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Toxic lich hunter bullies are spreading "badwill", ban them.


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"DE didn't made liches or thralls as main objective of those missions, sadly(?)

Expect they did. You know that's why there is a COMPLETLY NEW mission node for the kuva lich on the same planet node mission in the first place. To you know kill your lich. The point of the extra mission node.

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1 minute ago, Koknoob said:

DE didn't made liches or thralls as main objective of those missions, sadly(?).

Ummmmm expect they did. You know that's why there is a COMPLETLY NEW mission node for the kuva lich on the same planet node mission in the first place. To you know kill your lich. The point of the extra mission node.

They main objective is to kill your lich, not thralls. 

I don't remember seeing any new node or loss of access to arbitrations.

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Just now, Raqiya said:

but let's not forget the lich system was meant for high level players. People who aren't able to kill the Lich's just aren't ready for the content and shouldn't be creating a lich in the first place and for the purple who did should just go public and get carried through or request outside aid to remove the Lich and not touch it again till their strong enough. 

I would agree with you if it wasn't for the fact that if new players get a lich by accident, they can completely avoid the lich by not doing lich missions and even more so now, that you have to finish the larvae to "tune in".
And let's make it VERY clear. Clueless players will kill their liches without knowing they level up. It is people who are not on their first lich, go in volunteerly and choose to choice special missions that are not killing their liches and NOT the newbs... 

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3 minutes ago, Koknoob said:

Expect they did. You know that's why there is a COMPLETLY NEW mission node for the kuva lich on the same planet node mission in the first place. To you know kill your lich. The point of the extra mission node.

They didn't, if they did they would made extraction unavailable till you kill enough amount of thralls or liches.


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14 minutes ago, Raqiya said:

Not stabbing your lich denies them their Lich's you're forcing 3 other players to fit your wants/needs. How can you not see this?

I did not force them to join a mission with random's where it is perfectly ok and totally allowed to NOT to stab your lich.

They did join such a mission (with randoms, where some might not want to stab their lich) and should then also accept that not stabbing the lich is ok. Since it IS ok. Stabbing your lich isn't mandatory. And it shouldn't be, since in many cases it is totally stupid.

If they want to add their own special rule of "forced stabbing", they should form a private squad. Not going into a public squad and expecting other players to play by "their own special rule", and maybe even harass and bully other players to force them to do so.

How can you not see this? (hint: it really is crystal clear).

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2 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

If that were true, it wouldn't become accessible when the player arrives at Sedna, when they're doing level 30-ish content.

Isn't sedna also the highest level planet on the star chart?

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hace 7 minutos, SordidDreams dijo:

Oh, so that's just BS hearsay, then. A lot of what they said about the lich system on dev streams turned out to have just been lies falsehoods.

Verbal bullying is a form of coercion.

Lol, no. That is BS, I don't believe that for a second.


I literally have one of those traffic lights near my home and I'm sick of it.

"Al acercarte a una intersección que esté regulado por dos semáforos, uno de ellos irá dirigido exclusivamente a los vehículos que pretender girar (bien sea la derecha o a la izquierda), y el otro lo respetarán el resto de vehículos. Por lo tanto antes de detenerte en él, deberás tener claro cual va a ser tu destino, si no pretendes girar te aconsejo no detenerte en el lado más próximo al que pueda realizar el giro otro vehículo, sino te verás obligado a girar."


"As you approach an intersection regulated by 2 traffic lights, one is meant for vehicles that intend to turn (either left or right) and the other shall be respected by the rest of the vehicles. Before you stop, you must make clear which one will be your destination. If you don't intend to turn, you must not stop in the lane closer another vehicle can use to turn or you'll be forced to turn in that direction."

If you want to check out the legal mumbo jumbo, read the Spanish traffic law article 146 point 7. http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Admin/rd1428-2003.t4.html

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4 minutes ago, ixidron92 said:

I literally have one of those traffic lights near my home and I'm sick of it.

"Al acercarte a una intersección que esté regulado por dos semáforos, uno de ellos irá dirigido exclusivamente a los vehículos que pretender girar (bien sea la derecha o a la izquierda), y el otro lo respetarán el resto de vehículos. Por lo tanto antes de detenerte en él, deberás tener claro cual va a ser tu destino, si no pretendes girar te aconsejo no detenerte en el lado más próximo al que pueda realizar el giro otro vehículo, sino te verás obligado a girar."


"As you approach an intersection regulated by 2 traffic lights, one is meant for vehicles that intend to turn (either left or right) and the other shall be respected by the rest of the vehicles. Before you stop, you must make clear which one will be your destination. If you don't intend to turn, you must not stop in the lane closer another vehicle can use to turn or you'll be forced to turn in that direction."

If you want to check out the legal mumbo jumbo, read the Spanish traffic law article 146 point 7. http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Admin/rd1428-2003.t4.html

Ah, so you're talking about two different lanes. In that case yes, you're obviously not allowed to go straight in a turn-only lane. I'm talking about one lane that can go either straight or turn.

9 minutes ago, Raqiya said:

Isn't sedna also the highest level planet on the star chart?

Aside from a branch of the void behind it, yes, but it's still very low in the overall scheme of things. A level 50 grineer has four times more effective health than a level 30 one. That's a huge jump, to say nothing of a level 100 grineer that you get if you fully level your lich, that has twelve times more than a level 50 one, fifty more times than a level 30 one. The idea that someone who has just arrived at Sedna is ready to do the lich content is just absurd.


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Justo ahora, SordidDreams dijo:

Ah, so you're talking about two different lanes. In that case yes, you're obviously not allowed to go straight in a turn-only lane. I'm talking about one lane that can go either straight or turn.


Those do not exist here by design. If there's 2 traffic lights there must be 2 lanes. 1 is destined to go forwards only and the other can go forwards and (typically) right. If you stand on the dual purpose one and can't go forwards because there's a red light and the driver behind you wants to go right, you cannot block him and you must go right

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1 minute ago, SordidDreams said:

Ah, so you're talking about two different lanes. In that case yes, you're obviously not allowed to go straight in a turn-only lane. I'm talking about one lane that can go either straight or turn.

Aside from a branch of the void behind it, yes, but it's still very low in the overall scheme of things. A level 50 grineer has four times more effective health than a level 30 one. That's a huge jump, to say nothing of a level 100 grineer that you get if you fully level your lich, that has twelve times more than a level 50 one. The idea that someone who has just arrived at Sedna is ready to do the lich content is just absurd.


Don't we already have that jump since sorties are unlocked after the WarWithin?

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The bottom line when it comes to all these arguments should be players asking themselves, "am I in the minority when it comes to the way im choosing to play the game?" And "is what I am doing actively hindering other players?"

If the answer to both of those questions is yes, YOU should be playing solo or making premade groups, because YOU are ruining other peoples games. Compare that to everyone else. Does other people killing their liches make your experience any less fun? no. So why should everyone else be forced to run solo to enjoy the game?

Don't go into a pub thinking "I'm gonna play the game my way even if everyone else is going to hate me for it!" knowing full well that you are making everyone elses game worse. This is the same issue that happened back when limbos cataclysm turned everyone's guns off in a 5 mile radius. You're doing something you know is going to piss people off, in a group with random people, and playing the victim when everyone tells you you're being a jerk.


Dont get me wrong here. If people are actually using abusive language or threatening you, then that is unacceptable behaviour and should be reported.

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1 minute ago, Graavarg said:

I did not force them to join a mission with random's where it is perfectly ok and totally allowed to NOT to stab your lich.

They did join such a mission (with randoms, where some might not want to stab their lich) and should then also accept that not stabbing the lich is ok. Since it IS ok. Stabbing your lich isn't mandatory. And it shouldn't be, since in many cases it is totally stupid.

If they want to add their own special rule of "forced stabbing", they should form a private squad. Not going into a public squad and expecting other players to play by "their own special rule", and maybe even harass and bully other players to force them to do so.

How can you not see this? (hint: it really is crystal clear).

This is a horrible defense. First off you don't know what their goals or intentions is. Why are you forcing your goal onto them?


Also are they suppose to guess yours? Most pub groups join missions like that to gather murmurs and kill their lich. Do not assume where their prpgression is at and do not think suddenly that they are wrong for asking you yo finally stab your lich so that they can finally kill their lich. This makes you the last obstacle and a very resistant one at that.

Just stab them. Lich conversion has too many variables that make it unreliable that only grant 3 to 4 extra thralls in an extra few minutes in a mission which is better spent going into a new one and using the first 5 minutes of that mission.

FYI first 5 minutes is the optimal time to gather thralls.

Several traits that affect thralls. How quickly teammates can kill surrounding enemies, which hinders lich conversion since only line of sight enemies get converted. Lich abilities affect conversion rate so lichs with channeling abilities or favors throws charging or melee will convert much slower. Lich conversion is slower than natural thrall spawning.

Thrall spawn rate increases with teammates and dependant on the lich's level that controls the node. This is why murmur farms are done in pubs or recruitment.

Dealing with a lich quick enough saves times grants a boost opens more nodes for effective missions for more thralls.


Not stabbing is not being efficient and blaming others is the true selfish act. 

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Just now, ixidron92 said:

Those do not exist here by design. If there's 2 traffic lights there must be 2 lanes. 1 is destined to go forwards only and the other can go forwards and (typically) right. If you stand on the dual purpose one and can't go forwards because there's a red light and the driver behind you wants to go right, you cannot block him and you must go right

That's about the same level of retardation as the American thing where they put stop signs on all four sides of an intersection, thereby completely defeating the point.

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Can we just agree that there should be fun for all? Crowd census says not stabbing is rude.

Nuff said.

Logic and facts state it hinders farming. So take the advice.

You missed out.

The fact that you haven't figured out a better method than that painstakingly slow method of lich conversion shows you don't take it seriously when others do.

They are trying to help you and instead...people ask to have them ban? The inconsideration is incrediable here.

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33 minutes ago, Raqiya said:

The whole reason for the liches existence is to kill it. They don't exist for you to farm murmurs if that was so then why put a cap  on thrall Spawn and why does stabbing your lich also provide murmurs? 

No. The whole idea is to solve the requiem puzzle, then take down the lich, then decide what you want to do with it. How you go about solving the puzzle is your call, not the decision of random obnoxious players.

And they put a cap on murmur farming for exactly this reason 🙂, namely that murmur farming is an inherent part of the lich. And it is perfectly viable and totally ok to farm all three requiems without leveling up your lich. That is how it functions, that is how lich missions are built. When you try to take down the lich and under what circumstances is meant to be your call. Not the call of other players joining a mission open for all, without such restrictions on how to play.


By not stabbing your Lich your denying others the right to do the objective of the entire update. 

No, by joining a common lich mission with randoms where it is perfectly ok to NOT stab your lich they take the risk themselves. If they want to be sure, go solo or with a dedicated squad. It's super easy either way. And that is how specific missions are normally done in Warframe, just check all the missions scrolling by in team chat.

The objective of taking down the lich does not include forcing other players to play according to your "own special rules". It just doesn't. And if it leads into bullying and harassing we are talking a-hole behaviour.

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hace 4 minutos, SordidDreams dijo:

That's about the same level of retardation as the American thing where they put stop signs on all four sides of an intersection, thereby completely defeating the point.

No, it's not. It reduces traffic, as you can use both lanes to go forwards if necessary with one lane as dual purpose. That of course, assumes everyone respects the law, but humans tend to do what's more convenient to them in spite of the rest. So, naturally something that's good on paper turns into a nightmare because drivers block the turn and don't go right.

And funnily enough, it's the same thing that happens with liches.

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Just now, HerpDerpy said:

care to explain how? besides making the mission take 30 seconds longer, which doesn't really count.

I need thralls, not the liches, it's all.

Killing liches in 0 second after the spawn doesn't contribute for any of it, so i don't like it (but i don't care it)

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40 minutes ago, Raqiya said:

Don't we already have that jump since sorties are unlocked after the WarWithin?

Kind of, but sorties are a daily thing with only three missions, not something the game asks you to farm for hours on end, and undone sorties also don't eat away at your loot from other content. Also, sorties include the other factions, which scale much slower. Level 100 grineer are like ten times tougher than level 100 mobs of other factions, so a player at that point can simply do non-grineer sorties only until they gear up. No such option exists with the lich content. So the jump to sorties is much less severe overall than the jump to liches.

35 minutes ago, zoffmode said:

You must be a very crappy driver. 

Again with the personal attacks? We get it, you don't have an argument, you don't have to keep making that clear repeatedly.

34 minutes ago, ixidron92 said:

No, it's not. It reduces traffic, as you can use both lanes to go forwards if necessary with one lane as dual purpose. That of course, assumes everyone respects the law, but humans tend to do what's more convenient to them in spite of the rest. So, naturally something that's good on paper turns into a nightmare because drivers block the turn and don't go right.

And funnily enough, it's the same thing that happens with liches.

But you have no way of knowing whether someone is going to pull up behind you and put their turn signal on. The way you're describing it, going into that lane is basically a coin toss on which direction you're going to have to go. If that turn happens to lead onto a freeway, that could easily mean a delay of like half an hour to reach the next exit, turn around, and get back to where you were. That is incredibly dumb, and it's not surprising in the slightest that people ignore that law.

Again, it's all about relative harm and minimizing overall harm. If blocking someone behind me who wants to turn means wasting a minute of their time, and turning means wasting half an hour of mine, it's pretty clear what the correct course of action is.

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