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change new corpus ship defense tile into "hide and seek"


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Even with Mesa, Equinox and Saryn, a single wave with a full squad takes minutes to complete.  The enemies are moronically choosing retarded paths to their objective thanks to the bad design of the room;  a lot of em getting stuck or take way too long to reach the main area because they spawn hundreds of meters away from the adjacent rooms.  The aim here is not defense, it's to ponder if DE even tested this?

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It would be a fantastic map for PvP! I really wish this map was used for conclave instead. All in all, yes, it's a very well designed room, clearly made with love and dedication. But it doesn't belong in a grind-game, because the only thing that matters here is "how quickly can I complete this task." 

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I have the feeling the map is mainly for some future boss content given the terminal locations and what's happening on the map, regardless i also sugest that they create an actual corpus ship defense map (interception is fine) that is smaller, you don't need to do as small as the last one, but this one was blown out of proportion, enemies are comming 1 by 1 in various paths, without any support from other units, they spawn sometimes far away, several rooms away from the target or objective and they take ages to actually spawn all units.

I understand that the main goal for DE was to eliminate the efficiency that was happening before with sorties and high level defense/interceptions, but from "8 you went straight to 80", the map is way to massive, it's a pain to play because the map is intentionally designed to hide units away from your abilities, it's designed to waste time.

Corpus ship tileset was amazing and fun, i understand the graphical overall of the tileset was needed, but i share OP point of view, i try to avoid that tileset at all costs and help me god if the mission is low level, because that triggers low volume of spawns and at that point the game is a walking simulator.

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Does Xini mean the map on Eris?

I miss the old map on Xini very much and can no longer find it on any planet.

Interception on new Xini Tileset has gotten really bad, most opponents spawn around point D, one Tenno has work while the other Tennos have a nice quiet time.

Defense in the new Tileset takes forever, opponents waste our time with annoying edges.

I miss my good old Moa army, that still existed with the old tileset.

I'm homesick Tenno.


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