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Is it time for a radiation proc rework?


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Huh, deja vu. These are a lot of the same arguments that were purported for keeping in self-damage.

I feel perhaps the simplest touch-up is to make Tenno shield gating in particular not be bypassed by abilities. I believe Sentient omnidirectional lasers count as abilities (as they bypass the Rift, that I know for sure) and so bypass the shield gate. I was insta-killed during Scarlet Spear a couple of times. Maybe DE wants certain things like that to bypass shield gates—but I sooner suspect its just an oversight. So if Tenno shield gates are persistent through abilities / ability-classified attacks, that fixes both the Sentient laser bypass (assuming that's unintentional) and lowers the potential punishment on Radiation.

That and making defence objectives immune to friendly fire. That kind of punishment is really disproportionate, even above self-damage. And it isn't like they can't make objectives exceptions to things, what with the healing rework affecting said objectives differently to players.

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6 hours ago, Berzerkules said:

But radiation hazard sorties are the closest thing we have to PvP in WF. Too much fun. Please don't take this from me. Always puts a smile on my face when I see rad hazard sortie. 

"Cast off your harness and become a pupil of The Conclave." ~Teshin

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It's a hazard.

Dodge the Lasers in the Void, destroy the radiation bubbles in certain hazard missions, prep for a Rad-Sortie by bringing anti-status/anti-radiation items/mods.

Understanding and dealing with obstacles in games is a natural source of player progression. This progression should not be paved over because some players are either (A) toxic and just want to ruin other players games, or (B) it unfortunately resulted in one or two players being downed.

Tenno radiation procs are not unfair. They simply activate friendly fire, so just exercise some patience and don't throw AOE or radial damage in your allies direction. Or do if you're trying to stealth finisher your friends with the Kogakes. Never gets old.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)RPColten said:

Dodge the Lasers in the Void, destroy the radiation bubbles in certain hazard missions, prep for a Rad-Sortie by bringing anti-status/anti-radiation items/mods.

I just use Nezha's Halo... and if that doesn't cut it its the one time I can bust out all those Arcane Healing that the Terralysts keeps dropping... 

and before I had either of those methods available... all I had to do was becareful...

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Would be much easier if they removed the combo elements and left it to Heat, Cold, Toxin, Electric, because balancing damage weaknesses/resistances and their status procs is such a mess with the existence of radiation, gas, viral, blast, magnetic, corrosive.

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I solo radiation sorties.  It's not that it's that bad, it's the people that purposely get it to kill their teammates over and over.  It's not funny or cute to make people have to keep redoing missions so someone can be like "Hur dur me kills a teammate".

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For the love of all things holy, no. Gods no. Radiation is a great proc and changing it would severely damage Oberon as a frame. He'd lose a ton of CC, which would be absolutely nightmarish for his survival. Radiation is fine as is. And getting hit by it yourself matters very little. There are so many ways to cleanse a proc,it doesn't matter much.

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A lot of people seem to miss the point completely when someone asks for a rad proc rework. I mean using anti rad status arcanes, holding fire okay,, all nice and well. Except that this game puts one in a group with 3 random players who are unlikely to have build their characters for this special situation. If one of them is a bit careless he can easily kill the rest of the group. Gearing up against radiation does not help if no one else does. The other option is of course to go solo, than there wouldn't be issues with rad procs affecting you or a team member. That is possible but goes against the very idea of the co op shooter gameplay of WF.

So yes, a rework of rad procs is really needed.

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For radiation, the problem isn't the CC effect, the problem is the rest of the game AROUND the proc; there just isn't a great need for crowd control - the best CC is damage.

How to fix this? Who knows. If you make enemies tough enough that they MUST be CC'ed, then players without CC ability will be in trouble. Is that good or bad? Depends on the player and how they feel. Maybe increase spawn numbers, but then performance may suffer and AoE nuke frames give no Fs about numbers anyway.

Maybe adding a secondary effect to radiation would help? Have it prevent health and energy regen, or slowly decay certain armor or othe resistance.

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5 hours ago, Prexades said:

A lot of people seem to miss the point completely when someone asks for a rad proc rework. I mean using anti rad status arcanes, holding fire okay,, all nice and well. Except that this game puts one in a group with 3 random players who are unlikely to have build their characters for this special situation. If one of them is a bit careless he can easily kill the rest of the group. Gearing up against radiation does not help if no one else does. The other option is of course to go solo, than there wouldn't be issues with rad procs affecting you or a team member. That is possible but goes against the very idea of the co op shooter gameplay of WF.

So yes, a rework of rad procs is really needed.

Thanks for elaborating further on the issue. My post was clearly too long as some people could not make it past the title.

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