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Coming Soon: r/Warframe AMA on April 20th


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On 2023-04-13 at 4:37 PM, [DE]Marcus said:

Ever wondered why some Warframes have boots, shoes, hooves or no feet whatsoever?

No, actually.


I would like to see a serious QnA regarding where the game is at and where is it going.


- If explosives were already determined to be problematic back in the age of Tonkor, how did Bramma and Zarr still happen? Is anything going to be done to deviate from this established trend of weapons being released every once in a while that are more powerful than previously nerfed weapons were at their peak?

- Do we want challenge in the game? If yes, is there going to be a proper form of it at any point, rather than just bigger health bars, more damage, immunities and attenuation - things that practically don't involve the player, only their gear? If no, why do these annoyances keep coming?

- Can armor get looked at again, if we haven't dug that hole too deep yet? There are so many abilities and some other more specific things whose viability revolves entirely about whether or not armor is a problem to it. The high accessibility of stripping in the case of abilities and slash in the case of weapons alleviates the issue, but also how commonly they are used proves the point. The amount of damage reduction armor provides to enemies even at base Steel Path, let alone in endless missions, often makes a counter for it mandatory, while shields are perfectly manageable without toxin or shield strip, and in the case of infested there's nothing like either. Maybe armor shouldn't scale when it effectively multiplies health which already scales by itself?

- How long until raids come back?

- Will we ever get an endgame?

- Is new content going to continue being either pretty much a separate game like archwing, k-drive, mechs and Kahl or mission types that are rehashes of missions that have already been in the game for most/all of it's lifespan? Disruption was neither, it's an actual unique mission type, unlike conjunction survival or mirror defense. Will get more like it?


I could go on, but the idea is probably clear enough. Questions that would stimulate discussions and give rise to ideas and hopefully actions.


I imagine I'm giving off an aggressive and demanding tone here. But it's hard to hide the frustration of the game's long term problems festering without even so much as being acknowledged, let alone addressed, while at the same time the people in charge chat about feet.

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Looking forward to the cherrypicked softball questions you'll answer as publicity for the latest update that was first seen in 2019.

Looking forward to evasion, dodging, and insisting that you listen when it's been pretty clear for years you view the player base fairly negatively. 

Seeing the acrobatics on display as well as the moderators bending over themselves  will be fun.

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So What Happens Next?
Now that we have this information a few key things stick out to us.

  • The Mod System could do with some TLC
  • Players would like to see Trials come back, in addition to some more challenging end game content
  • There are a variety of areas that we can explore for some QoL changes

We will consider these takeaways and more as we continue to build Warframe!


It's been over a year since this survey's results were released:

  • What TLC do you have planned for the modding system and what do you want to address? Underclocking? Required Mods and the dominance of damage mods? Mastery Fodder?
  • What is the status of Trials, and how are you approaching challenging end game content? How do you plan to approach this given the general dislike of necessary mechanics like Attenuation?
  • What other areas do you want to explore for QoL changes?

I would also like to know why cosmetics like the Lepus Headgear are still temporary, despite other silly cosmetics like the modern Protokol weapon skins and the floating fish Ephemera being permanent. I'd also like to know why players still have no way to hide this kind of content, despite having so many other tools to hide disruptive content like muting Octavia audio, reducing excessive VFX, muting disruptive players, etc. I'm sure you're already familiar with my thread on the topic, which has survived the Art & Animation Feedback subforum for over two years and has gained clear support, and I'd love to get an official response.

Edited by PublikDomain
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I have a question about the old lore. Can you rework it, so it could be chained to the new quests? 

Also why isn´t lore from the non-existent alerts somewhere in the game, at least in written form? You can use it as introduction for new players, who will play the type of mission (excavation, ...) for the first time. I was really surprised, when I read what Cryotic really is. Or you can do some animation or leverian-style entry.

Do you plan upgrade hair and hair styles? I know that were already some changes, but can be better.

Thank you

Edited by TerriFoxx
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2 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

Looking forward to the cherrypicked softball questions you'll answer as publicity for the latest update that was first seen in 2019.

Looking forward to evasion, dodging, and insisting that you listen when it's been pretty clear for years you view the player base fairly negatively. 

Seeing the acrobatics on display as well as the moderators bending over themselves  will be fun.

They can´t listen to every player, people wanted crossplay, they got it. Next, people wanted crosssave and they are working on it. Do you know how difficult is managing the game, when all they hear is whining for all different things? Because people do this, and then they get offended by not getting answers. Maybe you should try to tell them a constructive critique and questions, instead of this cringe, ridiculous post.

Edited by TerriFoxx
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Ok, so we don't know if we can post question here and be answered. So let me ask nevertheless.

1. Any news about Mitosis mod set that execute different aerial attack? It was mentioned Update 29.5


****New Mitosid Mod Set

We anticipated shipping a Mitosid Mod Set with Deimos: Arcana. After review, these Mods needed a bit more time in the oven, and we wanted to make this clear for those who may have come across them on the Test Cluster in any form to explain their fate!. We’ll return to the drawing board and ship at a later date!

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Aerial attacks now execute a spin attack that deals +20% damage repeating 2 times in succession.

Mitosid Carapace

+60% Armor, +90% Health

Mitosid Claws

+90% Slash, +60% Status Chance

Mitosid Viscera

+90% Slash, +60% Status Chance 

To use the Mod Set Bonus, simply do a Neutral Aerial Melee Attack (Space to jump, no input on WASD, then Melee!)



Maybe even add some range for aerial combos (like Innodem's perk)

2. Are weapon stances going to be fixed? For example Gunblade's Bullet dance standing combo looks like it moves you forward AND forward combo's 2nd attack stops frame from moving forward. There is no backward combo (frame moves forward instead). And probably other issues.

3. Are we going to to have change in melee weapon types/stances to make them different. As for now, lot of weapon types/stances are very similar. They just looks different (different animation) but does exactly the same (e.g. hit in front of you). New Heavy Scythe is weapon type without anything new..

4. Is it possible to have stances that we can make (e.g. remove certain combos, move them etc) as explained here:


That would allow us to fix stances our self (point 2).

5. Can we have shorter rolls and other movements (like mod or something). We had Amalgam barrel diffusion that had been doing that (slightly shorter rolls) but it was changed to longer rolls. We have already huge amount of sources of long rolls (Arcane agility, Helminth's Infested mobility, Amalgam mod for 2nd'ary, Parazon Hit and run etc) but we have only 1 source of shorter rolls. However we have to melee block to do it.

6. Can you fix or remove requirements for Arcane double back to be proced via 3 different movements (roll, double jump and bullet jump)? It's hard to anything when you want to keep 75% damage reduction. It lasts for 4 seconds so when you finish 3-movement-combo you have to start again. Only style that fits this arcane is AFK style that you don't like.

7. Are we going to have other Liches or something like that based on Infested, Angels, Thrax unit, void entities?

8. Are Angels only entity that are in those missions? Whole tileset is full of strange (and beautiful!) "things" but we have just 1 Angel per mission. Smaller entities would make this mission more lively (and scary). Imagine wall suddenly grabs you when you don't expect it.

9. Are we going to have Angel-Frame hybrid (or pets)? Meeting & fighting Angels were amazing experience. They were those scary things that can control/change you and environment. That kind of experience would be interesting if we can control it ourselves (e.g. like frame or OP/Drifter). However copy-pasting abilities from angels fight wouldn't be great.

10. Is there plans for different places (e.g. planets) or based on non-euclidean geometries? Exploration is what makes games fun to play for some of us. I've been playing even hours of Zariman when you gave us that nodes. It was great experience.

11. Can we remove afk-timer, at least for solo player? I love exploring but sometimes I just want to explore and I don't want to bother with killing enemy.


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10 hours ago, (PSN)Kaya-07- said:

Hope they will answer questions about Cross-save in detail.

This I would like realistic discussion on account mergers as well.

At this point my smurf account isn't far behind my main account. I would like to join them still or have them connected in some way. But I understand having a second operator wouldn't really work either so some what to retain both accounts on the same email would be appreciated.  As I want to use my main account on PC sometimes. Or alternatively my PC account on Xbox.

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il y a 24 minutes, matt11mz a dit :

2pm ET. Wish I thought to check the Twitter earlier. Apparently, they announced it there two days ago.

Thank you very much !

I follow Playwarframe on Twitter and I didn't got the notification (or I didn't notice it).

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Well, since there is no info on whether or not we have to use Reddit, here goes:

1. How Limited is Warframe going to be in the Duviri & Is there a choice to never use a Warframe at all? (See the thread link below to get a idea on why this is asked)

2. How Difficult will Duviri be (See this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1345103-expect-swarms-of-plz-nerf-x-duviri-enemyboss-when-the-update-releases/page/5/#comment-12759248)

3. Will we be able to have the Duviri Drfiter (His Weapons/Powers) outside of Duviri, so we can have a non-Warframe-like gamemode, on the fly (To clarify: Will we be able to use the Intrinsics inside normal gameplay, for players who don't want to play as Opeator/Warframe Mode)  

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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