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Revenant Prime Idea (english and spanish)

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Same text, first in spanish then in english.


La idea seria básicamente intentar dar una explicación acorde al lore, para la existencia de un Revenant Prime.

Partiendo de la base que Revenant, es un resultado de la ``simbiosis´´ (por decirlo así) entre un warframe previo (guardian) y un sentient, el punto de interés seria imbuir energía sentient o retirarla. Una idea que parecía poco probable, pero recientemente se ha añadido un sujeto que puede hacer muchas cosas, y esta podría ser una de ellas sin mucho problema o eso creo, el Helminto.

Para que exista y tenga logica en el lore un Revenant Prime, es indispensable que exista el warframe del guardián, sin el, no se podría realizar.

Por ello, lo primero seria crear el warframe del Guardián, y aquí, tendrían la posibilidad de hacer lo que habían planeado con Revenant y no les salio del todo bien. Con esto, no quiero decir que Revenant sea malo, de hecho es mi wf favorito, pero no creo que case con la idea de VAMPIRO. Por ello, si hace un nuevo WF que fuese Revenant sin la esencia sentient, tendrían la oportunidad de hacer un warframe que si fuese o diese imagen de ser realmente un vampiro, el Guardian. En cualquier caso, debería seguir teniendo similitudes con Revenant pues son lo mismo, solo que Revenant tendría añadidos. Es decir, deberían tener un modelado similar, aunque evidentemente distinto. El Guardian debería tener altura similar a Revenant, aunque su piel no necesariamente deba ser igual aunque si darse un aire, eso si, eliminar la niebla y elementos que recuerden a sentient. En cuanto a sus HABILIDADES, si deberían darse un aire, pero el muro de neblina y danza deberían desaparecer y no dejar rastro en Guardian. La 1 podría ser similar, pero un mordisco o algo así, con un máximo de 2 acólitos que funcionasen como una especie de mascotas. La 2 por su parte, podría ser una habilidad también defensiva, pero tratándose de un wf que pretendiese ser un vampiro, el modelado del Guardian podría disponer de una especie de capa por defecto que con el 2 se pusiese y se sirviese de defensa. Para el 3 y el 4 no tengo ideas, pero no creo que deban parecerse a las de Revenant, ya que debe haber similitudes, pero no calcos.

Ya tenemos la idea de Guardian, pero es necesario obtenerlo, y siendo nuestra única pista las Llanuras de Eidolon y ayudándonos del Helminto y del Leverian, creo que se puede crear algo interesante. El Leverian es un museo, que recoge la información de los diversos waframes conocidos, por lo que podría usarse a modo de introducción al Guardian, como lugar de archivo en el que se informa a nuestro operador de las habilidades y aspecto de dicho warframe del que deriva Revenant. Esta información se la comunicaríamos al Helminto, que por otra parte debería ya saberla (no recuerdo bien si era o no responsable de la creación de los warframes o algo así, un poco floja esta parte). El Helminto, nos exigiría construir un nuevo Revenant (para lo cual es necesario hacer su aventura). Sin embargo, no hace falta construirlo 3 veces, con 2 ya bastaría, una para quedárselo y otra para subsumirlo, y su subsumision nos daría acceso a su habilidad de helminto, pero también A LOS PLANOS DEL GUARDIAN.

Una vez tenemos los planos del Guardián, lo podríamos hacer.

Para el Guardian Prime no hace falta explicación, al igual que otros warframes corrientes que no han tenido experiencias extrañas, la versión prime de Guardián no obtiene secreto alguno. Sin embargo, esto no es así con Revenant Prime.

Para la consecución de Revenant Prime, el Helminto habría de necesitar experiencia previa con el manejo de energía sentient. Y esa experiencia podría haberla obtenido precisamente de haber retirado la influencia o energía sentient de la versión vanilla de Revenant para poder recuperar al Guardian. De forma que, la creación de Revenant Prime, seria el proceso inverso. Se necesitaría un Guardian Prime, para que el Helminto, mediante una suerte de ``ingeniería inversa´´ del proceso vanilla, transformase a Guardian Prime, en Revenant Prime. Por lo que es necesario construir también 2 Guardian Prime.

Es todo esto una liada? si. Pero considero que es una explicación fiel al lore de warframe. No me gustaría ver a mi warframe favorito, Revenant, obtener una versión prime sin una explicación coherente dentro del mundo warframe.

Otra posibilidad seria hacerle una versión umbra, pero bueno, no se como funcionaria eso.



The idea would basically try to give an explanation according to the lore, for the existence of a Revenant Prime. Assuming that Revenant is a result of the "symbiosis" (so to speak) between a previous warframe (guardian) and a sentient, the point of interest would be to infuse sentient energy or withdraw it. An idea that seemed unlikely, but recently a subject has been added that can do many things, and this could be one of them without much problem or so I think, the Helminth. For a Revenant Prime to exist and have logic in the lore, it is essential that the warframe of the guardian exists, without it, it could not be carried out. For this reason, the first thing would be to create the Warframe of the Guardian, and here, they would have the possibility to do what they had planned with Revenant and it did not work out at all. With this, I do not mean that Revenant is bad, in fact it is my favorite wf, but I do not think that it marries the idea of VAMPIRE. Therefore, if you make a new WF that was Revenant without the sentient essence, they would have the opportunity to make a warframe that if it were or gave the image of being really a vampire, the Guardian. In any case, it should continue to have similarities with Revenant because they are the same, only that Revenant would have additions. That is, they should have a similar modeling, although obviously different. The Guardian should have a similar height to Revenant, although his skin should not necessarily be the same although he should give himself an air, that if, eliminate the mist and elements that remind sentient. As for their ABILITIES, if they should give themselves a breath, but the wall of mist and dance should disappear and leave no trace on Guardian. The 1 could be similar, but a bite or something like that, with a maximum of 2 acolytes that functioned as some kind of pets. The 2 for its part, could also be a defensive ability, but in the case of a wf that pretended to be a vampire, the Guardian's modeling could have a kind of default cape that with the 2 it was put on and served as defense. For 3 and 4 I have no ideas, but I don't think they should resemble Revenant's, as there must be similarities, but no a copy.


We already have the idea of Guardian, but it is necessary to obtain it, and being our only clue the Plains of Eidolon and with the help of the Helminth and the Leverian, I think something interesting can be created. The Leverian is a museum, which collects the information of the various known waframes, so it could be used as an introduction to the Guardian, as an archive place in which our operator is informed of the abilities and appearance of said warframe of which drift Revenant. We would communicate this information to the Helminth, who on the other hand should already know it (I don't quite remember whether or not he was responsible for the creation of the warframes or something like that, this part is a bit lazy). The Helminth would require us to build a new Revenant (for which it is necessary to do his adventure). However, it is not necessary to build it 3 times, with 2 it would be enough, once to keep it and another to subsume it, and its subsumption would give us access to its helminth ability, but also TO THE GUARDIAN'S PLANES. Once we have the plans for the Guardian, we could do it. For the Guardian Prime no explanation is needed, like other ordinary warframes that have not had strange experiences, the prime version of Guardian does not get any secrets. However, this is not so with Revenant Prime. To achieve Revenant Prime, the Helminth would need previous experience with handling sentient energy. And that experience could have been obtained precisely by having withdrawn the influence or sentient energy of the vanilla version of Revenant in order to recover the Guardian. So, the creation of Revenant Prime would be the reverse process. It would take a Guardian Prime, so that the Helminth, through a kind of "reverse engineering" of the vanilla process, transformed Guardian Prime into Revenant Prime. So it is necessary to also build 2 Guardian Prime. Is this all a mess? Yes. But I consider that it is an explanation faithful to the lore of warframe. I wouldn't want to see my favorite warframe, Revenant, get a prime version without a coherent explanation within the warframe world. Another possibility would be to make an umbra version of it, but hey, I don't know how that would work.

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hace 4 minutos, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 dijo:

Every Warframe will get a prime regardless of how the existence of that prime conflicts with lore.

yes ... but trying to think of a way to marry the lore and have a minimal chance that they serve the community and respect the game, does not hurt anyone XD.
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crazy and unlikely as it would be, you could just say that the process of Warden becoming Revenant happened twice; first with his prime, and then it happened again with the non-primed version. there would have been many centuries between the two, and if something can happen once, it can happen again. wasn't there something that draws warden to that place exclusively? been a long time since I did the quest..

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It's also really not that weird to say that the blueprint we get during the Quest was reduced in quality over time. The Warden was around during the Old War and acted as a guardian for the Eidolons remains, I don't see why Revenant wouldn't have been primed, but that by the time we got to the blueprint, we could only jury-rig what was left together with more modern materials to make our basic Revenant. When it comes to the Prime, we would just find a copy of the same blueprint that hasn't been tainted. 

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Every Warframe will get a prime regardless of how the existence of that prime conflicts with lore.

Gara Prime actually gives us a hint to how DE handles that. 

Specifically, this bit:


Of all our sleek gargoyles, our Void-born masquerade, how to honor the one who volunteered willingly, knowing the truth? Whose little act of courage - twinkled like a petty Ayatan, before our golden indifference?

And Nihil cried: "Glass her, for her presumption!" Until the arches rang with laughter. So be it. I shall encase you in crystal most fine. That the purity of your stigmatization might shard the sunlight itself.

The unbroken. Gara.

Gara wasn't Primed because it was "the original", Gara was Primed specifically because she performed a deed worthy of recognition by the Orokin. 

In a nutshell, Primes seem to be the equivalent of an IRL soldier getting a Medal of Honor. 

This means that Nidus (In his quest, he is described as an Old War relic) could easily have been Primed in the past. His mechanics unchanged, but as the Orokin like to do, aesthetically upgraded. There's nothing to indicate Nidus's abilities are a result of his time after the war or if he was always like that. 

Likewise with Revenant. We know he was a normal frame prior to his adventure in the lake. Which means a Prime version of that frame is more than possible. Visually speaking, all DE would have to do is remove the sentient corruption. 
Given we know nothing of his original frame, theres always the possibility that his abilities always functioned the way they do now, so some art tweaks to those abilities to remove the sentient corruption and BAM, Revenant Prime in all his original glory. 

Harrow may be an issue, but i cant find anything that says that the Harrow Rell uses is the only Harrow that ever got built. Only that a Harrow was built for him.
Its more than possible for Harrow to have been the frame that suited Rell the most. And thus would have been eligible for being Primed in the past. 

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They really should deviate from convention and make the Warden Prime because of how Revenant works in the game... his base stats don't matter at all. If you're playing a fancy decked-out Revenant now? Hey! He's going to be identical to Revenant Prime in every way in gameplay! You don't need to invest in Revenant Prime... Infinite EHP is the same as infinite EHP.

In other words... If you spend 5 forma and an aura forma on Revenant today... there will be no objective reason or incentive to invest the same 5 forma and aura forma in a hypothetical Revenant Prime. When you cast Mesmer Skin, his base armor, health and shields do not matter whatsoever for the duration of Mesmer Skin. If you build him for efficiency (which is how you should build him), his base energy also barely matters. So if they really want current Revenant players to spend forma on his prime, they should give us a slightly different Warden Prime before his corruption.

I guess there's always mastery and fashion. Let's just say, despite being a Revenant main, I probably won't regularly play Revenant Prime when he comes out. There will be no reason to! Well... maybe if I get bored I can build Revenant Prime to be the same. But really... tweaks to his base stats have absolutely no meaning because of Mesmer Skin.

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26 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

If DE had the balls to call it "Warden Prime" instead of "Revenant Prime" there wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately I don't think they have the courage to do that

Warden Prime with a different 4th ability (instead of meaningless base stat tweaks) and everything else the same.

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3 hours ago, Reitrix said:

Gara Prime actually gives us a hint to how DE handles that. 

Specifically, this bit:

Gara wasn't Primed because it was "the original", Gara was Primed specifically because she performed a deed worthy of recognition by the Orokin. 

In a nutshell, Primes seem to be the equivalent of an IRL soldier getting a Medal of Honor. 

This means that Nidus (In his quest, he is described as an Old War relic) could easily have been Primed in the past. His mechanics unchanged, but as the Orokin like to do, aesthetically upgraded. There's nothing to indicate Nidus's abilities are a result of his time after the war or if he was always like that. 

Likewise with Revenant. We know he was a normal frame prior to his adventure in the lake. Which means a Prime version of that frame is more than possible. Visually speaking, all DE would have to do is remove the sentient corruption. 
Given we know nothing of his original frame, theres always the possibility that his abilities always functioned the way they do now, so some art tweaks to those abilities to remove the sentient corruption and BAM, Revenant Prime in all his original glory. 

Harrow may be an issue, but i cant find anything that says that the Harrow Rell uses is the only Harrow that ever got built. Only that a Harrow was built for him.
Its more than possible for Harrow to have been the frame that suited Rell the most. And thus would have been eligible for being Primed in the past. 

Valkyr primes appearance and abilities reflect that of the version of Valkyr that was the result of Corpus experimentation. Which is not even remotely accurate to how Valkyr Prime would actually be.

The lore validity of each prime varies from frame to frame. But as I said before DE disregards lore when it comes to priming frames because they said every frame will get a prime, and any frame who was created after the Orokin conflicts with that. So it’s better to just accept certain primes as lore breaking.

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hace 4 horas, nslay dijo:

Warden Prime with a different 4th ability (instead of meaningless base stat tweaks) and everything else the same.

I think the skills should be different but similar. We are talking about the warden / guardian that is the basis of Revenant, which has added sentient energy to say the least. So Revenant's abilities are based on those of warden / guardian but are modified. As I have put, I think that with warden they can return more to the vampire idea that they had for revenant. My proposal for 1 is a bite that can give you a maximum of 2 or 3 acolytes that work almost like pets or like Atlas golems. This would be the ability that would also acquire the ability to regenerate health to replace the revenant wall. You could give it once to bite the target and drain life or hold the button to turn it into an acolyte. For the 2, I would also see a defensive ability interesting, for example, it occurs to me that Warden / Guardian has a kind of cape (like the image typical of vampires) and that when using the 2 he covers himself with it in some way leaving his arms free or that the warden / guardian can summon bats that flutter him in protection. By the 3rd, the revenant wall could be replaced by an area fear. And for the 4th it just occurred to me, "Festival of Blood" that Warden / Guardian summons many bats and that these in the area, inflict cutting damage to the enemies (as if it were Equinox).

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