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Incarnon guns should build charge on kills as well as headshots.


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Incarnon weapons are a bit hard to use atm, Especially for controller users. I get that it's a skill tradeoff for power, but some of these weapons with the adapters are borderline unusable at high levels until they're transformed, which having them transformed is kindof the whole point of giving low tier weapons incarnon adapters to begin with, and needing to slowly line up headshots between having any sort of kill efficiency is a bit annoying. On top of the charge you get not really lasting very long. It feels like you spend more time trying and failing to hit a moving target the size of a pea than you spend using the actual fun part of the weapon.

Even if it's just a small amount of charge. A bit of a pity charge on kills for players that can't aim that well would be nice.

Edit: I mean like, 20-30 direct hit kills to full charge. No aoe or status kills. Basically you still want to go for headshots for any kindof reasonable charge rate but you're still making some progress if you struggle with it. That seems pretty fair to me.

Also this is mainly because incarnon weapons with slow arching projectiles like Dread and Despair that are 50x harder to get headshots with than hitscan guns are a thing. Plus the shotgun issue a few comments brought up where you can plant your entire shell into an enemy's face and get no charge for some reason.

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I mean... incarnon are busted enough, and they are already upgrading the base stats of the weapons. So, even if I understand it can be a little more difficult to constantly charge them back up when you are playing with a controller, they seriously don't need to get even more stupid imo.

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There is GIGA-tons way to easy do head shots...

  • Headshoting one Eximus can fully charge any Incarnon.
  • Half of Warframe can immobilise enemies rendering the task easy at point blank
  • Speargun, Kitgun have homing headshot mechanic
  • Even with starter frame IE Mag : Magnetize, shoot the upper bubble, fully charge in seconds

No need for this, Controller or Abysmal-Low-Level of skills  does not need this...

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24 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

There is GIGA-tons way to easy do head shots...

  • Headshoting one Eximus can fully charge any Incarnon.
  • Half of Warframe can immobilise enemies rendering the task easy at point blank
  • Speargun, Kitgun have homing headshot mechanic
  • Even with starter frame IE Mag : Magnetize, shoot the upper bubble, fully charge in seconds

Getting headshots is not the problem. Problem are weapons with high multishot (shotguns) that when you headshot-kill an enemy only count the 1 pellet towards the incarnon.

Eximus are not always around. If you keep killing everything in 1 shot you cant really build the charge. And most incarnon shotguns totally do this with SP enemies.

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To @Zakkhar,

I mainly use Shotgun at point blank or with mag and it charge up really fast but

if your shotgun is OP = One pellet is enough to kill = 1 count only

Then the solution is to fight at higher level or no using an Forma 8, MR 15+ OP shotgun on mercury (by example, no joke intended).

Else Using mag's Polariza / any grab pellet ability / punch through for your lost-bullet to find another headshot.


I will presume your Shotgun is too OP, Most of my weapons are Forma 3 max, making the game a bit harder but sparring me from such problems.


If so Welcome to Warframe, the Only Gamewhere players complain about too strong BUFFs of OP Guns  😅

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1 hour ago, RLanzinger said:

To @Zakkhar,

I mainly use Shotgun at point blank or with mag and it charge up really fast but

if your shotgun is OP = One pellet is enough to kill = 1 count only

Then the solution is to fight at higher level or no using an Forma 8, MR 15+ OP shotgun on mercury (by example, no joke intended).

Else Using mag's Polariza / any grab pellet ability / punch through for your lost-bullet to find another headshot.


I will presume your Shotgun is too OP, Most of my weapons are Forma 3 max, making the game a bit harder but sparring me from such problems.


If so Welcome to Warframe, the Only Gamewhere players complain about too strong BUFFs of OP Guns  😅


Counterpoint, the Perigale

had the same problem where low level enemies couldn't activate the buff because they'd die in just one pellet of the burst.

DE didn't share your attitude of 'don't complain about being OP, go fight higher level'; they acknowledged that it needed fixing and made OHKs count as well.

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1 hour ago, RLanzinger said:

if your shotgun is OP = One pellet is enough to kill = 1 count only

You do not understand. It is not a feature. It is a bug. 1 pellet doesnt kill anything. 40+ do. But game counts incarnon charge for 1 pellet only. It is very similar mechanism as people use to 1 shot Archons. But this time negative for player. It doesnt occur on Eximus because of the Overguard mechanics (even though you can 1shot them as well).

I happen to run Strun P with Galvanised Hell + Multishot Riven and stacking on base SP is pain because everything evaporates in 1 headshot (and everything behind the target too because I run Punch Through). And I get 1 pellet worth of stacks.

1 hour ago, RLanzinger said:

Then the solution is to fight at higher level or no using an Forma 8, MR 15+ OP shotgun on mercury (by example, no joke intended).

Solution would be to aim to the side of the head so not all pellets hit the head and I would need a second shot to kill it. I find this solution laughable. I need to play worse in order to get better results.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

Counterpoint, the Perigale

ah Damn, you're HARD on me.

The name of Peri...sh..t remind me some painfull memories. I had to throw it in the dump bin 😋. -The weapon is still bad unless having Ranger Reload-

Good point anywwway


4 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

I need to play worse in order to get better results.

May be that the reason why I'm so good at charging them. My legendary KD ration of 1/80 come in handy... That my TALENT in action

-Apart from being completely drunk, no one equal me... in zero-skillness


Joke apart Using positive Spread and negative Accuracy mods may add damage but lessen your hits monstrously; I always shotgun/Phage them at point blank (<1m) when I don't play Mag.

When playing mag, One Shotgun shot is enough to charge My incarnon's shotgun which mean that each pellet act independently on different targets. I do not see any reason why shooting on one target make it different; you method could be the problem.


Ps : The only weapon that charge without headshot is Angstrum because it is unlike possible without side abilities...

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I don't know about kills, but I'm for the idea of allowing body shots as an alternate charge up for all Incarnon weapons.  As long as headshots are way, way, more efficient.  (Some of this could maybe come from making headshots more efficient than now, but I don't particularly care.)

5 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

You do not understand. It is not a feature. It is a bug.

The more time passes without them even  acknowledging it, the more I'm inclined to think it was either an intentional stealth nerf, or a bug that DE evaluated and decided to make a feature.

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I think I figured out how the bug works.

For some reason if at least 1 pellet does not hit a head and the shot results in a kill it counts as bodyshot kill and gives zero incarnon charges. I remember hearing about this "mechanic" on a bow incarnon evolution I think. The more multishot you got, the less accuracy and the further away you stand the higher the chance to receive body shot kills that do not count any head hitting pellets at all. Punch through may make it worse if you hit a body of an enemy that is behind the target it will also count as bodyshot kill and as if no pellets hit the head at all.

Only way to prevent it is to aim above the enemy head. to reduce the chance that off-pellets hit the body or have a weapon/enemy that does not result in 1shot kill. In short, play worse.

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