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Community: "Railjack sucks, man."


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On 2023-12-18 at 8:07 AM, Seele said:

In my heart of hearts I don't believe Railjack has been abandoned. It's dreaming, not dead. The naive part of me believes one day all the various threads of this game will be spun together into something truly special, but that it's all still in the works, behind the big updates, slowly but surely.

I'm of the same opinion. I think they'll get back to RJ at some point, they've got the surface layer of something very great with that and their open world content more generally, just needs additions over time. 

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I Like RJ, and for those of us who were there to play Scarlet Spear, I give them a tip of the hat for trying. It could not have been easy to accomplish. Yeah, dunno if it was a memory leak or not, by the 3rd round SS was unplayable. So you had to restart the op. Either way my buddies and I had a good time doing it. Starship combat is something I've always liked doing, from Star Raiders to Elite Dangerous. I think what RJ eventually became was good. There's certainly no denying it had a rough start. (It was bad.) The RJ interior reduction in size was very well done. Volatile is a good / tense mode. (Not wild about Orphix Venom.) Veil Proxima gave the first view of Sentients on their home turf.

There's so much more they can do with the mode. I hope that they pursue it.


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Am 18.12.2023 um 08:39 schrieb Hexerin:

Me: "Counterpoint: Where else in the game do you get to see ludicrously badass things like this?"

  Inhalt unsichtbar machen


Seriously though, every time I progress to the next planet, the mode just keeps getting more and more epic. It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

why “dropped”? it's still there. When it was upgraded, there were a lot of players there. and it was worth it and I really enjoyed playing it. ( despite "mimimi get out of the gunner and do boring missions outside of railjack. )
Unfortunately, the gameplay is rather poor. Because even... pimped ship with top weapons and with pimped Lavos for Railjack.... Railjack was just a TAXI in the end... because Lavos bombs everything away solo.

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Railjack is fun when its fun but unfortunately it's riddled with unfathomable quantities of jank like

- every door, airlock, turret etc. has a transition animation that slows you down

- forge is clunky and feels almost entirely pointless aside from crafting ammo for forward cannon

- forward cannon having limited ammo and requiring forge is just annoying at this point

- forward cannon takes ages to charge up and requires pilot to stop moving to use slowing down gameplay

- archwing slingshot, cool concept but sluggish to use

- your ship is large but mostly empty

- omni

- enemy ship interiors are obscenely repetitive

And beyond the actual railjack gameplay we have classics like

- loading times are insanely long for some players, stalling progress

- you have to return to dojo between missions to avoid losing rewards from host transfers failing during loading

- you cant fully customize the ship or manage crew from the orbiter

- void fissures can appear to softlock because enemy cap is filled by mooks spawning inside some station you already cleared

- none of the railjack gameplay ties into anything else in the game while even the orbiter can provide air support


I know that when the mode launched it required a lot more co-operation than now and a lot of the stuff I dislike are remnants from a more involved system that no longer exists. That being said I hope they give us railjack 2.0 some day that irons out the clunk and makes the missions feel as smooth and low friction as most of the rest of the game.

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vor 27 Minuten schrieb Lilybun:

Railjack is fun when its fun but unfortunately it's riddled with unfathomable quantities of jank like

- every door, airlock, turret etc. has a transition animation that slows you down

- forge is clunky and feels almost entirely pointless aside from crafting ammo for forward cannon

- forward cannon having limited ammo and requiring forge is just annoying at this point

- forward cannon takes ages to charge up and requires pilot to stop moving to use slowing down gameplay

- archwing slingshot, cool concept but sluggish to use

- your ship is large but mostly empty

- omni

- enemy ship interiors are obscenely repetitive

And beyond the actual railjack gameplay we have classics like

- loading times are insanely long for some players, stalling progress

- you have to return to dojo between missions to avoid losing rewards from host transfers failing during loading

- you cant fully customize the ship or manage crew from the orbiter

- void fissures can appear to softlock because enemy cap is filled by mooks spawning inside some station you already cleared

- none of the railjack gameplay ties into anything else in the game while even the orbiter can provide air support


I know that when the mode launched it required a lot more co-operation than now and a lot of the stuff I dislike are remnants from a more involved system that no longer exists. That being said I hope they give us railjack 2.0 some day that irons out the clunk and makes the missions feel as smooth and low friction as most of the rest of the game.

good summary. The players have reported something similar in the past. and hardly anyone wants to leave the ship at all. I don't feel like doing a normal Warframe mission there. Because I play that all the time without Railjack.

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On 12/18/2023 at 4:19 AM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

the scenery in the Railjack areas is pretty great. I love Saturn Proxima as well. 

I don't think it's been dropped entirely after all: in a recent Q&A, Reb mentioned a "prototype" of flying the Railjack above open worlds, so while it's only in the very first stages, and might still be scrapped (hopefully not), it proves that the Devs are still playing with the Railjack behind the scenes, meaning they haven't given up on it yet. there IS still one slither of hope left for the mode.

Lmfao… RJ in POE would be insane 

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7 hours ago, (PSN)FirmBizkit said:

Lmfao… RJ in POE would be insane 

Railjack doesn't bring anything to the open worlds. Nothing in them needs Railjack support, and the Railjack wouldn't do anything to the grand bosses due to them all being mechanical fights.

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Railjack was good when it was Railjack, like most of the content in WF it faced repeated nerfs until it was a shell of what it was and then DE followed up with a myriad of bad decisions (frame energy to power RJ, nerfing battle avionics, the removal of Gain's Point.) to turn it into a lame taxi game mode.

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43 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Railjack doesn't bring anything to the open worlds. Nothing in them needs Railjack support, and the Railjack wouldn't do anything to the grand bosses due to them all being mechanical fights.

As robotwar said the creative head Reb mentioned a prototype concept of railjack for open world scenarios, nobody specifically mentioned bosses ie profit/exploiter orb fights or tridolons, you don’t know what concepts are being thrown around and how railjack could be implemented.

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42 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

As robotwar said the creative head Reb mentioned a prototype concept of railjack for open world scenarios, nobody specifically mentioned bosses ie profit/exploiter orb fights or tridolons, you don’t know what concepts are being thrown around and how railjack could be implemented.


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My opinion may be unpopular but the most fun i had with railjack was on release. Despite the disastrous quantity of bugs, at that development stage i found it extremely engaging because it was requiring decision making and swift role adaptation in a variety of things all at once, and every choice had a tactical outcome:

  • ships were squishy, so it was fundamental knowing how to drift and when/how to tactically engage and disengage, use asteroid cover, manage the limited booster;
  • turrets were barely effective (bad lack of balance, i agree) but as a consequence that required the integration of archwing gameplay, rushing inside and outside of the RJ at the better convenience, effectively discouraging a stationary positioning at your turret/forge and diversifying gameplay;
  • enemy boardings were a real threat as a secondary source of mission failure and an integration of classical land-based warframe gameplay for further diversification;
  • gameplay with pre-made groups or pubg required active communication, but sometimes more informed players with good situational awareness and resourcefulness were making it surprisingly possible to play in silent synergy, and understanding team capabilities for role-mission management was an engaging exercise.

In summary, i found it satisfying because it was the opposite of the braindead cookie-cutter autopilot of the rest of the game (with rare exceptions), so i actually played.

Later RJ updates progressively simplified all of this aforementioned engagement into...another autopilot. A fully upgraded ship with crew is now almost unkillable and almost all-killing (you're basically left to take care of crewships), and transformed into a mere taxi to the same old cookie-cutter activities. Speaking of this last point, the introduction of the corpus space missions was possibly one of DE's grossest misinterpretations and cheapest implementations of "we want Railjack more connected to the rest of the game". Now unfortunately i don't find RJ less bland than the rest of the game.

Part of the reasons why i think RJ was poorly received by the rest of the community is the fact that players, numbed by years of bland gameplay design, were not ready to abandon the simplistic cookie-cutter mentality in favour of the more active engagement and assumption of (gameplay)responsibilities that DE envisioned for RJ release. Call it controversial, but for me developers should have kept their original vision and allowed the playerbase to adapt and restructure itself toward this different gameplay paradigm. Players already demonstrated coordination capabilities in the eidolon hunts. RJ, properly tuned, could have even aspired to be the successor of the retired trials.




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On 2023-12-18 at 1:47 PM, Seele said:

It's easy for us older players to take for granted that Warframe is a beautiful game, but appreciating beauty is a good thing.

I don't think anybody ever said Railjack looks bad. In fact, I don't remember hearing anything but praise for the art and design in this game, ever. The problem is one of functionality.

A lot of the bugs have been fixed, but using Archwing is no longer fun because of all the nerfs (to the enemies) and the removal of unique status effects, the Railjack is as clunky and unfun to use as ever, and regular enemies were nerfed so hard I might as well play the starchart.

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9 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Railjack doesn't bring anything to the open worlds. Nothing in them needs Railjack support, and the Railjack wouldn't do anything to the grand bosses due to them all being mechanical fights.

I don't care about fight being mechanical or not I wanna see eidolon vs spaceships!

On 2023-12-31 at 1:27 AM, Venus-Venera said:

good summary. The players have reported something similar in the past. and hardly anyone wants to leave the ship at all. I don't feel like doing a normal Warframe mission there. Because I play that all the time without Railjack.

Personally I do not dislike concept of leaving the rj to do something outside of it (crewship sabotages, boarding galeons to snipe off their commander, etc) but what I do heavilly dislike is how lazy designed alot of corpus proximas are - namely all of the inifnite modes featured there. Infinite aspect of the mission should involve rj aspect, but what we got instead is rj skirmish that leads to traditional starchart infinite mode (which on a number of occasions made no sense)

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On 1/1/2024 at 12:43 AM, Hexerin said:

Railjack doesn't bring anything to the open worlds. Nothing in them needs Railjack support, and the Railjack wouldn't do anything to the grand bosses due to them all being mechanical fights.

Never said it needs them but it would still be hilariously OP and fun

Tell me without lying you didn’t enjoy the AC130 in MW2

Edited by (PSN)FirmBizkit
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11 hours ago, (PSN)FirmBizkit said:

Never said it needs them but it would still be hilariously OP and fun

Tell me without lying you didn’t enjoy the AC130 in MW2

Imagine playing CoD/BF.

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Overall, I like Railjack as a concept.

I mostly solo these days, when I play it at all, and I miss Gian Point. I generally like the space combat a lot more than the ground combat portions.

I liked the original method of ranking up the ship's mod slots, separate from the mods themselves, allowing a plug and play system that allowed testing of multiple builds without investing all the resources into unknown mods. I understand why they changed it...

I liked the Railjack having its own energy, but it needed to auto-regenerate, not require someone working the forge. This limits the pilots, and I find myself only using Lavos as pilot.

I like the change to ship ammo. I personally sparingly use the special ammo weapons to conserve resources to continue improving my Railjack, however, those people I would bring aboard my ship would spam waste the ammo, and my precious resources.

I WAS happy to see the integration of regular game modes into Railjack's corpus missions, but they entirely removed the part where the Railjack interacted with those missions in the original demonstration... having someone aboard the railjack that could hack into the turrets and unlock doors... performing the hacks that the Lotus tells us about while we do Mobile Defense missions, for example.

The ship STILL needs a bigger vacuum range... I'm telling you, someone over there really has a thing against vacuum of any variety. What great boon to the game is requiring players to manually direct their avatar to tiny dropped resources for every enemy they kill at range? In what world is that a "fun" and engaging concept? I don't understand this fixation.

As a mostly solo player, I really wish there were a way to command my NPCrew pilot and gunners to stay nearby a base while I complete the "away" missions, and they stay outside, completing the "home" missions, destroying the reactors that appear... this is the SINGLE MOST FRUSTRATING element of Railjack solo play right now.

I look forward to the incorporation of Infested missions, including the Jordas Golem arcwing battle, in Railjack format, for instance. I thought we'd see more Infested Railjack with the appearance of Deimos and its related concept art that seemed like it was ripped from infested Railjack concept art.

As for Arcwing, now that it's been brought up... I don't see the point in having arcwing COMBAT in Railjack missions. I see Arcwing as more of a jetpack style mode for open world ground missions, and transitions between space/ground... I never got into the whole selection of Arcwing specific missions as they stand... I mainly only played them to level up the arcwing gear for mastery rank, and then dropped the missions entirely after that.

I absolutely hate everything about Necramech combat, and have no interest at all in its integration into normal gameplay missions... the less, the better, though I wouldn't remove what already exists for those who do enjoy it as it is.

Despite the bugs and stuff related to Scarlet Spear, it remains the most often "fondly remembered" event in my group of friends. We've been waiting for a re-run of the event, but the Devs have been pretty adamant about it never returning. (the hate they got in feedback for the bugs was unreal and uncalled for.) Along with Scarlet Spear, was the concept of missions consisting of one space team, and one ground team, doing connected objectives. I guess they couldn't get the servers to synch team objective completion quest tags... and they opted to create a "pool" of completed objectives by everyone doing one half, while the other half fed from that pool to fill the needs of their missions... and it got messy (especially with there being more people doing space missions than ground missions, and being stuck in super long defense missions to protect their beacons, while no messages were coming in from ground missions, and no way to heal those beacons or retrieve them until a message was ready to be received.)

I've posted in the past, what I'd do for this mode... so not going to repeat it all here... though the threads are likely locked and archived by now... something I detest occuring in a forum.


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8 hours ago, (PSN)FirmBizkit said:

Don’t even lie. You were all over that in 2009 like all the rest of us 

Nope, at that point in time I was too busy getting my life back on track after having been homeless for nearly 6 years. I've never played a CoD/BF title, and never will.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't understand how they "fixed" it. It must've *really* been awful before. I've been forced to do Railjack lately for various ludicrous in-game reasons and it just freezes on the exit Mission stats screen like every other mission, and this is in January 2024. It's also extremely confusing and easy to fail and generally awful to try to play alone, in my opinion. And I've played a lot of Warframe just not a lot of Railjack. 

Edited by Xorfielia
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