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Everything posted by PathlessSage

  1. Did you try selecting two Incaron Genesis Adapters to work towards so you could view the track itself? Here's an image from the 33.0 patch notse showing the Normal/Steel Path selector I mean. After confirming your Reward Path, I'd hope that it'd either kick you to Normal or at least give you the option to swap to Normal. My assumption for the underlying issue is that you've been toggled to Steel Path display for the Star Chart. The Star Chart itself is checking and seeing that that isn't valid for you, and thus showing the normal Ctar Chart, but the menus don't have that check and are able to show the Steel Path options still.
  2. Certainly doesn't seem right. When you view the Circuit track for Duviri, do you have the option to view the Steel Path track? If so, swap to the Normal reward track there--swapping the reward track for the Circuit also affects whether you're viewing the Normal or Steel Path version of the Star Chart.
  3. Just to make sure, after filling the gun's meter, you are using Alternate Fire (default is R3/pressing the right thumbstick on controller) to switch to Incarnon Mode, correct?
  4. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1340302-citrine’s-last-wish-hotfix-3232/ Sounds like it's working as intended.
  5. Did changing the keybinds work as expected for the other abilities? When you're changing the keybinds, are you being sure to change them in the Drifter tab rather than the General tab?
  6. Waiting for 24 hours is how it works whether you pass or fail--so no, it's not "as if you failed". Though, I understand this info isn't very helpful. I tried using /profile to pull up your Mastery info, but I believe there's some issues with the screen pulled up by /profile being truly accurate, so I'd like to ask: does this match what you see when you open your profile via the menus in-game? (though looking again it looks like you've done more missions and leveled some gear since) Since you said "on two separate occasions", did you level gear/do any new missions between those attempts?
  7. The issue likely stems from loadout you're swapping with not having the ability the augment works with, rather than being specific to Protea/her new augment.
  8. Cooldown? Are you actually being prevented from purchasing the shard? I think you're misinterpreting the UI here. Since the shards are on a weekly rotation (unlike anything else in Chipper's stock), they show a timer that displays how long the current offering will be available for. At the end of that duration, whether it has been bought or not, it will be replaced by the next week's rotation.
  9. I think you're talking about Overguard? Styanax doesn't generate that with its base kit, but through the Intrepid Stand augment. Kullervo and Rhino can make Overguard for themselves (Recompense and Iron Skin), Atlas can gets some with an augment, and Frost generates it for the group with an augment.
  10. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the Nightwave menu was running into issues due to trying to display the same mission twice, then. Would still suggest seeing if this Navigation UI shows the same trouble with reporting Nightwave missions/progress, and including that info if this issue still isn't fixed in the future.
  11. It looks like, rather than a default color, the Tertiary color also affects the appearance of Primary colors to a lesser degree. Having Primary=White and Tertiary=Black has the Primary surfaces look blindingly white, while Primary=Black and Tertiary=White makes the Primary surfaces look gray instead. Here are two examples while both are set to Black. Changing Tertiary to White shows more varied changes in comparison to changing Primary to Gray, despite some surfaces being roughly the same color.
  12. I assume you were playing Steel Path Circuit? Steel Path Circuit requires more points per tier than Normal Circuit requires. People have been reporting that if your Star Chart is set to Normal, but your Squad does Steel Path Circuit, the progress display shows the points required for Normal tiers instead of Steel Path tiers.
  13. You subsumed Breach Surge over Ulfrun's Descent. As Ulfrun's Endurance is an Augment for Ulfrun's Descent, you can't include it in the build where Voruna does not have Ulfrun's Descent.
  14. There are two weekly missions this week you didn't mention having completed. Vault Looter (dragon key vaults) and Elite Explorer (Railjack missions). Are you sure you've completed these? Are you sure you can't view more completed missions in Nightwave by scrolling down in the list of Acts? [edit] If you walk up to Navigation in your Orbiter, does it list more Nightwave objectives than you see from the Nightwave menu? What does it show for number of weekly acts? (eg mine shows 7/10, with 2 of the incompletes being recovered missions)
  15. Aside from the last issue with the Mesa/Khora build: These sound consistant with the "Creator Mode" option in the Social tab, which hides things that would be considered "story spoilers". The option's description:
  16. What's acquired from the Circuit is an Adapter that you apply to a weapon. You do not acquire weapons themselves from the Circuit. Did you already own a weapon matching the Incarnon Genesis Adapter you acquired from the Circuit?
  17. Fulmin in the market: Admittedly, this is a better description than "Fulmin Prime's electric rounds switch between lightning beams and short-range bursts" which could be taken to imply that the short-range bursts are the alternate fire mode, when it's the lightning beams that you have to toggle to. The short-range bursts are the primary mode, and afaik closer in functionality to a shotgun than a sniper.
  18. Unsure if CorruptedDragynSlayer is describing the exact same issue, but it has been addressed--in this thread, even. This is on our radar but unfortunately it requires a Code fix, meaning a Cert build. With that said, we will still keep looking for a way to patch this that is hotfixable. 🤞 So, look forward to it in the next non-hotfix patch.
  19. Looking up information on it, this seems like intended behavior? Setting the quest to active adds the mission to the Star Chart. However, the intended flow of the quest is for a riddle to be sent to your inbox, and the solution guiding you to the Star Chart node with the quest mission. Since "figuring out where the mission is" is part of the quest, there is no automatic navigation to the quest mission.
  20. While I have been following the thread, I don't play Void Armageddon much, and seeing this reminded me of one of my issues with doing it solo. I think with the third Ravenous Void Angel spawn (I don't know how often it occurs after that, might be every third angel?), groups of normal enemies spawn as well that can threaten the relic. Instead of heading straight for the Angel, set up some defenses around the relic first.
  21. Are you using keyboard+mouse or controller? Are you using the Invert options for the appropriate input style? Both Keyboard and Controller options have invert options that only apply to that input style. The option seems to work for me still.
  22. I think "Adjusted Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance teleport to accommodate for his melee attack movement, meaning players are less likely to slide right past enemies" is addressing that? [edit] Oh, and also "Fixed Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance dealing inconsistent damage when used with Gunblades. "
  23. Hildryn does not use Energy. Hildryn uses her Shields to fuel her abilities. It would be nice if the icon on the Drain lines had the Shield icon instead of the Energy icon to make that more clear. The wiki page for Subsume mentions that abilities subsumed onto Hildryn will have a Shield cost at 10x the Energy cost instead. This is the same as her base Shield costs for Railjack abilities. Gloom costs 50 Energy. 50 x 1.55 (45% efficiency) is 77.5, times 10 is 775. This is where your 775 Shield cost is coming from.
  24. How many Synthesis Scanner charges do you have? (quantity listed in inventory or gear menu) I'm not sure whether it uses 1 or 4 charges for a Synthesis target.
  25. The dialog is misleading, because you may need to clear Lone Story on normal as well, and DE have said that another update will change the dialog to properly mention which nodes you have to complete for access. All three nodes have to be completed on Normal in order to unlock any of them in The Steel Path. The intro quest completes the Duviri Experience node, and you've completed the Circuit, so you need to complete The Lone Story on normal. Even if you've cleared it before, because there were issues before those recent updates with completion for these nodes being properly saved.
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