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Glass-maker theory. (ONE OF THEM)


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Hi, everyone! seems your'e all excited for this season.

Now,as we've seen, the upcoming nightwave has a pretty little Difference to much we were dealing; from vicious Howling inmate, to new sentient strain, this one starts to go off topic, given this has none to do with the main 3 factions. or so we might think.(note: I may not be accurate, but bear with this).

 Let's get to the basics: this is about cephalons, the "AI" (spoiler averted for newbies) that serve ships and the artificial network called "The weave"(Warframe's internet?), where we get some info about the cases with orokin and all. And THEN comes this:


an ostron prisoned in the glass. this sounds a bit big to start, but details on where the glassmaker goes gives us plenty of perspective on their intentions. I say "their", cause this might be a Cephalon.

 so, where do we start deciphering?

First: the cephalons, like the warframes, were made by the orokin, which included people like their executors- the SEVEN. these guys are pretty much both the judges and executioners in the day, whether merciful or "make you a prisoner of the glass-forever"."if they wanted to set an example". nora's words. what would this say about our target? a program? long-lost memories brought back? there could be an interconnection, given all cephalons serve the purpose of their vocation efficiently. who knows- this cephalon was their tool?

Second:5a917a8a752d3_408554b.jpg gara. the GLASS warframe. sentient slayer and saviour of earth as they were. pretty interesting the "Cetus" she protected with the unum was the first scene. and eluding at that. we know the glass-maker is moving then and there for target, but this raises eyebrows. gara and the unum are practically legends for the ostrons, but seeing what happened there puts a deep influence. perhaps this possible cephalon has a certain history with them. or Gara, for that matter. that warframe had no other association with the orokin known besides she was made by them. and the unum has a deep story with the sentients too- conflict story, with "Illicit" means(Newbies, I challenge you to find out with the quest and bounties). perhaps given that data, our target picked this place first to put the ostrons on edge- their faith on Gara wavered. and every1, I'm imagining this would be a likely pattern.

Third: the glass-maker is onto us. Whether we realise this or not.  they picked Cetus as their first hunting ground, to call out loud! surely, if they know about gara, they know about us and our history with the orokin. in depth. the SEVEN was their brutal court of law, and something like that has got to be old. very. name one culture in a video game that stated without a sense of justice. this is getting very intricate.


and so, what is said with accuracy is that this closes in on the case. you can share your opinions on the comment section , cause your opinions matter!

Breaking Bad Goodbye GIF by Morphin

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Much like what happened with that traitorous skank Lotus,   the sentient could be taking back control of tech they left behind.  Turned another ally into an enemy... 

I also feel like this could be the work of the Corpus/ Alad V.  He found this tech and is trying to turn it into a new weapon.  The grineer are the ones who are trying to take out Cetus though but this does not seem like their MO. 

I could also see this being a situation why there is a spy or traitor among the Ostron/Solaris and the first couple of murders happened  because those people stumbled upon the spy and had to be silenced.


Considering the Rank 30 reward of a Nora themed orbiter.....Nora's big mouth telling everyone about the Tenno's business could be behind this all lol.   Her trying to spread the word about the good we are doing in the system probably has all hostile factions trying to hunt her down and shut her the hell up.  Maybe the people who get murdered were connected to Nora and helped set up her network or whatever.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2020-05-04 at 1:53 AM, Fangaurd-915 said:

name one culture in a video game that stated without a sense of justice

well there is "Injustice" game then there is Mortal Kombat, RPG games that doesn't have sense of justice and few minor game I forgot their name was but lots of them have lots injustice and has no morals which same with few minor MMORPG games then you got "Elder Scrolls" once again Fallout 4 force pick a side but has no correct or view is right in justice.

once again back to the point, I did notice this that garaa was waiting for someone but I didn't think it would be cephlon or celphon dunno which way they are spelled but whatever.  at the time being garaa seem is involved look like is him but probably isn't him for it could be or maybe it is when the celphon has it's protection glass broken a system able manifest like infected but independent infested of own logical order.

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I am hoping this leads us to finding the Orokin that escaped the chambers we see in the Derelict secret areas where the trees have grown out of. 

Seeing that opened and empty chamber always gave me the thought that a few Orokin are in the Void ships as well as Cetus tower waiting for the time to come back. With the knowing that Gara turns things to statue of glass and whomever this is has the ability to give their creations invulnerability as well as still move means this person is stronger than Gara.

Just some things that have crossed my mind. Plus I want to see how this will connect to the new Corpus weave that we were shown in a Dev show a while back. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out the burn on the ostron's hand was some sort of zap that glassed him. the game play shows that when you meet cephalites, they are made  by a fissure similar to void fissures in relic farms. in that metric, the cephalon is from the orokin. but that's theory.

moreover, the first piece of theory was confirmed somehow: this killer is from the orokin. if they are cephalon, they were a cephalon perhaps tasked to apply "justice" to crime by the seven. Shigg, as he told us and from evidence in the scene, was desperately looking for a get rich quick scheme, and looking to kill if necessary. the burnt letter and maybe the "broadcast unit" message from corpus affirm that. hence the "justice".

2: this debunked: gara has no relation to this murder nor is the glassmaker targeting personal areas. he glasses criminals. nuff said.

3: the galssmaker is NOW onto us. he's paying deep attention to us due to his assumption we were "Associates with shigg". given the streak of kills he has( cephalite included), he's arguably one to be concerned with. Needless to say,  he has us marked for the tally.

open for more opinions!

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Its clearly Konzu.  Shigg stole some crap from the tower,  Shigg's friend ratted him out,  Konzu sent a cephalon out to dispense justice.  

I was listening to Ivara's story in the Leverian and it was pretty epic.  That myrmadon or whatever sounded alot like the killer.  I forget what the council did to that guy..didnt seem like they killed him...  Maybe that guy got "repurposed" and turned into a Cephalon but now its kinda going back to its old ways.  


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48 minutes ago, MacKerris said:

lol, after five weeks of nightwave with no second act I've forgotten what was even going on.

shhhh, don't say anything we probably going get the nightwave longer then before probably the longest one to get the reward faster again and new mods.

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On 2020-05-04 at 12:57 AM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

 that traitorous Lotus



On 2020-05-03 at 11:53 PM, Fangaurd-915 said:

First: the cephalons, like the warframes, were made by the orokin, which included people like their executors- the SEVEN. these guys are pretty much both the judges and executioners in the day, whether merciful or "make you a prisoner of the glass-forever"."if they wanted to set an example". nora's words. what would this say about our target? a program? long-lost memories brought back? there could be an interconnection, given all cephalons serve the purpose of their vocation efficiently. who knows- this cephalon was their tool?

Third: the glass-maker is onto us. Whether we realise this or not.  they picked Cetus as their first hunting ground, to call out loud! surely, if they know about gara, they know about us and our history with the orokin. in depth. the SEVEN was their brutal court of law, and something like that has got to be old. very. name one culture in a video game that stated without a sense of justice. this is getting very intricate.

The thing about Cephalons is that they, without exception, keep going crazy. Jordas is Infested, Suda went from a peaceful government archives manager to a glorified mob boss AND has to put up safeguards to keep from going senile, the Cephalons in Conclave are completely banana-nut butters bonkers. Simaris is the closest to "normal" and he's still an impulsive mad scientist. And Ordis... shows us WHY this keeps happening.

Glassmaker looks no different, a courtroom Cephalon who has gone insane without a fresh supply of convicts to sentence

As for "being onto us" I theorize something that's partly in agreement, partly different: he doesn't care. Anyone who goes to Cetus these days will know instantly that we frequent Cetus and he knows we have a very violent reaction to people who try to kill Ostrons. And he's either so high on his hubris or so insane on his impulses that he just doesn't care that we will inevitably see him and go after him

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il y a 4 minutes, TARINunit9 a dit :

Simaris is the closest to "normal" and he's still an impulsive mad scientist.

Of course another interpretation is, that the simulacra Simaris makes are basically lifeforms that he resurrects for us to kill, in an endless circle forever, so he can gather data.
After all, if the data is supposed to be as correct as possible, just making something "lifelike" instead of identical to the people we upload for him, wouldn`t cut it.
So he either spawns life, just for it to be killed, or even worse, they retain memories from previous Simulacrum runs (Which would explain their scaling level...), in which case he has created the closest thing to hell currently in the Warframe universe...

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Il y a 2 heures, TARINunit9 a dit :

Only if you think he's lying to us

Ah, thank you! 
I forgot about that.

(... He might be lying. 😛)
Though even if not, it still means they could be for all intents and purposes living beings that we slaughter for his data, even though they are no longer a threat to the system...
Not retaining memories of what we do to them kinda sounds like they at least have their memories till they got uploaded.
They kinda have to, in order to give good data and actually use their weapons and tactics.
And why do we upload new ones, instead of just one of each type? Because Simaris wants their individual memories, experiences and personalities...
But yes, that is relatively better that the alternative...

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14 minutes ago, Happynuke said:

Ah, thank you! 
I forgot about that.

(... He might be lying. 😛)
Though even if not, it still means they could be for all intents and purposes living beings that we slaughter for his data, even though they are no longer a threat to the system...
Not retaining memories of what we do to them kinda sounds like they at least have their memories till they got uploaded.
They kinda have to, in order to give good data and actually use their weapons and tactics.
And why do we upload new ones, instead of just one of each type? Because Simaris wants their individual memories, experiences and personalities...
But yes, that is relatively better that the alternative...

Simaris has a really bad habit of accidentally revealing just how creepy he is when I wouldn't have thought about it otherwise:

"Is this murder? No. All beings of substance die eventually."
I didn't say it was murder. But now that you mention it, why DID you make your scanners function as disintegration rays instead of just fax machines?

"Is experiment torture? Lab rats also feel pain, yet their suffering creates knowledge."
Wait, I thought this was just a literal video game.

"Hunter, do you think me a sadist? That I enjoy this suffering?"
No, I didn't. Why did you bring it up?

"The multitude of creatures you have immortalized would cry out in thanks... If they could."
You just had to make this weird, didn't you?

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1.  Cephalons were once people subjected to a tortuous process that stripped them of identity and humanity.

The Story of Ordin Karris turned Ordis gives us dramatic insight into what might happen if a Cephalon becomes self-aware of a former life or actually RE-becomes if possible.

2.  The glass-maker feels betrayal; the falsehood of purity sold as truth behind The Unum vs the corrupt but relevatory reality.

3.  The glass-maker seems to be, through madness or resolve, dispensing indiscriminate justice.  Or is “he”?

4.  Anything Orokin is subject to punishment.  Perhaps this is to take advantage of existing game design.  Perhaps anything synonymous with the Greed, corruption, Pride, and power-hungry hubris of the Orokin gets “glassed” (good ole’ Shil).  

5.  Cephalite creation is very much like Void-fissure creation of Corrupted.  Perhaps this is just because it also takes advantage of existing game design.  Or perhaps...

The Glass-maker is Samodeus (Anagram for Asmodeus) or some other Cephalon, or is someone impersonating a Cephalon, or is reversed from their former Cephalon state who is rules-bending by using the Void to imprison anything Orokin or corrupt just as they once were.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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