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Caliban in 2023


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48 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

I really like Caliban for some reason but it took me 3 Archon Shards and a helminth ability to reach a usable state. Which is a lot of effort.

It is quite annoying being forced to use one specific stat upgrade {Casting speed}

Then again no one sharing their builds really gives a question of How did everyone make him not work? But then others have little issue?

Build of Mine


 Aura, Energy siphon.   Exilus, P sure footed. obviously

                                                                                   Arcanes, Molt Efficiency

Archon shards,  2 Casting speed Tau, 2 Duration, 1 Strength

     Umbral Vitality and strength

    P Flow,   P Continuity,   Stretch and augur Reach

  Helminthed 1 with Nourish, could even go for gloom



Molt Reconstruct or Augmented

Normal Steel fibre, Adaptation or Shield Delay mods

 ie two spare mod slots. And a spare Arcane spot  i have little to fill with


With this i can actually have fun on Archon missions with usually any corrosive frost weapon


Helios deconstructor and sentient wrath ???  Testing?

Edited by (XBOX)Mastermitchel89
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I tried Caliban the first time he was introduced. I heard a lot of complaints about him, but I play him easily on SP and Archon shard hunts. Yes his spinning ability is really dumb, but all of his other abilities are really good. His minions can't really die and can keep enemies busy, they buff up Caliban shields and his 4 can strip armor and shields, and on that area for a while, who ever steps there, loses armor and shields. His 2 is really good if you wish to remove enemies from defence target or console. I agree that his passive is not really that great, especially as it can't replace the mod.

I placed shards in him and changed his 1 with gloom, and I do not have problems with energy or survivability or anything. But I did that only after I played him for a while and saw that he is actually very sturdy frame. 


Main problem with Caliban is that he was just thrown in the game. No explanation, no lore, nothing. Just... "Here, grind those boring bounties and get new frame" DE should have really gave a bit of attention to that frame. Even Yareli got a quest/comic something. 

Edited by KindleBlaze
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4 hours ago, Waeleto said:

I'm sorry but yareli was a mistake, if you enjoy her tho good for you 

She’s actually a very fun frame Top 5 favs, her only problem is the sheer amount of bugs that DE refuses to fix. Sure there’s her “Merulina should have less limitations” which is true, but we should really go with the “Yareli needs her own QoL update” as her bugs really do ruin the amazing experience. 

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21 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

what are your hopes as 1 of 3 Caliban mains worldwide, if Caliban were to be the next one on the rework list?

Other than the Typholyst transformation, something that streamlines his abilities. His 2 is decent, but enemies being pushed away in a Looter Shooter is rarely good. His 3 is just clunky to not only be rooted in place while casting, but to have to spam it 3 times....every minute or so.

His 4 feels alright, but I wouldn't complain about being able to move while using it.

22 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

You just reminded me! I had Caliban in my inventory and forgot to delete him today. thanks :)

how dare you picard GIF

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29 minutes ago, Malikili said:

She’s actually a very fun frame Top 5 favs, her only problem is the sheer amount of bugs that DE refuses to fix. Sure there’s her “Merulina should have less limitations” which is true, but we should really go with the “Yareli needs her own QoL update” as her bugs really do ruin the amazing experience. 


17 minutes ago, Dr.Tursko said:

Other than the Typholyst transformation, something that streamlines his abilities. His 2 is decent, but enemies being pushed away in a Looter Shooter is rarely good. His 3 is just clunky to not only be rooted in place while casting, but to have to spam it 3 times....every minute or so.

His 4 feels alright, but I wouldn't complain about being able to move while using it.

how dare you picard GIF

what typholyst transformation?

and I absolutely agree w/ sentient wrath. iirc it also has an enemy cap which has no business being there if I'm being honest.

I think the lifted status it gives should change to something like suspending enemies in the air like Yareli's Sea Snares 

Edited by Skoomaseller
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hace 7 horas, KindleBlaze dijo:

I tried Caliban the first time he was introduced. I heard a lot of complaints about him, but I play him easily on SP and Archon shard hunts. Yes his spinning ability is really dumb, but all of his other abilities are really good. His minions can't really die and can keep enemies busy, they buff up Caliban shields and his 4 can strip armor and shields, and on that area for a while, who ever steps there, loses armor and shields. His 2 is really good if you wish to remove enemies from defence target or console. I agree that his passive is not really that great, especially as it can't replace the mod.

I placed shards in him and changed his 1 with gloom, and I do not have problems with energy or survivability or anything. But I did that only after I played him for a while and saw that he is actually very sturdy frame. 


Main problem with Caliban is that he was just thrown in the game. No explanation, no lore, nothing. Just... "Here, grind those boring bounties and get new frame" DE should have really gave a bit of attention to that frame. Even Yareli got a quest/comic something. 

Caliban just needs some tweaking and reworking of his 1.
I thought Caliban would appear at some point in the new war, something we would face at the end of the adventure.

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38 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Ability Synergy: Nourish requires at least 1 enemy swallowed by Feast130xWhite.png Feast to be alive in Grendel's gut to cast.

How does this work then? Caliban doesn't swallow anything 

helminth nourish doesn't heal and doesn't require vored enemies

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20 hours ago, Waeleto said:

I'm sorry but yareli was a mistake, if you enjoy her tho good for you 

Let's see:

Two fantastic CCs, crit damage increaser, four survivability checks, high damage dealer, smaller hit box, secondary weapon enhancer, virtually automatically activated condition overload with her blades, very high energy pool, can bypass knockdown....dude, where is the problem?

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5 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Yarellia is good now, now that like her 1 was added an entirely different effect, and Merulina is a budget Warding Halo, and that her 4 isn't made worse with Casting Speed (Because YES that WAS a thing, if you casting speed was too fast they wouldn't gather as much).


*Warding Halo is a budget Merulina

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