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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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5 minutes ago, HIGHDAMAGE said:

its just a weapon not a game mode a frame or anything even if that's the case they really late

This is just too ridiculous to respond to.

If you figure out how to perfectly implement guns in a shooter game and they never need to be patched, start a game company. You’ll be a millionaire in no time. 👍🏼

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2 minutes ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

This is just too ridiculous to respond to.

If you figure out how to perfectly implement guns in a shooter game and they never need to be patched, start a game company. You’ll be a millionaire in no time. 👍🏼

thank u for the sincere advice but that's not my job or maybe it is and i'm doing it for free

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Lazy. Bandaid solution to a greater issue. Just like most things in warframe.

Could it be that the other pistols are absolute trash in comparison? Nooooo!

I'd be curious to see data of how many people actually bothered using the secondary slot once they built a catchmoon. Secondary slot was nothing more than a mastery fodder slot until catchmoon. And will remain so after this nerf.


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1 minute ago, HIGHDAMAGE said:

i mean we'r the ones that test stuff report bugs etc so if usage of x weapon spike high it get hammered like tonkor,arca plasmor..


Sounds awesome. Warframe can become the first Pays YOU To Play Game!!


I foresee no problems with this lucrative business model.

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The bottom line is that DE makes poor balancing decisions. To those who are using the “outlier” excuse, there will always be an outlier because as most have said previously, most secondaries are trash. I fell in love with the catchmoon but hey I’ll just use my staticor, well until that becomes an outlier and is nerfed, again. To tip it off, for those calling for additional nerfs in this thread, you’re the reason this game is headed to an early grave. GG 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Primed-Lax said:

The bottom line is that DE makes poor balancing decisions. To those who are using the “outlier” excuse, there will always be an outlier because as most have said previously, most secondaries are trash. I fell in love with the catchmoon but hey I’ll just use my staticor, well until that becomes an outlier and is nerfed, again. To tip it off, for those calling for additional nerfs in this thread, you’re the reason this game is headed to an early grave. GG 

The games losing traction because of lack of balance. While they should do more balance the community can’t go full baby the moment they start to try to balance and nerf items

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Just now, HIGHDAMAGE said:

:facepalm: not that i asked for it, what i'm saying is they should better test their stuff

Serious answer: Releasing a feature or gun or whatever, monitoring its use, and then patching it is literally how you test things in a game. This is literally how games are made. 

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2 minutes ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

Serious answer: Releasing a feature or gun or whatever, monitoring its use, and then patching it is literally how you test things in a game. This is literally how games are made. 

But becoming reliant on your players testing out items isn’t the  only thing that should be done yes monitor the use of said items. But you should have throughly tested the product before release to the public so minimal changes are needed 

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Just now, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

Serious answer: Releasing a feature or gun or whatever, monitoring its use, and then patching it is literally how you test things in a game. This is literally how games are made. 

ok so how long have it been since Fortuna release, let say they couldn't figure it out by themselves how to properly balance it

dont u think they really late also let presume it get nerfed to the ground this wont change anything coz another kitgun or new secondary will take it place since most of them are :poop: there will be always a favorite/meta and there's nothing wrong about 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

But becoming reliant on your players testing out items isn’t the  only thing that should be done yes monitor the use of said items. But you should have throughly tested the product before release to the public so minimal changes are needed 

Name one game that doesn’t use the literal people playing the game to test how it works.

Name one game that has never had to issue balance changes after release because of unintended consequences. 

Expecting any game dev team to be so good at testing their game and predicting  player behaviour that they never need to release patches is ludicrous

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1 minute ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

Name one game that doesn’t use the literal people playing the game to test how it works.

Name one game that has never had to issue balance changes after release because of unintended consequences. 

Expecting any game dev team to be so good at testing their game and predicting  player behaviour that they never need to release patches is ludicrous

like i said wer not talking about game mode a frame or anything its just a weapon which im sure can be fully tested and optimized by staff on short time

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Just now, HIGHDAMAGE said:

like i said wer not talking about game mode a frame or anything its just a weapon which im sure can be fully tested and optimized by staff on short time

Is a weapon really that simple though? One single gun in a shooter game is a part of a whole system of weapons. It might be a small piece, but it can have a big effect on the entirety of the game.

There’s a famous Game Developers Conference talk called “Changing the Time Between Shots For The Sniper Rifle From .05 to .07 seconds for Halo 3”

It’s by one of the Halo devs and it goes into detail about how changing the fire rate of sniper rifles had a huge impact on the feel of Halo. Now, obviously, Warframe and Halo are different styles of games, but  it’s still a good example of how even a tiny  .02 reduction I fire rate can have a cascade of consequences that changes the feel of an entire game. 

Just because it’s only one gun, doesn’t mean that a game dev can get it right the first time. Patches will happen, especially in modern live service games. If you don’t like patches to the parts of a game you’ve decided are “simple” there aren’t many modern games that you’re going to like playing. You’re going to have to stick to old games that aren’t being updated anymore.

Which isn’t a problem, really. I hear Mass Effect 2 is one of the greatest games ever made.

Maybe skip 3 and 4 though.

Peace out brother!


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8 minutes ago, HIGHDAMAGE said:

like i said wer not talking about game mode a frame or anything its just a weapon which im sure can be fully tested and optimized by staff on short time

A lot of weapons are strong in the game. People don't know how to chill tho. 50%?! 🤣

Just use it sometimes, like the rest of us. It's just funny when people talk about the Catchmoon. "Why would you use anything else?" And then they get surprised when it gets nerfed. It's not getting nerfed because it's actually OP. It's getting nerfed because players can't control themselves and DE has no choice but to nerf it. 

They just don't want 50% of players using the same weapon all the time. It's basic, boring, and problematic for new players who just follow suit and now everybody is doing the same thing in a game that's all about creativity. Yuck.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

But becoming reliant on your players testing out items isn’t the  only thing that should be done yes monitor the use of said items. But you should have throughly tested the product before release to the public so minimal changes are needed 

The Catchmoon change is minimal. They reduced its range, probabaly because it also has great damage, punch through and AOE. I hear it’s a popular gun because of how much more powerful it is than every other gun in the game.

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20 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

Finally everyone will shut up about that piece of S#&$ weapon.

Makes me kind of glad that I didn’t look up build guides and built mine for full status. It was fun for a while, but I didn’t like the fire rate and lack of hit-scan.

Edited by (NSW)Sk0rp1on
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