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Unlocking Duviri Steel Path (Post Hotfix)


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so i have made all the star chart missions and it says that i made all the exp from it. but somehow i only have 236 out of 241 completed star chart missions or something like that. if you dont believe me you can check my stats. my IGN is hartiesiplastic2#913. if the # matters. so how do i fix?

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Just unlock it for everyone? I don't wanna spend hours and hours grinding a S#&$ty thing against my will because of someone else's mistake.
So typical DE, they #*!% up and then its just "yeah sucks for you guys, but we wont do S#&$ about it"

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I can’t play in the circuit and other Duviri mod. When I choose Warframe game just freezes. And then I have to restart game. In other missions I don’t have this problem. +I can’t play Duviri Steel Path, although I have passed every mission a lot of times.

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Again I ask, why did we lock SP in Duviri?

This game mode is nothing like normal WF. It's nothing like normal progression. And intentionally designed to be different.

So... DE why did you put a block on it? This makes absolutely no sense from any standpoint other than "well, everyone just plays circuit and we don't have anyone doing the Soulframe Beta crap anymore". Uh, yeah, duh! You made a vastly different game mode (with awful mechanics that are a sad mockery of any souls-esque game currently in existence) and shoe-horned it into your existing model without any real content to back it up or keep players returning. So they're gonna farm what they want and leave. That's how it works.

So, again, why bother locking up one mode and in turn causing a mass of players to have it be inaccessible despite the "instructions"?

Not that DE is ever actually reading or listening to this. If it's not glowing praise it doesn't exist I guess.

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I've defeated the orowyrm in lone story, completed 8 cycles of the circuit, [EDIT: I meant 8 stages. Since posting, I have fully completed 1 reward tree before weekly reset] and the core duviri experience 3+ times all on normal. SP still hasn't unlocked for me. I've done all of this across multiple different moods, several times over. All to no avail.

This is getting rather frustrating.

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On 2023-07-13 at 9:48 AM, KestrelsEclipse said:

"here is Hydroid and the intro weaponry"

You'd be amazed how many people rage quit when you choose Hydroid and spend the whole mission pulling things into the puddle of death. I make a point of picking Hydroid now when available. Now on to tweaking my max range Limbo build.

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Hello dear Tennos,
I come here after searching for a fix to my inability to access Steel Path Duviri.
I have done all the quests. (Including Duviri), I can in general access Steel path on the map, but not on Duviri The circuit.
I have completed The Duviri Experience and I have completed The lone story once (the 6 missions and kill the boss)
I also completed normal mode 10/10.
Does anyone know how can I access Steel Path please?

Thank you in advance,

yours truly Yyoopi

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I went a bit further. Played the story mode, duviri experience, and normal mode fully. The steel path is still locked. I double checked all my nodes to be sure everything was completed, and they are. There is the exclusion of having all three of Grendel's side quests, but I have actually completed those as well. I bought another set after I helminthed the first frame.

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7 hours ago, Matt256 said:

You'd be amazed how many people rage quit when you choose Hydroid

Amazed? Not really... but they perhaps don't have the benefit of experiencing a good Hydroid player. Having seen what a decent Hydroid player can do on a long farming run in normal missions, I can see a player finding a way to make Hydroid survivable on SP. It wouldn't be my choice, but his kit really isn't my playstyle.

Regardless, the point stands that the RNG of frames and weapons makes locking Duviri SP behind normal mode and an optional (no longer optional) story mode makes no sense. It completely diverges from core gameplay as well as the delivery and - alleged - player-focused freedom of choice Duviri supposedly represented. It even flies in the face of their own RNG logic because if you can make any frame and weapons viable on Steel Path for Duviri... then why does it matter what level a player is at when they step into the ring? Why are we deciding for new players when they can access more challenging content? So what if they're getting Incarnon adapters long before they can access the Zariman to use them? If they can step up to the plate with any frame or weapon and make it work... then why not? And if they can't (because DE is going to admit their RNG decision and the general-use mod builds they provide aren't made to survive SP and therefore shouldn't have been part of any SP options) then they'll learn that and head back to normal mode. It's even more illogical when SP remains locked from veteran players who bothered to follow the instructions to unlock it because the hotfix didn't fix anything.

Honestly, I am no longer surprised by DE's capacity for it-wasn't-broken-so-we-broke-it style of updates/hotfixes. I am just increasingly frustrated by their unwillingness to actually correct the errors.

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After the Seven Crimes of Kullervo Update it said ,,Normal mode for this node must be completed first before attemptintg The Steel Path´´.

Node is a grammar mistake and i tried it 6 times in Normal but it still says that i need to completed Normal first.

Because of this i didt get 4 Incarnon adapter. Two weeks ago I was still able to select a adapter but the Game said you need to completed Normal first I have 8 Incanon Weappesn i did everything to play Steel path 😭 . And i dont have acces for my password on my accont so i used my second accont for the report.I send a picture for my accont.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ows1doMQhgv9RbfeJ6UDIokiauOkkP4a/view?usp=sharing  Wunini#656

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The dialog is misleading, because you may need to clear Lone Story on normal as well, and DE have said that another update will change the dialog to properly mention which nodes you have to complete for access.

All three nodes have to be completed on Normal in order to unlock any of them in The Steel Path.  The intro quest completes the Duviri Experience node, and you've completed the Circuit, so you need to complete The Lone Story on normal.

Even if you've cleared it before, because there were issues before those recent updates with completion for these nodes being properly saved.

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