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Forma changes


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1 hour ago, Highresist said:

Wtf are you talking about. The question was stupid, answering it is meaningless, yes Destiny has problems, but they are not Warframe scale problems 😄 . Destiny has good progression, satisfying rewards and immagine that - actual endgame content.

Destiny is also not a Warframe scale game. You know this, because you're still here caring enough to hate on it. If Warframe was irredeemable, you'd have ignored and left it ages ago. But, if the alternative is truly more worth your emotional investment and personal interest, it stands to reason you'd be in that community. Hence me asking.

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7 minutes ago, Highresist said:

Wtf are you talking about. The question was stupid, answering it is meaningless, yes Destiny has problems, but they are not Warframe scale problems 😄 . Destiny has good progression, satisfying rewards and immagine that - actual endgame content.

Keep deluding yourself.  I played all the way through destiny from day 1 and recently gave up destiny 2 and you keep cherry picking "what you like" and letting the festering pile of CRAP that it still has out of your vision.   You are not being honest or genuine.   Both games have SERIOUS flaws.   All persistent online games do.  There is not one that doesn't.   The whole grass, looking, greener, and other side...always true.     If destiny 2 is so great why are you still here?   


Edited by Chappie1975
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One thing that we do get from having to start over on Frames and Weapons, is a forced reason to interface with anything other than it at it's best. When you have to use a gun (a limited number of times) in a less than ideal state, you must try to get to know how it works in order to level it. Same with frames.. knowing how to survive while you only have your one, shows you why it's in the game in the first place.

Warframe does not hold our hand; it is up to us to learn how to do things.. and they set it up so that we're given extreme controlled disadvantages with weapons and frames, to learn the details about how they work at their core, before it becomes a future no-effort cheese machine. You may disagree with the design decision because of attention span, execution, free time, general feel.. whatever the case... but like a musician practicing a song slowed down with a metronome, you learn it slow while it's still difficult, and it eases into being full speed with practice.

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1 hour ago, Chappie1975 said:

Keep deluding yourself.

There's no need to assail them for their opinions, or question their character. This is a game, after all.. and no amount of fundamental attribution error or character assassination is necessary. Bear in mind, you will always find people who you may feel to be highly or deliberately disagreeable in a videogame forum.. it's more the nature of the demographic and the over attachment to the medium, than it is a fault that we have any right or reason to assume.

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14 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

Destiny is also not a Warframe scale game. You know this, because you're still here caring enough to hate on it. If Warframe was irredeemable, you'd have ignored and left it ages ago. But, if the alternative is truly more worth your emotional investment and personal interest, it stands to reason you'd be in that community. Hence me asking.

Again you are making the conclusion that I care about one game more than the other, based on what? That I post on the forums once in a while? In that case, I must be fanatic about WoW, where I have over 15k posts, but I don't play the game since 2017 😄 . 
I suggest you stop with the first year physic eveluations and focus on the points people make. Warframe in its current state is repetative timesink with no gameplay value other than looking pretty. Every new content update is the same old - do this 15000 times in order to collect power that you are never going to need, because there is no content for it.
For real, people run 5x3 hunts, which supposedly is the only "endgame" content in the game. with 223 amps.

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2 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

... but like a musician practicing a song slowed down with a metronome, you learn it slow while it's still difficult, and it eases into being full speed with practice.

Here is the thing...how many people who pick up an instrument go in thinking "oh crap, I have years of constant effort before I don't suck"...almost none.  They all have dreams of grandeur thinking "I'll be banging 10's and snorting cocaine with 100 dollar bills before I know it".    Then they go into classes and find it boring so instructors come up with stuff to keep them entertained rather than teaching/training.  That is a core problem that people want the "get it quick" or "optimal solution" right away and completely and totally miss out on the journey and the wisdom that comes with it.  

Had a conversation the other day with somebody asking how I got "so fast" at a half ironman...I told him about 500 hours per year of training.   There are no short cuts in most of life...but people love their "life hacks" it seems.   If there was a shortcut to getting good, professional athletes would not spend 20+ hours week in and week out training....unless every single one of them on the face of the planet is wrong.    

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1 hour ago, Highresist said:

based on what

You're here. It matters at least some what to you to be sinking yourself into it.. but whatever. We're gonna disagree, you're gonna think I'm an idiot.. so be it. This pointless derailing back and forth has gone on too long. You and I have not a single hope of anything to resolve, or a line of dialogue to advance. I'm thoroughly over us fueling each other in this futile and meaningless spiral. Take care, now.

Side note, my sincere apologies to OP. This thread has turned to crap derails, and namecalling.. and I had large a role in that momentum.

Edited by kapn655321
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10 hours ago, Chappie1975 said:

Had a conversation the other day with somebody asking how I got "so fast" at a half ironman...I told him about 500 hours per year of training.   There are no short cuts in most of life...but people love their "life hacks" it seems. 

Don't pretend you had never used any of the high exp nodes or that you actually pay attention when you relevel a weapon or a frame for the 6th time. Also, please don't compare professional athletes to a game that has no competative aspect whatsoever, unless you want to argue that the butt of all Warframe jokes - Conclave is an actual competative content.

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Formaing stuff is a pretty tedious process and the fault is not forma itself, but the affinity distribution system. It's amazing that LEECHING is the fastest way to level up your weapons and abusing the stealth kill multiplier to level up your frame. 

What I want is kills grant 100% affinity to everything you equipped, no bullcrap 25% to frame and 75% to weapons, 50% weapon and 50% frame. This will encourage active gameplay in leveling.

Also all factions should have similar affinity aswell. There is a reason why Grineer nodes are the most populated ones because they grant the most affinity. Why not boost Infested and Corpus to be the same level as grineer too?

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6 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

Formaing stuff is a pretty tedious process and the fault is not forma itself, but the affinity distribution system. It's amazing that LEECHING is the fastest way to level up your weapons and abusing the stealth kill multiplier to level up your frame. 

What I want is kills grant 100% affinity to everything you equipped, no bullcrap 25% to frame and 75% to weapons, 50% weapon and 50% frame. This will encourage active gameplay in leveling.

Also all factions should have similar affinity aswell. There is a reason why Grineer nodes are the most populated ones because they grant the most affinity. Why not boost Infested and Corpus to be the same level as grineer too?

I just wish re-leveling was only applied to potatoes and not forma.

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15 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

How you, or any other mr28 with 250 hrs approach the game is their own business. Don't confuse it with mine.

Some mighty words from someone with 90% of gear passive lvled in ESO or Hydron.

15 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

Everything that you mentioned is cookie cutter MR grind and I find that more boring than waching paint dry.

They explained how the system works. Glad you find it "boring" & "cookie cutter MR grind".


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16 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

Some mighty words from someone with 90% of gear passive lvled in ESO or Hydron.

I didn't know I was streaming and had viewers. Nice statement.

18 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

They explained how the system works. Glad you find it "boring" & "cookie cutter MR grind".

They explained their approach towards forma and leveling equipment.

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