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Nekros Prime



So somehow I got Nekros Prime parts luckily in the last few weeks even though he seems to be vaulted. So i built and applied a few formas.

Been running him a bit lately to see what I can do with him. Current NW is to pickup rare mods . Ok, Nekros is made for this. Ran excavation lith relic to round 12 i believe with two others. Running with despoil, plenty of energy and health orbs and battery drops. With Cedo, sporelacer and dual keres Nekros was a wrecking ball (low level) but he died at one point while I was alternating between terrify and despoil. Late round. Seemed like 80% of enemies were spawning as eximus but just curious how to make Nekros a bit more tanky?



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Tried exterminate tonight. So I used my Kuva Zarr as my primary and got religious with my casting. Cast 3, then jumped forward toward an enemy group and cast 2, and hit them and got some kills. Then I fled backwards and cast my 4. This got me going. The first attempt i died my last death after killing 5 acolytes...bummer. Second attempt i was able to get through no deaths and it was super challenging with over half the enemies being eximus with locked doors and about 15 enemies. Had three rounds of that and one of the acolytes showed then. But I did it. The second attempt i applied three shards. Two amber and a blue. Two for casting speed and one for initial energy on spawn. Seemed to be the difference. My Zarr probably needs work. Not sure if the galvanized mods are helping. Once sporelacer stacks built it got easier and was able to have two casts of #4 at a time. If I subsume Roar this will help even more.

So I need to do more damage with my P/S weapons and I need more range for terrify to reach enemies further away. 





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My Nekros SP is almost like that but I have 155 duration, 100 effi,160 range and 175 str also I'm using 2 red shards str, 2yellow shards for casting speed and 1 blue shard with more HP but you can replaced that last one with anything, I'm using umbras vitality and intensify, primed continuity, adaptation, stretch, equilibrium and the augmented mods despoil and shield of shadows on arcanes I'm using blessing and molt, and replaced his soul punch for gloom with all that with gloom active I have 61% slow but once molt augmented I should have 82% slow but I'm also using the parazon mod Power Drain which let me have 50% extra str on the next ability cast now if you recast with max molt and Power Drain combined you should have 95% slow.


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5 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I seem to be missing something...let me know your thoughts thanks.

Maybe you're just not quite ready for SP. What happened to getting adaptation and/or health conversion? You've got no damage reduction until you get your shadows up. Alternatively, slot rolling guard and use shield gating (I primarily rely on Guardian on my sentinel for shield gating, it's not a conventional method, but it works for me).

If you're having issues getting kills, that could be an issue with the mods on your weapons. As for energy, you could consider using energy consumables until you become more comfortable. If you're having issues dying, I'd suggest getting into the habit of using your operator more often, and getting magus lockdown.

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Do not use Primed Sure Footed if you're running Shield of Shadow, you're already immune to knockback with your shadows up (I never get any knockback even if I shot my Spore lacer with him when they are up).

Energy Conversion gives you more Strength for the next cast when you grab an energy orb, imo it's pointless on him. If you run Arcane Blessing you dont need Vitality on the ong run imo.

I prefer to run Blind Rage instead of Umbral Intensify + Molt Augmented because I get more than the requiered Strength for the full Armor strip.


I do run with Nourish these day, because it's really good for the viral buff on him, and the energy regen buff is cool, I do have a fully Tau forged set, 2 cast speed and 3 energy max. A cheaper version (it's going to be a 1 Aura forma build) of my build should be something like that :

Brief Respite and Cunning Drift as the aura/ exilus for some survivability with Shield gate and Range.

Molt Reconstruct as the Arcane for some health regen. The second one can be whatever you want for what you need between Molt Augmented/ Molt Efficiency/ Blessing

Blind Rage for the full Armor Strip.

Despoil, Flow and Equilibrium for the whole energy management.

Shield of Shadow and Adaptation for 2 damage reduction.

Natural Talent because you freaking need cast speed.

Augur Reach to have more of what your Aura/ Exilus do.


Later you can replace Natural Talent with 2 Amber shard, and Flow with 3 Azur Shards, regulars are fine but Tauforged will obviously be better. And with 2 free slots then you can get some more convenient things like Creeping Terrify to slow down the mobs and Stretch for more range.

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On 2023-04-04 at 4:34 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

So somehow I got Nekros Prime parts luckily in the last few weeks even though he seems to be vaulted. So i built and applied a few formas.

Been running him a bit lately to see what I can do with him. Current NW is to pickup rare mods . Ok, Nekros is made for this. Ran excavation lith relic to round 12 i believe with two others. Running with despoil, plenty of energy and health orbs and battery drops. With Cedo, sporelacer and dual keres Nekros was a wrecking ball (low level) but he died at one point while I was alternating between terrify and despoil. Late round. Seemed like 80% of enemies were spawning as eximus but just curious how to make Nekros a bit more tanky?



The easiest way to give your particular build more survivability is to get and equip Health Conversion (likely swapping it with Primed Vigor).

Health Conversion works exceedingly well with Despoil Nekros builds due to effectively always having health orb spawns (to keep the stacks up) and there being a delay before each stack is removed after taking damage. It will likely fall off more than a little bit once you start running The Steel Path or endurance, but it does more than enough to boost his survivability without needing to spec into Shield of Shadows.

A big reminder (just in case) that when rolling your Warframe takes 75% less damage from all sources, including damage over time etc. It's not ideal to be rolling all the time, but it can definitely help weather the brunt of any sticky/uncertain situation.

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I seem to be missing something...let me know your thoughts thanks.


Is the issue, potentially that you haven't developed your own intuition and play style around Nekros yet? Which like, I get is stating the obvious since you are new to the Warframe and asking for advice and suggestions etc, so to elaborate, looking throughout this thread, there are a lot of people giving different advice and suggestions, many people who just tell you their own builds. They also likely have their own play styles that match their builds. 

However not all of these suggestions and advice, will be consistent with each other. Some of them even clash or won't synergise as well with each other. So if you are taken random bits of suggestions here and there... It might not work out. If that makes sense? Like for example, why do you choose to run Despoil? Also I don't mean you shouldn't, but do you have some sort of synergy or reason in mind? 

Like for myself, I survive in Steel Path pretty easy, but I will see other players suggestions for builds, that totally don't match my play style at all, but if it works for them, it works for them. Usually if I am looking for suggestions/advice, I will question a lot too, to find out such compatibility issues. 

Like another user mentioned Shield of Shadows and not needing Prime Sure Footed. Personally I don't even use Shield of Shadows at all, but I also don't use Prime Sure Footed. Most of my own survivability comes from running Adaptation, Umbral Vitality and Arcane Blessing. Not saying that you should run these either, because that might not be your play style. You may prefer Shield of Shadows much more. My own Nekros build is probably really niche, since I don't even run Despoil. Plus I only really use Nekros for Desecrate and armour strip. 

Basically you are getting a lot of good advice and suggestions from everyone, but you also can't really implement all the suggestions and advice either. Some of the suggestions may also work better with that persons set up and play style, so you may sort of have to sift through see what synergies best with what your play style may be. 

You main issue seems to be survivability. Maybe swapping Prime Sure Footed with Adaptation? (Since if you use Shields, that should off set knockdowns). Could also try running Life Drain on your melee. Since IIRC you like using melee, plus it helps with Nekros passive. 

Good luck! 

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2 hours ago, Grashnaboras said:

using 2 red shards str, 2yellow shards for casting speed and 1 blue shard

Well I hope I don't need shards, i have a few. I'll work on more archon hunts 

3 hours ago, Grashnaboras said:

replaced his soul punch for gloom

Your mods and numbers are similar yeah. I'll look into gloom.

2 hours ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

Maybe you're just not quite ready for SP. What happened to getting adaptation and/or health conversion

I have about 3/4 of SP star chart cleared. I got Health Conversion. That was the point of my post. Also tried adaptation but kept getting kickback so switched to PSF.

2 hours ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

could be an issue with the mods on your weapons

Agree. I was using Cedo primary. I switched to Kuva Zarr and Kuva Ogris. Seems better paired with my sporelacer secondary. Need to use guns since I don't want to get close to nullifiers. What PRI and SEC do you use?

2 hours ago, Toa_Ignika said:

Do not use Primed Sure Footed if you're running Shield of Shadow, you're already immune to knockback with your shadows up

Interesting thanks. You're saying energy conversion is also not needed?

2 hours ago, Toa_Ignika said:

Natural Talent because you freaking need cast speed.

Absolutely need cast speed. He's slow. Was a big problem. I'll run some archon hunts.

29 minutes ago, iPathos said:

Health Conversion works exceedingly well with Despoil Nekros builds due to effectively always having health orb spawns (to keep the stacks up) and there being a delay before each stack is removed after taking damage

I need to work on my primary weapon to get some kills...it wasn't happening fast enough and I was dependent on my sporelacer which also needed to build some sec merciless stacks. The cast speed for #4 did me in, i was a sitting target

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Yep, imo Energy Convertion is pretty much useless for him,as you can reach the 167% in 1 mod, that's why I prefer using Blind Rage. Efficiency should also be one of the least of your concern, Nekros being really good for some energy management with Despoil + Equilibrium, spamming.

Tbf with the full armor strip, your Sporelacer should be more than enough to clear out the mobs with a fairly basic build, I don't even have a Secondary Arcanes on it only the Pax Charge to have it as battery, and could kinda easily solo the Conjunction Survival Circuclus on Steel Path for 20min (because I'm an idiot who forgot to switch back to public after unveiling a Riven).

As it seems you don't have many shards available, Natural Talent is a must have to slot on your build. The rest of your build will change depending on what you want to do, and what your options with Arcanes/ Shards/ Helminth abilities you have access to. The build I shared should work with his base kit, I'm using it with Nourish now, but when I made it after the Veilbreaker update (for the Terrify buffs), I had Roar to see if the Shadows could deal decent damage.

If you want some tips on how to play him, Desacrate is the ability you cast and forgot just to get more loots. Soul Punch is a pain to use so don't bother and get a Helminth ability that will be useful to you.

Try to keep your Shadows always on the field, as they get most of the aggro. And Terrify will the the ability you cats the most, to remove the armor of the mobs and also give you some space with the panic effect. And if you have Molt Reconstruct equipped, you can cast these abilities for a quick health regen.

Airburst, Pull, Roar, Silence are all eally easy and quick Helminth abilities you can get, which you could run instead of Soul Punch. They all provide something that could be useful to you : Silence from Banshee will block the Eximus abilities, Pull from Mag and Airburst from Zephyr are for grouping, Roar from Rhino for a damage buff.

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51 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Need to use guns since I don't want to get close to nullifiers. What PRI and SEC do you use?

For nekros, I'm very melee focussed, which is usually either Praedos or Reaper Prime. Secondary, I'm very fond of the kuva nukor, which doubles as a status primer and a shield/nullifier-popper. As for primaries, it depends a fair bit on the enemies/mission and what subsume I'm using. If I'm using Silence, I'll use any number of primaries (most for fun, not for efficiency); Proboscis cernos, amprex, kuva hek, kuva hind. If I'm not using silence and I'm in SP, I'll generally favour kuva zarr (I despise eximi, and I find it to be the most effective method for me to handle them).


1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Basically you are getting a lot of good advice and suggestions from everyone, but you also can't really implement all the suggestions and advice either. Some of the suggestions may also work better with that persons set up and play style, so you may sort of have to sift through see what synergies best with what your play style may be. 

I also wanted to reiterate this comment. There's lost of good advice, but it's literally impossible to implement it all. So you may have a fair bit of experimenting to do, to find what works best for you.

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9 minutes ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

There's lost of good advice, but it's literally impossible to implement it all. So you may have a fair bit of experimenting to do, to find what works best for you

Agree. I'm at the point of experimentation now. Just gotta explore. 

13 minutes ago, Toa_Ignika said:

Airburst, Pull, Roar, Silence are all eally easy and quick Helminth abilities you can get

I have roar and silence already. I'll mess with that. I use roar on my Revenant Prime and it's a nice addition. Yeah i haven't used would punch once yet.

14 minutes ago, Toa_Ignika said:

Desacrate is the ability you cast and forgot just to get more loots

The main reason I'm trying to figure out nekros.

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The damage portion of Galvanized Aptitude (and its equivalent for Shotgun and Secondary) does not work on blast radius, so it's basically useless on the the Kuva Zarr.

Serration, Heavy Caliber and the Arcane are all doing the same stuff, base damage, you really dont need to stack them all together.

So by removing Galvanized Aptitude, Heavy Caliber, and maybe Serration, you're freeing 2 to 3 slots (depends on if you need the front base damage to get the Merciless to stack easier). You can now put some elemental damage mods, usually it's Corrosive or Viral, and you should slot Hunter Munition, it's one if not the strongest Primary mod because of how absurd slash procs are.

Btw is your Secondary Sporelacer made out of the Splat and the Haymaker ? To know if it's a good crit aoe weapon that you could use to clear rooms, or if it's more of a AoE primer.

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33 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

My Zarr probably needs work. Not sure if the galvanized mods are helping

Galvanized aptitude doesn't work on aoe, so that one can go. I believe hunters munition would be a huge boost to your dps. And you'll want viral somewhere in there (though perhaps you already have it via other means). Alternatively, if you're going up against corpus, toxin is a must have.

Since you already have a max rank arcane on your k.zarr, I would bother with serration and heavy cal., but stick with what feels comfortable for you.

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8 minutes ago, Toa_Ignika said:

Btw is your Secondary Sporelacer made out of the Splat and the Haymaker ? To know if it's a good crit aoe weapon that you could use to clear rooms, or if it's more of a AoE primer

I don't remember. I do remember using the highest Crit chance components. I'm at +100 see below:


9 minutes ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

Galvanized aptitude doesn't work on aoe, so that one can go. I believe hunters munition would be a huge boost to your dps.

Ok thx both of you for confirming. Yeah i hear the Zarr is a beast and mine simply isn't so I knew I needed changes. I'll mess around with it some more.

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Like your Zarr, you need to remove Galvanized Shot because it does nothing to the radial damage.You could probably also remove your Riven depending on what stats your got on it. For replacement Lethal Torrent is a really good mod for Secondary (multishot is the best gun stat by far and fire rate is always great) If you have Primed Fulmination use it for larger AoE.

Hunter Munition is what you miss on your Zarr, it's a mod that give you 35% to have a slash proc on crit. Add some viral stacks on the enemies (from any sources a Sentinel gun, the Panzer Vulpy, Nourish, etc...) and you'll see the difference.

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7 hours ago, Toa_Ignika said:

You could probably also remove your Riven depending on what stats your got on it.

Sporelacer Magnaata +85% impact, +146% damage, -20.5% zoom

Personally I feel like it really boosted the damage. It's my favorite secondary after adding the riven.

I'll swap out galvanized shot as well. Didn't make that connection, though I should have! 

I have both lethal torrent and primed fulmination. I'll try them both. EDIT - ugh. I do NOT have Lethal Torrent...bummer! 

For the Zarr I had HM and removed it bc someone else told me if the gun doesn't have slash listed on it, HM does nothing bc it won't proc slash when there's no slash.

Looking forward to boosting these two weapons. Thanks everyone again!

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Sporelacer Magnaata +85% impact, +146% damage, -20.5% zoom

Personally I feel like it really boosted the damage. It's my favorite secondary after adding the riven.

Well, imo you should reroll that Riven, or switch it with another mod, the base damage you get is lower than the regular Hornet Strike and +impact is a bit unimportant ?

3 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I have both lethal torrent and primed fulmination. I'll try them both. EDIT - ugh. I do NOT have Lethal Torrent...bummer!

Time for you to get farm that mod ! It'll be usefull for a lot of Secondary, I think it's from the Nightmare missions ?

3 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

For the Zarr I had HM and removed it bc someone else told me if the gun doesn't have slash listed on it, HM does nothing bc it won't proc slash when there's no slash.

Looking forward to boosting these two weapons. Thanks everyone again!

Well tell that that man he is completely wrong, Hunter Munition bypass everything, if you have no status and no slash damage as long a you crit you can get a slash proc. That's why it's the strongest mod. IIRC you only never use that mod on a weapon that has a high crit, high status chance and high slash damage (the Nagantaka Prime is a good exemple) because the slash proc will only trigger from either the status chance of your weapon or HM and not both at the same time.


So when you'll be comfy with your weapons, Nekros will be way easier to play with, as he is a Debuff/ Crowd Control frame. Reminder for a guideline on how to play him :

Soul Punch in its current state is better of being subsumed on with any other Helminth Ability (if it had no ragdoll, or if the marking had a longer duration, yes that ability would be great but sadly it isn't).

Terrify is the ability you'll use the most because it remove Armor and also let you get some breath with the panic effect, it has no effect on most priority Targets.

Desacrate is a press and forget ability, but make sure it's always active because more loots mean more orbs and ammo which are essential for your survivability.

Shadow of the Dead is the 2nd ability you'll use the most, you want your Shadows to always be present on the field to receive less hits and gave you the knockdown immunity for your weapons. Casting it while you have at least 1 Shadow alive will revive the full 7 Shadows and heal all the present one with a shorter casting animation, but sometimes it's better to let the Shadow all disappear to get a whole new cast of Shadow (mostly if you do some endless mission and need to get the higher level shadows, or if you want to get your eximus).


I hope you'll enjoy Nekros gameplay, as it is his best playable state thanks to the Veilbreaker, with the armor strip changes and the Archon Shards. He has now most of his kit being useable instead of being just a Desacrate frame.

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8 hours ago, Toa_Ignika said:

So when you'll be comfy with your weapons, Nekros will be way easier to play with, as he is a Debuff/ Crowd Control frame.

My biggest issue is getting some initial kills to cast 4 and staying alive long enough. This seems critical. I still want more range for terrify, just not sure how to achieve it.

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20 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

My biggest issue is getting some initial kills to cast 4 and staying alive long enough. This seems critical. I still want more range for terrify, just not sure how to achieve it.

Maybe ask someone who mains nekros to play with you and observe how they use their 4 (won't work on everybody but its worth the try) If not just watch the gameplay of Nekros did that with reveneat now im one shooting 500+   Just have some time with Nekros and you will find the loot boy way.

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Spectro build in action:


Gloom build in action.  (made this video first sorry for extra stuff)

I made a cooler gloom video but it didnt show build and it was versus infested.

Im not claiming these builds are awesome at SP but they can manage...   Gloom+Shadows is a bad combo lol.  Gloom eats energy, the more enemies it affects the more it drains.   So casting shadows and halving your energy is not good lol.  Also It looks like you should totally shield GATE if you wanna use gloom... I never had shields up lol.  

Spectro is my fav build,  Can totally cast shadows as often as you like!!   Only downside to that build is it requires you to be stationary for max effect.  You leave your ring and your asking for it.  I like the ring for squad play because it lets people know where my Nekros is hanging out.   My loot range is far beyond ring but if you see that ring theres probably a fat pile of energy orbs waiting for you =P.    

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2 hours ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

The only reason it turns off is because you've run out of health (2hp i think it turns off), or you've run through a nullifier


19 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

if you fall into a pit or something that resets your location, use archwing, or a necramech. I think k-drive might leave stuff running

Ok since I read about splitting torsos for more drops I was using dual keres prime to melee most enemies so yeah, if nullifiers are the guys with the blue protection dome then yeah I'm going in there and melee-ing. 

What does nekros actually do for "drops"? Does this include mods, resources? I ran 20 min Lua survival with both Nekros and Revenant. The result was very similar. Both had 5-6 mod types mostly red and one or two blue, no yellow. A couple duplicates on each. About 8 additional resource types (oxium etc). The thrax total was one off between each mission. Nekros had one extra. 20m of Nekros running despoil didn't seem to reward me more vs revenant. Yet Nekros involves a lot more ability casts to stay alive. The wiki states: 

"Additional loot includes all items normally found on the original enemy's Drop Tables, such as Mods, plus Credits, Resources, Ammo Pickups, Health Orbs, Energy Orbs, Pigments, Life Support and Power Cells."

I even stood on top of a laser death orb and there was no "pulse" emitted granting 250 health.

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26 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

alternating between terrify and despoil

What do you mean by alternating? With desecrate, you simply turn it on and leave it on. There should be no reason to turn it off, ever.

27 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

bit more tanky

Health conversion and/or adaptation. 

I'd ditch primed vigor, flow and streamline. Along with health conversion and adaptation, I'd slot in Equilibrium. 

And forma the aura slot to get some more capacity, imho.

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First thing first, get Equilibrium that mod is amazing, especially if you run Despoil. Switch your aura for something else, Combat Discipline isn'tthat useful without the Arcane Avenger, if you can get Brief Respite that would be great but anything works.  You also want 167% Strength for the full armor strip with Terrify.

You have multiples way to make Nekros tanky, Adaptation, Shield of Shadow, Health Conversion, simple pure shield gating (Brief Respite and the Augur mods, negative efficiency, the Decaying Dragon key).

Also with the Zariman and the Conjunction Survival you have some really nice Arcanes for Nekros : Molt Reconstruct, Molt Augmented, Molt Efficiency and Blessing.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

So somehow I got Nekros Prime parts luckily in the last few weeks even though he seems to be vaulted. So i built and applied a few formas.

Been running him a bit lately to see what I can do with him. Current NW is to pickup rare mods . Ok, Nekros is made for this. Ran excavation lith relic to round 12 i believe with two others. Running with despoil, plenty of energy and health orbs and battery drops. With Cedo, sporelacer and dual keres Nekros was a wrecking ball (low level) but he died at one point while I was alternating between terrify and despoil. Late round. Seemed like 80% of enemies were spawning as eximus but just curious how to make Nekros a bit more tanky?



Can't share any screenshots of my build atm, but nourish shield of shadows and despoil nekros is just plain busted. Equilibrium if functionally required on nekros and arcane blessing is beyond OP. Equilibrium is more useful than primed flow, and if you want a higher energy pool, just throw some azure shards at him for extra energy. Archon shards are mostly QoL on nekros since I use casting speed and energy ones, which aren't required, but just make his overall gameplay smoother. 


-I also run triple umbral mods since the 66% strength gives him 100% strip. The armor isn't that useful but better than none, but you can use health conversion like other's have mentioned.

-I run energy siphon aura on mine simply because it gets buffed by nourish, fun interaction, but it doesn't matter. I also run molt reconstruct for healing. 

-Two ranged mods, being the augur reach and regular reach are plenty, but the rest of the mods aren't very useful. Augur gives you a bit of shield regen for somewhat 'gating' but generally its overkill already in teamplay or enough to keep you alive with adaption or health conversion.

-Continuity and efficiency aren't that useful on nekros.

-I subsumed out soul punch for nourish in my build.

Other than Excalibur, the only other warframe I've played since 2013 is Nekros, so, I play around with various builds quite often on both. Nourish Shadows is just simply OP, not sure if there's any official posts for it since it was something I brainstormed a few months ago.

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