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Incandescent Glow's Workshop [Pandora Ember Update + Helmet sculpt done]

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『Light up the World』, Welcome to my Workshop page!
Rivens are great, but Fashion Frames is where it's at!

I'm currently working on a Skin Series called "Pandora".
It's aesthetic is Orokin/Tenno themes, but has a modern-futuristic "organic-mecha" feel to them.


WISP ✔️  - Not accepted for Round 18, Redesign completed


Old vs New Comparison


[Coming soon, give or take around next week! Stay tuned!]

[PANDORA] Hildryn
-Currently Delayed-

-Incandescent Glow-


-MAYA 2019
(Retopo/Base Modeling)
-ZBRUSH 2020 (3D Sculpting Program)

Edited by IncandescencentGlow
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I'm personally not a fan of that ember skin. I think the helmet looks really bulgey and odd, and the mohawk looks really blocky and unfinished. If you could sharpen out the side bits and parts of the helmet, sharpen the mohawk and increase its size and decrease the size of the piece underneath the mohawk. Also, the tail things could use some more detail, they kind of look odd and like weird protrusions that shouldn't be there in their current state. Maybe change the design of the helmet a bit more. Possibly change the placements of the side things don't look as bulgey. Also the forearms look really odd. If the blue parts can move closer so they start at the elbow and end at the peak (thickest part) of her forearms, is might take away the lopsided look. And then the legs -- they just look extremely plain compared to the rest of the body. Maybe add some design or a slightly different texture to the leg ornament things and maybe a pattern on the thighs beneath the leg armor things, that'd be really cool. It's just not screaming ember to me, and it really looks unfinished from a conception point of view.


These are all my opinions, and others may really like the skin, but I honestly think you should delay its release until Tennogen round 20, especially given the fact that you're saying you need to rush it to get it in 19. A rushed skin is forever bad, but a delayed skin is eventually good.


Wisp and Hildryn look amazing, though.

Edited by (NSW)FlameDivinity
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Hey guys! Just a small update before new years and all!
Added an updated pic to Pandora Ember WIP @ the main post + this post(primarily talking about what changed), I'll be posting the helmet a little bit later down the road, trying to focus on her body at the moment (those arms are rough)

I finally got to the legs/waist armor for her, there's still parts I want to change, like the linework on her back, I got some squigglies/bumps that I missed

[1 Week comparison]


Not a fan of this part imo, probably gonna change it so it follows the primary color split right below it. There's also areas on her skirt armor I'd like to redesign.
I'm also planning to change the "strap" that attaches to her waist armor, I was thinking it'd be neat as part of the metallic parts but it feels wrong imo, I'd probably texture as straps later down the road

Aside from that, that'll be all for now; I'll see you guys next year


Happy Early New Years to everyone and enjoy the Holidays!

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4 hours ago, MagPrime said:

...what'chu got in the works for Mag?

will ferrell lol GIF by NBA

Mag always interested me since there's a lot more leeway of using a Visor for her aesthetics.

  nice GIF
(Induction/Ferro Helmets are really cool, also that Hisame Frost Skin is awesome, I'm a big fan of Visor Aesthetics)

On top of the fact that her base mesh has a lot of room to be customized (unlike Hildryn's VERY defined silhouettes), it should be fun to do.
I'll be learning a bit of Texture Animations with Ember, so if I do well with it, I'll probably do something for Mag down the line.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm glad that someone is planning a skin for Hildryn. While I feel she'd be more popular if her "assets" were a bit plumper, I wish she'd get SOME attention, at least. Glad to see you working on it, and like the colors so far.

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Just a bit of an update, sorry it's been awhile
Life's getting a bit busy on my end, so that took up most of my time, I will have updates soon since my time is freeing up back again

As for Tennogen 17, we'll see how it goes, if my Wisp Pandora skin makes it, fantastic; we'll move on as normal, however if it gets denied I'm debating if I should let you guys pick on which one I should work on next or re-design Wisp, then to Ember / Hildryn (since based on D.E's criticism, it might affect how my aesthetics look moving forward) I'm assuming their evaluation ends @ Feb 20, but that's just me basing it off of previous Tennogen dates, so who knows, this is my first Tennogen so there's still a lot of things to learn.

On 2020-01-30 at 1:41 PM, Rankii said:

I'm glad that someone is planning a skin for Hildryn. While I feel she'd be more popular if her "assets" were a bit plumper, I wish she'd get SOME attention, at least. Glad to see you working on it, and like the colors so far.

Noticed a lot of love for the Hildryn skin, so that's pretty pogchamp!
As for her "popularity", just on my personal opinion; it's just that her base mesh has a lot of DEFINED geometry that kinda forces us to work with it, rather than come up with something new. It's like if you compare some of the Older Frames like Loki, Ember, or hell Mag; they have a lot of areas where you can be creative since the geometry gives you a lot of room, but Hildryn has a lot of these spikes or well defined areas for her metallic bits that pretty much tells us to follow it.  

Aside from that, that's all for now, see you guys soon!

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Hey guys, after awhile of getting free time again, I'm getting my groove back, it was unfortunate that my Wisp Pandora entry
wasn't able to make it for Round 18, I'm waiting for critiques, although like they said, creators will receive critiques by next week, so I'll see what they'll be saying before moving forward with Wisp.

However, that being said; looking back and comparing myself to other Tennogen artist, I did feel like my stuff was somewhat lacklustre, or at least missing a certain "thing" about it.
It's more of a self criticism at my end, but I did notice that my style/aesthetic didn't necessarily "respect" the Warframe's "flow" if that makes sense, some of the golden panel lines felt more like armor parts slapped on and it didn't necessarily feel too Orokin to me.

Tldr; I feel like my aesthetic was lacking something, and rather than struggling with something that doesn't work, I decided to take a new fresher route for it.



So I decided to test a new style with Ember, and see how the new style will look, and I think it's miles better than my older style,

Aside from that, I'd love to hear your opinions about the new aesthetic style, and yes I'll be changing Wisp to this aesthetic when I update her.


Edited by IncandescencentGlow
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm back!
Still juggling irl stuff alongside Tennogen so its kind of stunting my progress but I do have a fair bit of an update.


(Head Sculpt, this is mostly final, maybe I'll have some small tweaks later but this is pretty much it.)


I'm still chugging along Ember's new design, I decided to do a Dragon + Knight theme on her helmet; I thought it'd be fitting since she controls fires.
(Helmet's not retopo'd/textured it just separated by subtools + materials so I can see what it'll look ling along the skin, just in case people are like "why does the texture" look pixelated/etc")

Dunno if they'll allow the Collar idea it's something I thought of a day or two ago, but I have seen other skins that has neck meshes like Graxx Vauban for example
Pretty sure it'll be fine as long as It's not too invasive or crazy. But I like how it looks so far.

Next update I'll post will probably be the skin mostly done, with just minor tweaks to do before submitting it to the workshop
Till then, see you guys!

terminator 2 ok GIF

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Everything looks amazing, and that Ember skin has definitely become a must by. I'm very disappointed they didn't accept your Wisp skin. Are you allowed to share why? I heard it can be because of a few reasons, but I'm hoping they don't think it's "not Wisp enough," as that kinda defeats the entire cosmetic theme behind your Pandora line.

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I really like this concept and the colors but...

DE: This looks too futuristic and is not matching warframe design criteria. Also we may ignore players feedback about it.

^ This may happen

Edited by Iryn
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