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Lich: Progenitor choice



22 answers to this question

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I love bows so take one any chance, that said there's a couple things to note.

Bramma took a huge hit due to player complaints so it lost ammo, effect and AoE. Worse, the bow requires a bit of work to get anything comparable to post-nerf and if you have any Energy except all black Public will complain.

Nataruk in comparison, is a beast. Firstly it has Quick and Charged shots and easily can carry multiple Statuses plus it uses almost every Bow mod except for Split Flights but Bramma cannot use this mod either.

Testing both in Lich/ Sister hunts, Zariman content etc. honestly much as I love the Bramma Nataruk is superior and has Infinite Arrow Bandana preinstalled

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As has been said, the best elements are: Toxin, Heat and Magnetic, and here are the reasons why:

Toxin - so you can easily mod for Viral OR Corrosive, it also has many great match ups as a solo element.

Heat - so you can stack on top of modded Viral for the OP Firal element combo. It's difficult/impossible to get solo heat unless it's the progenitor element on the weapon.

Magnetic - so you can stack as many elements as possible on status spreader weapons, and is also great for anti-corpus/corrupted. Inherent radiation is pretty common, so magnetic is usually necessary to increase the overall number of elements on the weapon to it's max.

There are some niche cases for Radiation and Impact. If you are doing raw dmg builds, Radiation is pretty good, or the weapon has innate Radiation and you plan on going all in on that element. And a couple weapons can do Hemorrage/Internal Bleeding builds which make Impact a decent choice.

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Toxin on AOE weapons or ones that can't make good use of Galvanzied CO. Toxin damage is the best outcome for burst since you can go sive against infested units, viral against grineer and magnetic+toxin against corpus.

Magnetic on mostly everything else. Then mod for viral-Heat to get max status for Gal CO.

Heat on Kuva Ogris because it benefits Napalm

Melee-I prefer toxin since I like to play dead in one shot builds and mod for high attack speed so trying to mod for three elements and CO is not my style. Magnetic is also a good option but I hardly play with rank 40 melees so it doesn't really matter which element I put on there.

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On 2022-12-04 at 7:02 PM, Myscho said:

Heat and go for Viral+Heat

Grattler is an AW weapon so if you want to use it in AW/Railjack corrosive is the best for all factons. So Toxin would be the best choice.


Never sell any weapons/frames in case you may get some good rivens for them (or just be bored), unless you have a direct upgrade. Normal frames can also be subsumed by Helminth. Slots (plat) are easy to farm.

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On 2022-12-05 at 1:37 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:


Ok I will sell Paris Prime and dread. I have 4 bows. Don't need so many. Thank you both. I was thinking to keep Nataruk but wanted to know for sure. I'll keep the bramma as well. Maybe they will un-nerf it

I keep the Primes myself but up to you, as farming them may be harder than you remember whereas Shadow Stalker frequently drops Dread, Despair and Hate BPs

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7 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Toxin progenitors are quite popular

OK so I got a kuva grattler with cold (no one likes cold apparently) and kuva bramma with heat yesterday and this AM used nidus for a toxin based kuva hind. Never heard of the hind so hopefully it's good. People seem to like it from what I gather.


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Usually depends on the weapon and its strengths and weaknesses and a few other factors. 

Toxin progenitors are quite popular, because most guns work well by going with either Viral or Corrosive on their final build. If you go with Toxin as the starting element, then you only need one mod to make either Corrosive (add Electric Mod) or Viral (add Cold). So by going with Toxin you free up a mod space. 

That being said... certain Kuva/Sister weapons are better at applying more statuses faster. Like certain beam weapons, the Tenet Flux, Kuva Nukor. So you can go with Heat instead, and mod for Viral. Usually two Elemental mods on your build will combine first as priority, leaving the chosen element by itself. So if you went Toxin and tried to add Cold and Heat to get Viral and Heat... well you won't, you'll get Blast. So if you want Viral and Heat, usually you pick Heat, then mod for Viral (or Corrosive). 

I am saying usually a lot, because sometimes it can depend. You have an element that you chose via progenitor, but some weapons also come with innate elements regardless, like IIRC Tenet Arca Plasma comes with innate Radiation, Tenet Cycron Heat? So that can add some complexity. Like IIRC the Tenet Envoy comes with Innate Cold, so if you pick Toxin Progenitor, you will end up with a Viral weapon, without even having to mod anything, which lets you put in a bunch of other mods you normally couldn't or struggle to. 

To add on more complexity, some people like having weapons as primers for Condition Overload or for certain specific uses, like say maybe Archon Hunts/Bosses, where Rad damage is priority. Magnetic Kuva Nukors are quite popular for the former, and you mod for two other elements (and I think it comes with Rad as well plus a unique microwave tstatus).

Finally, not every weapon needs to be the meta, there are Ephemera you can collect from different elements, most weapons with whatever element will probably kill base Steel Path enemies with a good build/set up, so... going off meta for elements is fine too, if thats what you might find more interesting. Plus its even easier to change Kuva/Tenet weapons elements with Valence Fusion than it use to be. 

TL;DR Toxin is usually most peoples go to, especially for weapons with high crit, where you want Viral in your end build, but heat is also quite popular, especially if you want to have your end build have Viral/Heat or Corr/Heat, but if you want to go more in depth, whether by going more meta, or off meta, there is a bit more to it. 

Good luck! 

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2 hours ago, BatVenomPL said:

Better than Nataruk? Arguable


18 minutes ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

Nataruk in comparison, is a beast

Ok I will sell Paris Prime and dread. I have 4 bows. Don't need so many. Thank you both. I was thinking to keep Nataruk but wanted to know for sure. I'll keep the bramma as well. Maybe they will un-nerf it

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30 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Took the advice and used my Chroma do generate a new lich with a kiva bramma with heat. Has 47% heat boost. Would this be better than the Nataruk and Paris Prime I have already?


Better than Paris Prime? Yes.

Better than Nataruk? Arguable.

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59 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

So buff for heat or get heat embedded in the weapon with a chroma, ember, etc progenitor? So cold is not very good? Rats...


OP has Viral with a Cold primer as adding Toxin turns it into Viral. I have all my Kuva weapons as base Toxin since I use Khora and Ivara to create them and my Sisters are magnetic as only Mesa's given me success at creating one xD

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17 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I used revenant to generate a new lich with a Grattler. Has cold as the innate element so I can make magnetic by adding electricity.

At that point it would just be better to get a Magnetic bonus rather than Cold

But either way, it's not great. Usually Toxin and Heat are the most used elements, so you can get either just Viral, or Viral + Heat with as little mods as possible

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