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Silent takedowns?


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So, when are we gonna have the option to do stealth kills without the enemy making a sound? Often, their death sounds are enough to alert nearby enemies, which isn't very stealthy at all. Furthermore, I wouldn't be opposed to also destroying their bodies after a stealth kill, too, Dishonored-style.

Before anyone brings up Warframe abilities that make enemies asleep or completely powerless - I want to be able to do this without having to have those abilities.

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They don't make a noise with stealth kills.   If two soldiers are standing very close to each other with their backs towards you and you stealth-kill one, the other one will notice simply by being in direct proximity of the collapsing body. That's the only time I have to be careful on stealth runs, other than that (and obviously not using loud weapons) I never had a problem.

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20 hours ago, Nok-Rntha said:

which isn't very stealthy

Warframe stealth is pretty bad overall. 

There isn't any indicators for what enemies see and hear. Even those drones in spy vaults have very bad viewcone thing and they should be one shottable on higher levels too.

Usually good stealth games have clear systems that players can work with like clear viewcones and indicators about how much sound you make.

Sly series for example have flashlight guards who project their light onto ground in a round shape and if you step in that light you are spotted. Stand near edge of light and you are not seen by enemy. Regular movement is silent but sprinting means you make sound which those enemies can detect but they won't detect you unless you step into flashlight's light.

I doubt they ever do complete overhaul for Warframe's stealth system so it's what it is.

Edited by (PSN)IdoThea
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15 minutes ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

Warframe stealth is pretty bad overall. 

There isn't any indicators for what enemies see and hear. Even those drones in spy vaults have very bad viewcone thing and they should be one shottable on higher levels too.

Usually good stealth games have clear systems that players can work with like clear viewcones and indicators about how much sound you make.

Sly series for example have flashlight guards who project their light onto ground in a round shape and if you step in that light you are spotted. Stand near edge of light and you are not seen by enemy. Regular moment is silent but sprinting means you make sound which those enemies can detect but they won't detect you unless you step into flashlight's light.

I doubt they ever do complete overhaul for Warframe's stealth system so it's what it is.

Yeah, for a game touting itself as 'ninjas plays for free' in its marketing, you don't do a whole lot of ninja stuff

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7 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

I remember in the past kills with Radiation damage would dissolve the body, but that seems to have been patched out at some point.

Looks like you're out of luck unless you consider abilities.

It seems to me like radiation used to do it too, although I'm not 100% sure. A few innate radiation weapons do it very reliably like Arca Plasmor, but that's a different thing.  Ferrox does it too, without radiation damage.

Corrosive and Blast still have a chance to dissolve corpses.  Probably Heat too.

None of the status corpse removals seem great in any way even for a fringe activity like stealth play.     Enemies are still alerted if they're near enough to the kill, and the effect is unreliable.   And if you're using finishers, that gets changed to True damage which doesn't dissolve bodies.

7 hours ago, Nok-Rntha said:

So, when are we gonna have the option to do stealth kills without the enemy making a sound? Often, their death sounds are enough to alert nearby enemies, which isn't very stealthy at all. Furthermore, I wouldn't be opposed to also destroying their bodies after a stealth kill, too, Dishonored-style.

Kills don't alert enemies unless they're really close--like less than 2m I think--or they see it happen, or see the corpse.  In many ways it's ridiculous what we can get away with.  For instance, an invisible frame can bash an enemy without killing it.  That alerts the enemy, naturally enough. But as long as it doesn't die, that doesn't alert its buddy standing a foot away, and the original target can't alert anybody else unless it actually sees us.

It'd be nice to have a corpse removal option on stealth kills though.  Maybe that should be a secondary effect on Finishing Touch.

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1 hour ago, Tiltskillet said:

For instance, an invisible frame can bash an enemy without killing it.  That alerts the enemy, naturally enough. But as long as it doesn't die, that doesn't alert its buddy standing a foot away, and the original target can't alert anybody else unless it actually sees us.

Must've been the wind

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1 hour ago, Traumtulpe said:

No, I distinctly remember radiation dissolving the body with a specific animation. It's been a long time though.

Radiation damage overkill used to vaporize enemies, yes. Also melee channeling did (no longer possible). Unsure about radiation overkill.

Weapons that vaporize enemies: Arca Plasmor, Tenet AP, Ferrox, Opticor (work fine with Hush)

Damage that makes bodies dissapear: Corrosive (dissolve), Heat status (ashes). some Heavy Melee Attacks.

PS: Stealth finisher do not dissolve bodies but as far as i know are completely silent (been executing two hugging enemies over and over).

Edited by Zakkhar
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