol XD

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There shouldn't really be any difference for 300cap+ hunters since you were able to one shot eidolons anyway, but it makes big difference for newbies, and i think that's a good thing.

4 hours ago, Nordia said:

I already wrote above that I created this topic, not only because prices have fallen, but also because eidolons are becoming too weak, and if it’s an end game, then I’m very disappointed :/

Maybe I wrote something wrong, because English is not my native language, but I hope now you understand that I'm not only interested in platinum

It's still endgame since you need some serious coordination and cooperation, damage dealing for limbs/heads are less than 5% aspect of eidolon hunt IMO.

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