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The Enemy Of My Enemy - Team Grineer


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Here's my argument for why you should roll with Team Grineer.


Brotherhood: Beyond saving a number of 'Tenno Sympathizers', we've had little to no interaction with the citizens of the galaxy. They offer us no refuge; our safehouses are self-constructed Dojos in the Void. They offer us no access to or discounts on new, advanced weaponry (interestingly, Darvo does, and he's Grineer), and they have hardly helped our war effort apart from being severe burdens in Rescue missions that seem to have no larger impact.


I see no reason to prize the freedom of these peoples over the lives of Tenno in captivity. Side with the Corpus to halt Grineer oppression, and Alad V gets to chop away at the flesh of our brothers and sisters at his mercy. Why would you save the anonymous, distant people of the solar system before you save your own blood? 


The Tenno are a tiny faction in a sea of Grineer and Corpus. Every rescued Tenno is an invaluable addition to our ranks - in terms of loyalty and brotherhood, and in terms of strength, as we'll see later. We won't leave these humans to a fate of oppression and tyranny, but when Tenno lives are on the line, that clearly takes precedence. It's a moral duty.




Strength: The humans have already proven themselves as inefficient combatants in the war. Alad's alleged resistance militia have left no footprint on the war. Even if they did, they are a Corpus-organized force, and hence suspect of allegiance or sympathy to the Corpus conglomerate. Beyond that, the humans are virtually defenseless, so pushing the Grineer expansion back by supporting Team Corpus will do nothing, other than delay the colonization of the former's hapless victims.


The Tenno are almost polar opposites. Millions of Tenno are awakening across the stars. This pales in comparison to Grineer and Corpus numbers, but each Tenno is worth his/her weight exponentially in thousands of bleeding Grineer and Corpus bodies. A four-man cell can wipe out an entire galleon. One skilled Tenno can decapitate the head of an enemy's strike force. 


Helping the humans will do nothing to strengthen us - saving the Tenno will.




Balance: With the collective strength of the Tenno in mind, supporting Team Grineer will ultimately bring greater balance to the solar system in the aftermath of the war. Team Corpus' argument is that by supporting the Grineer, you will unbalance the solar system by allowing the Empire to expand. But the greater disturbance actually comes from allowing the Corpus to gain dominance. This is why: 


By supporting the Corpus, you presumably balance out the conflict by halting the Grineer and allowing resistance to take root. But we've already proven how human resistance is futile, and Alad's militia will most likely be a Corpus proxy. On top of this, Alad will also harness the sheer destructive ability of the large numbers of Tenno that he has in captivity, and use them to forward the Corpus expansion. And we all know how deadly a Tenno can be. 


You aren't just trading one empire for another - you are becoming an active agent of Corpus dominance.


When you go Team Grineer, yeah, you temporarily allow the Grineer to gain a stronger foothold. But you also bolster the strength of the Tenno by saving the captive ones, and the Tenno are, after all, the most powerful balancing agent in the galaxy.


When this is over, we are the ones who will be most capable of containing Grineer expansionism. We will do this in the way we know best - by filling their bodies with bullets, leaving their corpses in steaming, cleaved piles, and wrecking their armada like we've done in the past. 


So - for Brotherhood, Strength and Balance. Go Team Grineer.


Rraahuud, Tenno.

Edited by Darayas
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How would letting Ruk win help the tenno in any way? What do you think he's gonna do to the captured tenno, huh?


Think and know are two different things. Alad V winning= Tons of Tenno sacrificed. That's a guarantee. Ruk winning= We have no idea. Its possible that he'll just let us go. Its also possible that he'll back stab the tenno. That chance of saving our kin should be enough to warrant siding with them.

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nah, go corpus.

extend war to grind down numbers on both sides. (was pretty apparent that the corpus would be severely outmatched in this engagement if left to go it alone)


once both sides are exhausted, we mop up.


we're supposed to be guardians of balance, right?

well. allowing the larger force to expand and possibly annihilate the smaller, wouldn't be maintaining balance, would it?


of course, we have no idea what other factions / information is out there. because the lore.... oh wait, what lore? :P

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grineer are creatures, artificial monsters that are no longer human born of a mother womb


we tenno have more in common with the pure human corpus, we share their dna and heritage 


to be greedy is to be human, to error is to be human, but the grineer are souless creations with no regard for any life


to support the grineer is to betray life and humanity, sometimes sacrifice must be made 

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nah, go corpus.

extend war to grind down numbers on both sides. (was pretty apparent that the corpus would be severely outmatched in this engagement if left to go it alone)


once both sides are exhausted, we mop up.


we're supposed to be guardians of balance, right?

well. allowing the larger force to expand and possibly annihilate the smaller, wouldn't be maintaining balance, would it?


of course, we have no idea what other factions / information is out there. because the lore.... oh wait, what lore? :P

If the Grineer could crush the Corpus so easily, they wouldn't have bothered calling for Tenno help. The Corpus won't be annihilated, the balance merely shifted. Besides, we were never guardians of balance - we serve only ourselves.


grineer are creatures, artificial monsters that are no longer human born of a mother womb


we tenno have more in common with the pure human corpus, we share their dna and heritage 


to be greedy is to be human, to error is to be human, but the grineer are souless creations with no regard for any life


to support the grineer is to betray life and humanity, sometimes sacrifice must be made 

Letting a greedy man tinker with your brothers and sisters on an experimentation table, on the basis of your shared dna, certainly does not forward 'life and humanity'. 


No one ever said we were human, anyway.

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i will slay all of you weak hearted dogs in battle who supported the grineer during dilemmatic wars




freedom never comes without out sacrifice, if it was not for us brave and righteous few that are assisting the corpus the entire sol system will be overrun by grineer by the next solar cycle, THEN all tenno will be destroyed or enslaved under the twin @#&*(s 


vile traitors

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Exactly. Here are my thoughts when a real life friend of mine asked my motives to side with the Grineer and gladly I got him convinced that his way of seeing this as the side of Corpus were wrong, he is also now at our side. Anyways here is my thoughts about this event:

I don't do this for the money, I'm not a mercenary and I'm not a gun for hire.

Why serve Corpus. Not only will you kill of our kind but you will also gain nothing from it in return. Grineer will stay as strong as they were prior this event. If you'd help Grineer though, not only would you save our kind but as the Grineer would indeed get stronger, thanks to our decision to save our kind, so do we and thus we get reinforcements as well so we are stronger as ever to show the Grineer who was in the power all along.

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i will slay all of you weak hearted dogs in battle who supported the grineer during dilemmatic wars




freedom never comes without out sacrifice, if it was not for us brave and righteous few that are assisting the corpus the entire sol system will be overrun by grineer by the next solar cycle, THEN all tenno will be destroyed or enslaved under the twin @#&*(s 


vile traitors


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i will slay all of you weak hearted dogs in battle who supported the grineer during dilemmatic wars




freedom never comes without out sacrifice, if it was not for us brave and righteous few that are assisting the corpus the entire sol system will be overrun by grineer by the next solar cycle, THEN all tenno will be destroyed or enslaved under the twin @#&*(s 


vile traitors

You are the traitor to our kind, you! Not only do you let Alad V to kill our kin, but you gain nothing form it either. It doesn't matter if the Grineer gain power as so do we, thanks to the newly found reinforcements we saved from Alad V. So as the Grineer grow in power, so do we. However, if we were to serve Alad V, not only would he kill our brothers and sisters but the Grineer would stay just a strong at what they do to Tenno as they were prior to this event. As it is stated that the Grineer will not weaken no matter what the conclusion is, but they will gain power and so will we if we support the Grineer but at least that way we get benefits as well, unlike if we serve Alad V.

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we won a great victory at Ultor brothers !


although the grineer supporter traitors assailed with all their might, we successfully repelled their feeble attack and defended the planet


i hope you enjoy your pet Moa as much as I, and your bank account overfloweth with righteous credits from the fine gentleman that is Alad V


Corparr Victa !

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