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Mag subsumes... any options for AoE object destruction?



So I've got my Mag in a good place, and now I'm looking at my subsume options. The most common suggestion I see in various places over the years is Breach Surge, which while I will agree that sounds like it'd be hilarious, is ultimately wasteful considering Magnetize is effectively just a better version of it. The next most common suggestion appears to be Spectrorage with its augment for energy sustain, however that isn't an option for me because my build has no space for its augment.

So my thought then is to go with something for non-combat utility. My automatic go-to for this is Perspicacity, to bypass the Grineer and Narmer hacking minigames (Corpus is chill, tho). However, in Mag's case, I kind of want something I can use to just insta-pop destructibles. Probably the primary use case (and thus most important to be possible) would be to wipe out Sabotage targets with a single cast, instead of individual blasting each one with my gun or etc.

I seem to recall that Zephyr's Airburst can do this? Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. I'd also appreciate any suggestions for alternatives.

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I put Gyre`s Coil Horizon in place of my Mag`s Pull, i felt it was better for dealing with enemies coming from all directions wile also dealing electric damage and allowing her to benefit from the Archon Stretch to regenerate some energy. Coil Horizon has a very good range and usually cast Magnetize on an enemy as the skill`s pull ends so they group up again, i believe the Electric procs on enemies also zap her Magnetize which also adds to the damage, will do some testing on this later to confirm.

As for Zephyr`s Airburst, if your planning on using it just for poping stuff then its not a very good idea, dont know if it gets caught by Mag`s bubble, if it does it will be OP as each time it deals damage to enemies in the bubble it increases its damage, it has no duration so it should get pretty strong, also if you`re using the Augment Airburst Rounds, you might try making the Infinite Mag trick using the Kulstar, dont know if the frags still benefit from Punchthrough mods tho (Will also test later).

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I not too versed on object destruction options in helminth since most of the time you just take greedy pull and put it on another frame that has the option like an AOE weapon, Xaku/Limbo 4. But I think I can still provide some good options that you are looking for based on your post.


Here is a good tip for sabotage target destruction, equip a propa scaffold and use it. Takes care of all sabo multi-target needs.


If you are looking for a good all-rounder helminth abilty to slot into a build. There are a couple too many to list them all out. The best one that have caught my eye is dispensary for constant resources to use. Perspicacity, Infested mobility, energized munitions are all great viable non-combat options, just equip what best suits your need. There are plenty of others that might be more niche that aren't all about combat but might work out depending on how you have your frame built and your playstyle such as spellbind for status effect/knockdown immunity.

Edited by XHADgaming
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59 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

I kind of want something I can use to just insta-pop destructibles. Probably the primary use case (and thus most important to be possible) would be to wipe out Sabotage targets with a single cast, instead of individual blasting each one with my gun or etc.

I seem to recall that Zephyr's Airburst can do this? Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. I'd also appreciate any suggestions for alternatives.

Air Burst  looks quite good.  Destroys objects according to the wiki.  Cheap (in the air), bypasses some LoS issues, unlimited cast range, extra utility.  Really handy if you're replacing Pull.

An interesting one I've been thinking about for other frames is Fractured Blast.  With the reduced orb chance I don't think it beats out Air Burst though.

For maximum hipster points, you could be the first person to ever inject Hydroid's subsume: Tempest Barrage!

There are several subsumes I think might destroy objects but don't remember for sure.

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As a Mag main, I also struggled with what to subsume over Polarize, since I wasn't getting any value out of it due to my use of Fractured Crush.  In the end, I chose Gloom, specifically because it gave Mag a channeled ability which can benefit Incarnon upgrades that trigger off of channeled abilities.  And while not necessary, it turns out that Gloom's slow and heal is pretty useful on my tanky Mag build.  So that's one option to consider, depending on how much you like Incarnon Weapons.

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Gloom is one of the most universally useful Helminth abilities, turns very squishy frames into regen tanks. 

I replaced Pull on the grounds that Polarize restores my full shields (and thus shield gate) instantly, while Crush doesn't always at the same power strength, so I still use both. Fractured Crush as your armor strip is definitely the way to go, though. Pull has the same relationship with Magnetize that Polarize has with Crush - different abilities with slightly different applications, but ultimately Magnetize does everything Pull does and more with a little more investment. Worth noting though that since the minor rework of the starter frames, Pull has way more range than Air Burst and Coil Horizon, but only on Mag, presumably because it would be redundant with Magnetize otherwise. 

The idea of Breach Surge on Mag is that it feeds damage into Magnetize in a closed loop, so whatever's in the bubble dies faster. Definitely rarely necessary IMO, but it's pretty funny to just disintegrate SP dudes by casting all four abilities in sequence, without even shooting the bubble. 

Mag's a frame with three abilities that constitute a complete kit you can just add whatever you like to though. She's got killing and not dying covered. With high power strength and more than half duration, I just use Infested Mobility to get around in Mobile Defense etc. I've been using Wrathful Advance on a range / minus duration build recently. Air Burst for the sheer utility of breaking objects is as plausible as anything if your build already has some range on.

Edited by CopperBezel
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2 hours ago, prodi1600 said:

I want to try fractured blast, Ill be finally having a full STR+ 190 range build.

Ooh, that brings up a good point.  I think lowish strength Mag builds are pretty common, and if the OP's is one Fractured won't be great at orb generation.

Also objects have some HP.  Common object hp seems pretty small, but it's there, and we're mostly talking about low damage abilities.  I had to increase strength on Valk to have better crate breaking with Paralysis, for instance.

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2 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Ooh, that brings up a good point.  I think lowish strength Mag builds are pretty common, and if the OP's is one Fractured won't be great at orb generation.

Also objects have some HP.  Common object hp seems pretty small, but it's there, and we're mostly talking about low damage abilities.  I had to increase strength on Valk to have better crate breaking with Paralysis, for instance.

Yup thats why im thinking going more for str and have about 190 range + Fractured, I have to see if theres any penalty yet but in citrine it does wonders at orb generation.

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On 2023-08-31 at 9:24 PM, prodi1600 said:

I want to try fractured blast, Ill be finally having a full STR+ 190 range build.

Tried it, after 3 min in simulacrum i subsumed smtg else :P

Apart from that ive been trying Thermal sunder and now trying Gloom, both seem pretty good. First to do aoe dmg to armorless enemies, especially infested which are a pain for Mag and second for general tankiness tho im having some energy issues due to my spammy build/approach

Other than abilities themselves - does anyone know are there any augments that change the ability enough that it might make them more viable for Mag?

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