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Amesha's Warding Grace Not Working on Railjack Enemies (Fixed)


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since the update ive gone into railjack earth to get the new scans on the finally released kosma elites only to find the amesha slow isnt working as it was. it either only slowed for a single instant, didnt slow at all, or i had to literally be touching the ship. re-deployed multiple times from both my ship and crew to see if it would correct it to no avail. for ref, my amesha is max range/strength/efficiency and duration. also im 9 in all intrinsics. 

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Still have yet to test this on Xbox but now Amesha's 3rd on Ps4 does not work on railjack enemies... If this is simply a bug hopefully this will be fixed soon however if this is intentional not only is this a mega nerf in general but its also a huge downright middle finger to someone like me who prefers to play railjack solo.... 


EDIT: Tested Amesha on Pandora Saturn  Ps4 and Amesha's 3rd isn't working on any enemies, I'll test this on Xbox soon

EDIT 2: Same thing is happening on Xbox too, from what it looks like its a big hopefully they fix this ASAP! 

Edited by (XB1)Kuva Queen
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Several threads on this already and I'm beyond upset that this is happening. I don't see any PC users complaining with their update so looks like console related only with Amesha's Warding Grace not slowing anything.

The sad news is that since all DE staff are working from home, I'm not sure if they are equipped or are able to fix it via a hotfix or submit to cert.

None of the staff have acknowledged this bug yet and that's worrisome in itself. I've seen them acknowledged some PC bugs and Switch bugs but not this.

DE if you're reading this, kindly send at least an acknowledgement or how you're going bro tackle this issue. Thanks.

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After PS4 update 27.2.2 on Tuesday 3/17/20, a clanmate and I were playing a railjack mission, I believe it was Ruse War Field in veil proxima. The Amesha 3rd ability Warding Grace did not work at all. Fighters moved at normal speeds regardless of having the ability on or off. Both of us tried it and nothing happened. We went into another mission to see if it was a fluke and again it did not work. Hopefully this is a bug and can be resolved quickly.

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Since the last update on PS4, during a Railjack game with one of my Clanmate, my friend says me "Amesha don't slows enemies with the 3rd". I've tested and he's right, Amesha can't slows enemies with her 3rd ability, making me really hard to scans new Kosma Elite Units on Earth Proxima, and enemies are really hard to shoot ( due to bullets' travel-time for Arch-Guns, and enemies flying really fast...)

Hope this help for a patch, especially before Operation : Scarlet Spear.

I've a clip for you DE (in French but you can see the ability in action)


Edited by (PS4)Crazy_Mr_J
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