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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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Just now, DarthIronclad said:

and buffing everything else will take a lot of work,and create even more power creep...

That is because DE never took the time to actually solve the problem. They were sweeping that under the rug till now. Well the rug looks like a mountain now and everyone can see it, it's time to clean it up.

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Just now, Huryiade said:

Why do YOU care? If you don't like Catchmoon, use one of the other weapons, you are not FORCED to use it. Meanwhile WE ARE forced to accept the nerfs. Also, DO NOT talk about other's preferences. You ARE NOT other players, so you have no right to assume what other players would like.


Image result for chill pill meme

The only bad thing about the nerf was how long DE took to actually put it in place.

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7 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Image result for chill pill meme

The only bad thing about the nerf was how long DE took to actually put it in place.


Given your reputation and number of posts, I think you can't understand my point of view. You spent too much time on forums or the game. As I said, i'm a CASUAL player, my time spent in the game doesn't have the same value as yours. I spend 1-2 hours in the game on week days if I am not too tired after work, a few more hours on the week end if I don't have anything else planned. Spending hours to get a weapon is equivalent to weeks of work, compared to someone that plays 6-8 hours per day that can get said weapon in under a week. IT IS NOT THE SAME. Thus the frustration and loss of motivation.


while elites get the new content fast and consume it fast, casual players take weeks to get new content, and even longer to consume it. I used Catchmoon almost exclusively since I got it, but the amount of time I used it is a fraction of the time that people that spend all their time inside the game have with it.

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1 minute ago, Huryiade said:

it's time to clean it up

I'm glad they are.
I am sorry to see people lose out on the things they've grown to love, that work so well for them.
With regular cool headed feedback to guide them, we might yet strike a balance.
Gonna take a while, and that's really going to be off putting for good players who earned their god-slayers.
The whole foundation of the weapon stats and enemies we use em' on needed
to be shaken like an etch-a-sketch for the greater body of content to make any sense.

Some players enjoyed those high end weapons, just so, and as is.
Many others felt funneled into using those,
as everything else we wanted to use was fodder.

If we can't kill the enemies, they can fix the enemies,
so long as we give them time and constructive feedback.

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1 minute ago, Huryiade said:

Spending hours to get a weapon is equivalent to weeks of work, compared to someone that plays 6-8 hours per day that can get said weapon in under a week.

Don't think I made Catchmoon till last month tbh.

The problem you're laying out is to do with the grind to get the weapon, not the fact that it got nerfed. Consider reevaluating your feedback.

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Just now, Huryiade said:


Given your reputation and number of posts, I think you can't understand my point of view. You spent too much time on forums or the game. As I said, i'm a CASUAL player, my time spent in the game doesn't have the same value as yours. I spend 1-2 hours in the game on week days if I am not too tired after work, a few more hours on the week end if I don't have anything else planned. Spending hours to get a weapon is equivalent to weeks of work, compared to someone that plays 6-8 hours per day that can get said weapon in under a week. IT IS NOT THE SAME. Thus the frustration and loss of motivation.

And a lot of players are just like you, and DE understands that 

However, this is by no means a reason to not change anything, the game has to move forward. People spending time getting an item isn't a reason to not change an item 

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There is one easy solution to see how people would view any and all changes : polls. Just make a poll about a big decision and see how people react. Then DE could see what is the majority vote for sure instead of basing their decisions on useless data.

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2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Don't think I made Catchmoon till last month tbh.

The problem you're laying out is to do with the grind to get the weapon, not the fact that it got nerfed. Consider reevaluating your feedback.

The grind is a problem, but to me, the bigger problem is that even though I went trough the grind, what do I get to show for? Nothing, that is what.

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3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

You have a weapon that, if you consider to be now too weak, you're capable of getting buffed into a better state by providing proper feedback.

Already did that. But given how previous nerfs went, DE is not listening. Also I tried to provide feedback by using the Tickets system, but I think DE blacklisted the word Catchmoon because no new tickets were created.

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When a new weapon comes out that blows your current rig out of the water,
The old one is left in the dust.
Some of the old ones are now that new weapon.
The whole system still needs some work and feedback,
and other systems have to change for all of this to make sense in the right context.

Be sure to leave your feedback in the melee megathread with constructive criticism to make
sure something akin to the weapons and style you like will exist in the future build of the game.

We're forever in open beta, which has it's advantages and disadvantages.
With as many options as there are, and the tens of thousands of individuals playing,
there are bound to be many legitimate difficulties with time and availability that
also come into play with the changes.

The weapons will need at least one more revisit after enemies are sorted.
Be sure to, calmly as ya can, let DE know that you'd desire a bit more oomph from this or that weapon.
Maybe they get to it way faster this time. The new system is almost certainly easier for them to make these
kinds of changes on our weapons going forward.

Maybe they give those weapons an augment that puts them juuuuust above the rest,
and/or make the enemies die the way they used to, but based on different numbers.

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3 minutes ago, Huryiade said:

Already did that.

Ah yes, I see now.

On 2019-10-28 at 11:19 AM, Huryiade said:

Yes, i'm saying DE is becoming like EA, Ubisoft or Activision

On 2019-10-30 at 10:55 PM, Huryiade said:

Well, unfortunately, DE seems to only understand money talks now.

You're right, I cannot imagine why DE might have ignored you and went ahead with, what is in the grand scheme of things given the size of the overall update, something rather minor.

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3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Ah yes, I see now.

You're right, I cannot imagine why DE might have ignored you and went ahead with, what is in the grand scheme of things given the size of the overall update, something rather minor.

Well, you may use the sarcastic tone here, but I've seen this pattern repeat all the time. Wow, destiny, CoD. The best have fallen to it, do you really think Warframe will avoid it?

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Just now, Huryiade said:

Well, you may use the sarcastic tone here, but I've seen this pattern repeat all the time. Wow, destiny, CoD. The best have fallen to it, do you really think Warframe will avoid it?

All of these games have players that over-exaggerated every change that the devs make, so I'd say DE has fallen for this a long time ago

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As an avid Catchmoon user i'm going to throw my own two cents in here over the recent nerf. First of, it was a long time coming. You knew it, and i knew it. The fact that they only nerfed the effective range was actually a very gentle nerf from their side. It is still VERY effective at medium to short range, which is true to the description of it firing an unstable plasma ball. I used it almost exclusively during a 60 minute solo Survival Arbitration against the infested, and it only stopped being effective at around 45 minutes. So really the only nerf here is that people can no longer use it as a hallway clearing pocket sniper.

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2 hours ago, Huryiade said:

There is one easy solution to see how people would view any and all changes : polls. Just make a poll about a big decision and see how people react. Then DE could see what is the majority vote for sure instead of basing their decisions on useless data.

DE has a dedicated team to study the spread sheet whole day and to decide for us what fun, best weapons,  builds to nerf based on cold numbers. Terrible. This is driving players away. 

Edited by George_PPS
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2 hours ago, Huryiade said:

That is because DE never took the time to actually solve the problem. They were sweeping that under the rug till now. Well the rug looks like a mountain now and everyone can see it, it's time to clean it up.

Well, they start cleaning up now so why complain? There are numerous good secondary other than catchmoon and being honest, I rarely touch my plasma cutter and I'm more to my rattleguts FMG-9

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Nerf isn't even that bad. Catchmoon still tears things apart. You can still maintain your op weapon, just gotta close in for the kill! No more hallway clears with a single shot, though, which is kind of sad, but better for the overall health of the game.

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3 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I've been meaning to try a Rattleguts, how does it handle and which grip would you recommend?

I use normal grip and magazine for balanced critical and status with slight increase in damage, feels good for a handheld machine gun

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2 minutes ago, 844448 said:

I use normal grip and magazine for balanced critical and status with slight increase in damage, feels good for a handheld machine gun

That's what I was thinking too (Lovetap with a slight bias to crit actually, but enough status to get procs).

Good to know, guess I'll try building one over the weekend.

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I have spent weeks to months building up to having a top tier kit gun(catchmoon) and a melee with great combo use (tipedo prime) both with rivens and both will all the bells and whistles. now I have them destroyed by the recent changes. I am struggling to see a reason to keep playing when all I have worked for got turned into 3 forma and 1 max mod. can anyone give me a reason to keep playing after everything I've worked so hard for has been destroyed? or should I just quit now before it happens again?


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1 minute ago, TheDeuler said:

no threats, trying to gauge if I am alone in this or not.

Why do you care whether you're alone in this?

If you don't feel like playing, then don't. Shouldn't be more complicated than that.

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