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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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I believe a sort of Industrial / Grineer / Machinery frame would be quite good. Their playstyle would be that of a tanky caster, with high ability damage, energy reserves, and durability being their priorities, maybe with shields and speed taking somewhat of a hit (although the frame should not be clunky in such a way it would make playing them painful; abilities should be responsive and snappy, and movement should be tolerable)

It could center around a weapon the Warframe is equipped with, which could serve as their primary damage ability, being slapped down on the first ability slot. Something like a focused beam weapon (one that's more crude than that of a corpus weapon, the lore implications could be that it was experimental, or some kind of miniaturized fomorian laser) or a minigun, because those are badass. They've got to be quite armored, like a walking tank; their gun should be quite large, compounding this sort of "tankish" aesthetic; the armor, and the big gun. Bulk, power, make sure they look like they mean business.

They would be similar to Ember in that they would utilize a heat/overheat bar, which would behave similarly in that it would "enhance" abilities while introducing some risk. While this would end up quite similar to Ember's passive, I believe the difference in play style would make the whole frame feel very different.

Additionally, one of their abilities should be to utilize coolant that is gained somehow through regular play (either passively generated, or gained from kills, or something along those lines). Coolant should not require energy. Rather than having the coolant simply expel heat, it should be used to remove the negative effects of the heat whilst active; using the coolant should not be a necessity in most cases, however it should enable a sort of "go ham" mode, where one could ignore the debuffs of max overheat, and the risks max overheat brings to ability use.

With their slow nature, they should be good at defense, and they should have some kind of damage mitigation ability, and it should include some kind of support ability, but nothing too crazy, as it is not a support frame.

Other than that, I believe there's a lot of room for something really fun. Mowing down a crowd of enemies, holding a point, and those "oh S#&$" moments where you decide to pop the coolant and you're allowed to just go #*!%ing nuts. Packing in more crude "Grineer" weapons would make sense; explosives, maybe chemicals, maybe some microwaves, something that'll complement whatever kit they end up with.

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I'd like to see one based almost entirely around melee attacks, maybe have each ability choose a type of melee weapon, so as to cycle between sword/shield combo, a spear, a hammer,etc., and have a medieval knight look, like Templar or something.

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I feel like we should have a warframe based on graffiti and spraypaint.

They're an rebellious warframe that strives in creativity and colour.

The appearance of this warframe could have a gas mask, they have a thin figure and have a cloak for the torso. 

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SO here's my idea...

The Feathered Serpent frame, Quetztal

Once an enigmatic ruler, he was considered to be a deity representing both the Heavens and the Earth. He was the protector of his people. When they cried out for help he would rain down feathery blades from tthe skies to thwart the foes of his people. When they became smitten with disease he would shower them with his tears to heal their afflictions. His origins are shrouded in mystery. It is rumored that the "Precious Holy Serpent's" arrival is signalled by a silver lightning bolt.

I think it's fair time we got another frame that can fly, and I'm not talking about archwing style. So why not something on the mythical side. A little Orokin and plenty Mesoamerican, let's add what can be, maybe, another dual frame; the Feathery Bladewing Seraphim and the Serpentine Fiendish Shaman. Just like it's origin in Quetzalcoatl, it's duality is based on its divine feathered form and it's earthly serpentine form, associated with the planet Venus, Quetztal is the deity of wind and rain (hence the lightning) and the bringer of knowledge (where I got the healer part from).

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A shadow-themed Warframe would be an excellent addition to the stable.  I’m thinking of something akin to Revenant’s look, but with some sort of shadow stuff (yes, that’s the technical term) flowing around it instead of the greenish Eidolon energy, and more of it like the Warframe has a cloak of shadows.

Speaking of cloaks of shadows, that’d be its passive, or perhaps its #1 ability.  If it’s a passive ability, it’d be that when standing in the shadows (maybe darker than a certain light level, or not in direct view of a light source), this Warframe would become undetectable, even when moving or performing a melee attack; if it’s an active ability, it’d be similar but maybe the Warframe could do any action it wants, including firing weapons and using other abilities, but only for a limited time.

If the cloak of shadows is the first active ability, the passive would be similar, but instead of being undetectable, the Warframe would slowly regain health or energy while standing still in the shadows.

If the cloak of shadows is the passive ability, the first active ability would be to throw a blob of shadows into an area or onto an enemy, blinding all enemies within a certain radius of wherever the blob lands; the AI of enemies inside the radius would be unable to use the normal pathing, meaning the enemies would run around tripping over each other and running into things.  If they run into one of the many assorted explosive things lying around, they’d set them off; if they run off an edge into an “unplayable” area (aka a place where the player gets teleported back from), they’d just straight up die.

Its second ability would be a shadow teleportation move semi-similar to Wukong’s Cloud Walker, but instead of letting you fly through the air, you’d target a shadow within a certain range (including an enemy’s shadow!) and teleport to it, dropping into a pool of darkness beneath your current position and emerging from the targeted shadow.  Can be charged to cause the Warframe to be thrown from the exit point instead of just emerging slowly (if anyone’s played Darksiders II, I’m referencing the portal thingy from that game but with a bit of Warframe sprinkled on top).

Its third ability would be similar to its second, except instead of teleporting itself, this skill would suck either a targeted enemy or enemies within an area into a pool of shadows and then launch them from shadows around the Warframe, damaging any other enemies hit by the flying bodies.

Its final ability would be similar to its third ability, except instead of pulling a single targeted enemy or enemies within a selected area, this ability would extend shadowy tendrils from nearby shadows to snag enemies and drag them into the Void.  The tendrils would take a certain amount of time to find their targets and latch on, and then would take longer to drag them into the darkness; if an enemy has more than a certain amount of health (determined by hard numbers, not a percentage, because otherwise this ability would be equally effective on both low and high level enemies, which doesn’t make sense), they may be able to escape before the tendril finishes dragging them away.  If they escape, the tendril evaporates.

Conclave versions of these abilities would be similar except the third one and the last one would be targeted rather than area-based; the fourth ability wouldn’t drag the enemy player away forever even if they don’t break free.  Instead, it would teleport them to a random dangerous location (like if there’re Orokin laser plates or something in the map) after doing a set amount of damage that’s unaffected by armor, does double damage to HP, but also does hit shields first with normal damage.  The trapped player can spam movement buttons to be spat out sooner, but they may be killed before escaping if their HP and shields are too low to begin with.  If this happens, the player using the shadow Warframe will gain some energy, either as a set amount or maybe as a percentage of the energy their victim had.

Conclave would change the cloak of shadows passive to also allow ability usage, but would still not allow weapons fire.

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well... abilities would kinda be apart of the theme.. so...Shifting form warframe that would resemble what it's doing with other warframes.

Infested frame at base but constantly shifting between each warframe depending on what abilities it's stolen or has equipped.

(2/4 the abilities would be of other warframes, one to steal party members abilities, and another to manage them)maxresdefault.jpg

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My idea is something along the lines of an Infested Engineering frame - sure, we have Nidus and Vauban, who represent the unending growth & mutation of the Infestation, and devious traps, respectively, but this isn't the same as either.  We know the Infestation is primarily about creating more of itself, growing in power, etc, but we also know it will sacrifice resources in the name of progress with things like the exploders.  As such, my question is: what if we had a Warframe who created disposable structures out of infestation, at the cost of their own health and well-being?  Things like cover/barricades, turrets, and the likes.  Setting up a chokepoint with them would be costly to your health reserves, and you'll need to regularly repair/replace lost structures, perhaps amplified by them having a slow life-drain-over-time, meaning you'll likely need a lifesteal weapon, dedicated heal-frame partner in co-op play, or lots of health restores in reserve, unless there's a healing ability in place to mitigate the constant health drain they face.

The overall theme is likely to be one of support-based risk/reward - it costs you a lot and puts you at risk of dying to a stray bullet to get a defensive point established, but once up, you have a good shot at holding that space, potentially even growing your zone of protection over time.  But, especially in solo play, the more you rely on things like turrets, the less targets you'd have for something like a lifesteal melee to recover your dwindling health reserves, meaning that the better a defense point you have, the harder it is to maintain - but it also means that the harder it is to maintain, the better it'll be at holding off swarms of foes from a Defense target, or ensuring constant supply of life support in a Survival mission.  Balancing your ability to recover health with the amount you spend keeping your building-minions alive is the key, and knowing how that balance interacts with the presence of other frames (e.g, a Broberon's AoE healing ability can let you extend your base a bit further and repair your current building-minions, but only as long as energy is available to do so) adds additional dynamics to master for late-game teamplay use.

Almost definitely a frame with a primarily-health based pool, although given the amount of health you lose creating and maintaining building-minions, having a small shield (maybe affected by your Armor value, to add potential for late-game scaling such that it's actually useful for more than a single stray bullet) would be extremely useful for engaging in combat without throwing away your resources for construction.  That said, I could equally see a case for a small-to-medium health pool, paired with larger & more durable shields like Hildryn's, with the idea being that a dedicated heal frame won't be quite as OP - your health is a building resource rather than a combat one & you want to save your health-regen for when it'll help keep your minions alive or aid in creating new ones.

As for the imagery associated with this frame, something somewhere in-between Nidus, Rhino, and perhaps Hildryn, with suggestions of past sacrifices - definitely a larger frame, with infested overtones of exposed Technocyte or the likes, but also fairly well-armored, with obvious cracks & scars in said armor to indicate the locations of past splits from whence minions were created.  A tireless defender at any cost, able to tank the damage for their teammates, sacrifice parts of themselves to create useful living structures, and generally hold down a space to protect their team.  No matter how grim the situation may be, this frame's got your back, even if it's coming at great cost to them.  Not sure of anything beyond that, though.

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A Warframe "Robot transformer", its story could be about some unknown or recovered cephalon with knowledge in IA Corpus, it could have skills like taking out its own weapons or even transforming into some destruction machine, for example something like an Ambulas or a flying drone like the Raptors.

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Id Like to see a Frame that is a rival or direct competitor of another frame. Like Excals rival swordsman, or a captain to rival Hydroid. They could have similar abilities or something that is reminiscent of their rival, Such as a Exalted dual sword for excals rival, or a Whale for Hydroids.


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A frame based around using your entire arsenal. They could summon copies of weapons that you do not currently have equipped for a short time, this would probably need to be random or perhaps from a small list. They could do crazy things with them, like using a gun as a melee weapon, throwing them at enemies, causing them to explode, etc. Another idea is to have them summon other warframes as armor or to block fire. I would love to see someone running around with a bunch of ethereal skanas being flung at enemies.

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Ok this is really basic but I would like to see a frame that masters the power of shadows, like maybe entering walls and moving freely, or reaching enemies with their shadows. The frame herself could possibly have a shadow copying its own spells. I think there is a lot of idea to exploit on it 

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Kinda wanna see like a tribal based warframe, his specialty weapons could be like a bow and either a spear and or a Macuahuitl club weapon. You could design him with like a golden feel almost like he was pulled from the legends of the golden cities of the native americans. His powers could have like a sacrificial power that grants bonuses, he could have some like sun god boost and just general native lore for him. His quest could feature around like going through a temple or pyramid the grineer have found and are pillaging. You could like stave them off and when you have done it enough the temple grants you access to a BP of him and from that you have to raid ships to find the parts the grineer have already stolen.

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A metamorph based frame would be so awesome to see ingame. 

With every ability toggle based you could transform into animals, enemies or other npcs.


You could transform, for example, into some new warframe animals to gain buffs, like massive damage boost (transforms into a bear or similar), heal for self and allies (transforms into a flower/plant with no mobility to encourage teamplay hahaha)


Even an ability where you shoot a target with a usb thing and can metamorph into the target, this could give us so many options.

Imagine for example transforming into a ballista to do a kuva spy mission passing next to every single enemy xD

And not only for enemy transformations, but for allies. In a mission where you know how to play all the roles but you don't know what to use (eidolon hunt for example), just bring this warframe and transform into volt, rhino, trinity or whatever you see more useful in every moment.


So many oportunities. 

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Imagine an aggressive were-kubrow themed Warframe. One who stalks the battlefields, stalking, and hunting down the weaker low health enemies until none survive. Squads of Grineer, cut to ribbons, nothing but Corpus scraps left lying about, and puddles of the Infestion just left to rot. The howls of this Warframe, sounding much like a cross between a man and a wild kubrow, would send any enemy into a panic as they know it this Warframe does not hunt alone. 

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I think it would be cool to see a literal Fashion Frame. Like the way I would imagine it working is, it could have a base 'bare' form that you see in your orbiter and when you start a mission, and then based on what ability it's using it changes its 'costume.' In my head they would be mutually exclusive sustained abilities (like, if 2 is going, hitting 3 would cancel it and start up the 3 ability with the corresponding 3 'costume') and perhaps the 'costumes' themselves could be customized the same way you customize Octavia's Mandachord tune.

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I would like to recommend a Spider Warframe.

Reason: For as far back as people can remember, there was always an innate fear of many animals, with spiders being some of the most hated. As spiders strike fear in plenty of humans, so too do Warframes strike fear in their enemies. As Warframe looks towards mythology and other sources for ideas, I think spiders would fit this theme well. Spiders appear in mythology a lot and have been an important part of a lot of legends. Such examples are Arachne, a Grecian weaver turned "mother of spiders" monster by the goddess Athena, and Uttu, the ancient Sumerian goddess of weaving who was envisioned as a spider (as her name was used to spell spider). Even in the modern age, the mention of names like Black Widows, Brown Recluses, or even (harmless) tarantulas are even to keep anyone from visiting a location. Along with the "natural ability" for spiders to "disappear" when not looked at even for a second, I believe it would fit nicely in the game of Warframe. Spiders do more than just lay eggs and craft devilish webs, so a myriad of abilities could be created and a Spider Warframe can easily fit into any role that would be needed, given that the DE team would be kind enough to consider this theme.

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A "Shifting" warframe.

All of his abilities are based in shifting the battlefield, moving allies and himself or maybe moving the enemy. Bending the trajectory of bullets. Shifting his enemies armor type or his own health/shield.


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An insect themed warframe. Optera (from "wing"). The deadly hunter, the winged terror, Ballas taking influence from the smallest animals to fight the Orokin's greatest threat.

There are so many directions and influences one could take for the abilities and look. You could pick from any of the following (and probably plenty of stuff that was left out): limited flight, some kind of bombardier beetle AOE attack ability, a defensive carapace armor type deal, a temporary metamorphosis (possibly into said limited flight form), summoning a swarm of insects, a burrowing ability, a stinging ability, advanced wall latching/crawling, a blood sucking ability to heal, etc.

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