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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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I appreciate the variety in the bundle, but personally, I'm more interested in the skins. While the platinum, regal aya, glyphs, and accolade are all nice additions, they don't align with what I'm looking for right now. Financially, things have changed for me over the past couple of years, making it more challenging to invest in $100 packs like I did half a decade ago. Additionally, at my current MR, I don't really have a need for more platinum, I've pretty mastered everything. It would be wonderful if there were an option to purchase only the skins.

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3 minutes ago, Azilian said:

^ this. We can only hope this is a hard reset for an otherwise great developer!

I thought this reset already took place? Whoever's here sounding like this is a new learning experience is misinformed, plain and simple. The hard reset for this type of issue was in 2015 with exclusive deluxe skins, 2018 with separate Prime Vault packs, and again in 2021 with Regal Aya.

Players are getting slow cooked and conditioned to this behavior and this is just another point of progress down the slippery slope.

Edited by Voltage
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Just now, Smradobess said:

PLEASE be honest.
We asked for the FOMO tactics to be done away with and for this artificial Regal Aya price inflation to be removed.
This is incredibly predatory and unfair to the player base.

Hell, you probably knew this would happen beforehand and went with these decisions anyway. You're not sorry and we can tell. Otherwise this wouldn't have happened in the first place after the whole Regal Aya debacle. 

Do better. 

I see people focus on the FOMO. I think that the "100% gone FOMO" is terrible but if its like prime access, then i think its more than fine. Gives the skins a sort of rarity while for players like me who don't have the skins, i know that i can buy them at some point in the future.

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2 minutes ago, HolySeraphin said:

So basically making separate packs for this one would be unfair for those who already bought it, so they are increasing the plat (it is actually cheaper to ge the full pack instead of buying 2100 plat from the store).

"We can't not sell the manipulative thing because that wouldn't be fair to the people we already manipulated" is their excuse.

It's not a convincing one.

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It would be just easier to sell the heirloom sets separately.  For some spending that about of real money is not possible.    It would make it easier and more cost effective to be able to buy the ones you want .   Having limited time frame makes it difficult for people to save up to purchase the pack only to be too late, because of limitations on time frame. 

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Aside everything about how this is a bad deal and FOMO and somesuch, (and it is,) I think this could end up having weird effects on the culture of the game, for example when PGI introduced the 500 USD gold paintjob for clan mech skins, the community reacted by starting to TK players with mechs decorated that way, for the sin of encouraging that behaviour in PGI, and quite frankly I hope this is not the sort of behaviour and ambience DE wishes to curate.



You know you can just refund the entire thing for all buyers and make it a plat purchase, do whatever you wish with the associated regal aya and plat and fifty other premium currencies and just call the losses of the entire fiasco the price of lessons learned, which need to be learned several times in a row.

Edited by distal.op
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1 minute ago, distal.op said:

Aside everything about how this is a bad deal and FOMO and somesuch, (and it is,) I think this could end up having weird effects on the culture of the game, for example when PGI introduced the 500 USD gold paintjob for clan mech skins, the community reacted by starting to TK players with mechs decorated that way, for the sin of encouraging that behaviour in PGI, and quite frankly I hope this is not the sort of behaviour and ambience DE wishes to curate.

Already has started 

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1 minute ago, distal.op said:

Aside everything about how this is a bad deal and FOMO and somesuch, (and it is,) I think this could end up having weird effects on the culture of the game, for example when PGI introduced the 500 USD gold paintjob for clan mech skins, the community reacted by starting to TK players with mechs decorated that way, for the sin of encouraging that behaviour in PGI, and quite frankly I hope this is not the sort of behaviour and ambience DE wishes to curate.

There's already been posts on Reddit about this sort of thing happening.

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7 minutes ago, BowserNC said:

Im not talking about other games buddy. I barely have time to play anything else. And yet i still call it "hive mind" whether you like it or not. I've been scrolling through these posts to see what people are saying and they're pretty much asking for the same thing. I dont want to insult anyone calling them part of a "hive mind", but thats how they are behaving and its funny to be honest. I've been playing this game for over 5 years and will continue to. But when i see people arguing with each other instead of doing something about it, it's just frustrating...  

the problem is DE never listens if its not a harsh feedback i can tell you it from the history of the game (been here since 2013) some of the arguments i agree they get dirty for no reason, some get dirty out of people getting frustrated.

but there is not real hivemind here attacking DE, people aren't ok with what DE are doing and with the moves that are probably coming later if this goes smoothly for them (it wont be the only fomo and price gauged exclusive pack it only goes down hill from here) so people will complain and sound their opinion and the facts that show how its a very manipulative strategy and way of packing the pack.

Edited by DDiablO.
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2 minutes ago, BowserNC said:

I've been scrolling through these posts to see what people are saying and they're pretty much asking for the same thing.

Have it ever cross you mind that people ask the same thing because it is for the betterment of the game, I can tell you no one will be more vocal on a game than people who care. Or maybe you choose to turn a blind eye because of that badge of "honor" they call accolade.

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7 minutes ago, Smradobess said:

We asked for the FOMO tactics to be done away with and for this artificial Regal Aya price inflation to be removed.
This is incredibly predatory and unfair to the player base.


I was trying to think of a post to speak my opinion but this pretty much sums it up. 100% agree with you

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2 hours ago, TheDecembrist said:

Zenith owner here, this is a good change. Personally i'm fine with a small number of skins being expensive and time limited as long as the bundle is correctly priced.

"Correctly Priced" Bingo. Simple and to the point

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@[DE]Megan Before I say anything else, may I make one more suggestion? If this is really about the community celebrating the game's 10 year anniversary, find a way to make these packs gift-able from one user to another.

The reason platinum has worked so well for you is because it can be traded, allowing users who are less well-off financially to contribute to the game's economy by investing time into getting items to trade for plat, which in turn makes space for plat to retain its value while those users are able to expend it and get the premium cosmetics/assets that they could not get otherwise. Yes, the people that buy plat/prime access/supporter packs directly support you guys, but it's all those other people that couldn't otherwise do it that stick around because of your superior system and help keep this community huge and thriving.

If this is about celebrating all of us, let those of us that are more well-off in the real world help the friends we've made both in and around the game celebrate too.

Now that said, the price of these packs is still very out of touch with what the average person can afford within reasonable expectation. I would highly, highly recommend that future heirloom packs, or anything claiming to be about bringing the community together, be priced in a way where the main subject of value is considerably more reasonable. If you want to throw in a $150 pack with discounted platinum and regal aya and a personal message from Ordis and a Wukong fidget spinner and a video of Reb quoting an episode of Kill La Kill by heart, awesome, I am sure plenty of people who can afford it would love to get it. But man, two skins, man. You know? I don't think that really needs to get explained any more than it already has.

I've given more money to Warframe than any other game I've ever played because I feel the general lack of a squeeze to get what I want means you deserve more of it, and that's a sentiment I've heard far and wide in all parts of the community over the last ten years. I realize maybe that doesn't always play out in the accounting department, but that image is so, so vital to you guys having the kind of unprecedented freedom to make all this crazy S#&$ in an industry that generally likes to stick devs and consumers alike in a vise.

Anyway, tl;dr, it is what it is, so at least let the pack be gifted so more of the community can enjoy it. S#&$, I'd buy ten if you did that and also threw 30%-50% of the profits into the charity pool you had going.

Edited by Testostzzet
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6 minutes ago, DDiablO. said:

the problem is DE never listens if its not a harsh feedback i can tell you it from the history of the game (been here since 2013) some of the arguments i agree they get dirty for no reason, some get dirty out of people getting frustrated.

but there is not real hivemind here attacking DE, people aren't ok with what DE are doing and with the moves that are probably coming later if this goes smoothly for them (it wont be the only fomo and price gauged exclusive pack it only goes down hill from here) so people will complain and sound their opinion and the facts that show how its a very manipulative strategy and way of packing the pack.

To be fair, so far there are 21 pages of people complaining about stuff. I dont know if they are gonna read anything we have to say, maybe only the first page. We need to make feedback posts for further complains. That's my opinion 

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1 minute ago, LoopStricken said:

They've said these skins will never come back, so it is indeed "100% gone FOMO".

Yeah if it was like prime access and the skins/attachments showed back up in a few TennoCons or something, I don't think people would be calling that fomo.

But like Loop said, it ain't that.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Heirloom Collections are intended to be unforgettable (for the right reasons) - we are also discussing ways we can better preserve that feeling of legacy, quality, and prestige for future Heirloom Collections (if we make more).

We truly appreciate your feedback and concerns and recognize the responsibility we have in ensuring that any new directions we take with cosmetic exclusives are done with much more careful consideration. The Heirlooms were designed with the celebratory nature of this year's TennoCon and 10-year anniversary, and it's on us to ensure that you, as a player, feel that we are upholding years of lessons learned when it comes to selling cosmetic exclusives. If we continue with this series, we are dedicated to ensuring all future Heirloom Collection releases have more purchase flexibility and reflect all feedback we received during this launch.


1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

 The Feedback we can address for the current Heirloom Collection:

“The value of the Packs does not justify the price point.”

First, thank you DE for addressing the Heirloom bundles so soon.

I honestly believe (highlighted in blue)  that you did your best with what limitations go on behind the scenes for managing this kinda stuff.  

I am afraid of (highlighted in red) future Heirloom skins being too frequent and high priced, as someone who often buys Prime accessories. (sigh) If let's say an Heirloom skin pack the had 2 skins in it cost 30-35$ USD then sure I'd buy it, maybe 40$ USD (only cause I like you guys😘)  but any more than that and I for one couldn't afford it.

And to end I just wanted to say I don't hate you DE and I loved watching this years Tennocon it was great and I'm excited for what's coming.  🐲👍💗 

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8 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I thought this reset already took place? Whoever's here sounding like this is a new learning experience is misinformed, plain and simple. The hard reset for this type of issue was in 2015 with exclusive deluxe skins, 2018 with separate Prime Vault packs, and again in 2021 with Regal Aya.

Players are getting slow cooked and conditioned to this behavior and this is just another point of progress down the slippery slope.

But this one has been getting hit back harder than the first Aya. (which was the biggest uproar so far)

I hope we scare them off going in this direction by setting their socials and forums on fire.

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)TEAINSHENNON said:

2013 for founding and your not 10yrs in if u stopped playing this isn't about supporting them its calling them out on trying to take advantage 

yeah in your opinion if its count from login or time played. then like if missing a week or a day then is same as not 10yr 😆
for me its like so long and even i forgot when exactly beta. its 10yr ago man and so many things done in real live too.
for my opinion i count it from my first experience playing wf from how to feel revive need to pay plat, changing things and changing and changing etc.
i know that i stop playing few years in few times if its counted then its not 10yr. this is game not real live because that reason i stop playing few times. but i come back again few times too that makes me feel 10yr. so man pls dont strict 😆just have fun and enjoy the game. dont buy if you think not worth or not like it. have real live too that need money. just make it fun and enjoy

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3 minutes ago, distal.op said:

In addition, celebrating the tenth anniversary of the game by launching a predatory sale is a pretty funny way to do it.

When i was watching the 1999 part of Tennocon, i had a straight face for all of it. All i was thinking about were these S#&$ty bundles.

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