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Orphix rant


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So, is it just me or is this mission type extremely unfair?

Mechanically speaking it's move to waypoint, destroy thing(s) at marker(s) and destroy big thingy while defeating a few waves of sentiens. Sounds simple enough but in reality it isn't.

ClunkyMcVoidkid or ClunkyMcMech with flying dumpster physics are both horrible for navigating the corpus ship tile. The resonators spawn at some random distance somewhere in the labyrinth like interior, not even waypoints are much help, it takes way too long to move around with cripple kid and the trash can. Frequent resummoning is also impossible, the provided trash cans are (as the name implies) garbage. 

I've yet to beat even a single rotation once, multiplayer also isn't an option, I've never met anyone ever after the first node (one or two leeches not included).

The whole system feels kind of dumb because ultimately it's just mission type xy with 5 minutes of railjack content loadscreen you can't skip with a mission type attached to it. Bonus points for extremely unforgiving mission types that are likely to make you "enjoy" the loading screen a few more times (looking at you Volatile).

Seriously, I didn't even hate Failjack as much as I expected but DE really wants me to.

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I agree with most of your criticisms, for a mission which is so different every other mission type, there really needs to be a better introduction without the mandatory RJ bit.

I wrote a response initially assuming you have your own necramech, but from re-reading it sounds like you're using the provided ones? In that case I'd recommend farming Voidrig and mods first as the provided mechs are useless.


In case I misunderstood and you do have a necramech, here was what I was going to write:

I haven't played it since the operator dash changes, but it might need rebalancing to allow for that.

For getting between condrices quickly, i suggest a mobility frame (I like Titania) rather than operator/mech - it doesn't matter too much if it isn't great for the mission generally as you won't be spending much time in it.

If you don't want to use operator to hunt the resonators, Fluctus is able to shoot them from one place. I used to prefer operator, but most people during Orphix Venom seemed to use the Fluctus, and with the dash removal that's probably better. Arquebex can be used to dps the condrix (Fluctus doesn't really work for this). Also, Arquebex has a pretty big splash radius which works through walls, so you can use it to get several of the resonators in the vicinity of the condrix without having to hunt them individually. The downside to relying on Arquebex is the energy requirement, which if you don't have some of the relevant necramech mods (streamline, continuity, rage, repair) might cause problems.

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1 hour ago, Helljack84 said:

So, is it just me or is this mission type extremely unfair?

Not just you. I haven't yet to complete any Orphix mission.... I tried it couple times solo and with random players but failed everytime. it doesn't help that before even getting that part of mission you need to go through pretty lengthy Railjack part.

So Orphix nodes probably will be left blinking there for eternity for me unless they'll do something with it because I just don't want to even bother trying anymore. 

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2 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

So, is it just me or is this mission type extremely unfair?

To tenno who haven't bothered sinking their lifetime into the prerequisite grinds for the Mech, Railjack and tenno... yes... yes it is.

speaking of which, you have two options: suck up and do said grind or look for help in the mean time.
May I interest you in my assistance for getting those pesky orphix nodes out of your way next time you're online maybe?

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@EyelessCoffee The issue isn't getting to the orphix itself, at least I think it isn't, or does the % rise while you're not even there? That would make the mission even worse. 

I have a decent Necramech, but the multistory levels combined with tiny tunnels and mediocre waypoints make it hard to move around while in the jamming zone. The cd restriction made me give the ones on the floor a try and they severely lack firepower, even in the lowest lvl Orphix available. I had to move ~300 meters trough narrow winding tunnels and try stupid jumps with the trashcan to even get close to the nodes, even Fluctus wouldn't have been much help there (thanks for the hint anyway). 

Even the fight in the main chamber is pretty stupid. Arquebux performed ok'ish but the enemies seemed to have trouble navigating the tileset and were drip feeding into the main chamber. Didn't help that the Orphix opening was facing a wall either.


40 minutes ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

Not just you. I haven't yet to complete any Orphix mission.... I tried it couple times solo and with random players but failed everytime. it doesn't help that before even getting that part of mission you need to go through pretty lengthy Railjack part.

So Orphix nodes probably will be left blinking there for eternity for me unless they'll do something with it because I just don't want to even bother trying anymore. 

Sigh, yep. I guess it was to be expected when entering an abandoned gamemode that's based on an even more abandoned gamemode.


23 minutes ago, fo3nixz said:

if the wave time was same as event, then perfect for me

No idea, but if you haven't revisited the mission type for more than a year I dare say it's trash.

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I haven't found it particularly difficult, but that's because my mech is utterly maxed out and i only start having issues 75% through the wave's maximum count.

If anything my main criticism is that this mission is exceptionally stale and boring to grind. I've almost fallen asleep during one.

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4 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

ClunkyMcVoidkid or ClunkyMcMech with flying dumpster physics are both horrible for navigating the corpus ship tile.

Necramechs actually have really good movement once you learn the intricacies. But you can always just use Wukong, Titania, Nova, etc... between the Orphix spawns.

4 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

The resonators spawn at some random distance somewhere in the labyrinth like interior, not even waypoints are much help

 Use the Fluctus, that's what everyone else does.

4 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

Frequent resummoning is also impossible, the provided trash cans are (as the name implies) garbage.

Cause you're dying too often? With a fully build mech you should do just fine (especially if all you're doing is completing the node), even on solo.

4 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

I've yet to beat even a single rotation once, multiplayer also isn't an option, I've never met anyone ever after the first node

Here's myself completing the C rotation solo in the Veil Proxima (that I did for another thread).



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Ok, I finally succeeded. Even went for a C rotation and got an arcane [you get zapped anyway] out of it.

I assume there was something wrong with the resonators on my first attempts because they all spawned relatively close to the Orphix and getting to them wasn't that horrible. On the other hand I didn't find a single Necramech throughout the whole run.

There's also still the issue with multiple Orphix spawning at once without any way to counter that alone. Might be fine if it's an event and you're basically guaranteed a full team but solo it's pretty tough (or at the very least pretty hectic and annoying).

The rest is just a cheesefest with restore spam and/or abusing unlimited punch through. The only time I ever bothered to do anything else than destroying Orphix things were the few seconds it took Arquebus to wind up. If your TrashCan gets whiped you're pretty much done, you rely on pure rng to predrop a free Mech right next to you. Or is there an amp combo that can do any significant damage to the beacon (also, void strike)?


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I just tried a Venus orphix and was still able to do a C rotation without using Fluctus, although I got a headache from all the void slinging. I made a lot of slips and was generally far from meta, but was able to keep the sentient level near 0, so I feel like it could be something wrong with your approach. I was wondering if the problem you're having might be related to this:

5 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

the enemies seemed to have trouble navigating the tileset and were drip feeding into the main chamber.

The enemies don't need killing for the mission to progress (they despawn anyway when the condrix dies), so if you're waiting for them that's probably not right?

6 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

I had to move ~300 meters

I think this might be a spawn or waypoint bug, they mostly spawn in the same tile, although occasionally they appear in adjacent tiles. Possibly could be another condrix's nodes showing up when they shouldn't.


In case it helps, my general approach to killing a condrix is:

- Titania fly to condrix zone

- operator sling to the node(s) and use amp on them. I used a 7-4-7 amp, and have used 1-7-7 previously and don't think amp choice matters too much for this.

- sling to condrix, and summon necramech in front of it

- Arquebex into condrix, then when the new nodes appear Arquebex in their general directions. Sometimes all nodes can be got this way, sometimes none.

- operator sling to remaining nodes and use amp

- sling back to necramech and kill condrix with Arquebex

- Titania to next condrix and repeat - one rotation is 3 condrices

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I was actually about to post about this, because I've been bored and trying to tackle it - solo of course, because as everyone has noted recruiting for it is a joke - because the rewards are pathetic and the difficulty high.

Sure, you can solo orphix at lower levels pretty well once you get the hang of it, but solo veil orphix is not practical, i'd say difficult in the masochistic extreme. I'm not saying it's impossible, I've cleared the node ONCE (solo, after many failures - I think I actually got lucky with condrix spawns).  I have a maxed out mech, I use a pretty well built titania, i survive just fine, I get around just fine. I fluctus the resonators within seconds. Those aren't issues. The issue is that too many orphix spawn for you to reasonably deal with alone and the mission just fails you, no matter how fast you are. Like, okay, I finished one, and hey, now two more spawn. Okay. I can get to one. Sure thing. I cannot get to both. By the time I finish #2, #3 has failed the mission.

I can't believe anyone has actually solo'd to the C rotation in the veil, but I guess that dude did it somehow. I'd LOVE to see mission failure rates for all nodes, I bet veil orphix is the king if you scale for play volume, and probably all of the orphix missions are above average failure rates. I'd also love to see stats for mission solo rates, I bet veil orphix is also upper echelon in that territory.

Personally, I'd prefer condrix spawns to be more occasional events rather than dashing like mad to get to one, then another, then another, into eternity - if that means scaling up their difficulty a bit to compensate, that might be okay. Better yet would be to intersperse them with other objectives/enemies. I find myself just wanting to lean against a wall and catch my breath for two seconds in between, but pretty much every single second counts, and that's not great for an endless mission type in my opinion - it burns you out pretty fast - like dude, I'm tired of running.

Another big problem I have with the orphix missions in solo play is that before the mission even starts you have to spend a LOT of time clearing out the two objectives with all the hacking drones (which is in itself so much flying with titania that I almost have to stop to refill on energy, like wow talk about distance coverage), and sometimes also the security nodes, and oh did you want to hit the ice freighter too? (yeah... don't do it because if you fail the mission you get nothing - another thing I hate about this mission). This pre-mission mission stuff is painful, unrewarded, and designed for full crews who need stuff to do, it absolutely sucks for solo play, especially for a mission type that is meant to be 'endless'. Either cut all that crap out and let us just fly up and start the orphix mission, or reward us for the time we have to spend doing all that other stuff (relics, void traces, endo, holo keys, something), or make the mission rewards enticing enough to regularly attract crews so that these issues aren't so prevalent. RJ rewards in general still feel lacking for the amount of additional time they take. Honestly, I've probably spent more time doing preliminary objectives than actually fighting condrix (at least in the veil, since I pretty much never make it past the first rotation).

Most of this might be fine for a full, experienced crew - idk I've actually never got to play it that way, I got into it after the initial RJ wave had passed.

All that being said, if they could just please tune it for solo play, I'd play it, I still would prefer it over eidolons, it's just not a reasonable alternative right now.

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  • 1 month later...

as a solo player i freaking hate this mission and fail too many times, not even get any rewards in the end like pure waste your life...

the thing is, killing main sentients is not a problem to me but the others are just take control 3 separated areas too quickly, im only one man i cant make it in time god damn it! 

there is no fun for single players on railjack.

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