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Who are Forum Moderators? Do they follow a code of conduct?


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Yes we have mods and yes they follow a strict code.

Edit : I went over your previous posts and found no issues i could see with the way you write up posts. What posts do you believe were ghosted and do you remember exactly what you said?. The mods are pretty good on letting ya know but i have had posts ghosted before with no explanation in the past so not perfect.

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31 minutes ago, LillyRaccune said:

My forum posts are being silently deleted. Does DE moderate the moderators?

Usually if a forum post you made disappeared and no one actually said anything, there are a few possibilities: 

1) It wasn't actually deleted, it was merged into another thread, you may find the post still in your post history. 

2) It was part of a string of comments where the moderator felt the need to hide a bunch of posts, yours wasn't necessarily offensive, so they didn't need to warn you, but it went along with the rest. 

3) It was part of a hidden thread, my comments disappear for reasons like this all the time. 

It would be very odd for your comments to actually be a serious problem, and have them truly deleted without any warning, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you are concerned, you can private message a moderator and politely ask them to look into it. I promise you, the forum moderators on WF have all been here a very long time and have to follow very strict codes of conduct, I don't think DE even pulls volunteers from the community anymore so these are all longtime veterans of the moderating team. 

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"6) COMPLAINTS – We will not tolerate inappropriate, aggressive, or hostile complaints posted on the Forums. If you have a complaint about a player, report the issue. If you have a complaint about how your behavior on the forums has been moderated, send a Moderator a private message. They will do what they can to sort out any issues."

From: https://forums.warframe.com/guidelines/

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1 hour ago, LillyRaccune said:

My forum posts are being silently deleted. Does DE moderate the moderators?

I see only one post of yours which was removed, and it was removed because it was quoting/addressing another post which was removed for not adhering to the code of conduct. 

Please keep in mind that if you are replying to/addressing a post which violates the rules, even if your post does not violate the rules, it will likely be removed as part of the cleaning process to tidy up a thread after removing rule violating posts (the original post and all 'child' posts are removed in this process, including posts quoting, replying to or discussing the rule violating post in question). Not all post removals result in a notification to a user that they have been moderated either, which may be why a moderator did not reach out to you. Usually if a moderator reaches out to you regarding the removal of your post, it's because your post did not adhere to the code of conduct and a warning is being issued.

A good rule (or rule(s)) of thumb are as follows:

  • If a post of yours was removed and you were not sent a private message, verbal warning or a warning point, you probably didn't violate any rules... but just in case, if you wish to re-post what you had written, you should contact a moderator to discuss.
  • Try to not reply or quote posts which are clearly violating the forum rules; it is never smart to engage users in discussion/debate if they are violating the forum rules, as it could put you at risk of unintentionally violating the rules yourself (it will also result in your posts being removed as part of the cleaning process)
  • If you have questions about moderation, how you or how others have been moderated or why, please do not hesitate to reach out to a moderator with a private message and we can try to get your questions answered to the best of our ability. Please keep in mind that we cannot discuss details regarding how other users may have been moderated (i.e. punishments, posting restrictions, warning points, etc) as these are considered private matters between said user and the moderation team/DE Customer Support team
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