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Too fast?


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Hi all, 

I got this game about 3 weeks ago and have been absolutely loving it. I'm MR5 now and have made it to Pluto, but I've been finding it incredibly difficult to progress on the star chart at this point. My question is, did I move too quickly through the game? Should I go back and fully complete other planets to get my MR up? Something tells me I should not be on Pluto at MR5. 

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2 minutes ago, xerimoz said:

Hi all, 

I got this game about 3 weeks ago and have been absolutely loving it. I'm MR5 now and have made it to Pluto, but I've been finding it incredibly difficult to progress on the star chart at this point. My question is, did I move too quickly through the game? Should I go back and fully complete other planets to get my MR up? Something tells me I should not be on Pluto at MR5. 

For starters, MR is completely meaningless.

What you need are mods. Find 'em, and upgrade 'em.

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Mastery Rank itself is not a very reliable indicator of a player's capability; i've seen low mastery guys wiping the floor with their enemies at high level missions. What could be happening to you is that maybe you didnt take the time yet to properly build you gear. My suggestion is, find a warframe and some weapons that you really like, get some good mods, look for good builds for each of them, and take your time to build them up. Once you are done, you will see a big difference in your missions, trust me.

Edited by General-Pacman
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Post your mod configuration and guns.

Even if some weapons are locked behind the same mastery rank, they can vary greatly, some guns can't be saved no matter what while others will do great on the star chart even with just a few basic mods.

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MR means nothing in skills or strength really ^.^ its just a hint at how much stuff you maxed rank ^.^

if you struggle maybe you need to take a look at your builds for corpus because the shields may be a pain.

On the other hand clearing all planets on the starchart is always a good thing when quests show up you are sure to be able to acess the proper nodes.

Speaking of quests have you done the second dream ?

Wait where are my manners ! Welcome to the forums Tenno ^.^ 

Edited by trunks013
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for starters:

  • mr doesn't mean too much, except the number of the weapons you have mastered and the weapons that you have unlocked (there's some weapons locked by mastery, like syndicate ones), but you should look at it, since it can increase the standing cap for syndicantes, trades and some other stuffs too
    if you can, at least try get mr 16, after that its optional since everything you need to unlock will be available for you, but still need to be acquired by its own way, being mods, warframes, weapons...
  • yeah, you did go an bit too fast, now its time for you to adjust your equipment by: applying orokin reactor in your favorite warframes, orokin catalyst in your favorite weapons or the ones that has future (like the shotgun Hek, which has the unique mod Scattered Justice from Steel Meridian), searching for the mod Auras (mods that apply team buff, mostly acquired in nightwave wares, like Energy Siphon, Rejuvenation, Steel Charge...), increasing the basic mod's level (Serration, Hornet Strike, elemental mods like Malignant Force, critical chance/damage mods like Vital Sense, Point Strike...), gathering Forma... an lot of Forma
    the grind just started
    if you are gathering stuff, try on fissures, so you can open relics at same time and sell prime parts for platinum... or build for yourself
  • cleaning planets should help you, definitively, since you can use resource drones on completed planets to harvest some resources from time to time
    make 6 resource drones and you can alternate to avoid their destruction, so you can use without worries
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You should get an Ignis and a Rhino, those two combined should be able to clear most of the star chart with ease, perfect beginner build

Modify Rhino for armor+str for more survivability, Ignis for elemental damage+status, then do survival, excavation or defense for relics

Use the relics to get prime parts which you can either use or sell for plats (or buy plats from DE directly), then use those plats to buy the stuff you need from other players

IIRC you need to join a clan to get the Ignis blueprint, so just join recruitment chat and /w anyone who's recruiting new meat into their moon/mountain sized clan with everything researched

Your MR also limits how many times you can trade one day, so consider the value of one transaction before you sell or buy

Edited by Sovyul
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1 hour ago, xerimoz said:

Hi all, 

I got this game about 3 weeks ago and have been absolutely loving it. I'm MR5 now and have made it to Pluto, but I've been finding it incredibly difficult to progress on the star chart at this point. My question is, did I move too quickly through the game? Should I go back and fully complete other planets to get my MR up? Something tells me I should not be on Pluto at MR5. 

Welcome young Tenno!

The two tips I always give new players are...

1. Don't rank up your "broken" mods. Find replacements and rank those up as the broken ones don't go as high.

2. When modding weapons don't forget about your elemental damage as roughly a third of your damage output comes from those.

Modding your frame and weapons are the key to progressing to the harder content in the game. Look at builds on https://overframe.gg to see what sort of mods you should be looking for and either use the wiki (https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki) or a drop list (https://drops.warframestat.us/) to find out where to get them.

Your sprint over the star chart makes me think you are missing some fairly critical mods, or at least the endo to upgrade them.

Rhino is a good starter frame and is a real all-rounder so I would definitely look into getting him from killing The Jackal on Venus (the main Blueprint can be bought in the market for credits). He is also one of the frames that will teach you to read up on abilities carefully as many frame abilities have things that aren't immediately obvious. One example is his health cannot be damaged when he uses his charge (1st ability) and another is that when you activate Iron Skin for the first few seconds you are invulerable (though knockbacks and grapples still work) and any damage you take increases Iron Skin's health pool. Get yourself an Iron Shrapnel augment (don't level it up, the damage isn't worth the points) and you can pop your Iron Skin rather than waiting for it to run out at an inconvenient time and re-cast so you can make better use of that damage soak up.

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Reaching Pluto at MR 5 is about normal at this point of how the Game is designed. The difficulty is mostly from having Weapons falling off that the point you reached. There’s better Weapons you can get at higher MR of course but that is if you are ranking up stuff.

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