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NW Rewards for people already own the cosmetics... feels like punishment...


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6 hours ago, (PS4)EyeGodZA said:

You know what, I've been an adherent (and, at times, defender) of Nightwave, but I have to admit that I get where you're coming from. (And yes, before anyone comes at me, I know DE said they'd be making previous NW cosmetics/unlockables available relatively soon!)

NW - for me - is all about incentivising participation in the acts, and you incentivise people by giving them things to look forward to or achieve: having ground out all the NW's to date, I've all the cosmetics, and it feels like a bit of a letdown that people can just go and get them again after I made a massive effort to get them to begin with.

So, I agree that there could be a better solution for those that already have the cosmetics; it's not that I don't want anybody else to have a shot at getting them, but more that I'd like to have access to Kuva, NW creds, or any other resource so that when I do unlock those (now empty) levels, there's still incentive; it's also like a nod from DE going "hey, you! Player who ground out the first two series and the first intermission! We see you there! We acknowledge you!"

As such, I don't feel this sentiment is at all entitled; it's more about just receiving some kind of recognition that you actually committed time to a system that was designed to reward you for committing time to it. I don't think expecting to be rewarded is outlandish at all.

For my part, I will approach this intermission far more casually than I approached Series 1, because I'd already been more casual with Series 2 and managed to unlock everything with time to spare, even though I missed a couple of weeks' worth of acts completely.

I agree. Give us another option if we’ve earned the previous ranks reward. Cred is fine with me.....

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On 2019-10-23 at 8:38 AM, YUNoJump said:

They should just put the old stuff in the Cred store for a big amount, that way people who missed out can still get it, but there aren't any useless rewards in the Ranks.

You know the earlier season completionists will cause even more of a stink if people will just be able to purchase them from the cred store at a later date. Why invalidate their work grinding standing when they can just wait for the next season/intermission and buy it with the first frontloaded cred reward? In addition, I would rather use my creds to buy potatoes or Kuva instead.

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7 hours ago, (NSW)Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

You know the earlier season completionists will cause even more of a stink if people will just be able to purchase them from the cred store at a later date. Why invalidate their work grinding standing when they can just wait for the next season/intermission and just buy it with that first frontloaded cred reward? In addition, I would rather use my creds to buy potatoes or Kuva instead.

So, no. That's a pretty dumb idea.

The people who get it first have the benefit of getting it several months earlier than anyone else. As long as the gap between first release and return is big enough (in this case it's been one and a half Seasons so thats pretty long), then people can't complain just because someone else has their fancy gear. Restricting things just because people want to feel superior to others isn't a healthy mindset.

Making it Cred-purchasable also provides a compromise. People who get it originally don't pay a price; they just get a new item as part of normal Season progression. People who get it later have to choose between purchasing the rare items, or purchasing normal stuff like potatoes or Kuva. Some people might even elect not to ever purchase the cosmetics if they don't want them, like you said, and that's their choice. This also means that players who already have the items don't get shafted by Rank rewards that offer literally nothing new.

It's a win-win-win; players who own it get a new thing in later Seasons, players who don't own it but still want it get the opportunity to get it, and players who don't want it don't have to get it.

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10 hours ago, (NSW)Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

You know the earlier season completionists will cause even more of a stink if people will just be able to purchase them from the cred store at a later date. Why invalidate their work grinding standing when they can just wait for the next season/intermission and just buy it with that first frontloaded cred reward? In addition, I would rather use my creds to buy potatoes or Kuva instead.

So, no. That's a pretty dumb idea.

 Still better than DE giving players duplicate rewards that are not tradeable. 

Edited by kkert
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1 hour ago, kkert said:

 Still better than DE giving players duplicate rewards that are not tradeable. 

Would prefer to geta duplicate to show I got what I worked for.

It's the reason if I get a Deluxe skin, I don't buy the Collection since it's a giving of plat for nothing. Give me two skins k can color different. Give me 2 Syndana for the starter packs even if I got the Pyra already. Show me the payment or work OR give me something else. Ain't that hard to get a script that says "Since you already warned this item, we are giving this to you instead."

Hek, an acknowledgement is worth more than getting those levels and getting air instead of the items again.

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Players beeing selfish..again... Can´t understand the logic here..
imagine you did't played warframe in that months, in NWseason1 and NWseason2 happened, because we have a a life, and can´t play everyday, every week, because school, work, kids.. this intermission is great for them! Why are you complaining??  because you are gonna get repeted stuff? So when you do a sortie, and you get a ayatan (again), do you also cry, and say Warframe is %$#" ? Its a loot game, and sometimes we get the same loot...
its like, when you do an event (plague wars, thermia fractures, ghoul purge...) the rewards are the same, to give a chance to EVERYBODY, get the specialrewards/items, and thats cool!
Why cant NW be different?
Just because YOU ddi all the seasons, and got all the rewards, the ones who didn't, dont deserve a second chance)?
I have all the NW stuff, did alll the seasons , intermissions, , got all the stuff..But what's the problem, of getting some repeted rewards? It happens every time in other game modes, getting repeated loots...

The one that are criticising the intermission rewards, are the same that prefer the old system..
Did the old systems gave you Umbra Formas? Arcanes that worth 150 Plat? Slots? 40.000 kuva??

People complain about everything, and forget how the old system was...I don´t!


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13 hours ago, Alexcavalera said:

Players beeing selfish..again... Can´t understand the logic here..
imagine you did't played warframe in that months, in NWseason1 and NWseason2 happened, because we have a a life, and can´t play everyday, every week, because school, work, kids.. this intermission is great for them! Why are you complaining??  because you are gonna get repeted stuff? So when you do a sortie, and you get a ayatan (again), do you also cry, and say Warframe is %$#" ? Its a loot game, and sometimes we get the same loot...
its like, when you do an event (plague wars, thermia fractures, ghoul purge...) the rewards are the same, to give a chance to EVERYBODY, get the specialrewards/items, and thats cool!
Why cant NW be different?
Just because YOU ddi all the seasons, and got all the rewards, the ones who didn't, dont deserve a second chance)?
I have all the NW stuff, did alll the seasons , intermissions, , got all the stuff..But what's the problem, of getting some repeted rewards? It happens every time in other game modes, getting repeated loots...

The one that are criticising the intermission rewards, are the same that prefer the old system..
Did the old systems gave you Umbra Formas? Arcanes that worth 150 Plat? Slots? 40.000 kuva??

People complain about everything, and forget how the old system was...I don´t!


The stuff people have a problem with in NW is the stuff that is literally useless to have more than one of, not stuff like Ayatans or currency/resource rewards. A second set of Saturn Six armor or a duplicate Augment has no use at all, it's not even a reward. At least if I'm getting Ayatans I don't want then I'm getting more Endo that might eventually be useful, not so with these exclusive items. (Unless you count the Endo sell cost for Augments which isn't really worth mentioning)

The other thing is that most people aren't asking for them to be REMOVED from later NW seasons, they're asking for an alternative way to get them that doesn't get in the way of players who already have them. Put the items in the Cred store, move them out of NW and into a Tactical Alert or Baro or something, any number of options that don't get in the way. It's not an absolute argument of "leave them in the NW Rank Rewards or remove them from everything".

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21 hours ago, Alexcavalera said:

Players beeing selfish..again... Can´t understand the logic here..
imagine you did't played warframe in that months, in NWseason1 and NWseason2 happened, because we have a a life, and can´t play everyday, every week, because school, work, kids.. this intermission is great for them! Why are you complaining??  because you are gonna get repeted stuff? So when you do a sortie, and you get a ayatan (again), do you also cry, and say Warframe is %$#" ? Its a loot game, and sometimes we get the same loot...
its like, when you do an event (plague wars, thermia fractures, ghoul purge...) the rewards are the same, to give a chance to EVERYBODY, get the specialrewards/items, and thats cool!
Why cant NW be different?
Just because YOU ddi all the seasons, and got all the rewards, the ones who didn't, dont deserve a second chance)?
I have all the NW stuff, did alll the seasons , intermissions, , got all the stuff..But what's the problem, of getting some repeted rewards? It happens every time in other game modes, getting repeated loots...

The one that are criticising the intermission rewards, are the same that prefer the old system..
Did the old systems gave you Umbra Formas? Arcanes that worth 150 Plat? Slots? 40.000 kuva??

People complain about everything, and forget how the old system was...I don´t!


If anyone, these people are the one being selfish here. The suggestion was not to remove them, but rather give those who already got them an option to get something else useful instead like endo, kuva, creds, etc. So win win for both. 

And no, I prefer NW to alerts, and I am criticising the way they are doing the current system. So, get your facts straight before spouting them

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5 hours ago, kkert said:

If anyone, these people are the one being selfish here. The suggestion was not to remove them, but rather give those who already got them an option to get something else useful instead like endo, kuva, creds, etc. So win win for both. 

And no, I prefer NW to alerts, and I am criticising the way they are doing the current system. So, get your facts straight before spouting them

Ok...What you are saying is :
I want to always have a reward that suits my taste!  itsa win win for you, not booth...

Strange you are not camplainig about gaining another arcane energize, because i could say, that is a repeated reward, and i need a Arcane guardian, or barrier (NW S1 it was energize)! Oh...but arcane you can sell, and an eidolon ephemera no....I see your point!


If getting those rare formas,Kuva, arcane, slots,creed, potatoes, doesnt´t fit your taste..or the play time it requires....just wait for S3...I for sure will catch them all..


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