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(Random Pondering) Is it extremely niche of me to want an option for toggling pre-Narmer Cetus and Fortuna?


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Namely the latter.  'Cause honestly, I miss the blues and purples of Fortuna pre-Narmer.  There should honestly be an option for it for those of us that want that look back after The New War.  And I get why it isn't, before you go saying it in the comments, it's to show Fortuna is recovering from The New War.  Still though, it'd be a cool option for post-New War to be able to toggle the old Fortuna back on, if anything maybe a new slightly-modified version to show that, yes, they have recovered and are back to normal, but some things've stuck around that'd be too hard to remove like the big symbolic structure between Ticker and Zuud.  Maybe something like putting a Solaris U banner over it.

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I'd use that feature. Someone thought cramming large amounts of additional objects into the zones would make them more interesting and show the changes brought by The New War. However, they aren't, and TNW was a massive letdown (so... thanks for reminding me). On top of that, the zones are even more a pair of resource hogs than before, so turning all those additional objects off would be a help in that regard as well.

To quote the late and honourable John Bain: Options are good.

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1 hour ago, SDGDen said:

nah, i think most people want old fortuna/orb vallis back. cetus doesnt matter much, the vibe is the same. just the orb vallis looks like TRASH now. 


I wouldn’t say it looks trash but it’s not as visually appealing. Fortuna in particular had a really nice and vibrant color scheme prior to TNW

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12 minutes ago, Roborandy said:

Apparently the Creator Mode does what I'm after, but it also gets rid of a bunch of other stuff too.  So to have specifically a pre-Narmer open-hub option would be good.

just checked, doesnt work. which is quite annoying. iirc it does prevent the chest-cavity heads. 

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The towns should just be reverted.

It really makes no in-universe sense that they aren't. Both the Osterons and the Solaris have the tools and work-ethic to clean up their town. And every reason to do so given the trauma associated with it.

If I lived in ether town I would clean that crap up by myself just so I wouldn't have to look at it and be reminded of that disaster every day.

That stuff would be gone overnight realistically.

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I'd be fine with it. I especially miss the pure Cyberpunk aesthetics of pre-war Fortuna, Ballas did a lot of bad stuff, but carelessly slapping gold on a perfectly good neon city is on the list too for me. crimes against humanity are a dime a dozen in the warframe universe, but crimes against aesthetics? simply unforgivable anywhere, I hope Ballas suffered a lot.

also, I'm pretty sure that with the Ostrons literally dismantling an Orokin tower every single day to put food on the table, and the Solaris in so much debt, both factions could quite easily remove the golden Narmer features if they wanted to. in the Solaris case I imagine they'd melt down that gold filigree and share it out in equal measures of gold to all pay off their debts, i know I'd be up there with a plasma torch XD. 


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13 hours ago, SDGDen said:

nah, i think most people want old fortuna/orb vallis back. cetus doesnt matter much, the vibe is the same. just the orb vallis looks like TRASH now. 


Cetus matters much for me. I don't like the whole drab color thing going on, it feels like there's too much brown and I suddenly remembered those games that oversaturate their textures and filters with a certain color their devs really love so much. Plus the nighttime on Cetus post-new war is sometimes too bright for some reason, I don't know why they made the fog there look like it's also daytime during night.

Though Cetus could use some touch-ups when it comes to visuals (like raining even when it's sunny), but that's a different topic for a different time.

Edited by Stafelund
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