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Update 10.5.0: The Gradivus Dilemma


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ok, look at this:



  • IF the Corpus win:
    • And you supported them: The ferocious DETRON hand-cannon. The Detron will be super-charged along with a new weapon slot!
    • You did not support them: A DETRON blueprint, reverse-engineered by the Lotus.


I fought for the Grineer and did not support corpus: I still get a BP of the Corpus pistol.


Now the problem with this and it was not answered: imagine Corpus loses the war and you fought for the Corpus. According to the first post, you will still get a BP of the Grineer pistol, but what about the Corpus pistol, do you still get a BP of it? Nothing at all would be kind of &#!. This is the only thing I believe is unclear with this.

I guess the pistol of the losing faction just disappears

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the way im reading it. if gringer win every one gets BRAKK some get the BP

and it corpus win every one gets the DETRON the much better looking weapon imo. sad that its already leaning gringer

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Another Grindfest !


And i need to chose which side to support and play over 100 mission spend :::: hours of my free time 

So if i do 25 missions i get only one weapon from one side

You did actually destroyed one thing that was my endgame and that is leveling up 

BS Congrats !

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To be honest, if I were the Corpus, I wouldn't be giving Tenno all the good stuff. It's not good for business. I want them to be customers and come back to buy things, lol.


With the Grineer, they're hoping to get the Tenno on their side and use them, so that's why they're offering stuff that they probably have a good amount of in their armories.


At least that's my attempt at roleplay justification. The Grineer want the Corpus gone more than the Corpus want themselves defended from the Grineer. And besides, it just means we'll be able to grind on the Grineer. (Memo to self, start grinding for Bolto BP materials.)


But yes, it is very disappointing that there is very little chance of participating in this event for players in Asian and Australia.

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The credits for me aren't an issue - I can grind that much no problem. Hell, I was playing ME3 Multiplayer for almost a year and a half, supporting myself through grinding. It's just that somehow the Corpus weapons don't feel as fun as the Grineer weapons.


Besides. I grew up in a jungle in the middle of nowhere, where a good machete - or parang, as it's called - was pretty much required for survival. (I live in the city now, but I've still got that parang in a store room...) So I have a certain affection for the Grineer parang.


Besides, there's a certain charm to a larch sharp chunk of metal. :p

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