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57 minutes ago, Vyra said:

I gave up on its right after release...

I wish we could opt to put NPC enemies instead of players...this way even me as someone who sucks at PvP can get these cosmetics...

not everyone is good at all things, not all people have zero disabilities...Conclave excludes these people.. locking content for them...

PvP is exclusive by its' nature.

I don't disagree that the cosmetics associated with it should have a comparable counterpart available via other means. There are ways to make cosmetics distinct for the mode acquired.

DE has improved over the years on this point so there's always hope.

Edited by Padre_Akais
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7 hours ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

I don’t have Ember in any of my loadouts, and haven’t for a while now. Mistaken identity (how is that possible even, ign is the same as on the forums)

I expected as much. And its possible becauae I have a horrible memory and get destroyed by a lot of people. I just recall your name. 


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7 hours ago, Fallen77 said:

Hilarious. As I said several times, I don't agree with sending death threats, nothing can justify that. So don't flag me with stuff I didn't say.

Now, your behavior is incredibly scummy still. By actively avoiding any form of challenge, you are putting people back in queue over and over again, you are ruining the game for those that are actually trying to play the actual game. Do you not realise what you are doing ? People are ashamed to do such things, but you are completely oblivious to it. 

What if any sport's team were to cancel any event they're not sure of winning ? That would be weak, cowardly, pathetic, and that's exactly what you're doing. (Not as much consequences I know, but I don't know how to phrase it by this point. This is a very low blow and you don't even understand)

So yeah, stop acting as if you were not doing anything wrong, you were actively trying to abuse matchmaking and ruining other people's game. NOTHING can justify acting like a jerk in response, but that doesn't change the fact that you DESERVED such flak.

You want an advice for getting better at PvP games, here's one : stop running away at the slightest inconvenience. Just stay in that game, even if you end up at 0 25, you'll have learned the ways you were getting hit in the mouth, and next match you won't get hit as much. Also you'll be respected for your sportsmanship, as opposed to be despised for your pathetic scumminess.

"Have you ever met tryhards that ruin the game in the same way that you accuse me of ?" In my long carrier in PvP games, no. Tryhards play the actual game, they will kick my teeth in until I become one of them or move on. And I would respect the skill they developped, try to learn from them, not fudge matchmaking at the first sign of opposition. Tryhards don't do what you do. Scummy leeches do what you do.


Downvote ? There is none, but here's the thing : according to context, the orange laughing emote is considered a good mark of rot (unless it's a joke), you know, the one emote plastered on your OP.

Lol, as you come onto a thread to attack me? And I'm the scummy one XD I'd say you need a lesson in manners. 

Again, I'm not avoiding challenge. I'm avoiding several players that team up in all v all. There are team matches for that. And I only began doing this once it was clear that several players were doing so. This is a game. Made for fun and entertainment. I'm not here to stroke your or any other players ego's

I came for a good time. You say I'm ruining match making. Hardly. It takes ages to find a player. If other players join in and I leave, its my perogative to do so. The other players can then que in again. And get a seperate match. That process takes roughly 30 seconds. Also, I dont leave every match. Just the ones where the people are teaming up against me in a mode defined as everyone versus everyone. Teaming up then is a blatant way of also exploiting the game. 

I do not intend nor have I in the past, left a match just because other players join. No, rather I leave when more than one of these specific players join, and then actively avoid attacking each other. And tea bag as a group afterwards. Then part ways without ever attacking one another. And previous to my blocking, message me relentlessly 😂

I'm glad you bow down to such scrub tactics and still believe you are self righteous in belittling me here. 

I get what you're trying to say. And I agree. If people only leave when there I'd a chance at loss, then yes. They are kinda buttholes. But, when a group of people make themselves known as pack hunters in a game mode about solo skill. I believe the situation is different. 

I don't know if your to thick to understand this or not, but I believe ive done nothing wrong. And no sir... my behaviour does not justify the flak. 😂

Do you by proxy believe its acceptable to do things your way in any issue, and be threatened and harrassed for your different opinion? Because you're stating so. 


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That why I prefer to play pve games over pvp for I never seen a pvp game where you can ask a simple question without getting ton of S#&$ back and no help. In pve games you get atleast 90% helpful answers instead of insults and stuff so you can atleast be social in the chat in those games.

I know when I played world of tanks and you had some less good players in the team the rest of the team would tell them to uninstall or worse instead of giving helpful tips instead.

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This is def the first for me tbh. I mean, like I said, i played halo and battlefield. But I also never communicated. Nor did I ever progress, because I couldn't ask for help, and I had trouble keeping up through just youtubes.  I'm just very surprised at the percentage of the community that thinks they are enforcer's of honor. Honor to which many believe they are above whilst still breaking their own "10 commandments" 


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5 hours ago, Emolition said:

That why I prefer to play pve games over pvp for I never seen a pvp game where you can ask a simple question without getting ton of S#&$ back and no help. In pve games you get atleast 90% helpful answers instead of insults and stuff so you can atleast be social in the chat in those games.

I know when I played world of tanks and you had some less good players in the team the rest of the team would tell them to uninstall or worse instead of giving helpful tips instead.

That's pretty much every PvP community, especially ones that require higher amounts of technical skill and multi-tasking.

Has anyone mentioned League of Legends yet? Because HOT -clem-ing -clem- is that a hive of scum and villainy the likes of which I don't long to return to.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

I've nevdr leagued. Always heard bad repors on the community but never saw it myself. 

I played a bit back in my freshman college years, it waffled between fun and agonizing pain.

...Of course the fun I had was mostly playing a Champion named Taric, who was a support unit but I played him everywhere, no matter how bad he was for the role.

Though the apex of my time spent in League was the one time I killed 4/5ths of the enemy team as an under funded support Taric and all-caps'd "I AM YOUR GOD NOW" in the all chat, proceeded to buy some damage items and then roflstomped the enemy base in under 2 minutes.

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8 hours ago, Aldain said:

I played a bit back in my freshman college years, it waffled between fun and agonizing pain.

...Of course the fun I had was mostly playing a Champion named Taric, who was a support unit but I played him everywhere, no matter how bad he was for the role.

Though the apex of my time spent in League was the one time I killed 4/5ths of the enemy team as an under funded support Taric and all-caps'd "I AM YOUR GOD NOW" in the all chat, proceeded to buy some damage items and then roflstomped the enemy base in under 2 minutes.

That's awesome xD 

I have a friend that really enjoyed the game. I did play smite a bit. Nothing used to beat the feeling of ganking kills as fenrir in the arena just before they could beat a hastey retreat. 


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Il y a 21 heures, (XB1)Wham A Hand a dit :

Lol, as you come onto a thread to attack me? And I'm the scummy one XD I'd say you need a lesson in manners. 

Again, I'm not avoiding challenge. I'm avoiding several players that team up in all v all. There are team matches for that. And I only began doing this once it was clear that several players were doing so. This is a game. Made for fun and entertainment. I'm not here to stroke your or any other players ego's

I came for a good time. You say I'm ruining match making. Hardly. It takes ages to find a player. If other players join in and I leave, its my perogative to do so. The other players can then que in again. And get a seperate match. That process takes roughly 30 seconds. Also, I dont leave every match. Just the ones where the people are teaming up against me in a mode defined as everyone versus everyone. Teaming up then is a blatant way of also exploiting the game. 

I do not intend nor have I in the past, left a match just because other players join. No, rather I leave when more than one of these specific players join, and then actively avoid attacking each other. And tea bag as a group afterwards. Then part ways without ever attacking one another. And previous to my blocking, message me relentlessly 😂

I'm glad you bow down to such scrub tactics and still believe you are self righteous in belittling me here. 

I get what you're trying to say. And I agree. If people only leave when there I'd a chance at loss, then yes. They are kinda buttholes. But, when a group of people make themselves known as pack hunters in a game mode about solo skill. I believe the situation is different. 

I don't know if your to thick to understand this or not, but I believe ive done nothing wrong. And no sir... my behaviour does not justify the flak. 😂

Do you by proxy believe its acceptable to do things your way in any issue, and be threatened and harrassed for your different opinion? Because you're stating so. 


So... first things first :

I thought you were fleeing from too challenging opponents because you were, by your own words, outclassed. And that it lead to them, after seeing you trying to cheap out the system, acting all toxic and stalking you in chat.

Nothing you said contradicted this. You did not warn me that I misunderstood, you doubled down... Maybe you said it to someone else, in this 5 pages thread filled with unrelated answers to our conversation (because yes, I still think of it as a conversation, I may be rough in how I speak, don't have time to blow flowers up every internet stranger's rear, but don't read my posts with an angry voice, that's not how I'm writing those)

From your OP and answers to me, there was no way I could have figured out what really happened. And since you were doubling down, I had no reason to reevaluate my original understanding of the situation. That's a shame, because I do entirely agree with what you did then, context matters so much.

I was seeing someone exploiting matchmaking to avoid any of the rightfull veterans, thus peessing them off. Not at all that you were getting actively group ganked, which I think is absolutly shameful, no doubt about that. Running away from gankers is perfectly fine, entirely acceptable, not a single problem. If only you specified that sooner. I was pretty baffled at how someone could think how I thought you did... 

And all the same, stalking you in chat (that much I got right, right ?), is also completely unacceptable, and cannot be justified under any circumstance.


Now, three things :

_They started ganking you right away, out of the blue ? You didn't do anything ? Didn't say anything ? Were you using ignis or something ? Or are they really just a roaming pack of bored hyenas ? Not accusing really, more really wondering if anything in particular can set those guys off (I've seen how people react to seeing an ignis, tho you can outrange it fairly easily imo).

_You said in OP something about you and your friends/clanmates "helping each others out". That's a thing, If you're just spamming matchmaking to fight only each other and do an organized farm by yourselves... that's a big no no, and that can also annoy people big time. You're trying to have a fair match, but two guys are hiding in a corner, powerfarming kills, stopping you from getting your well earned score/exp/whatever-rocks-your-jammies in comparison. Yes, IF you were indeed ganked as you said, and only THEN started trying to fight each other to avoid the gank squad, it is about as acceptable. But if you started by doing this, and started beeing ganked and flaked in response... that's kind of a 50/50...ish. Because that's also something that would have you get banned in some way in a "regular" pvp game, and is very much hated. But at this point I'm not assuming anything, who knows what else you're gonna reveal to us next ?

_Yes, if you did what I tougt you did (not many people on conclave, I'd imagine you'd notice a regular leaver), I stand 100% by what I said. Getting flak (and only chat-toxicity-flak) would be entirely expected and deserved. It would still not be justified to do so, those stalking you would still be in the wrong for doing so, but you'd have deserved it for doing your part of wrong. One side's wrong doesn't excuse the other's, in one way or another. But yes yes, I got what happened now, totally different.


I'm not gonna answer to the last passiv agressiv bits (standard forum way to communicate) or we'll be here in 2022, unless you want to disagree with me agreeing with you, can be fun.

But yeah, it took quite some time for us to talk about the same thing, dang...


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Anyone else from page one shocked this post is stll a thing?

Color me suprised

People get too competitive in PVP sometmes , in a game where the pvp population is smalll , you run into the "l33t Ubar GaMeRZ" more often than not and they will be quick to voice displeasure with whatever you do , you have 2 options  1: Bow to their allmighty whims because having a will of your own is to hard and some guy on the internet was harsh... or hear me out we take option 2: You do what your gonna do  have fun with it , acknowledge puberty exist and some hit it late and can only strut their  stuff onine , then  go  about your day . Your not there to feed  some  ass hats eggo , that said  hes not their to baby yours. your both in PVP

You both know  what your there for....  The Cosmetics

Edited by (XB1)VaricBreem
I suck at typing
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On 2019-11-18 at 12:55 PM, Fallen77 said:

So... first things first :

I thought you were fleeing from too challenging opponents because you were, by your own words, outclassed. And that it lead to them, after seeing you trying to cheap out the system, acting all toxic and stalking you in chat.

Nothing you said contradicted this. You did not warn me that I misunderstood, you doubled down... Maybe you said it to someone else, in this 5 pages thread filled with unrelated answers to our conversation (because yes, I still think of it as a conversation, I may be rough in how I speak, don't have time to blow flowers up every internet stranger's rear, but don't read my posts with an angry voice, that's not how I'm writing those)

From your OP and answers to me, there was no way I could have figured out what really happened. And since you were doubling down, I had no reason to reevaluate my original understanding of the situation. That's a shame, because I do entirely agree with what you did then, context matters so much.

I was seeing someone exploiting matchmaking to avoid any of the rightfull veterans, thus peessing them off. Not at all that you were getting actively group ganked, which I think is absolutly shameful, no doubt about that. Running away from gankers is perfectly fine, entirely acceptable, not a single problem. If only you specified that sooner. I was pretty baffled at how someone could think how I thought you did... 

And all the same, stalking you in chat (that much I got right, right ?), is also completely unacceptable, and cannot be justified under any circumstance.


Now, three things :

_They started ganking you right away, out of the blue ? You didn't do anything ? Didn't say anything ? Were you using ignis or something ? Or are they really just a roaming pack of bored hyenas ? Not accusing really, more really wondering if anything in particular can set those guys off (I've seen how people react to seeing an ignis, tho you can outrange it fairly easily imo).

_You said in OP something about you and your friends/clanmates "helping each others out". That's a thing, If you're just spamming matchmaking to fight only each other and do an organized farm by yourselves... that's a big no no, and that can also annoy people big time. You're trying to have a fair match, but two guys are hiding in a corner, powerfarming kills, stopping you from getting your well earned score/exp/whatever-rocks-your-jammies in comparison. Yes, IF you were indeed ganked as you said, and only THEN started trying to fight each other to avoid the gank squad, it is about as acceptable. But if you started by doing this, and started beeing ganked and flaked in response... that's kind of a 50/50...ish. Because that's also something that would have you get banned in some way in a "regular" pvp game, and is very much hated. But at this point I'm not assuming anything, who knows what else you're gonna reveal to us next ?

_Yes, if you did what I tougt you did (not many people on conclave, I'd imagine you'd notice a regular leaver), I stand 100% by what I said. Getting flak (and only chat-toxicity-flak) would be entirely expected and deserved. It would still not be justified to do so, those stalking you would still be in the wrong for doing so, but you'd have deserved it for doing your part of wrong. One side's wrong doesn't excuse the other's, in one way or another. But yes yes, I got what happened now, totally different.


I'm not gonna answer to the last passiv agressiv bits (standard forum way to communicate) or we'll be here in 2022, unless you want to disagree with me agreeing with you, can be fun.

But yeah, it took quite some time for us to talk about the same thing, dang...


My apologies. You're absolutely right. I read your messages in a tone I associated wrongly with a passive aggressive stance. I also wasnt sure you weren't just being a jerk out right. But, I intead e ded up the jackass here. Again, apologies. 


No, not quite out of the blue. More like things seemed civil at first. When I was getting demolished. I then began watching many of the various people I was fighting. Checking their load outs and such. And simulated many of the same builds until I found things that worked for me. One of which was Nidus/Daikyu/Staticor/Boltace

Now mind you, this is a very common build in my encounters on Xbox. 

Anyways, as I began to do little and little better each time. I noticed the same players that used these combos, would object to me using similar builds. 

And at one point. During conversation with 2 of these players, I was told they couldn't be associated with me or talk to me because Jim, Bob, and Larry didnt like me anymore because I used their builds, and I was just a poser. 

I basically said well sucks to be you guys then. I have no intention of not using builds that the other "Major Conclavers" use. (the ones they named, and themselves.)

There was no explaining why. And even if there has been at that point, having seen them all use the same things. I doubt I'd have stopped. but had we all not used it, then sure. 

Shortly thereafter, I was in a party chat with my buddy. And one guy helped himself in and began to complain. after asking several times for him to leave, I kicked him and stated piss off as I booted him. 

Before could set the party to private. This guy returned. and started spamming invites to some of the other players. who then, after I kicked the first guy would reinvite and so on. 

It was during this time that they asked where I lived, and how many shots I wanted fired at my house. Now, once I finally figured out that I was dumb for not putting the party to invite only, I just left myself as did my friend. 

Then I was spammed via xbox live message about how one of the guys put a 800 plat bounty on me and I could enjoy not playing conclave for awhile. 

So, I sent in a support ticket with screen shots and finally today, got a mesaage back about how action had been taken against the player I had screenshots of. 

And again, you're right, I thought you had read all the messages to keep up with the deets. So I was wrong for thinking you were just trolling me. And I'm also foolish for not having provided more specific info in the OP. 



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Il y a 5 heures, (XB1)Wham A Hand a dit :

My apologies. You're absolutely right. I read your messages in a tone I associated wrongly with a passive aggressive stance. I also wasnt sure you weren't just being a jerk out right. But, I intead e ded up the jackass here. Again, apologies. 


No, not quite out of the blue. More like things seemed civil at first. When I was getting demolished. I then began watching many of the various people I was fighting. Checking their load outs and such. And simulated many of the same builds until I found things that worked for me. One of which was Nidus/Daikyu/Staticor/Boltace

Now mind you, this is a very common build in my encounters on Xbox. 

Anyways, as I began to do little and little better each time. I noticed the same players that used these combos, would object to me using similar builds. 

And at one point. During conversation with 2 of these players, I was told they couldn't be associated with me or talk to me because Jim, Bob, and Larry didnt like me anymore because I used their builds, and I was just a poser. 

I basically said well sucks to be you guys then. I have no intention of not using builds that the other "Major Conclavers" use. (the ones they named, and themselves.)

There was no explaining why. And even if there has been at that point, having seen them all use the same things. I doubt I'd have stopped. but had we all not used it, then sure. 

Shortly thereafter, I was in a party chat with my buddy. And one guy helped himself in and began to complain. after asking several times for him to leave, I kicked him and stated piss off as I booted him. 

Before could set the party to private. This guy returned. and started spamming invites to some of the other players. who then, after I kicked the first guy would reinvite and so on. 

It was during this time that they asked where I lived, and how many shots I wanted fired at my house. Now, once I finally figured out that I was dumb for not putting the party to invite only, I just left myself as did my friend. 

Then I was spammed via xbox live message about how one of the guys put a 800 plat bounty on me and I could enjoy not playing conclave for awhile. 

So, I sent in a support ticket with screen shots and finally today, got a mesaage back about how action had been taken against the player I had screenshots of. 

And again, you're right, I thought you had read all the messages to keep up with the deets. So I was wrong for thinking you were just trolling me. And I'm also foolish for not having provided more specific info in the OP. 



Well, I also have my part of wrong. Could have asked more about the situation before going all guns blazing ^^, so my apologies also.

Now indeed, that's not something I've ever seen in any game so far... Jerks getting annoyed because you're using their build... That's... Special. And very annoyed at that, that's quite some investment for so very little, gotta give them that XD

Now I can't get the south park reference out of my head : all of them in the backyard, smoking dayku arrows, "you're just a poser, you're not a real gothclaver..." XD

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No sweat man. Oh, and for those interested. I did receive a support ticket back stating that one player had actions taken against them. Unfortunately the other player was not reprimanded. Although that's my fault for not having saved his part of the conversations. 

So all this stalking finally let up, and ive been enjoying conclave and even made several new acquaintences. 

I even managed to out score one of the toughest members today and it felt great. 

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and critique. ❤

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17 hours ago, (XB1)Dex Xean said:

were the players in a clan called CFE cuz that sounds like something they would do back in the day when conclave was bigger.

I'm not sure tbh. From my observations there are two distinct groups within. And the comical part is there are already players in both groups that dislike me and my friends that play due to me sharing this and calling them into question. 

Both have Clubs over xbox live. One being called something like Warframe Conclave. Can't recall the other. One is lead by a Narcissist, the other by a spawn camper/team up styled person. I won't nane either, as i was advised it's against the forums rules. 

Not all of the people in each group is toxic though. Some of those people are actually really good sports and dont mind chatting civil. Others however, team up together in Annihilation, or just teabag and harass in chat. And when I say harass, I literally mean these guys will spam hate and try to coerce other random players to hold a grudge. 

Which, by the way... Is comical. 

I know both groups have discords. and I even recently joined one as to keep up on some of the toxic behavior through their own share feeds. 


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8 hours ago, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

I'm not sure tbh. From my observations there are two distinct groups within. And the comical part is there are already players in both groups that dislike me and my friends that play due to me sharing this and calling them into question. 

Both have Clubs over xbox live. One being called something like Warframe Conclave. Can't recall the other. One is lead by a Narcissist, the other by a spawn camper/team up styled person. I won't nane either, as i was advised it's against the forums rules. 

Not all of the people in each group is toxic though. Some of those people are actually really good sports and dont mind chatting civil. Others however, team up together in Annihilation, or just teabag and harass in chat. And when I say harass, I literally mean these guys will spam hate and try to coerce other random players to hold a grudge. 

Which, by the way... Is comical. 

I know both groups have discords. and I even recently joined one as to keep up on some of the toxic behavior through their own share feeds. 


Speaking of CFE since that last Post CFE just contacted me to "explain" their side which is in line with the toxic behavior stuff they done in the past. I was told this might happen if I even causally mention that clan and seems that person was right about them. Most clans that are innocent would not jump to explain their side to a random person after all. Im going to stop it here tho since it looks like they are watching the forums. Might get another message though. O wells Live let live. Im over it.

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15 hours ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

@(XB1)Wham A Hand you change your GT to "Worm Lord Wormy"? (Wham A Hand doesn't exist ingame any more)


Curious to why you're asking this after complaining in yesterday's match, that...BTW you were winning. And complaining that me and some random were "Teaming up" meanwhile you were running with another player whom you were also teaming up with. 

Prime example of what I was discussing. 


I believe you stated earlier in this very discussion that when you elevate your threat level people go after you. And yet, that is what you did. And then complained about it. Even though you were winning. Oh, and btw...that "Team Mate" of mine, was laying waste to me as well. 

Also, it's quite suspicious for you to ask this. Considering I changed my name to avoid harassment from various club members. Even some of which messaged me claiming someone told them I used screen shots to make a report. And yet, you're the only common denominator here. 

But I digress, as I could easily just be mistaken. And , if so...apologies. 

I mistakenly took an earlier poster comment as aggressive, the constant harrassment has me on edge and a bit paranoid tbh. 

Either way, I see you're a warframe wiki info provider. As such, I believe you deserve a thanks for that. As I use that often enough for aid in my own research. And IMO, you deserve thanks and credit for that work. 


Edited by (XB1)Wham A Hand
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On 2019-12-02 at 4:52 PM, (XB1)Dex Xean said:

Speaking of CFE since that last Post CFE just contacted me to "explain" their side which is in line with the toxic behavior stuff they done in the past. I was told this might happen if I even causally mention that clan and seems that person was right about them. Most clans that are innocent would not jump to explain their side to a random person after all. Im going to stop it here tho since it looks like they are watching the forums. Might get another message though. O wells Live let live. Im over it.

I too, was contacted by a member of one of those clubs. And told I was snitch for reporting via screenshots of paying people plat to chase me from game to game. I still haven't checked the name of the club I'm in now, but will do after I leave to return home. But it does appear they, or someone here is running back and reporting to them. 

Also comical. 

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On 2019-11-03 at 2:09 PM, Shinigami_Greed said:

Question to anyone that plays conclave, are the new melee changes good at all in there?  Or... applied at all?

From what I can tell, yes. They have somewhat helped to hamper the use of "crutch" loadouts. For instance, any player that uses Dual Keres can easily defeat the Telos Boltace meta due to a savage buff they received. And the Wolf Sledge can one shot most frames when you whang it(throw and explode it) at someone. 

IMO, this helps somewhat even out the handicap most melee oriented players suffer from when competing with skilled snipers one shotting them from distance mid jump. 

Although, headshots generally are still king. 

Edited by (XB1)Wham A Hand
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

Curious to why you're asking this after complaining in yesterday's match, that...BTW you were winning. And complaining that me and some random were "Teaming up" meanwhile you were running with another player whom you were also teaming up with. 

This supposed teammate wouldn't happen to be me. Would it?

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