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Update 10.5.0: The Gradivus Dilemma


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Its baffling me how everyone sees corpus are offering credits and just assumes that its awful.  


Have you seen how much they are offering?  If you sided with them and they won on ultor and quirinus, you get 350,000 credits.  That is nothing to sneeze at, particularly if you are trying to level up stuff.


The current offerings by the grineer are morphics, which are already crazy abundant, mutagen masses, which are only useful if you are building infested tech, and orokin cells, which are pretty much the only thing right now that I think arguably outweighs the credit reward.

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Its baffling me how everyone sees corpus are offering credits and just assumes that its awful.  


Have you seen how much they are offering?  If you sided with them and they won on ultor and quirinus, you get 350,000 credits.  That is nothing to sneeze at, particularly if you are trying to level up stuff.


The current offerings by the grineer are morphics, which are already crazy abundant, mutagen masses, which are only useful if you are building infested tech, and orokin cells, which are pretty much the only thing right now that I think arguably outweighs the credit reward.

I'm actually siding with the corpus even with the credit rewards that i dont need. Guess its all about preference

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Another Grindfest !


And i need to chose which side to support and play over 100 mission spend :::: hours of my free time 

So if i do 25 missions i get only one weapon from one side

You did actually destroyed one thing that was my endgame and that is leveling up 

BS Congrats !


lmao. You're complaining about using your free time on a video game? Really?

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I think what I'm really not happy about, which is something the US players have been ignoring/glossing over, is that this event is bovine excrement for those living in Asia and Australia, because while y'all are happily playing, we're all stuck at work.

Edited by WhiskeyGolf
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I think what I'm really not happy about, which is something the US players have been ignoring/glossing over, is that this event is bovine excrement for those living in Asia and Australia, because while y'all are happily playing, we're all stuck at work.

As far as I know, this event should last for a week. 

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I think what I'm really not happy about, which is something the US players have been ignoring/glossing over, is that this event is bovine excrement for those living in Asia and Australia, because while y'all are happily playing, we're all stuck at work.

and what about when we're up playing and they're at work? You're saying that as if the event is gonna last only tonight

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I love how we can get both of the new weapons, picking a side just means if it's potatoed or not. And then the exclusive things are just old melee weapon skins that're upgraded a tad.


Err if you read it correctly we only get one of the new weapons. Whether or not we picked the winning side makes the difference of if we get the potatoed version with its own slot or if we have to make it, along with a potato and weapon slot.

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Please change exterminate missions to have a few extra enemies, the very first mission I started on this event bugged out by having a stuck enemy outside map boundaries. Just have for example 105 enemies in a mission that tasks you with killing 100 enemies to minimise the chance of bugging out.

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Personally, they way I would like the rewards be that, for whatever faction you choose to fight for, the most, you get their reward based on which tier you're on. But depending on the winner, will dictate whether or not the weapon(s) are potatoe'd and slotted, or not.

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So far it looks like whoever gives out the best goodies will win this war. Not that I'm complaining about being paid for doing something I would have done anyways (that being slaughtering Grineer/Corpus enmasse), but it would have been nice to make the playerbase choose based on lore reasons or personal preference.


Also, I'd have really liked if Alad V had more sympathetic or appreciative dialogue. He talks to you like some kind of supervillain at all times while Sargas, the commander of a rapidly expanding empire bent on galactic domination, treats you like a bro when you take up arms with him and appeals to your sense of loyalty to your fellow Tenno while you're perforating his troops.

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