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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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18 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

I don't really care much about the names tbh.  A lot of them make little sense. 


Excalibur has a katana-esque weapon and...  javelins? For some reason. 


Loki doesn't do half the things his namesake does.  He can be invisible, and the rest of his kit is just kind of there.  It's hardly "trickster god" imo.


Wisp has her passive and her 2 and sort of her 3 on theme, but also opens a portal to the sun for her 4, which isn't very ghostly.


Ash doesn't burn things.  Even with the symbolic relationship to death that ashes can have, that's still because things were burned.


They're gonna call it a wolf frame, give it a wolf name, and make it something else entirely.

Excalibur is named after a sword, so you're meant to understand from that that hes a swordsman/warrior, which he is.

Loki creates "illusions" with decoy and invis, can be "every at once" with switch tp and causes confusion with his mass disarm.

Wisp is just the catchall name for her ghostly features, (blends in and out of reality, can rapidly change postions, etc).

I think Ash's name comes from hime being a "smoke ninja". or "where there's smoke there's and ashes left in their wake"


Frames aren't always going to 100% evoke their namesake, or vis versa for name reflecting abilities. Usually it's just the to give a vague idea of the character traits/themes or personailty.

e.g Mesa isn't a mountainous desert frame, but mountainous deserts are heavily feature in the Wild West.

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1 hour ago, Olphus said:

Excalibur is named after a sword

From a completely different culture than the rest of his kit was modeled after.  Even the deluxe skin he got last was themed like a samurai/ronin.  Yet he's named after the sword of a mythological european king instead of pulling from anything more appropriate. 


They were reaching with a lot of these, just like you are.

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16 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

From a completely different culture than the rest of his kit was modeled after.  Even the deluxe skin he got last was themed like a samurai/ronin.  Yet he's named after the sword of a mythological european king instead of pulling from anything more appropriate. 


They were reaching with a lot of these, just like you are.

"reaching" and there we go. Just because you apparently take things too literally, doesn't mean the rest of us are reaching when we can imagine things a bit deeper than you.

Excalibur = sword = swordsman/knight = sword-centric frame WOW ROCKET SCIENCE

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9 hours ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

This and Sonic are leagues different... Not even casual people who knew nothing of Sonic accepted his horrendous model for the film, then found out what he is supposed to look like and were absolutely confused. That sonic situation was a complete bastardization of the character, this is not. You're also not factoring in the massive obscene amounts of money they were going to lose if they didn't fix Sonics model. They couldn't even hook the casuals with the original model, let alone the actual knowledgeable fans. Vorunna is not going to have that massive of potential revenue lose for a smaller bust compared to that alien freak they tried to pass off as Sonic because of realism in a movie about a video game. 

It is rare, in general, for concept art to be a 1:1 to what gets put into a game, Warframe is no exception. Y'all are really blowing this out of proportion... Making it seem like she went from her concept bust to Nova's. 

The thing is, they likely didn't give her the concept arts bust because, ya know, Fashion Frame is a thing. It's hard as nails with large busted Warframes to get chest armor pieces to situate on their body without it look like it is floating into the Void. Even smaller busted, but larger than Nova, Warframes can run into this visually disjointed problem. If chest pieces conformed to booba then sure, wouldn't be an issue. There are multiple chest pieces that are shifted further down on Khora's and Saryn's body that are higher up on, say, Ember's body because of the minimization of gaps. 

At least Vorunna doesn't skip leg day and can crush us like a melon between those thighs.

Bark, bark, bark, bark, mommy, bark, bark!

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I am a Fashion Framer; do you know Bastet helm for Valkyr still does not blend with her body? Or that Tennocon 2021 leg armor does not fit and sticks out from the calves of some frames such as Mirage? What about the Maharliqa Syandana being attached by an actual peg on Hildryn as it does not conform to the same distances as it does everyone bar Nova?

It's not just boobas with these problems.

Perhaps the real reason is wokeism and DE are concerned making a busty lass will bring the wrath of Karens everywhere about sexualising her or detracting her empowerment or some other bs so to nip that in the bud early they're toning her down. I truly hope not and this is still a test but she is due out next week

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I do hope they buff Voruna's chest(Me want big booba pillows), and they might even do it since it still is a WIP. With enough feedback, if lucky enough, maybe. It would be interesting if they gave people the option, like a exclusive ''chest piece'' (similar to how Banshee have exclusive shoulder piece). That way, it could solve a few issues at once. Satisfying people who like it smaller, and bigger (if chosen the chest piece), and also solving chest armors being applied. Even something like a toggle could work but not sure how difficult it is to add from a technical level, but hey, a girl can dream right?

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54 minutes ago, Mama_Sasha said:

I do hope they buff Voruna's chest(Me want big booba pillows), and they might even do it since it still is a WIP. With enough feedback, if lucky enough, maybe. It would be interesting if they gave people the option, like a exclusive ''chest piece'' (similar to how Banshee have exclusive shoulder piece). That way, it could solve a few issues at once. Satisfying people who like it smaller, and bigger (if chosen the chest piece), and also solving chest armors being applied. Even something like a toggle could work but not sure how difficult it is to add from a technical level, but hey, a girl can dream right?

See, you come off as reasonable. Though, honestly, I do not think the issue is even the community on whether we like her smaller or larger, it's likely just a cosmetic issue and not wanting to add more to the massive pile of clipping, mesh mess they have currently.

If they up her bust because of the community asking for it, that's cool. If they keep her her current size, that's cool too. She is still bigger in that 3D model than many of the lady frames, and still has defined booba compared to others that just have a built-in armor plate like Titania or Zephyr. 

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9 hours ago, Olphus said:

"reaching" and there we go. Just because you apparently take things too literally, doesn't mean the rest of us are reaching when we can imagine things a bit deeper than you.

Excalibur = sword = swordsman/knight = sword-centric frame WOW ROCKET SCIENCE

Except this is a thread specifically about the themed names behind frames, and no, many of them don't follow all that close.


And yes, you're reaching.  You're arguing about wisp being totally on theme when her 4 is a portal to the sun that has nothing to do with ghosts or wispyniess.  You're over here playing 6 degrees of separation acting like it's a valid argument with things like excal.


They make it up as they go along and you diehards eat it up like it's the deepest lore you've ever seen.


Literally all I was saying is that the name doesnt matter because it's not going to be on theme anyway.  They billed revenant as a vampire theme and gave him 2 b roll vampireish abilities and a laser show ballet performance.  He's barely vampire themed and barely eidolon themed and that "barely" is absolutely grounds for describing things as reaching.

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37 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

You're arguing about wisp being totally on theme when her 4 is a portal to the sun that has nothing to do with ghosts or wispyniess.

Eh, Wisp is a reference to will-o-wisp which is spectral fire. She is supposed to represent a foolish flame or flame of hope. They just zeroed in on flame and said, "Let's make her praise the Sun and obliterate everything like a sun god!"


Not really contesting your point. DE does play fast and loose with meanings and representation all the time.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

Except this is a thread specifically about the themed names behind frames, and no, many of them don't follow all that close.


And yes, you're reaching.  You're arguing about wisp being totally on theme when her 4 is a portal to the sun that has nothing to do with ghosts or wispyniess.  You're over here playing 6 degrees of separation acting like it's a valid argument with things like excal.


They make it up as they go along and you diehards eat it up like it's the deepest lore you've ever seen.


Literally all I was saying is that the name doesnt matter because it's not going to be on theme anyway.  They billed revenant as a vampire theme and gave him 2 b roll vampireish abilities and a laser show ballet performance.  He's barely vampire themed and barely eidolon themed and that "barely" is absolutely grounds for describing things as reaching.

Except this thread is about DE using "psychological tactics" to make us pick Voruna as a name. YOU started the whole "names don't matter, I don't care" thing.

I'm also not even reaching or giving concrete answers, nor did I say they were totally on theme in fact I even said, "Frames aren't always going to 100% evoke their namesake, or vis versa for name reflecting abilities. Usually it's just the to give a vague idea of the character traits/themes or personality."

As I said earlier, it seems you take things too literally. Names matter for the most part because they evoke the characters that have them. You can guess what many frames can do, or their themes based on name alone.


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On 2022-10-31 at 3:46 AM, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

The thing is, they likely didn't give her the concept arts bust because, ya know, Fashion Frame is a thing. It's hard as nails with large busted Warframes to get chest armor pieces to situate on their body without it look like it is floating into the Void. Even smaller busted, but larger than Nova, Warframes can run into this visually disjointed problem. If chest pieces conformed to booba then sure, wouldn't be an issue. There are multiple chest pieces that are shifted further down on Khora's and Saryn's body that are higher up on, say, Ember's body because of the minimization of gaps. 


So, I'm fine with Voruna's band size/bust depth it's the cup size, I don't think/feel it represents the final standing colored concept art and I just want it to, well, be that the busty wolf babe they conceptualize with Joe Mad.

Also, if Vorana's bust was brought out to where it should be like in the standing colored concept art then she'd have a fuller chest and there be less to possibly no "void gaps" . 



On 2022-10-31 at 3:26 PM, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

Khora, Gara, Protea, Nyx, Valkyr in her Carnivex deluxe, all of them are pretty busty. Saryn isn't on her own. 

Though I agree with you that these ladies are packing some quality assets👌 

The fact of the matter is I believe (especially for those of us that can appreciate top-heavy gals) but by no means speak for everyone, were advocating for the fantasy of a powerful but feminine badass wolf babe, and if they take away/nerf her bust from the concept art then that fantasy becomes lesser in a way and is a bit upsetting/frustrating.  


On 2022-10-31 at 3:59 PM, TomCruisesSon said:



I agree Tom





Am joking around for those who can't tell 😜👍


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9 hours ago, Mama_Sasha said:

I do hope they buff Voruna's chest(Me want big booba pillows), and they might even do it since it still is a WIP. With enough feedback, if lucky enough, maybe. It would be interesting if they gave people the option, like a exclusive ''chest piece'' (similar to how Banshee have exclusive shoulder piece). That way, it could solve a few issues at once. Satisfying people who like it smaller, and bigger (if chosen the chest piece), and also solving chest armors being applied. Even something like a toggle could work but not sure how difficult it is to add from a technical level, but hey, a girl can dream right?

could be an Auxilliary in that example you thought of as Auxilliary slots only really affect that one frame like Khora's spikes, Nekros' bindings, Valkitty's restraints etc. then yup would cover your thought exactly. Aux on, busty wolf lass; aux off, athletic toned wolf lass

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

So, I'm fine with Voruna's band size/bust depth it's the cup size, I don't think/feel it represents the final standing colored concept art and I just want it to, well, be that the busty wolf babe they conceptualize with Joe Mad.

Also, if Vorana's bust was brought out to where it should be like in the standing colored concept art then she'd have a fuller chest and there be less to possibly no "void gaps" . 


Though I agree with you that these ladies are packing some quality assets👌 

The fact of the matter is I believe (especially for those of us that can appreciate top-heavy gals) but by no means speak for everyone, were advocating for the fantasy of a powerful but feminine badass wolf babe, and if they take away/nerf her bust from the concept art then that fantasy becomes lesser in a way and is a bit upsetting/frustrating.  


I agree Tom





Am joking around for those who can't tell 😜👍


I wish I could give more than one like... Valkyr's Carnifex is so fugly though xD but yup you hit it on the head there on all ahem 'fronts'.... I'll see myself out xD

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On 2022-10-31 at 10:54 AM, Mama_Sasha said:

I do hope they buff Voruna's chest(Me want big booba pillows), and they might even do it since it still is a WIP. With enough feedback, if lucky enough, maybe. It would be interesting if they gave people the option, like an exclusive ''chest piece'' (similar to how Banshee have exclusive shoulder piece). That way, it could solve a few issues at once. Satisfying people who like it smaller, and bigger (if chosen the chest piece), and also solving chest armors being applied. Even something like a toggle could work but not sure how difficult it is to add from a technical level, but hey, a girl can dream right?

FFS this isn’t one of those “make your own waifu” games.

Just make ‘em big.

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23 hours ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

See, you come off as reasonable. Though, honestly, I do not think the issue is even the community on whether we like her smaller or larger, it's likely just a cosmetic issue and not wanting to add more to the massive pile of clipping, mesh mess they have currently.

If they up her bust because of the community asking for it, that's cool. If they keep her her current size, that's cool too. She is still bigger in that 3D model than many of the lady frames, and still has defined booba compared to others that just have a built-in armor plate like Titania or Zephyr. 


 i think titania or hildryn are bigger sized model and complexity of structure , this is a humanoid figure with 4 wolf ish heads glue to hips and shoulders. its not overtly detailed in terms of layout 

also i was supersized by this  charts breakdown of  sizes 

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On 2022-11-01 at 3:53 PM, SneakyErvin said:

With the colored concept drawing and "BBW theme" I have a hard time seeing her perform well in combat aiming a gun or swinging a 2h sword or axe.

The perky rendered version with added cooch kevlar looks more combat ready though.


You think this is "BBW"? why do y'all think busty inherently means big gurl? (I got no prob w/ big gurls btw) can't Voruna just be busty?





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