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What your frames say about you


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On 2020-01-01 at 5:05 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

note: these are mainly jokes form my own experience both playing these frames and watching others use these frames, don't take it too seriously:

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Ash: "I watched all of Naruto, own at least one cheap Katana and sleep with a Body pillow"

Atlas: " I understand the simplest and greatest of joys is to punch something, really, REALLY hard."

Banshee: "I hope my team will revive me"

Baruuk: "I know Kung-Fu."

Chroma: " I'm either hunting Eidolons, or thinking about hunting Eidolons."

Ember: " Thank god I'm back to being useful, that rework was actually really good!"

Equinox: "I answer every choice question with the words "why not both?"


Frost: "without me, they can't defend anything."

Gara: " Without me, they can't defend anything... unless Frost is around, but I still kick a$$"

Garuda: "I like Valkyr, but her claws aren't big enough for me anymore."

Gauss; "I listen to Eurobeat 24/7 and don't care if you think Sprint Speed is a waste of a mod slot"

Grendel: "I don't care about the Meta, I want to eat people and become the Boulder that chases Indiana Jones."

Harrow: "I love spooky cult stuff, and getting crits is as important to me as breathing!"

Hildryn: "I stopped playing Overwatch but I still need my Zarya fix."

Inaros: "I don't want to die, even if the enemy is literally firing nukes at me".

Ivara: "I like frogs/jellyfish and killing people quietly".

Khora: "I think of myself as Kinky, I love cats, and WHYNOEXALTEDWHIPYET? WHYYY?"

Limbo: "nobody likes me, and I don't care, because I know I can make or break a team in some scenarios."

Loki: "I believe I am superior to everyone else *gets killed* ... still better than everyone else"

Mag: "people think I'm trash but don't realise how good armor strip is"

Mesa: "I like Gunslingers, play Red Dead, and know that Clint Eastwood is one of the greatest men to ever be on camera."

Mirage: "I'm trying to find new ways to annoy people now that the Simulor isn't as it used to be."

Nezha: "people are afraid to type a certain word in Chat because of me, and that fills me with joy"

Nekros: "I'm either a Total Edgelord, or i just care about loot, or both. I'm a Lootlord."

Nidus: "I really want to support the Infested in Invasions, #PhoridDidNothingWrong.

Nyx: "when am I gonna get MY rework?"

Oberon: "I genuinely want to support my team, even if they are all total clowns."

Octavia: "annoying others with obnoxious music gives me life".

Rhino: "I'm all about just getting the job done, no matter what."

Saryn: "what do you mean other people want to kill stuff? that's my job!"

Titania: "I'm either a girly-girl, or I find the idea of a tiny fairy massacring hundreds of foes hilarious".

Trinity: "I genuinely want to support my team, but I likely will just get blamed for anything that goes wrong"

Valkyr: "I just want to tear my enemies to shreds."

Vauban: "thank god I got that rework, I'm actually useful now!"

Volt: "I really want Palpatine style lightning, why isn't this a thing for me yet?"

Wisp: "I like being T H I C C and/or wielding the power of the sun"

Wukong: " I can basically do everything, but unlike Loki, I'm actually good at it."

Zephyr: "I'd rather be in the Plains or in the Vallis right now".




Wisp is a bard. If you want to be one of the best supports and/or are tired of people taking forever to do things in the game I'll use this lol.

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Volt - 4 powers that are always useful, squishy enough that I sometimes I have to stay awake to play. Kickass mystic lightning samurai aesthetic.

Frost - 4 powers that are always useful, squishy enough that I sometimes I have to stay awake to play. Kickass focused, calm and prepared aesthetic that's still full of vult.

Excal - 4 powers that are always useful. Strong but doesn't have anything so busted that lets me just sleep through a mission.

Banshee - 4 powers that are always useful. Strong but doesn't have anything so busted that lets me just sleep through a mission.

Gauss -  M O V E M E N T

Mirage - kewt jester pixie, 4 powers that are always useful. Strong but doesn't have anything so busted that lets me just sleep through a mission.

Zephyr - "Yeah I...don't really wanna deal with this content so.....I'll just bring Zephyr."

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My top four frames, and what they reveal about the treadworn cliches on my tinder profile:

#1. Nezha.  I enjoy nothing more than a cozy night at home by the fireplace and don't mind getting people auto-banned from chat.

#2. Ivara.  I love long walks on the beach.   And I spend a lot of time afk.

#3.  Harrow.  I have a serious side.    And...I wish you hadn't found that tool chest under the bed quite this soon.

#4.  Nova.  I have taste for the the finer things in life.  But no, I'm not looking for loli, dammit. 

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I like Wisp b/c of the support.

I like Titania b/c becoming a tiny fairy and flying around is fun.

I like Khora b/c yay a second kavat.

But honestly?  I just keep going back to Trinity.  For some reason I just feel more ... comfortable playing her.  Even though I hate that skirt and the damn bustle on the Prime.  Seriously wth is up with that thing?

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I mean, I guess there's something to be said about player choice of frame showcasing one or more of their preferred playstyles. If surviving forever is most important to you, you may play a "tank", or if damage is most important you might run a "caster". Do you choose for melee or ranged combat? Do you opt for a high-involvement frame like Harrrow or a frame that basically plays the game for you like Mesa? Of course there's a lot of wiggle-room here too: people change up their styles all the time, and different missions may prompt different frame choices.

However, rather than OP's matching of frame choice to sometimes arbitrary connections, I think how you approach certain frames can say things about a player and how they approach games (or at least this one). This is especially apparent for frames that can be built in varied ways. OP mentioned "Nekros because hoarder and Nekros/Hydroid are lootframes", and that is true, but I play Nekros as Melee/Support/Tank, and Hydroid as Melee/CC. Volt can be played to spam 4 forever, or he can be Gauss-level Melee, or defense/offense Sniper. I've got a Melee Nova setup that cleans house despite her recognition as a backline caster.

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I don`t know what I was on when I wrote my previous comment, here is what I was meant to say.

It`s funny I haven`t seen anyone say Ash. He was the #1 Favorited warframe on mugamu`s channel now stated by DE, Ash is the least used frame in 2018 on life of rio`s channel. I don`t care want anyone says ASH NEEDS A REVISIT.

Here is what I would to improve his abilities;


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  • 1 year later...

Rhino: I'm feeling lazy

Mesa: I'm feeling really lazy

Nova: I need to hit crit points, and like watching u be slow

Loki: I'm casper *@##$es, oh and you don't need your guns

Octavia: I can just dance until you die

Nezha: Im not in the closet, i'm just a fabulous faster rhino

Saryn: F all you'll I'm sexy and will poison this whole party, then annihilate.  I am Ishtar goddess of death!!!

The other frames I need to use more practice...

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