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Matchmaking option: host or client only


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21 minutes ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

Would be so much better for pubs to have this option. 

Why’d you post twice? 

The problem with this option is when 90% of people pick the same one. Most people would like to host as they get the best experience that way.

  • Also how does this actually help in pubs? It’s not tied to any ping measures or anything. So it doesn’t seem like there could be a benefit. People with terrible internet will pick to host, because otherwise they lag.
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1 hour ago, krc473 said:

Most people would like to host as they get the best experience that way.

As a person who is half way around the world for most of the people I matchmake with, I would choose this option. For someone like me, it does not seem to be a matter of internet speed(I hope so anyway, since that's what I'm paying my ISP for), since we have 10Mbps Up and down, yet there are still people who end up complaining due to the high ping. It is frustrating to know that when you load in first into a mission such as an arbitration or an event like Orphix Venom (where you are likely to stay for an hour) that those who join you are likely to have a worse time.

26 minutes ago, Hello said:

It gets annoying canceling matchmaking 10 times before the game finally puts me in a group so I can avoid being a host.

Yeah, tried this a few times before: Click mission, no instant join? Cancel mission, reselect mission. Repeat until you don't have to be host. This can also frustrate players if they end up instantly joining you and you cancel the mission you end up wasting some of their time since now they have to reselect the mission as well.

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Indeed, I wish I could host. I don't have the fastest PC or connection, but it is very stable and I can't think of people complaining when I was host. I also have a 98% completion rate on missions, so people wouldn't have to worry about me bailing on them and messing things up with a host migration.

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2 hours ago, PhiThagRaid said:


Yeah, tried this a few times before: Click mission, no instant join? Cancel mission, reselect mission. Repeat until you don't have to be host. This can also frustrate players if they end up instantly joining you and you cancel the mission you end up wasting some of their time since now they have to reselect the mission as well.

Exactly that. When the 10s timer comes up I know I'm the host. Literally have my finger on the Y key to quickly cancel queue as fast as I can.

I do feel bad when someone does join right after I cancel it for the same reason that you mentioned. Figured trying again is better than a potentially laggy (because of me) mission.

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5 hours ago, krc473 said:

The problem with this option is when 90% of people pick the same one. Most people would like to host as they get the best experience that way.

  • Also how does this actually help in pubs? It’s not tied to any ping measures or anything. So it doesn’t seem like there could be a benefit. People with terrible internet will pick to host, because otherwise they lag.

If everyone would want to host, would only allowing people to opt out of host solve the one sided issue? Eg. You can choose to never be host or have normal matchmaking. 

From OPs statement about pubs it might indicate that he would like to host, though. I can somewhat see how having people select to never be client can be a matchmaking issue. 

There are 0-3 clients for each host, having the ability to choose to be the minority and further splitting up matchmaking seems like a negative. I think selecting to not be host would mostly keep things the same or bring improvements. To prevent queues of clients, perhaps if a full squad is possible with clients they can be formed together. (As a fail safe for if too many choose to be clients) However, I believe those who are looking for this feature would be willing to wait a while to try and get a squad, understanding why it might be difficult to find one.

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10 hours ago, PhiThagRaid said:

As a person who is half way around the world for most of the people I matchmake with, I would choose this option. For someone like me, it does not seem to be a matter of internet speed(I hope so anyway, since that's what I'm paying my ISP for), since we have 10Mbps Up and down, yet there are still people who end up complaining due to the high ping.

Distance also plays a role. If you are half way around the world from the people you play with there could be issues. My ping jumps from around 50 to over 250 when I try that.

  • 10 Mbps is fairly slow. That is only about 1.25 MB/s. For a comparison, my internet is being quite slow when it runs at 5 MB/s (mine theoretically caps out at 125 MB/s).
7 hours ago, PhiThagRaid said:

If everyone would want to host, would only allowing people to opt out of host solve the one sided issue? Eg. You can choose to never be host or have normal matchmaking. 

I cannot imagine many people would change the setting at all. People tend to not be aware of how bad their connection speed is and just blame the game. There is also the issue of people playing in the incorrect region. The system seems like it would be a good idea, if it could be automated and forced onto people. So anyone with below a 20 Mbps [example] download and upload is not allowed to host (you would also look at ping). That takes people believing their connection is fine out of the equation.

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29 minutes ago, krc473 said:

10 Mbps is fairly slow.

Compared to other countries, perhaps, when I started playing back in 2016 we still had a 1Mbps down 0.25Mbps up, so, 10x/40x more data per second is a massive improvement.

In my country(last I checked) it is impossible to get speeds above 40Mbps.(Seems speeds above have been introduced, but are 3-4x more expensive. with max I could find in a quick search being 200Mbps)

Thing is, I don't believe WF would be sending that much data that it would exceed 10Mbps.

29 minutes ago, krc473 said:

My ping jumps from around 50 to over 250 when I try that.

Yep, 200-300 ping is the average for me, but sometimes I get matched with 600-1600 ping players, although it doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother some others (way too much IMO).

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17 minutes ago, PhiThagRaid said:

Compared to other countries, perhaps, when I started playing back in 2016 we still had a 1Mbps down 0.25Mbps up, so, 10x/40x more data per second is a massive improvement.

That's the flaw in the whole idea. What's good for you is bad for me, others would find your speed great. Ping could be a bigger issue, and the system we have cannot deal with it. I just don't think a system can be put in place that would actually be beneficial enough to justify the effort to design it.

  • Personally, I have no issues with ping in my normal region, and not much of an issue when playing in other regions. 
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