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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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I guess i'd like to see a Runic warframe, one that uses things like Runes for certain abilities, buffs or elemental damages

I'd believe his name could be Dek, as it is Runic for Harmony. This could make sense as you'll be using runes in harmony with each other as a way of getting different buffs or maybe getting compound elemental damage (gas, corrosive, viral, blast, etc...) by using multiple runes at once.

Maybe it could look like some sort of scholar with a focus around books for the runes they use and have a book in a sling over their shoulder as a main focus for their design.


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I apologise if this has already been posted, I haven't read everything on here

Theme: Strings
Think the manipulation and creation of wafer thin, razor sharp strings. They could be used to grab or throw enemies and build constructs to either protect allies or trap "prey".
The Warframe could have previously be used by the Orokin to create public artworks which would be a "live event" as it changes and moves around the crowds. The Warframe would be an entertainer rather than a warrior. But behind the scenes, they would carry out assassinations against "political enemies" for the higher ups. 

We have Warframes that have the healer, swordsman, musician and priest themes, why not have an artist as well? But not just the traditional paintings, but a new contemporary type of art. 

Inspiration would be Doflamingo from One Piece, Walter from Hellsing as well as the artist Gabriel Dawe.

An example of the Gabriel Dawe's artwork:

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A  Black hole warframe

ultimate ability could be it sucks in enemies in a surrounding area (since black holes suck in light, the lights in the map could flicker a bit) 

another could be event horizon (shortened probably) where time stops or slows since they seem to alter time the closer you get to them. He/she could have an ability where the closer an enemy is to the warframe the slower time gets/stops.


also would be really cool if they had 4 arms

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"Sarge" - Grineer-themed frame

Why: We have a couple of Infestation-themed frames (Nidus & Saryn) and a few that seem aligned with Corpus tech (Hildryn, Vauban, Gauss), but none that really cleave to the Grineer. The closest would be something like Rhino or Ember, but that's pretty thin. 

World tie-in: We know that the Grineer (or their forebears) existed in a non-degenerate form at the time of the Old War / creation of the Warframes and weere the primary ground forces of the Orokin / origin system, so it seems natural that there would have been a frame built with them in mind- even if they were outmatched by the Sentients, there were still a TON of them. A frame designed to lead a Grineer platoon (or more), either by taking point or taking more of a field commander role.

Look: Chunky Grineer-style armor, Clem-style helmet? Camouflage. 

Abilitiy ideas:

  • A group buff? Short term status clear / immunity to shore up their resistance to corrosive? A SC2-style stim pack steroid? A deployable ammo station like you see in Grineer camps in the Plains? A headshot attractor to deal with their Imperial Marksmanship School issues?
  • Maybe Grineer eximus styled abilities? The cold bubble or the big flame wave or a Nox cloud? Maybe even the ability to rotate between them to fit the situation?
  • Tactical deployables? Gun emplacements, inflatable walls, arc traps, latchers, rollers, grenades, ziplines, door sensors, hyekka master floor fire, AoE Scorpion pull, Commander teleport... Lots of options here.
  • Active support abilities? Charge to an ally and grant damage immunity or DR or overshield? Called focus fire target that marks and gives damage boost against it? Charge/Retreat style MS boost with DR and/or a damage boost?
  • Selfish abilities? Hellion jetpack? Bombard mortar? Manic mode- stim yourself up and gain speed / damage / phasing invis that lasts until you run out of energy?
  • Passives? Passive buff to allied units? Something gun-oriented, -recoil or +reload or something? 
  • Maybe your ideas are better than mine?

Signature weapon: Bashing / throwable riot shield using the pistol + glaive code, or a redeemer-style gunblade-and-shield? Maybe a launcher or something with an AoE buff on alt fire?

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Warframe name: S.W.A.T the weapons specialist Warframe

Physical imagery: has a male frame much like Ash, and give a default color pattern of Black and metallic gray. his spinal appearance will look that of different weapons constantly fluxing between each other in a fluid substance. S.W.A.T will have a face like trinity but more masculine.

suggested abilities:

Juggernauts Riot passive: after landing a heavy attack or head shot on an enemy a juggernaut counter will appear 

ability 1: (consume 2 counter per 10 seconds active) causes all tenno including yourself to gain momentum counters which increase speed exponentially depending on your speed the more you run, reaching a maximum of 50 momentum counters. once the effected tenno reach 50 momentum counters when you slam into a wall it will make a sonic impact.

ability 2: forges a immobile usable mini gun (consumes 10 juggernaut counters)

ability 3: (20 juggernaut counters) takes out a shield, this provokes all enemies in a 50 meter radius and has 140 degree block angle

ability 4: (50 juggernaut counters) makes the perfect gun blade (plays music)


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How about a Yuumi Warframe. XD 

Able to 'possess' other warframes or enemies, Buffing Allies, or using an enemy like a puppet. Who doesnt want to be a grineer roller XD 

Could be more light / holy /  cute based similar to yuumi. offering just buffs with no downsides.

Or maybe more dark themed such as loses health passively and needs to feed on enemies or 'sustain' on alliies and maybe drains health after prolonged 'cling time'. buffs maybe similar to corrupted mods. Can be built to buff allies with negatives similar to Blind rage and such. While possessing enemies you can move un-noticed until alarms are set off. 

#edit, Would be cool for a support to be able to entirely focus on supporting and not worrying about bulletjump-double jump-dodge-slide- repeat haha plus for some players that can't comprehend this dominant movement could just latch onto someone and enjoy the scenery (like limbo realm, have backflip disable latch or something) 

At work so didnt get too long to try write ideas down. Might do a more indepth post later on down the track.yuumi-lol-splash

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There are lots of good Ideas, I dont know if these have been posted or if this will be seen but here we go.

Plague doctor: Warframe that specializes in resistances to status procs and buffing allies.

Witch: Warframe that uses magic, first ability you can toggle between elements that shoot out, fire, ice and general damage. (my favorite)

Mimic frame: there are so many interesting ideas with this and there are too many to list.

Spider frame: a warframe that can go on the ceiling can create some interesting strategies.

Slime frame: I don't know how this one would work but I would love to see how.

Samurai frame: 4th ability 'Kendo' holds weapon in both hands, movement speed slows but damage increases (slight buff when using Nikana)

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Breeder Warframe summon one out of several kinds of animals(dogs, birds, etc.) to fight. 

The main battle is done by this animal using the ability directed by Warframe.

Animals have different abilities depending on the type.


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Gas/Smoke shaman (Grineer style, see below). 

It's pretty much the only one that hasn't been covered, since if you look back at elements + common sword and sorcery classes warframe has managed to pretty much do a good job of covering them all. I'm going to support my submission by dismissing other themes we already have represented.

Think about it, we have: 
Earth (Atlas), sound (Banshee), matter (Nova), Magnetic (Mag), electricity (Volt), heat (Ember) Ice (Frost), toxin (Saryn), glass (Gara), health/blood (Garuda) , water (Hydroid), sand (Inaros), Shields (Hildryn) Psychic (Nyx) air/wind (Zephyr), Day/Night which I think covers light and dark. (Equinox) 

Then we've got Paladin/druid (Oberon), monk (Baruuk), bard (Octavia), fighter (Excal) ninja (Ash), dragon (Chroma), necromancer (Nekros), cannibal (Grendel) ranger/rogue/thief, (Ivara) beastmaster (Khora), cleric (Trinity), priest (Harrow), barbarian/beserker (Valkyr), sorcerer/illusionist (Mirage) trickster (Loki), Wisp (Wisp).

Then we have sentient (Revenant), Corpus/weaponry (Vauban/Protea/Gauss and Infested (Nidus), planar/ethereal (Limbo), Fairy/Pixie (Titania), Sun Wukong (Wukong), Nezha (Nezha), cowboy (Mesa) and dino/beast (Rhino).

Every element in this game (including combined) has been fully represented except for a smoke/gaseous/noxious frame. We have a Corpus and Infested style frame. Saryn takes virus and fungal (spores). Nidus takes bacteria. Ember takes phoenix.  All the bases are covered. 


It's time for gas to shine. We need a gas Shaman.

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A morph based Warframe where it can turn into different animals such as a cat, bird, etc up to four it first ability then the second is a buffing ability that can be give to teammates that do different things like better vision(target highlighting) speed and agility or something else that compliments some other ability then the 3 ability can steel some abilities from different warframe's and enemies like for example corpus has shield bubble or ancient healers healing the 4th ability will probably be like some sort of pacification where they go in to a berserker mode that they get like animal claws as an exalted weapon this is just a concept

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Animal themed Warframe

Warframe design would look like a Lion head, eagle wings, tail with a snake head, strong badger arms and legs

High armor, medium health, no shields 


Lion pounce

-tackles an enemy doing x damage, scares nearby enemies (similar to Nekros terrify), and restores health. Pride Mentality augment mod heals nearby teammates. If enemy survives, he will turn and run setting up a finisher.

Eagle flight

-launches Warframe high into the air and hovers for a few seconds. Enemies are more visible and can be marked for teammates or extra damage if Lion Pounce is activated.

Snake slither

-makes the Warframe invisible and enemy heat signatures can be seen through walls based on range. Casting ability again poisons nearby enemies. Enemies can be marked for teammates or extra damage when Lion Pounce is activated. Forward movement is 50% faster while side movement is 50% slower. Rattlesnake augment mod “rattles” to attracts nearby enemies when ability is held.

Badger resistance

-Speed is reduced by 75%, nearby enemies are attracted to Warframe, and all damage is absorbed which affects the next ability used (stronger pounce, higher flight, longer invisibility). Honey badger augment mod grants extra armor to you and nearby teammates.

I went for a well rounded Warframe where abilities affect each other, abilities provide benefits to allies, tank and damage abilities, flight is useful in open worlds, and slither is useful in places with low ceilings and walls.

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Nerve- The Nano Bot/ Micro Bot Warframe.

Nerve basically controls micro bots. More energy = more bots he can control. Possibly can place bots into hacking systems to hack faster. And place bots into teammates for a amour buff. The Warframe itself is pretty skinny but as you walk around bots stick on to it. Making it seem more bulky.

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Paracelsus, the Mad Alchemist

Legends speak of a craven, mad figure that roamed the Origin system. A collector of minerals, herbs and local fauna. A scientist it called itself, yet all that saw its disheveled robes could only see a raving madman. A pinch of this, a quart of that. Distill the product and purify the crystals. Tinctures and concoctions were its trade, strange drugs and eerie cocktails traded for passage, goods and occasionally just for free. One gambled by imbibing these substances, some found themselves cured of all ailments while others found their forms weakening till they were naught but dust. No matter the result, intended or not, it was always observed, logged and contemplated. A true scientist's work, no matter how fruitless or esoteric it seemed, was never finished...

Beware Tenno, for it was curiosity that killed the cat... 

As a chemist in real life, I absolutely love the idea of an eccentric mad scientist or alchemist frame with a fraying yet resplendent biotech labcoat, test tubes and flasks clinking in clasps on its chest. Something must have laid the foundations of these strange chemicals we use in Warframe. There are always people crazy enough to want to mix everything together, burn them, boil them then mix them again. I'd love to see some weird Ability system where Paracelsus can mix different tinctures together to deliver offensive poisons or curing compounds for allies. Heck, make his 4th ability brandishing a Philosopher Stone to turn enemies into gold. 

A crazy scientist Frame could also be linked story-wise with other characters such as Alad V or Tyl Regor as they too are those who have dabbled with dark sciences. Perhaps they want the blueprints to advance their research? Or to one-up the other? However it is done, I'm sure I'd love it. 

Thanks for reading! 


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Hecate/Circe (The Arcane Witch)

Hecate/Circe is a energy based warframe. She harness the power of pure Tenno psychic energy by channeling it through magic circles. She is a support/control frame that can repulse enemies (Draining Burst) or slow them down by stretching the fabric of time (Time Stretch) and can have a tremendous amount of stacked energy with her ability Draining Burst and Mana Pool which could look a little like Barruk's Desolate Hand with floating energy colored orbs instead of daggers. Arcane Cannon is a two-state laser to procure Hecate a good damaging ability that could "auto-aim" enemies.

All the following info is as an example and should be rebuilt with more knowledge of the maths and mechanics of the game to balance it with other warframe.

Witch hat
Maybe a melee weapon that looks like a magic staff.
Maybe a signature weapon that works around consuming energy

Mastery rank: 0
Health: 100(300 at rank 30)
Shield: 100(300 at rank 30)
Armor: 75
Energy: 125(200 at rank 30)
Sprint speed: 0.85
Polarities: 1•Vazarin, 1•Madurai
Exilus polarity: none
Aura polarity:

-Skills nullifying and energy draining effects dont affect Hecate.
-As long as Hecate's energy bar is full, each energy spheres creates an additional energy source. (Max: defined by Mana Pool's maximum number of energy sources.)

1-Draining Burst:
Cost: 25
Visual: Particles coming from each fingertips forms a palm sized magic circle in each palm as Hecate's arms describe a circle finishing besides each sides of her hips pointing in front and a burst of energy explodes in a cone before her propulsing enemies.
Effects: Deal 25/35/40/50 impact damage in a burst of energy in a cone of 45°/90°/135°/180° and 10m long to enemies toppling them and converting 5%/10%/15%/20% of total damage to energy gain.

2-Mana Pool:
Cost: (20%/20%/10%/10%)/second
Visual: As if she was a dueling cowboy, Hecate's hands cast two little bigger supperposed magic circles that expands for 1 second on each sides between her hips and her hands to finally vanish in a particle effect.
Effects: Drain 20%/20%/10%/10% energy to place it in up to 4/5/8/10 divided energy source floating around Hecate. Mana Pool's cooldown is 1 second and maintaining the skill creates 1 energy sources every second. Hecate can then consume an energy source at the same rate by activing the skill while a source or more is active to grant 75%/100%/150%/200% of the stored energy to herself or an ally if the reticles target one.

3-Arcane Cannon:
Cost: 75
Visual: Holding her two hands in front of her with palms opened toward the front casting a double magic circle in front of her as much as big as her. Holding the position, a laser as big as the magic circle shoot out and Hecate can then aim by moving her hand's. If held, she moves her magic circle over her head and a salve of magic missiles spawns from the middle of the circle.
Effects: A huge laser dealing 10/15/20/25 explosion damage per tick with a controllable angle for 2/3/4/5 seconds or by maintaining the skill for a second a salve of magic ballistic missiles dealing 50/60/75/100 explosion damage targeting each enemies within a 15m/20m/25m/30m radius.

4-Time Stretch:
Visual: A palmed sized magic circle forms in Hecate's left hand and, targeting the floor under her, she almost hits the ground with her opened palm creating a glowing impact wave that stops by revealing a huge magic circle on the floor.
Effects: Huge magic circle slowing down everything of 60%/70%/80%/90%. Hecate and allies within it get a bonus of +25%/35%/45%/60% on fire rate and on melee attack speed. Every projectiles are slowed down too.

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Scurrying up the spouts of unsuspecting Grineer war machines, this is [NAME]. The spider. The feared. She carries with her webbing of sticky and malleable sword-steel, a potent bite, and a terror that invokes primal nightmares. Her many eyes pierce the shadows as easily as her venomous fangs pierce through shield and armor alike. She is able to lunge at a single enemy, piercing them with her fangs which poison them with a relentless lethal toxin. If the bite itself does not immediately slaughter her prey, the burning venom will.

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Berserker type frame.
It should be a big bulky frame with good armor stats.
It's not meant to be squishy frame.
If possible try to make him have something that resembles a big beard like the berserkers.
(northen mythology) Or an animal inspired helmet. (wolf or bear would fit the theme
if you go that route.)

As for lore/background:
The Orokin used the cephalon to study great wariors on earth back in te day.
They found Berserkers and started making a frame that would be as strong and powerfull
as the wariors of old.

If there has to be quests involved let it be something that "test" the Berserker power.
And maybe make it a new questline (like harrow and inaros had a unique questline)

General BP can either be obtained in the market or...
Do a custom arena fight with a "virtuel version of the berserker frame.
This frame will be lvl 30 but no mods. (but don't make it as hard as the grendel quests please)
Weapons: one out the 3 weapons that come with the frame.
Primairy: Bow: A bow that has to be strong enough for a berserker and thus packs quite a punch.
Secondairy: Trowing axes: (I mean we have trowing knives why not axes it fits the theme)
Melee: 2handed heavy axe.
Completing this mission gives you the BP of The berserker Frame.
This Quest most be completed to get acces to the other quest for the chasis/system/neuroptic BP.

Heavy axe/weapon only survival lvl 40 and up for 15 or 20 minutes. Maybe against infested so
the player will be "overwhelmed" by the mobs. 
Completing this grants you the chasis BP. + Melee weapon BP.

Learn and adapt to modern combat gear:
Sniper only mission.
Maybe on PoE. Kill x number of enemy with headshots at 150+ meter.
Completing this will grant the Systems BP. + Primairy weapon BP.

Learn tactics. Use brains not just brawn:
Corpus Spy mission lvl 30 or 40 without raising alarms in the computer rooms.
Completing this will grant the Neuroptics BP. + Secondairy BP.

Heavy axe. (heavy weapon) attack speed increased. It moves as fast as a normal 1 handed sword.
(Think all heavy weapons might be to much of a buff so only heavy axes)

1st abillity:
Trowing axe: (25 energy cost)
Trows an axe at aimed target.
With a special syndicate mod it might have a elemental damage (say Toxin) alongside IPS damage.

2nd abillity:
Enraged: (75 energy cost)
For a set duration of time: the following buffs:
halves damage taken, increase atk speed/fire rate.
With a special syndiate mod it increases both stats even more but halves the active time.

3rd abillity:
Battle Clearity: (50 energy cost)
for a set duration recovers a small amount of health.
(say 10% of health per 1 or 2 seconds restore)
With a special syndicate mod it will also give this buff to nearby players.

4th Abillity:
Exalted Axe: (drains x amount of energy per second)
Even more atk spead.
Good damage (mainly slash)
Good range.
I mean it's an exalted weapon it should be good. right?
With a special Syndicate mod you will be invincible but your atk speed is decreased
significantly. (can't be boosted with mods like berserker.. hehe how ironic)

Sorry for the long post and the hundred of grammar mistakes.

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