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Spring 2020 Featured Dojo Contest [Winners Announced]!


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April showers bring a new season and a fresh round of Featured Dojos! Take us on a tour of what your Clan’s hard work has created. Your Dojo could be Featured next!

There will be three winners per Clan tier per platform (20 first place winners in total).

  • PC: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • PS4: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • XB1: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • Switch:  Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon

How to enter:

Decorate your Clan Dojo by yourself or with members of your Clan. Take us on a tour by sharing image(s) and/or a 3 minute video of your Dojo in this thread! Feel free to dive into interior design detail and tell us what went into creating your rooms of art!

We recommend submitting images in a spoiler tab to keep everything organized. Click the icon shown below to make a spoiler box appear in your post:



You must include the following information with your submission:

  • Clan name
  • Clan tier
  • Clan platform
  • Your Clan role (Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions)
  • Feature image of a section of your Dojo that you want to highlight (in addition to any other images or video you choose to include)

Please keep in mind that the winning Dojos will be accessible from the Star Chart. That means that, if you win, all players will be able to access your Clan Dojo at any time!



Winning Clans receive the bronze, silver, or gold contest trophy and massive stockpiles of resources

The number of Resources awarded to each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner is determined by Clan size. See the full list of prizes below:


Featured Dojo Prizes.png

Need an Example?


Clan name: Hungry Ninja
Clan tier: Shadow
Clan platform: PC
Clan role: Founding Warlord
Feature image:



Other Images:









Rules for Submissions:

  • One submission per Clan
  • Must list your Clan’s name, tier, and platform with your entry
  • Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions for the Clan whose Dojo you submit
  • Video tours must not exceed 3 minutes
  • Dojo theme and presentation must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Do not reserve spots in the official contest thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified

Winter 2020 Featured Dojo contest winners are not eligible for the Spring 2020 Featured Dojo contest. They are welcome to enter again in a future round! Please keep in mind that Clans that have never been Featured are given priority.

Rules for Winners:

Given the number of players who will visit Featured Dojos, we have a different standard for content in Featured Dojos than we do for Dojos that aren't open to everyone. We may ask winners to make small changes to their Dojos for the time they are featured based on the following:

  • Nothing vulgar or offensive can be included in Dojos while they are featured on the Star Chart
  • You cannot change your Clan tier until after your Clan Dojo has been featured on the Star Chart
  • Winners who disregard these rules while their Dojo is featured will have their Dojos removed from the Star Chart. If deemed necessary, increased disciplinary action will also be taken

Featured Spots for winners are reserved for May - August 2020.

Each winning Clan will hold a Featured Spot for one month.

Selecting Winners:

After the contest closes, a group of Warframe Community Team members will take one week to review all submissions. Once the top submissions have been chosen, Community Team members will closely review and compare those submissions a second time to select the winners.

We look for creativity and quality. Large structures are impressive, but keep in mind that small details set winning submissions apart from top submissions. Focus on creating an immersive atmosphere with details we can’t ignore. Make your Dojo a testament to your unique Clan!

Winners will be announced on April 30 during our community live stream at twitch.tv/warframe & Mixer.com/PlayWarframe

This contest starts now until April 23 @ 1:00PM ET!

All players from PC, XB1, PS4, and Nintendo Switch can participate!

On 2020-05-01 at 10:51 AM, [DE]Helen said:

Thank you to Warframe Partner and Guest Judge, Ajingom and to all who participated in the Spring 2020 Featured Dojo Contest! Your hard work is magnificent.

You can see the full first place winners reveal on Home Time #6!

Spring 2020 Featured Dojo Contest Winners:


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  • Clan name: CantGetRight 
  • Clan tier: Storm 
  • Clan platform: xboxone 
  • Your Clan role :Founding Warlord /Architect
  • Feature image: 

The rooms you will be previewing are the following! 

Remodeled main hall

Candroc Aviary 

Supply Ship

High Shock Dragon 

Dragon Key Room 

Sea manticore 


I really hope you guys love my architectural structures and I hope we spark inspiration another dojo activist
good luck to everybody entering I’m really going to enjoy seeing what’s out there!!! 

Edited by (XB1)OGPervySage206
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Clan name       : Miau after Tomorrow

Clan tier           : Shadow Clan rank 10

Clan platform   : PC

Clan role          : Founding Warlord and the builder of the entire dojo

Feature image : VIQIbSw.jpg







It was hard for us to vote for a highlight because we have a lot of room’s that are done with TONS of Details and the biggest Problem is that i just can't make a screenshot from the entire room when it's not just one Building in it, we have a casino that have many games that can be used with Ludoplex in them and with many details, a big underground mining zone with separated caves and much more.....

I try to build the entire Dojo like 1 big temple that have the same style in every room, some Rooms that don't look like the Temple (like the mining Zone or Quill Prime) can just be entered with a Transporter, like it's not in the Dojo.

One of the bigger things in 1 of our inspiration halls is our own Void style underground temple it has a big Chandelier and I managed to build an edgy roof with a round window in it without any clipping issues, flickering and open holes, a second stage to look down, a throne, a round stair, big round pillars that used around 35 parts each pillar, fountains with fishes in the basin and much more little things that make the thing for us perfect.

We love the Orokin Void and its own style I used many days to build a Dojo that my clan and I love to see and to use, I started to build a shop that work with a trading post in the ground, I rebuilded all the labs so that they look like a complete new room, I rebuild the connector rooms to cover them complete in pure void style, after that I builded many more things like : a Pet Shop , a Guitar Shop , Santas Home , a Soul transfer machine for the liches ,the robot wars battle area, a bar, Cetus as a primed version, quill as a primed version, our own treasure ship, a meeting room, an Altar room, a crypt, a little gallery, a hall of fame, a complete Casino with many games, a big snow area with underground crystal caves and a grinder for the stones with a house where the resources get stored before they go to the cat castle(other room in the dojo), a Vault section named ''Cat Castle'' with 6 vaults in it (a bank, a gallery of rare things, a single Vault for the Vitus Illumina from the arbitration, a Vault with a big safe door for exclusive stuff [prime noogles], a safe for our treasure boxes that we fill in our mining zone(another room in the dojo), and a room for big boxes to store stuff there) and much more.

Many people come to trade and get lost in the Dojo for a look around and chill there for like 30 minutes - 2 hours just to look the details, im the only one that can decorate with just 1 reason : I HATE WRONG PLACED STUFF, so I place the stuff 100 % Symmetrical and used months to place everything at the perfect place with the perfect rotation and size of the items, without any Holes, clipping issues or wrong rotated, we don't want to build big dragons, robots or stuff like this.

In the room ''Cat Castle'' I builded the ceiling, pillars, stairs, door frames, treasure chests, tables with several hundreds of benches. Catwalk plates are used for the treasure chests as the box, orokin column are used as a part of the walls and I created with it a round tower for the stairs. I used many things in other ways for all the details ,that's too much to list up everything.

We have the clan Treasury in Cetus Prime, you can use them at the void consoles and you can look inside them (you can see it in the pictures) and in the Altar Room we have the Ascension Altar and I used it to honor some of my clan members 🙂

The Room '' Loki Market'' was created for the first time we were featured, there people can make a private shop (with pressing [Q]), so that they can stay there and sell some stuff and don't need to post anything, like Maroo's Bazaar.
There are 16 shops with different offers so everyone is unique and people can look what they wanna sell 😉
i covert the Loki in the middle, the second level, the elevator and the other 3 holes in the middle.

And there is a lot more 🙂 just as a little info we used alone 4.5k orokin benches in more than 40 different ways just to give the dojo the same look and that's not just with that item 😉

I have a bunch of pictures for you and I hope you recognize all the little details.

The last Album show a special room it show all the Season stuff like Noggles and ornaments, the main room is to show of, the cooler thing in this room is, that you can walk in a picture and enter a secret hallway, that brings you to a long stair that is out of 3 stair parts, if you walk to the end you enter a golden door behind it is the ''Collectors secret room'' there is no transporter to enter nothing that give you the tip that there is anything so just a handful people will find it without help 😉
This room is like the home of the Collector so there are some goodies, a bed, a chest and a chimney.
I build it in '' The Temple of Honor'' and it was a hard thing to do this with ''just'' 900 capacity, you know the moment in that Noggles and Floofs steal 20 capacity.

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- Clan name Fallen Legion GC
 Clan tier Storm
- Clan platform PC
- Your Clan role Major / Architect (I've done all decorating in the dojo)
- Featured image:  Edit: restructuring post: 

















Scale of a massive maze i've created for players to get lost in:


Considering there is a minigame in warframe called wyrmius,I'm guessing someone working at DE is a gradius fan. 








































I've been working hard on building to try and get this ready for this contest. I didn't feel it was ready during the last contest so I didn't enter my clans dojo into it. This is the first time my clans dojo is competing in a contest so i'm excited.

Edited by wizardeiges
Reformating post
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  • Clan name-The Targaryen Empire
  • Clan tier-Ghost Rank 10
  • Clan platform-Xbox One
  • Your Clan role-Founding Warlord(DragonXDracarys)
  • Feature image-4pGKWqR.jpg
  • Hi and welcome to our clan called The Targaryen empire. This is a dojo that me DragonXDracarys and ArtemisDemise created and decorated.Throughout this Dojo there will be a orokin theme to is they are my favourite race and there architecture is one of the best .Also i have mixed this theme with some of my personal  favourite things such as Game Of Thrones.In this Dojo there are countless rooms themed for this .I Have also used the normal tenno themes in some areas so i can use the many decoration to hand in the dojo. In this Dojo we have statues,gardens,reactors ,and much more that will be below.I would like to give a big thanks to ArtemisDemise as she helped a lot deacorating our clan.Below i will take you on a little tour of our Dojo .

    The Main Hall-This is the room that everyone will spawn in.I chose this hall to be that because i want this to be the central hub of out dojo.As you can see we have water tanks and water fountains in here.We wanted to make a room that wasn't that to crowded with decorations and space to move around in .Also in this room we have our trading stations.In here we have our ascension alter as well as our throne mQPLfp9.jpg




    In the Main hall we have these mini biomes in every corner.We have rock,snow,and mars.uMQE10S.jpg


    Here as you can see we have a throne an some social areas withing the main hall.This is where we keep our clan tropheis and our pet dragons as you can see.Also we have our ascension alter to.-uFuHdDf.jpg


    Social area -Here in this room is were all our tenno can chill and relax .In here we have table and chairs so people can relax after a long day in the void .Here you will find a little bar for all tenno and of course clem.qH69e7u.jpg


    This is our bar fitted with stools,statues,and tables .The way you acsess this is through a ramp within the social area .This is great for any tenno that wants to hang around and relax-yJfm8Bu.jpg


    Here above the the social are are tenno quarters.Here is were any tenno can sleep .So if a tenno has had a long day finding prime parts or helping clem,this is the place to relax and get some sleepSStXfBZ.jpg


    The Grand Garden-Here is our grand garden .This is where you can relax and meditate if you so wish.The garden surrounds the whole of the observatory so all you can see is nature.If you want you can venture outside and have a greater view of the trees and the plants -x1Pl7T7.jpg


    Here is the top of the garden were you can sit and relax-Ky2eewa.jpg


    Here is a look within the observatory where there are many viewing platforms ja0eAu1.jpg


    The Honour Hall-The Honour wall is where we pay tribute to our fellow fallen tenno .Here we can reflect on the past and honour those who died in the old war.dnlt7W5.jpg


    It is here where we have certain orokin artefacts on display as these are special as they were the first ever to be constructed .Without these we would have not been able to replicate there technology for our clanlj9p3I5.jpg


    Checkpoint-When clan council is in session it is important that they remain undisturbed so this is why we have made this room.This room allows us to add security to the council. Checking all tenno the enter the chambers..As you can see this is a mix of nature,tenno and orokin.I feel that this is a great combination.laTvS6Y.jpg




    Council room-This is our council room where clan decisions are made ZlezP5J.jpg


    Reactor-Beneath the rector wing we have this main reactor .This powers the whole of the dojo using orokin and tenno technology-Aa4LV6T.jpg


    The Vaults -Here is where our treasures go as a clan.All the resources,decorations and the treasures from the void.Here we have created two giant vaults so we can house all of the artefacts that we collect.mhWIcFP.jpg


    Here is where we catalogue all of the items so they can be put in the correct vaultoYm5BTz.jpg




    All of the corridors are outfitted with orokin decorations so it can give the feeling that your somewhere in the void SF2IHTH.jpg


    Drydock-When it comes to the drydock we added more orokin decartions to keep the feeling of the void.We have also created terminals around the dry dock and also added railing so no one can fall.tZUKuZD.jpg


    Here we have viewing platforms within the drydock so tenno can observe all the great ships and railjacksqscgfQz.jpg


    Inspiration room 1-Here we wanted to add the game of thrones feel to the dojo so we have re created the gods wood from winterfell2PleYqb.jpg


    Between each inspiration room the corridors will start to merge with the themes.For example as you leave the icy room you start to see grass and nature  between the nature and sea room you will see it merge with the sea room.GCgH9Ot.jpg


    Inspiration room 2-Here we have a great grassy area with plants and trees,here tenno can run around and see if they can reach the top of the walls.dZOBU4q.jpg


    Inspiration room 3-Here we have a sea dragon that we created .We have made it so you are underwater so you can see the sea dragons habitat and surroundings.FPS9eXD.jpg


Edited by (XB1)DragonXDracarys
Had to upload more images
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Apex of Paradise

Ghost Clan


Founding Warloard



Drydock ^ ------- Aqua Garden (below)




Entry Hall


Lab Plaza


Lab Plaza (behind statue) 






Trophy Hall


Honored Hall (former members in Sunset Red, honored players in in Sky Blue)




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Clan name: Echoes Of The Swarm

Tier: Storm 

Rank: 10

Platform: PS4

Clan Rank: Founding Warlord 

Description: We’re a Veteran clan (4+years old). We do wish to achieve the same goals as all the “hardcore” clans, but that isn’t our only thing in mind. Any and all members who join us are considered family. ^-^ 

Our members vary in experience and time played. We do have some long time members who have played for years, including myself and my wife. (Leader and Second in command)

We strive to help any and all members in our Clan/Alliance, as well as players in recruitment chat.

Our clan getting to be selected to become a member of the featured dojos is one of my personal goals, as well as a lot of my clan members, and I refuse to stop submitting until we achieve that goal.

Our clan doesn’t have teams of people decorating the dojo. It’s just myself decorating, with my clanmates assisting me with completing the build requirements to decorations and research.

There are rulers who order their clan members to complete research etc. Then, there are leaders who are right there beside them farming with them. 

Myself and my Second in command align with being leaders, not rulers.

I have put countless hours of thought and effort into my dojo’s decorations.

The direction I was going for the theme of the dojo was mainly Orokin with a little bit of Tenno influence as if it were once a place where the Orokin thrived but still coexisted with the Tenno they were training there. 


Most of our historic records have been lost to time. From what we know, the original Founder became tired and gave the clan to my friend Akio.  (This was before I woke up as a Tenno) 

Under his command, he kept the clan small. (Friends only, 15 members including myself)

Eventually, he also succumbed to tiredness and gave me the clan.

(In all honesty, Akio was inactive as leader for more than a year. If it weren’t for me continuously nagging him to either get back on wf or give someone else the Founders rank, we’d still have him as leader...also before DE implemented something to counter inactive Founders.) 

I, then, took lead. My SIC and I grew the clan to 73 members as of today. Max research except for the new stuff which we are working on. 

I’ve had to put up with an inactive leader and inactive clan members for far too long. I refuse to let anyone else have to suffer through farming by themselves for the sake of the clan. 

I will be the last leader this clan sees. I intend to play Warframe/lead my clan until it’s death.


Most of our records of history have been lost to time. but we do know some time after the end of the Old War, the infestation overtook us. Eventually, after years of battle we struck a deal with the source of the Infestation’s hive mind, we offered it sanctuary. As a result, there are sectors of the Dojo completely infested.

Over the years, we have almost fully restored it to its former glory. Though, if you listen close enough, you can still hear the echoes of incubating infestation.

Pictures: NhTtHpk.jpg

Hall Of Valor: The mess hall of our Dojo.


The Ancient Forest: This architecture is an entrance to the Orokin Empire. It has not been used in ages due to the portal inside no longer working. It now remains as a testament to the fate of the lotus.


Hall Of The Swarm: This once served the orokin as a sanctuary for rejuvenation after battle.  


Engine Room: 

  • Price: $430,000,900.
  • Engine: 1,562L V8.
  • Transmission: 12-Speed Computer operated
  • Horsepower: 955,000,670 hp.
  • Torque: 860,897,889 lb-ft.


Garden Of The Stars: A beautiful garden with an amazing sky above.  


 Hope you enjoy ^-^

Edited by (PS4)GoddessKiana
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  • Название клана - Братство Ферре
  • Уровень клана - Теневой клан 10 ур
  • Платформа клана - ПК
  • Ваша роль в клане  - Основатель

    Наш клан экспериментирует со стилями. Каждую комнату мы хотим украсить по-особенному. Не все комнаты и коридоры представлены на этих экранах. Мы любим наш клан и стараемся для этого)




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Clan Name- Hell Raising Gods                                                                                                                            Clan Size- Mountain                                                                                                                                            Console- PS4                                                                                                                                                    Role- Founding Warlord                                                                                                                                     https://imgur.com/gallery/PiZPr6A  


Edited by (PS4)Blantasy
Had to add some images and change format
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Clan: Silver Corp

Tier: Ghost 

Platform: PC 

Role: Founding Warlord 

Some Notable Rooms:

Orokin Style (Main Trade Hub)

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Temple of Ascension (For clan ascention)

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Resource Processing and Storage (Storage for all "borrowed" Grineer, Corpus and Orokin parts)

Hall of Contemplation (A quiet place to relaxe and meditate. Plus food area upstairs.)

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The Grotto (Connecting Garden)

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Starting Area

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Space Traffic Control

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Clan name: Cellbound 

Clan tier: Ghost 
Clan platform: PC 
Your Clan role : Founding warlord


Feature image:


1. Weapon test facility (Inspiration Hall)
This facility contains abandoned grineer flying fortress named 'xatass rakk'.
You can use transforter to access observation bay in this facility(select 'Sector 3 Oservation tower')

Album: https://imgur.com/a/BAHMrjn


2. Gunship hanger (Inspiration Hall)
These gunships for tenno fighters. Relay research & development team use xatass rakk's research data to made them.
You can use transforter to access obervation bay in this hanger(select 'Sector 3 Gunship control tower')

Album: https://imgur.com/a/czFtaWV


3. Gunship show room (Stone sand garden)
I built 24 Stone sand gardens on both sides of the 2 Inspiration Halls(weapon test facility & gunship hanger).
These rooms for various typed gunships & I built 22 gunships.

Album: https://imgur.com/a/GpUsCib
(This album shows 6 gunships for samples. If DE visit my dojo, you will see them all XD)


*If you wanna see albums, use google chrome to access imgur.
I don't know why, but Images broken in explorer. sorry... 


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THIS is now a duplicate post but I cant see how to remove it. My new post is from my ps4 assigned forum login and contains all the same links but with some added images embedded within the text I couldn't get this account to do from my phone

To clarify my clan still only has one entry and both are from me and me alone

Clan name :Progeny

Clan rank :Shadowclan

Platform :Ps4 

Role: Architect 


So my build style focus on mostly natural world as it's where I feel most inspired. But I have a few bits and pieces that are very unnatural. I still wanna add a few things with the new items


Warframe  Spring entry 2020 clan progeny dino wing https://imgur.com/gallery/eh5LcRw


Warframe  Spring entry 2020 clan progeny Starwars wing https://imgur.com/gallery/MM2JNVQ


Warframe  Spring entry 2020 clan progeny my natural world inspired designs https://imgur.com/gallery/leZVdg4


Warframe  Spring entry 2020 clan progeny The lovecraft inspired beast of the dojo who is always expanding his reach https://imgur.com/gallery/y4or8Dp

I added a tribute to a clan member who died recently in was working on this stuff when I heard so naturally it became my tribute to him 


I can't seem to add actual pictures to this post like the other have done any help would  be appreciated 





Edited by (NSW)Diz12
Added better image links
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Big Daddiez 
Shadow Clan
Founding Warlord

¡Se habla español!
We are a hispanic/bilingual clan looking for more friends and hopefully some more DojoFrame enthusiasts to fill up our massive Dojo, themes are all over the place to be true, from sculpture galleries, space castaway scene, spooky cemetery and many more not pictured... Dojo structure allows either walking between decorated areas or taking teleporters, we hope you like it!








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