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Confession Thread


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- Trinity is slowly becoming my favorite frame.

- Loki has been my main since I started playing.

- I still don't have any rank 10 mods maxed out.

- I spend more forma in the dojo than on my weapons or frames.

- I can't stand playing Frost. I only use him for Def / Mob Def, and only if no one else has him to use.

- I've purchased, leveled and sold a Braton at least 4 times.

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-mag prime is my favourite frame

-i prefer the braton prime to the soma.

-helped the corpus during the event

-i never go in 500-1000 conclave because everyone uses OP weapons

-i built the acrid but never lvled it past 3.

-i won't put the vacuum mod on my carrier.

-i prefer the bronco prime to the brakk

-i still have 3 CV keys.

-i still have at least 1 of every corruptor from fomorian event

Edited by DAFIRE
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This thread isn't about bad things. It's about things we have no shame about.

I really don't get the point of this thread either, unless it's to get a laugh.  And as far as I know, having shame means doing something embarrassing or wrong.  Wrong = bad?  It's so strange to see some of the stuff people are confessing to, as if it's not good to like something in this game.


This thread is suspect, just my two cents.  Carry on.

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Let's see...


- I never play seriously.

- I like to bother people in Region Chat so I can bother them even more when they answer me.

- I like to help people in Region Chat FOR REAL (and I do help them btw), And the line above is still true.

- I never listen to people especially when I don't know them.

- I still have 15 Forma for no reasons.

- I didn't have to farm for Multishot mods because I looted them the very first time I played Warframe (Start of Open Beta)

- When I don't like people, so do they.

- I like to harass people for no reasons, and make them rage.

- I'm never serious.

- I'm one of the few who can walk on an Antimatter Drop and make circles on it around a big room.

- I prefer Rebecca over Megan, but I like them both.

- I prefer men over women *cough*

- I like to Switch Teleport people back or somewhere else.

- I like to put Bounces so allies can fall into oblivion, or to prevent them from landing to a specific place.

- I like to put Wormholes in tight corridors so allies going inside go back. Also I like putting Random wormholes so people take them thinking that it's the right one.


Well at least that made me less bored.

Edited by Vannell
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- I have a tendency to assume you are a bad player if you apply to a mission with NOVA SUPRA ACRID GALATINE as your load out. 
- There is clearly a point where you can no longer survive the survival mission that I simply stop reviving you. Sorry. 
- If you run ahead of the entire team I immediately stop trying to make any forward progression in the mission. 
- It is only with an intense amount of self-restraint that I hold the elevator for everyone. If someone does not hold the elevator I will stand next to the button and smash the activation button so that we immediately go back down before anyone has a chance to get out of the elevator. 

- I think it's funny when you get flung off of a corpus laser door. 

- I teabag your corpse if I see it. Always. 
- I call you bad names if you leave the defense mission before we get a void key. 
- I constantly try to kill you with red barrels. 

- I constantly try to snipe out the Corpus windows from another room so that you are stuck in there suffocating to death, while I am somewhere else, breathing delicious oxygen. 
- I think your carrier sentinel is dumb. You really can't walk 3 feet to the left to pick up ammo? How friggin' useless are you. 
- If you don't call out Stalker when you are getting attacked by Stalker after I have asked who on the team is being attacked by Stalker I will simply watch him kill you. Even if you are two feet away from me. 
- If I am two feet away from you dying, and you do not raise me, I will not use a revive. Instead I will follow you around in spectator mode silently wishing for your death. 
- In many Corpus maps there are map-tiles where wallrunning is faster than utilizing the elevator. In these places I like to wall ran to the exit point of the elevator and stand there, waiting for you, as a demonstration of my ninja-dominance. You never acknowledge this, but we both know that you know. 

- I stand disturbingly close behind you when you go AFK or stop moving for a time span longer than thirty seconds. 

- I shoot your Blade Storm targets. 
- I main Ash. 

- I shoot anything you have hit with Acrid to purposefully lower your damage contribution. 

- I stare at your butt. 

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-I leveled up my hikou for mastery rank, sold them, then realized I liked how they stun ancients. so I recrafted and releveled them back to 30, and I almost immediately sold them again. now they sit in my inventory unused

-I despise the mainstream crowd that only uses rhino and nova, but the two frames I've been using recently are saryn and mag prime, which are essentially the same (alright, so saryn doesn't stun enemies as long, but shield polarize>m prime on high level targets)

-If you play ash, I assume you're a selfish ash hole and don't really know what you're doing. especially if you bring it to a defense mission (additional confession, I think my puns are funny)

-I don't see the purpose in potatoing certain frames. they're good enough as is, and two or three extra mod slots wouldn't do much good if you've already got the most functional mods equipped

-I sold my torid and ogris after leveling them, and I don't plan on making them again, despite having plat for weapon slots now

-I didn't use the cronus blueprint in the beginning of the game, it really doesn't make sense to waste resources on a weapon that's slightly better than the skana, simply because its slightly better than the skana. whoever does that has no foresight

-I've only had to recraft 4 items: hikou, skana, ignis, and vauban (to be fair, when I sold the ignis it was crap, now its actually decent. and vauban had to get the boot when I didn't have the frame slots)

-the only shotgun I ever liked was the strun wraith, until I got the bronco prime and then the brakk. most likely this is only because strun wraith and brakk are OP. I'm not ashamed of that

-I don't like using acrid because 1) everyone uses it and 2) it's a $&*^. I don't care how much DPS it does, you look silly running around with it

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I got bored of leveling Vauban, so I took him to Xini and put Bounce grenades on everyone, and eveyr time they moved they got bounced again.


I spend 90% of my gametime on Apollopodurus for Rage, or gathering materials for my clan.


My Loki in general has 35+ extra mod points.


Jack Black pisses me off.


The last one wasn't from Warframe, but I'd figure you should know.

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-i hate the:

  black + red


  black + green

  white + gold

  white + yellow 

colour combos. 


-I hate using nova because everyone plays as her


- sometimes to annoy people i leave my mic on and play lil wayne and drake and nicki minaj or katy perry

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For my first week or so of playing Warframe, I thought the Braton was a burst fire weapon and used it as such.

In my first month of Warframe I was convinced the Cronus was my favorite melee because it had the best longsword stats and I liked longswords. I even potatoed it.

I forma'd my regular Bronco twice and it was my most used weapon for at least my first 2-3 months.

Excalibur is still my most used frame and still my favorite, even despite having Excal Prime now.

Yes, I actually like the way Avalon looks over Pendragon. It reminds me of the elites from Halo.

I used to use damage / crit damage / crit chance mods on every single weapon until maybe a month ago and removed them off of weapons with laughably low crit chance.

I traded out Radial Blind for Heavy Impact and I have no regrets despite everyone telling me it was a horrible idea.

(though I may do a stun build on my excal prime just for fun/variation)

I crafted the Ignis solely for the irony of burning and freezing things to death at the same time.

It took me two months and 100+ runs in the void just to find the blueprint for Frost Prime, and that only came after they changed the drop tables to 25% in T1

Despite my founder's package, the most expensive plat purchases I ever make are color pallets. I also buy scarves but don't buy alt helmets. I wait until I can snag the helmet I want in an alert. I sparingly buy potatoes and forma, but I never hesitate to buy more slots. I still have well over 2k plat.

Edited by NukaKV
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I forma'd my old snipetron 3 times before the vandal version was added(and then did the same with the vandal).


I also went through all the bosses and killed them with the snipetron before the damage on it changed to AP, just to see if it was possible.


Why do I do this to myself?

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-I sometimes forget to switch my online button to solo when farming certain things like orokin cells.

-I will rush through that level I forgot to set to solo, kill ruk, mark once and rush back to extraction.

-I then sometimes alt tab(while waiting to extract) and when I come back I again forget to set it to solo and the process will repeat.

Edited by Brontolith
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- I bought tons of platinum, built tons of rooms, bought tons of formas, made the clan warlords dojo insta-OP, and I got kicked,


Ouch, poor you :(


Here's mine:

I want Strun Wraith, and I love the looks, sound and animation. :( The closest thing? Sobek.


I supported the Corpus with my heart but I went to "support" the Grineer for the weapon slots.


I level'd a Paris to 29 and sold it.


I was a CBT player who went hiatus after 2 days of gameplay, and I only came back when people allowed me to leech them and that I learnt the functions better.


I like being overpowered, and hence I love Nova. I like Vauban for Tesla spam. I like Mag's pull too, and I want it OP.


I never understood Rhino, Soma and things like Nyx. I can't get them to perform at their max potential.


I hate DE for not even giving us the first palette for free. I hate all the Pink Novas running around.


I like the Flux Nova Helm.


I stared at Nova's butt. It's SO SHINY!

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