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Suggestion: Allow Players to join up to 5 clans


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I played a lot of GW2 before playing warframe. One of the biggest things I like, was the ability to join multiple guilds. It allowed you to have a small guild for yourself to decorate and actually invest into making. While also having other clans for raids or world events. Being able to join multiple communities helped keep the game more alive for me. While also allowing me to not worry about joining or leaving a dead guild because I would loose access to everything. 
I think it would be great for the community. Allowing more interactions between clans and the players.

Even from a financial standpoint. It seems like a win for D.E. . Clans are a big investment in time and resources. Also a lot of forma. Which means plenty of reason for players to buy forma and resource boosters. 

What do you guys think?

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11 minutes ago, Xaero said:

Your idea could be implemented by reworking alliances that lost their purpose after Solar Rail battles removal.

I agree. Good post, OP. I personally enjoy seeing the occasional post for a clan leader looking for an architect to help decorate their dojo, and I would like to help them but not leave my own clan of which I am a Warlord and would otherwise have to remind someone to add me back in and reinstate my rank. 

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I'd absolutely like this. (I probably would only join 2... my personal one, and one for activities.) FFXI also allowed you to join multiple guilds, and it worked out good.

I'll never destroy my personal dojo that I spent so many resources making (and eventually will decorate) just to join a larger guild to have people around to do stuff with. The pros don't outweigh the cons (and sunk cost).


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being part of multiple clan make no sense to me


but being able to work for another clan would make some sense


question what would be the requirmement reward , condition?


Maybe alliance should answear this in some way , an allied clan should be able to help a bit more



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The idea is not bad. My suggestion would be a temporal partnership, which allowed you to invite random persons into the clan and you can set the duration of how long those persons could be a part of your clan.

It would be different in the UI part because the temporal partners could see a timer and the clan emblem with opacity. There must be distinguish so if you are in a clan already you can see your main clan emblem and on a different tab the temporal membership.

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If only there was a reason for alliance.  Or even a reason for a clan other than for people to join, grab all research and then dip out to make their own to decorate.  I miss the days of raids (that made clans relevant) and owning sectors, all a clan is now is a larger foundry for BPs.   


Sure there is people to talk to but even some of the larger clans in larger alliances are running out of stuff to talk about. 


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Honestly I really wanted to be able to decorate my own clan hall. but having to leave my old clan kind of stopped me from doing so. They had weekly events which you could only participate and win rewards if you were in the clan. My favorite was the competition of who could survive the longest on MOT solo every week. Being able to join multiple clans would fix this. I don't think I'm the only one that felt like that. But it was worth leaving. I got to make this.



You would give players more opportunities to make and decorate their own halls. Without feeling punished and isolated for doing so. If you allowed them to be in more than one clan. It sucks I can't join those weekly events anymore and I cant join their clan chat. 

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3 hours ago, Brosef42 said:

Even from a financial standpoint. It seems like a win for D.E. . Clans are a big investment in time and resources. Also a lot of forma. Which means plenty of reason for players to buy forma and resource boosters. 

As if people wouldn't just work on the one clan and forget the others

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