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What is “Soulsframe?”


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17 minutes ago, TeaHands said:

I try talking to you because we've had some fun back n forths before. You even recommended some games that I bought or still have on my wishlists. You've excitedly talked to me about the prospects around Archons on a thread I made back in The New War. You even decided to randomly dump a huge theory/explanation about The Man in the Wall and derailed the thread but I didn't care cuz I liked talking about the fun had in games. 


I honestly don't know what you are talking about. You are not making any sense. 


17 minutes ago, TeaHands said:

I try reaching out because I'm trying to figure out the whole "hate following" people do with this game. "The game devs don't listen so I'm here to make them listen." I thought the devs don't listen to the players?? Why talking 'sense' to someone who won't listen?? And then my bubble bursts and I realize I'm trying to do the same with you. And then we kiss.


The devs can do whatever they want with their game, Warframe or Soulframe. I will not have a say in their decisions. However I do know what games I will play. I'm sure Warframe and Soulframe will not be on my list once these reaches IOS phones. I would be occupied with Chrono Odyssey, Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West, Armored Core Fires of the Rubicon, Titanfall 2 among others great games out there. 

We eventually will move on playing other games. Those who wants to still play Warframe or soulframe, are free to do so. I don't mind. Everybody rolls with what they enjoy. 

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14 hours ago, Felsagger said:

However I do know what games I will play. I'm sure Warframe and Soulframe will not be on my list once these reaches IOS phones.

Seriously lol, that is where you draw the line? You are aware that phones are quite a few magnitudes more powerful than NSW, and were so when NSW was released aswell. But you didnt consider quitting when the NSW port was released? Grade A Fel logic right there.

But hey, one positive thing that has come from this thread is that we all know that all third person fantasy games are now souls-like according to you and a few others. Pretty cool I played souls-like games before the souls frenchise was even a thing! Feels like time traveling all over again!

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21 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Maybe you should gather some more info on it though before jumping to those assumptions or conclussions. Soul in the name isnt tied to Souls games

You're missing the point.

To extend my previous analogy, it's like someone writing a fantasy novel with zero murders entitled "Game of Crowns."

Steve can clarify all he wants. The title is still ridiculous.

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32 minutes ago, FadeToNull said:

You're missing the point.

To extend my previous analogy, it's like someone writing a fantasy novel with zero murders entitled "Game of Crowns."

Steve can clarify all he wants. The title is still ridiculous.

You do realise that Demon Souls wasn't the first game with "Soul" in the title, right?

Fromsoft don't have a monopoly on the term.

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1 hour ago, FadeToNull said:

You're missing the point.

To extend my previous analogy, it's like someone writing a fantasy novel with zero murders entitled "Game of Crowns."

Steve can clarify all he wants. The title is still ridiculous.

No I'm not missing any point and your analogy is very poor. No one in their right mind would for instance expect Game of Thrones from a book called Game of Crowns, no one would buy the book based on the name, so it being named Game of Crowns and not having any murders would make no difference since it would be its own book. Clearly many people that watched the old thriller comedy War of the Roses were very missled, baited and switched and all that since it wasnt at all about the historic events tied to the same name.

But ok lets play around with your analogy. You claim with the name people would expect a souls-like right? Well wrong, anyone with a lick of horse sense would at that point expect a fighting game since the name has more similarities to the souledge/blade/calibur series due to the naming structure. That is if people are dense enough to buy something based on the name. And at the same time, did people that picked up Bloodborne expect uhm a game like Blood? Cos you know, using the same word in the name and all that.

edit: Oh and clearly Dark Souls is a massive letdown cos it has nothing to do with Dark Man. And Demon Souls is even worse, cos it has nothing to do with the metal band as I expected it would!

edit2: And dont get me started on Warframe, which has nothing to do with Warhammer, Warzone or Warcraft.

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3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Seriously lol, that is where you draw the line? You are aware that phones are quite a few magnitudes more powerful than NSW, and were so when NSW was released aswell. But you didnt consider quitting when the NSW port was released?  

Looks like you simply do not understand because you always play the devil's advocate on purpose or trolling stubborn purposes. Rarely you type posts that makes sense. They happen each 40 years. I'm used to your style. You are not the first type of individual who behaves this way on purpose or the last. 

I already stopped playing Warframe for many reasons. Second, the floor hardware of phones will halt the progress of this game entirely. It will be the lowest common denominator for development. This is Tencent goals, the phones. This is the intended target. In other words your game will never look like Horizon Burning Shores or Chrono Odyssey ever. The game will follow a route of development aimed at IOS crap phones. 

If you enjoy crap phone games, then enjoy the bread crumbs. These are your standandards, not mine. 

3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

But hey, one positive thing that has come from this thread is that we all know that all third person fantasy games are now souls-like according to you and a few others. Pretty cool I played souls-like games before the souls frenchise was even a thing! Feels like time traveling all over again!

Wait, frenchise or franchise? 

If you like developers following trends there are better ones at it. You don't necessarily need to subscribe to this one. Just sayin'. 

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2 hours ago, FadeToNull said:

You're missing the point.

To extend my previous analogy, it's like someone writing a fantasy novel with zero murders entitled "Game of Crowns."

Steve can clarify all he wants. The title is still ridiculous.

You are generous saying that the title is stupidly ridiculous. 

Let me be more accurate. 



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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

No I'm not missing any point and your analogy is very poor.

Typical denial from our classical apologetic friend here, Ervin the DE white knight. 


1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

No one in their right mind would for instance expect Game of Thrones from a book called Game of Crowns, no one would buy the book based on the name, so it being named Game of Crowns and not having any murders would make no difference since it would be its own book. Clearly many people that watched the old thriller comedy War of the Roses were very missled, baited and switched and all that since it wasnt at all about the historic events tied to the same name.


You do realize that when the titled showed up for the first time we all thought that DE was SNARKY ON PURPOSE making fun of Elden Ring? 


1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

But ok lets play around with your analogy. You claim with the name people would expect a souls-like right? Well wrong, anyone with a lick of horse sense would at that point expect a fighting game since the name has more similarities to the souledge/blade/calibur series due to the naming structure. That is if people are dense enough to buy something based on the name. And at the same time, did people that picked up Bloodborne expect uhm a game like Blood? Cos you know, using the same word in the name and all that.

edit: Oh and clearly Dark Souls is a massive letdown cos it has nothing to do with Dark Man. And Demon Souls is even worse, cos it has nothing to do with the metal band as I expected it would!

edit2: And dont get me started on Warframe, which has nothing to do with Warhammer, Warzone or Warcraft.


Warframe works. 

After ten years of seeing the word frame you expect something different that is NOT 'soul' and is NOT 'frame' right? 

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7 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

I already stopped playing Warframe for many reasons. Second, the floor hardware of phones will halt the progress of this game entirely. It will be the lowest common denominator for development. This is Tencent goals, the phones. This is the intended target. In other words your game will never look like Horizon Burning Shores or Chrono Odyssey ever. The game will follow a route of development aimed at IOS crap phones. 

Then why are they still on your list as you implied?

"Floor hardware". No that isnt how it works when they develop for phones. It will be targetted towards later generations with hardware capable of running games to begin with. Practically anything they set the actual floor at will be several time better than NSW for instance, which would effectively be the floor for development, yet has had no actual impact on development since it was released. Instead they develop things seperately to meet the needs of the lacking capacity of NSW. And since phones are like computers, there is no cert process to slow things down on that end, so even less of an issue than consoles and most notably NSW.

And you can already see that their intent is not to keep up support for lower end things, given how they've phased out older PCs overtime and just recently consolidated enhanced and classical to a point where they plan on fully removing classic soon.

You dont really bother to background check or draw any logical connections before barfing letters at the screen.


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7 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

You do realize that when the titled showed up for the first time we all thought that DE was SNARKY ON PURPOSE making fun of Elden Ring? 

Ah so all new third person fantasy games are now making fun of Elden Ring, that is practically what you are saying. You know what I thought of the first time I saw Soulframe at tennocon? Warframe in a fantasy setting, with some parts of my mind drifting towards Path of Exile in third person.

edit: I also thought of norse mythology, most notably Tyr and Fenris, though in a more friendly and less "bite your hand off" kinda way.

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Just now, SneakyErvin said:

Then why are they still on your list as you implied?

Sometimes I log in for few minutes and log out the fridays.  


Just now, SneakyErvin said:

"Floor hardware". No that isnt how it works when they develop for phones.

That's how it works. 

You can't design for advanced hardwares because such project MUST FIT on less fortunate hardwares like the IOS PHONES. 


Just now, SneakyErvin said:

It will be targeted towards later generations with hardware capable of running games to begin with. Practically anything they set the actual floor at will be several time better than NSW for instance, which would effectively be the floor for development, yet has had no actual impact on development since it was released. Instead they develop things seperately to meet the needs of the lacking capacity of NSW. And since phones are like computers, there is no cert process to slow things down on that end, so even less of an issue than consoles and most notably NSW.

Yes, in your dreams. 

It's plausible. 

Just now, SneakyErvin said:

And you can already see that their intent is not to keep up support for lower end things, given how they've phased out older PCs overtime and just recently consolidated enhanced and classical to a point where they plan on fully removing classic soon.

You dont really bother to background check or draw any logical connections before barfing letters at the screen.


You contradicted yourself cleanly here. 

You said that they support the NINTENDO SWITCH in your first post. And actually they DO. 

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3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Ah so all new third person fantasy games are now making fun of Elden Ring, that is practically what you are saying.


What I was saying is that people BELIEVED that DE WAS MAKING FUN OF Elden Ring with a meme title. 


Help Google feeding the right data in the translation between languages. He will gives you good service. 


3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

You know what I thought of the first time I saw Soulframe at tennocon? Warframe in a fantasy setting, with some parts of my mind drifting towards Path of Exile in third person.

edit: I also thought of norse mythology, most notably Tyr and Fenris, though in a more friendly and less "bite your hand off" kinda way.

.....dear lord......


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27 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Sometimes I log in for few minutes and log out the fridays.  


That's how it works. 

You can't design for advanced hardwares because such project MUST FIT on less fortunate hardwares like the IOS PHONES. 


Yes, in your dreams. 

It's plausible. 

You contradicted yourself cleanly here. 

You said that they support the NINTENDO SWITCH in your first post. And actually they DO. 

Do you hate Apple or something now aswell? Less fortunate phones? Most often those phones are running the games the best, and I'm not a big Iphone fan at all, would never actually want one. And since you assume that generation floors are forgiving you should probably go and check some of the later releases and see how narrow the requirements are and what phones are actually supported. Just install Bluestacks and see which emulators allow you to find any of the later games in the app stores. Hint, it's not many.

In my dreams? Nope, just from experience with mobile gaming and the benefit of Bluestacks or other emulators instead of having to buy new phones more often than clothes.

No contradiction. Unless you have a hard time understanding the word "phasing". Which is what DE does constantly, they phase out older hardware and software. Likely NSW wont go anywhere until Nintendo releases a new console, since they can configure patches seperately for it. Currently DE are in the process to phase out machines that cannot handle the enhanced engine all in order to be able to focus on a single development method and not two. Not really hard to understand one would assume, yet you managed not to. Wish I could say it was a shocker.

32 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

What I was saying is that people BELIEVED that DE WAS MAKING FUN OF Elden Ring with a meme title. 

Because Elden Ring has the word Soul or Frame in it where exactly? I guess one could bend it and claim a frame can be a ring, since there are circular and oval picture and mirror frames. But is Elden a synonym for Soul now, I guess when someone is really really really old and keels over they end up being a soul if you believe that crap. So I guess if there was a picture of dead buy in a circular frame we surely have an Elden Ring meme in Soulframe. Am I doing the silly dance correctly? Does my tinfoil mastery reach high enough ranks?

36 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Help Google feeding the right data in the translation between languages. He will gives you good service. 

Ouchy, did you roll a natural 20 in order to crit language that hard with that sentence?

37 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

.....dear lord......

While I do think the gods are great but I'm the greatest there is no need to refer to me as lord.

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11 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Less fortunate phones?

Some phones are born made to wave the flag

Hoo, they're rose gold, white and blue

And when the band plays "Hail to the chief"

Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord

It ain't i, it ain't iPhone

I ain't no senator's phone, son

It ain't i, it ain't iPhone 

I ain't no furtunate one, no

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2 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Some phones are born made to wave the flag

Hoo, they're rose gold, white and blue

And when the band plays "Hail to the chief"

Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord

It ain't i, it ain't iPhone

I ain't no senator's phone, son

It ain't i, it ain't iPhone 

I ain't no furtunate one, no

That gave me such a good laugh! Just brilliant!

sidenote: I just listned to that song shortly before queuing up some Beast in Black. The cosmic gods are telling me something, but I wont go and get an iPhone no matter how much they try to pester me.

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36 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Do you hate Apple or something now aswell?

Yes, an old IOS phone. 

36 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Less fortunate phones?


Consoles > phones


36 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Most often those phones are running the games the best, and I'm not a big Iphone fan at all, would never actually want one. And since you assume that generation floors are forgiving you should probably go and check some of the later releases and see how narrow the requirements are and what phones are actually supported. Just install Bluestacks and see which emulators allow you to find any of the later games in the app stores. Hint, it's not many.

Let us do a simple elementary comparison. Current console game and current IOS Phone games. 

A game in a PS5:

Cell phone games. 

Case closed. 


36 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

In my dreams? Nope, just from experience with mobile gaming and the benefit of Bluestacks or other emulators instead of having to buy new phones more often than clothes.

Yes, in your dreams. IOS games will never reach the stature of console or PC games. Ever. 

However you are free to enjoy portable phone games. If you enjoy that then Warframe IOS and Soulframe IOS are for you. 

 People are free to anything they want including crap. 

36 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

No contradiction. Unless you have a hard time understanding the word "phasing". Which is what DE does constantly, they phase out older hardware and software. Likely NSW wont go anywhere until Nintendo releases a new console, since they can configure patches seperately for it. Currently DE are in the process to phase out machines that cannot handle the enhanced engine all in order to be able to focus on a single development method and not two. Not really hard to understand one would assume, yet you managed not to. Wish I could say it was a shocker.

You don't want to understand. 

I'll help you understand. Low end software defines the extensions and ambitions of a project. Hardware demanding projects will NOT be a feasible decision in DE's arsenal. They will be CONSTRAINED to floor hardware. 

From Software is not CONSTRAINED to floor hardware. They can design for next generation, current generation and IOS. However they do NOT compromise projects to platforms. They design projects for SPECIFIC platforms with certain degrees of ambition according to platform parameters. 

You are free to be stubborn and NOT understand this. I'm used to your style. However technology works with progress in mind. DE may choose the platform or platforms of their choice. That decision affects the outcome of the product and the ambitions in it. 

DE decided to be "averagers" masters of the average. This is their goal and their market. They produce their coins this way. You can't expect more than that. 

36 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Because Elden Ring has the word Soul or Frame in it where exactly? I guess one could bend it and claim a frame can be a ring, since there are circular and oval picture and mirror frames. But is Elden a synonym for Soul now, I guess when someone is really really really old and keels over they end up being a soul if you believe that crap. So I guess if there was a picture of dead buy in a circular frame we surely have an Elden Ring meme in Soulframe. Am I doing the silly dance correctly? Does my tinfoil mastery reach high enough ranks?

Comedy is not your strong. 

Dedicate yourself to play and talk about video games. That's a better job for you. 

36 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Ouchy, did you roll a natural 20 in order to crit language that hard with that sentence?

While I do think the gods are great but I'm the greatest there is no need to refer to me as lord.

Your sarcasm doesn't work. 

Dedicate more time on it. Maybe one day you will get it right. 

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20 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Some phones are born made to wave the flag

Hoo, they're rose gold, white and blue

And when the band plays "Hail to the chief"

Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord

It ain't i, it ain't iPhone

I ain't no senator's phone, son

It ain't i, it ain't iPhone 

I ain't no furtunate one, no


If you want cellphone crap for a game, sure. Why not?


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52 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Most well adjusted people can. 

Sorry not everybody has the same standards. 

If adjusted people likes crap, I prefer NOT to be adjusted. 

Should you report me to the mods for having a different standard than yours? 

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Just now, Felsagger said:

Sorry not everybody has the same standards. 

If adjusted people likes crap, I prefer NOT to be adjusted. 

Should you report me to the mods for having a different standard than yours? 

You really love the sound of your own voice huh? Or well, text in this case. 

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1 minute ago, Mediloric said:

You really love the sound of your own voice huh? Or well, text in this case. 

Can you hear that sound? I don't. I simply read them. 

But I'm sure this alternate account has more to contribute. 

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

No I'm not missing any point

Au contraire...

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

You claim with the name people would expect a souls-like right?

No, I don't claim that. Nor would I. I have no such opinion.

I claim that the name "Soulframe" is ridiculous.

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