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[Warframe Critique] Garuda : Close Combat or Mid-Long Range Combat Style?


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    • Garuda can easily scale against enemies in both star chart and more difficult content in terms of damage output. [Dread Mirror] highlights this with the ability to gather points for her [Dread Heart] ability which becomes a big nuke the more you invest on it. Conditional it may be, it still can match up well.


    • Whether it is to create blood altars to stop one pesky enemy and to use them as a healing beacon or to temporarily make incoming attacks cause automatic bleed procs, Garuda can make for a decent teamplay Warframe. Her [Blood Altar] can make for a decent healing support, and her [Seeking Talons] can make defeating tougher enemies faster as long as they aren't status-immune or have diminishing returns.


    • Her 3rd ability really shines as a Warframe that doesn't really need efficiency or any sort of outside energy-gain that much. Sacrificing her health with [Bloodletting] to gain Energy is a relatively useful gimmick and [Blood Altar] allows a special cycle between themselves. Garuda has slight above-average base Energy and Armor. With the addition to Shield Gating, Garuda has a slight upgrade to her survivability.




    • I have seen players comment on how clunky she feels. I feel that this is generally about how some players perceive her to be: a specialized close-combat Warframe or a mid/long range caster Warframe. Almost all of the Warframe have their abilities/stats/theme highlight the favorable position you would want these Warframes to be in combat. With Garuda, 1/2 of her kit has Garuda move closer to the enemy while the other 1/2 are more so feel more favorable for mid/long range casting style. [Seeking Talons] can leave Garuda open to attacks and Void forbid that Garuda gets hit by a stray attack while mid-casting [Bloodletting]. [Dread Mirror] and [Blood Altar] offer some self-sustainability for Garuda but also assumes Garuda to be closer to her enemies for a melee style. It can be rather confusing at times.



Garuda will have some changes to her innate Melee Weapon eventually, but I feel an ability suggestions should be discussed. For one, I think highlighting which position Garuda should be is the most important thing to look into for Garuda. There is also another optional idea I would like to convey.





    • Dread Mirror's Shield is instead a protective sphere around Garuda. This version has a shorter protective duration and a slightly lower damage absorption multiplier to [Dread Heart]. This version maintains its ability to approach enemies. The augment [Dread Ward] increases the sphere's duration if the enemy is killed by [Dread Mirror].

    • This Dread Barrier could even be a weaker version of Iron Skin if this makes some sense especially with the fact that Garuda sacrifices her health for power.


    • Dread Mirror maintains the same current mechanics EXCEPT in removing its ability to approach the enemy [turning this into a distant mid/long range ability], [Dread Mirror] allows the blood of the target enemy to slowly approach to Garuda granting her the frontal barrier and [Dread Heart] attack points as soon as it makes contact with her.

So for this suggestion, I have thought about if people like how Garuda approaches enemies, why not make the protection from it less restrictive but shorter and weaker in terms of gathering points for [Dread Heart]. If people want the ability to be more mid/long range and keeping the frontal barrier, they would need to have the barrier and points for [Dread Heart] to come over to them.



For each enemy bleeding with an active Slash proc within 30 meters from Garuda, Garuda gains points/sec per nearby bleeding enemy into her next [Dread Heart] attack. Garuda's melee Talons will also add X% of damage dealt into her [Dread Heart] attack.

An optional idea simulating that enemies bleeding on Garuda empower her more as well as the enemies she rips apart with her melee Talons.



  • Do you feel that unintended healing can be disruptive to take some advantage of Garuda's passive?

  • Do you feel that Garuda's damage passive lingering is a decent idea?

  • Do you feel Garuda should be more close combat or more mid/long range caster?

  • What are your thoughts on Bloodletting Augment : Blood Forge {I never touched on this because some have found this augment a bit useful with Landing-Archwing Guns}?

  • Do you like the idea of having the blood/gore of enemies empower Garuda [The Optional passive suggestion above]?

  • Would you like the idea of Bloodletting Augment : Blood Forge adding Shield and Overshield to Garuda now that there is Shield Gating in Warframes?

[Next Critique Article will tackle Grendel]

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This is quite decent feedback, possibly one of the best I've seen in a while! I think you nailed all the points exactly, though I must disagree on the clunkyness side of things well not completely disagree, her blood shield does feel a bit... off at times, but overall I think she's quite smooth to play with, especially with a very close combat, QT/blood letting build, but again maybe this is preference. 

Your questions though...

 "Do you feel that unintended healing can be disruptive to take some advantage of Garuda's passive?"  

Eh not really, in most cases this can be controlled by blood letting the healing. However I mostly solo with Garuda, if there are any Oberons or constant blessings being thrown about, I might find it a struggle yeah.  

"Do you feel that Garuda's damage passive lingering is a decent idea?"


"Do you feel Garuda should be more close combat or more mid/long range caster?" 

I get the feeling she's more pulled towards close combat then casting, but looks like she can be built for both? Options are good!

"Do you like the idea of having the blood/gore of enemies empower Garuda"

That'd be neat, especially if it follows you idea for that kind of passive, however I do think we'd have to choose between one or the other, both current and suggested passives are quite strong, I don't think we'd get both.


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13 hours ago, vakary829 said:

This is quite decent feedback, possibly one of the best I've seen in a while! I think you nailed all the points exactly, though I must disagree on the clunkyness side of things well not completely disagree, her blood shield does feel a bit... off at times, but overall I think she's quite smooth to play with, especially with a very close combat, QT/blood letting build, but again maybe this is preference. 

Your questions though...

 "Do you feel that unintended healing can be disruptive to take some advantage of Garuda's passive?"  

Eh not really, in most cases this can be controlled by blood letting the healing. However I mostly solo with Garuda, if there are any Oberons or constant blessings being thrown about, I might find it a struggle yeah.  

"Do you feel that Garuda's damage passive lingering is a decent idea?"


"Do you feel Garuda should be more close combat or more mid/long range caster?" 

I get the feeling she's more pulled towards close combat then casting, but looks like she can be built for both? Options are good!

"Do you like the idea of having the blood/gore of enemies empower Garuda"

That'd be neat, especially if it follows you idea for that kind of passive, however I do think we'd have to choose between one or the other, both current and suggested passives are quite strong, I don't think we'd get both.



Thanks for the response here.

The whole blood/gore on Garuda passive idea does feel like an added passive effect. I was thinking of it being the actual special function of Garuda's melee weapon: Talon. Then again, that might be adding a bit too much to it and I believe DE may go about just buffing the stats of that weapon.

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Garuda is one of my more played frames.

What works:

Skills 1, 2 and 3 work fine. Considering skills 1 & 2 are leaps, she somewhat difficult to use at range. Could skill 1 become a none leap? Possibly. That could make her more effective at long range. If not, she is okay as is.

Dread mirror significantly cuts incoming damage. On tops, Garuda has 300 armor. She is fairly tanky.

Damage is there, but this is where issues occur.


Passive is... as useful as her claws. It is cool "conceptually." But in my experience if you have the tools necessary to make it work. You already have the tools to deal enough damage without it. 

The linchpin of course is skill 4. It is supposed to be the basis for damage. And... it does not work. Long cast to get a 90 degree angle... Starts at 25, which cannot hit jack. They have to make this skill 1 short cast with 90 angle instead of this crap.

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On 2020-06-04 at 5:48 PM, FoxFX said:
  • Do you feel that unintended healing can be disruptive to take some advantage of Garuda's passive?

  • Do you feel that Garuda's damage passive lingering is a decent idea?

and yes

Her Passive is awesome, but being healed by, a Oberon, a Trinity or even your own Blood alters(This one i have less of a issue with as it is up to you to use and position yourself correctly) or any other healing is extremely annoying, there should never be a counter synergy, as if a Trinity heals me i lose half of my damage output, or a Oberon and me constantly having a fight between increasing my health and me working towards lowering it, this is of course applied to pretty much any healing frame. 

A great way to alleviate this issue would simply have the passive linger for a short time, we are talking 1 - 2 seconds only, nothing major.

Other than that tough i personally think she is a great framed, it will be interesting to see what they do with her claws however.

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Sans the dread mirror shield a lot of what Garuda is reminds me a fair bit about what i've always wanted Valkyr to be.  That being a glass cannon berzerker style frame.  That being said while melee is something that's possible for Garuda I feel she's more of a glass cannon caster frame.  I feel like you can actually make a melee build work with her current kit.  But you'll need to manage to make constant kills with her 1 and use it's augment so you can stay at low health forever to take advantage of her passive and also ignore death.  But it's incredibly hard to actually get her leap to kill something in harder content.  But if we look at her from a caster perspective only the problem with her kit is pretty obvious.  The setup for her damage is too long.  And her 4 doesn't do anything aside from enable.  So she's less of a traditional caster and more of a weapons platform/caster hybrid.  As for your questions though:

On 2020-06-04 at 10:48 AM, FoxFX said:

Do you feel that unintended healing can be disruptive to take some advantage of Garuda's passive?


On 2020-06-04 at 10:48 AM, FoxFX said:

Do you feel that Garuda's damage passive lingering is a decent idea?


On 2020-06-04 at 10:48 AM, FoxFX said:

Do you feel Garuda should be more close combat or more mid/long range caster?

Mid to long.  I think trying to get her to work as a brawler type frame would require either some significant changes to base kit or some really powerful augment(s).

On 2020-06-04 at 10:48 AM, FoxFX said:

What are your thoughts on Bloodletting Augment : Blood Forge

Niche.  Personally don't find a usage for it.  Arch gun or no.  I don't really see the idea behind it.  Doesn't really offer a different gameplay avenue and doesn't add to current gameplay.

On 2020-06-04 at 10:48 AM, FoxFX said:

Do you like the idea of having the blood/gore of enemies empower Garuda

It's a decent idea.  but I think that's just overloading her current passive.  I feel it would probably be something to tack onto her 4 since her 4 lacks at the moment.

On 2020-06-04 at 10:48 AM, FoxFX said:

Would you like the idea of Bloodletting Augment : Blood Forge adding Shield and Overshield to Garuda now that there is Shield Gating in Warframes?

Unsure, She kind of already has a lot of survivability going into her kit as is.  Especially if you count her 1's augment.  Making her even harder to kill would be nice sure.  But I don't think she needs it.  Nor would it really add much to her gameplay.  If I were to change blood letting's current effect to something else i'd probably have it slap a combo counter onto the ability.  Sucessive casts make her other abilities better in some way.  or just giving a small period of time where any damage she does is added to her blood ball.  This would encourage staying in glass cannon mode.  And also make her ramp up to good damage a lot shorter.

I'm not sure how we could go about improving her 4 to be something aside from a debuff applier to enemies of sorts.  We could maybe add an additional effect to her re-proccing the effect on enemies who already have the effect on.  But having to double cast for that seems kind of annoying.  Maybe we could inverse the play on seeking talons and blood ball.  Where blood ball now afflicts the enemy with something/marks them.  And if seeking talons hits said enemies it causes them to idk.  Be fear procced or something.  The idea is essentially giving a choice to the player.  Do they do blood ball>talons for some kind of buff/debuff.  Or do they do talons>bloodball for nuking?

Dread mirror just needs it's inconsistencies fixed.  And it needs to move the direction you're looking a lot more accurately instead of the delay it has atm.

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On 2020-06-05 at 5:16 PM, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Sans the dread mirror shield a lot of what Garuda is reminds me a fair bit about what i've always wanted Valkyr to be.  That being a glass cannon berzerker style frame.  That being said while melee is something that's possible for Garuda I feel she's more of a glass cannon caster frame.  I feel like you can actually make a melee build work with her current kit.  But you'll need to manage to make constant kills with her 1 and use it's augment so you can stay at low health forever to take advantage of her passive and also ignore death.  But it's incredibly hard to actually get her leap to kill something in harder content.  But if we look at her from a caster perspective only the problem with her kit is pretty obvious.  The setup for her damage is too long.  And her 4 doesn't do anything aside from enable.  So she's less of a traditional caster and more of a weapons platform/caster hybrid.  As for your questions though:



Mid to long.  I think trying to get her to work as a brawler type frame would require either some significant changes to base kit or some really powerful augment(s).

Niche.  Personally don't find a usage for it.  Arch gun or no.  I don't really see the idea behind it.  Doesn't really offer a different gameplay avenue and doesn't add to current gameplay.

It's a decent idea.  but I think that's just overloading her current passive.  I feel it would probably be something to tack onto her 4 since her 4 lacks at the moment.

Unsure, She kind of already has a lot of survivability going into her kit as is.  Especially if you count her 1's augment.  Making her even harder to kill would be nice sure.  But I don't think she needs it.  Nor would it really add much to her gameplay.  If I were to change blood letting's current effect to something else i'd probably have it slap a combo counter onto the ability.  Sucessive casts make her other abilities better in some way.  or just giving a small period of time where any damage she does is added to her blood ball.  This would encourage staying in glass cannon mode.  And also make her ramp up to good damage a lot shorter.

I'm not sure how we could go about improving her 4 to be something aside from a debuff applier to enemies of sorts.  We could maybe add an additional effect to her re-proccing the effect on enemies who already have the effect on.  But having to double cast for that seems kind of annoying.  Maybe we could inverse the play on seeking talons and blood ball.  Where blood ball now afflicts the enemy with something/marks them.  And if seeking talons hits said enemies it causes them to idk.  Be fear procced or something.  The idea is essentially giving a choice to the player.  Do they do blood ball>talons for some kind of buff/debuff.  Or do they do talons>bloodball for nuking?

Dread mirror just needs it's inconsistencies fixed.  And it needs to move the direction you're looking a lot more accurately instead of the delay it has atm.

I have though about Valkyr also having that approach-ability that Garuda has with her 1 & 2 [namely for Valkyr's 3rd or 4th since her 1st does have some mobility but is kinda gimmicky].

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I really, really appreciate that you are looking at a Warframe at this level. Analyzing Warframes is a lot more than "is it good?", it is a lot more than raw synergy, there is a gameplay loop and intended feel for a Warframe that is the core to their kit. Too often I see threads get lost in the surface level analysis without looking at some of the most important (and often problematic) parts of Warframes.


On 2020-06-04 at 11:48 AM, FoxFX said:

Do you feel Garuda should be more close combat or more mid/long range caster?

That said, I do think that saying that Garuda needs to be one or the other is a false dichotomy. Primarily I do believe that she is a mid/long range caster, but it is her kit demanding that she jump into groups that I believe makes her one of the most interesting playstyles in the game. Having a Warframe just allow you to stay at range has been done over and over again, being a (literal) mobile turret is a solid archetype but good lord we already have so many of those. On the other end we also have a plethora of close combat Warframes. What Garuda does is force you to do both, and where you see it as clunky I see it as engaging.

Jumping into a group, quickly clearing them out, using your new position to kill mid/long ranged enemies, repositioning and clearing another group. That is the base combat loop of Garuda, a blend of close and mid/long range that I believe complement each other.


On 2020-06-04 at 11:48 AM, FoxFX said:

Do you like the idea of having the blood/gore of enemies empower Garuda [The Optional passive suggestion above]?

I get where you are coming from with this suggestion, but this kind of passive just doesn't work that well in the pace Warframe. Enemies are rarely dying, they are either dead or full health.


It is weird to say, but in some respects I think Garuda is nearly perfect, possibly the closest to perfect of all Warframes. There are very, very few things that you could change to her that wouldn't disrupt her (in my opinion great/interesting) gameplay loop. If you want Warframes to be unique it is literally impossible for them to all be at an equal power level. Garuda will never and should never be at the same level as Mesa or Saryn, the only way for that to happen would be to neuter her kit for the sake of spammable high DPS abilities. When changing a Warframe, if they already have a strong identity, they should only be changed to be the best they can be. Garuda should be the best version of Garuda, not the best a Warframe can be.

That said, the only changes I could see to Garuda...

  • Some consistency fixes on Blood Mirror, sometimes it doesn't block damage when it feels like it should have.
  • Small buff to Blood Altar's range. This ability is fine for Garuda to top herself off but as a team support ability the small range is unfortunate. I wouldn't be opposed to this actually being an augment, something like +200% range for Blood Alter.
  • Change the mechanics of Seeking Talons to be more consistent. For example...
    • 100% (not affected by mods) chance for a target to be inflicted with Slash status.
    • Damage of slash status is 75% (affected by mods) of the base damage.
    • This would be the same effectiveness on average, but would make the ability more consistent without demanding power strength (while still rewarding building for power strength).


Edited by DrBorris
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On 2020-06-04 at 8:48 AM, FoxFX said:





    • Garuda can easily scale against enemies in both star chart and more difficult content in terms of damage output. [Dread Mirror] highlights this with the ability to gather points for her [Dread Heart] ability which becomes a big nuke the more you invest on it. Conditional it may be, it still can match up well.


    • Whether it is to create blood altars to stop one pesky enemy and to use them as a healing beacon or to temporarily make incoming attacks cause automatic bleed procs, Garuda can make for a decent teamplay Warframe. Her [Blood Altar] can make for a decent healing support, and her [Seeking Talons] can make defeating tougher enemies faster as long as they aren't status-immune or have diminishing returns.


    • Her 3rd ability really shines as a Warframe that doesn't really need efficiency or any sort of outside energy-gain that much. Sacrificing her health with [Bloodletting] to gain Energy is a relatively useful gimmick and [Blood Altar] allows a special cycle between themselves. Garuda has slight above-average base Energy and Armor. With the addition to Shield Gating, Garuda has a slight upgrade to her survivability.




    • I have seen players comment on how clunky she feels. I feel that this is generally about how some players perceive her to be: a specialized close-combat Warframe or a mid/long range caster Warframe. Almost all of the Warframe have their abilities/stats/theme highlight the favorable position you would want these Warframes to be in combat. With Garuda, 1/2 of her kit has Garuda move closer to the enemy while the other 1/2 are more so feel more favorable for mid/long range casting style. [Seeking Talons] can leave Garuda open to attacks and Void forbid that Garuda gets hit by a stray attack while mid-casting [Bloodletting]. [Dread Mirror] and [Blood Altar] offer some self-sustainability for Garuda but also assumes Garuda to be closer to her enemies for a melee style. It can be rather confusing at times.



Garuda will have some changes to her innate Melee Weapon eventually, but I feel an ability suggestions should be discussed. For one, I think highlighting which position Garuda should be is the most important thing to look into for Garuda. There is also another optional idea I would like to convey.





    • Dread Mirror's Shield is instead a protective sphere around Garuda. This version has a shorter protective duration and a slightly lower damage absorption multiplier to [Dread Heart]. This version maintains its ability to approach enemies. The augment [Dread Ward] increases the sphere's duration if the enemy is killed by [Dread Mirror].

    • This Dread Barrier could even be a weaker version of Iron Skin if this makes some sense especially with the fact that Garuda sacrifices her health for power.


    • Dread Mirror maintains the same current mechanics EXCEPT in removing its ability to approach the enemy [turning this into a distant mid/long range ability], [Dread Mirror] allows the blood of the target enemy to slowly approach to Garuda granting her the frontal barrier and [Dread Heart] attack points as soon as it makes contact with her.

So for this suggestion, I have thought about if people like how Garuda approaches enemies, why not make the protection from it less restrictive but shorter and weaker in terms of gathering points for [Dread Heart]. If people want the ability to be more mid/long range and keeping the frontal barrier, they would need to have the barrier and points for [Dread Heart] to come over to them.



For each enemy bleeding with an active Slash proc within 30 meters from Garuda, Garuda gains points/sec per nearby bleeding enemy into her next [Dread Heart] attack. Garuda's melee Talons will also add X% of damage dealt into her [Dread Heart] attack.

An optional idea simulating that enemies bleeding on Garuda empower her more as well as the enemies she rips apart with her melee Talons.



  • Do you feel that unintended healing can be disruptive to take some advantage of Garuda's passive?

  • Do you feel that Garuda's damage passive lingering is a decent idea?

  • Do you feel Garuda should be more close combat or more mid/long range caster?

  • What are your thoughts on Bloodletting Augment : Blood Forge {I never touched on this because some have found this augment a bit useful with Landing-Archwing Guns}?

  • Do you like the idea of having the blood/gore of enemies empower Garuda [The Optional passive suggestion above]?

  • Would you like the idea of Bloodletting Augment : Blood Forge adding Shield and Overshield to Garuda now that there is Shield Gating in Warframes?

[Next Critique Article will tackle Grendel]

As a Garuda main, this is a very interesting article. You are right that her 3 and 4 seem to be mid/longe range vis a vis her 1 and 2. I feel a simple "fix" to this would be to buff the cast speed of her 4 even more. If the targeting reticle would expand faster, getting to max radius would not leave her exposed as long.

As to your inquiries, i DEFINITELY find unintended healing to be very disruptive to my play style. I play her almost exclusively at 2 hp to maximize her damage output, so any unintended healing disrupts this objective.

I personally feel her passive to be the best in the game. It creates the opportunity for a great risk vs reward play style, which I find extremely fun.

I personally feel she should be more close range, mainly because her talons.

I have never used her blood forge augment. I cannot justify sacrificing a mod slot for an effect I can almost universally get with the "reload while holstered" exilus mods.

I find the optional passive to be very intriguing, although not as a swap. I firmly believe her current passive is the best in game right now.

If her Blood Forge augment added shields and overshields instead of reloading magazines, I would find a spot to use it. This would be a MUCH better augment.


Thank you for your post. It's nice to see someone taking some time to critique/analyze my favorite warframe!

Edited by z3us32610
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10 hours ago, FoxFX said:

I have though about Valkyr also having that approach-ability that Garuda has with her 1 & 2 [namely for Valkyr's 3rd or 4th since her 1st does have some mobility but is kinda gimmicky].

She does have hysterical assault.  Obviously it's not built into her kit by default.  But yeah.  I had a rework for her floating around awhile ago.  But it's pretty trash.  I'd need to revisit it.

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One small nipick regard her her energy you talked about. Its not really above average when you consider that the only warframes that have higher than the max 225 base are primes and she rivals primes in her base form.

This is important to note because this insane energy pool + her regen + quick thinking is monsterously powerful. I doubt itll happen but Id love to see garuda prime get an increased energy pool lol. 

Overall though I do feel it would be nice to have a way of now moving around with her abilities. The mobility is great, but she would have even more versatility if you could choose the terms of your engagements more. Normally when ends up happening is I use dream mirror than immedistely backflip away to create distance. As it stands now you have to wall latch and then cast to not move anywhere with dread mirror.

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I don't think her positioning focus is an issue.  It's fun sliding between close combat and long range fluidly.  Where Garuda struggles is in how many buttons and charge-ups you need to perform a decent nuke.  Other frames do that a lot better.


She's also hard to mod.  DE made this easier by lowering the breakpoint of power strength required to hit 100% bleed proc on her 4, but she still needs... everything.  Everything and Natural Talent.

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