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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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SInce they added directional melee I hoped that they would've got rid of coptering. Seriously it looks stupid and gets rid of any need to parkour. Hopefully the parkour reworked they talked about will address all if not some of the major points in this thread, esp wall running and wall vaulting.

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+1 I supported a similar thread over a year ago to add vaulting and more fluid movement actions DE at the time said they were going to be adding more depth to movement. Apparently they didn't. More pressure needed.


Anyone forwarded this to DE, I don't really have the time to read through 48 pages ^_^.

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Space Ninjas scoff at the idea that movement should be metered.  Metered movement is for the old, lame, and infirm.

Even some non Space Ninjas from centuries before the time of the Tenno have no issue with Stamina. Example: The Prince of Persia.

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It's been ages since I played Prince of Persia (Sands of Time IIRC).  I wasn't entertained enough to finish it.


Warframe is a very different game:  "The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. ........."  Warframe: Developer Q&A , Question 4


The Core is not Prince of Persia, Gears of War, Dark Souls, Mass Effect, Extra Credits, etc.


And, as I already reminded everyone:  "http://youtu.be/3-SOVISwga4?t=44s'>Advanced players are not even going to touch the floor"

How are the Space Ninja feet not going to touch the floor if they run out of stamina like pedestrians, or if coptor sucks, or if there are no parkour surfaces?


And if the Space Ninjas are not killing stuff when their feet are off the floor then what is it good for?

Edited by ThePresident777
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When it comes to stamina, it has always bothered me that space ninjas can sprint for 15-30 seconds and become winded. 



I mean, some people have flames shooting our of their hands, and others can summon shadowy dead people, and others can cover their skin in liquid metal. 


But we can't run for long distances. 



Reminds me of Gimli in the Lord of the Rings. "Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances." 

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It was Prince of Persia Warrior Within that I played.  Looking at video game footage.  From what I remember of that game, the controls felt like they had hysteresis.  The acrobatical moves look good but I remember feeling like the game was fighting me and I didn't like it, or the slow sprint speed.


In the footage, you can see that the maps are built for parkour.  The surfaces are uncluttered.  The ceilings and openings are tall.

Edited by ThePresident777
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When it comes to stamina, it has always bothered me that space ninjas can sprint for 15-30 seconds and become winded. 



I mean, some people have flames shooting our of their hands, and others can summon shadowy dead people, and others can cover their skin in liquid metal. 


But we can't run for long distances. 



Reminds me of Gimli in the Lord of the Rings. "Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances." 

Know what I find funnier? We have mobility powers that carry us further than our stamina bar does.

Stamina was made to hinder coptering, right? It seems the only thing it hinders is blocking, wall running, and sprinting and a Reflex Guard takes care of that hinderance.

Lastly, I wish we could convert our stamina into something more useful. Like shield or energy.

Coptering can be done with relatively no stamina.

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Know what I find funnier? We have mobility powers that carry us further than our stamina bar does.

Stamina was made to hinder coptering, right? It seems the only thing it hinders is blocking, wall running, and sprinting and a Reflex Guard takes care of that hinderance.

Lastly, I wish we could convert our stamina into something more useful. Like shield or energy.

Coptering can be done with relatively no stamina.

Actually, Stamina has always been a part of the game. It just... doesn't really do anything worth while. Stamina doesn't work well for blocking. Guard Break would be a better mechanic. Ninjas that are augmented by organic super armor shouldn't need to worry about being fatigued by acrobatics and normal sprinting. It doesn't even make sense for stamina to exist given that Hayden Tenno even without Proto Excalibur could sprint indefinitely. 

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