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Returning player - Tips on how to survive level 40-45 missions so I can enjoy all the delicious lore content?



Greetings all!

As the title says, returning player here. Had enough of that other game by that certain other studio after their lore content quality took a nosedive and ever since I saw some New War content pop up in my social media feeds. Man in the Wall and everything relating to him sparked my desire to return to Warframe and start sinking in actual hours to this game again. 2024 is the year when I do that, or at least that is the plan.

Problem in a nutshell however is that the game is kicking me and my frames butts at the Void missions with its level 40-45 missions leading up to Mot. Which is where the game now wants me to go and defeat said mission so I can gain access to more delicious quests that eventually will take me to Whispers in the Wall.

So, dear senpais who have put in hundreds and thousands of hours into this game, I come with you with a question that most likely has been asked a thousand times already. And said question has three questions relating to it. Apologies for bringing this stuff up again.

So. Tips and tricks on how to survive the level 40-45 missions, on any planet and area really? I have 3 particular questions in mind that relate to this quite heavily. They are as follows.

1: What frames should a relative newbie like me, who is not interested in the Steel Path, gather up in my arsenal so I can tackle pretty much any kind of mission on any kind of level from level 1 to level 45. Currently have around 8 frames if I remember correctly but they have been gathered with "Ooh what a neat looking frame" method in mind instead of "this frame is actually good in scenario X against enemies of Y faction and hence should be in everyones arsenal". Normal and Prime recommendations welcomed.

2: What weapons should I try and get that actually deal decent base damage without mods in them, and then, with proper mods, deal the sort of amount that I can actually take down level 40-45 content on my own. Don't have a whole lot of friends who are that interested in Warframe so it is rather a lonesome experience at the best of times for me. Specters/Spectres and copy/clone sort of abilities only take me so far. In other words, weapon recommendations that are relatively easy to get and that deal a great deal of damage, to be used outside of stealth missions. Defense, Mobile defense, Extermination, that kind of missions.

3: Mods, mods, mods mods mods. What basic frame mods should I have always or almost always in missions where there are a bunch of enemies out to get me, and to which level should I upgrade said mods to with endo? Currently using such basic stuff as more health, more shields, more armor, and depending on a mission type might have some like radiation or electricity resistance and so on. Same goes for weapons: What basic mods should I try and get and to which level should I upgrade them to have an all-around set of mods that should take care of most level 40-45 mission enemies.

Hopefully by getting some insight into all of these three questions, path to Mot and beyond to Whispers in the Walls content should be... Less of a revive and failure fest, shall we say.

Thank you kindly in advance for any advice you can give.

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There's a lot a ways to approach this but I will try to keep it short and to the point.

First find and join a clan if you haven't already and don't be afraid to research builds and guides.

I'm pretty sure many here are not a fan.  But I find Brozime's beginner videos to be the most informative.

Then to the specific questions.

1.  Frames like Nezha and Rhino can be a big help in terms and survivability.  Even in his post Nerf state Wukong is a great all rounder beginning frame.

Both Nezha, and Wukong are in the clan research.

2. Weapons are going to be more dependent on your master rank.  But popular weapons available relatively soon are.







(one i like) Tonkor

(one i Hate) Tigris

It's up to personal flavor but AOE and heavy single target damage will be the best early one.  Regular assault rifles tend to suck until you get later game mods.

3. See the video above but general rule of thumb is put them as high as you can go.  Most later game modding is purely dedicated to abilites and altering their stats/functions over survivability mods such as health and shields. But there's still value at your level going for more health and sheilds. 

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Just snag yourself [Chromatic Blade] for Excalibur and you can clear all the way up through Steel Path star chart. Just make sure you're improving your mod configuration along the way.

The fortunate reality of Warframe is between Excalibur Umbra, Skiajati, and Nataruk, you can full clear all the content without rivens or crazy min-maxed mod setups. Skiajati being especially powerful now with the tennokai system once you get through WitW. That equipment all being quest rewards.

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To add my 5 cents about 1.

Many players treat this game like looter hack&slash (Diablo series, PoE). Think if they just get the right high level items it will make them "tanky". And to some extent that may be true, but majority of what makes veteran players able to withstand high level missions and plow through low level missions with breeze are game mechanics knowledge and movement. Warframe has plenty of excelent movement abilities that work great for traversing terrain as well as avoiding enemy attacks. Moving targets barely get any hits, even from enemies with hitscann weapons. Many people starting the adventure in Warframe attempt to play it like CoD: walk/run everywhere and ADS (aim down sights) everything. This also works if you utilise two other tools available to you: enemy radar and third person perspective.

Enemy Radar allows you to know where the enemies are. Third person allows you to see and shoot them, while they are unable to see and shoot you back. There is a mechanics called soft cover - you utilise a pillar or a corner and if you are peaking slightly to the side of it the enemies cant see you or return fire before they break the line of sight, which means actually run to you.

After doing some story quests you also get an ability to "change bodies". In general veteran player can easily clear startchart solo while playing 300/300 frame with low armor.

Last thing is Stealth. Plenty of frames offer it (Loki, Ivara, Octavia and for very short while also Ash. There is also Limbo that can change phases making him completely immortal (outside nullifier bubble and the big reactor in corpus tileset).


  • Abuse Parkour/Keep moving,
  • you do not always need to aim for the head, you do not need to kill everything
  • Abuse soft cover and radar
  • In control missions wait for the enemies to come to you, pick the right spot to take them out from
  • Progress story questline to unlock stuff
  • Get an invisible frame (Loki is the easiest to get but also lretty specialised, cause stealth is pretty much his only useful ability for a beginner, Octavia is most versatile as she offers crowd control (enemies chase after a discoball/shot themselves in the process), damage buffs for whole squad and 24/7 invisibility for whole squad)

As for weapons. Ignis Wraith is all you really need. It doesnt require skill, just aim in the general direction of the enemy/enemies and hold trigger. It makes the enemies dance (heat status) and just kills everythiing. It is pretty useful in base SP as well (just a bit different build, once you get access to SP arcanes).

Edited by Zakkhar
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Easy mode frames for newer players are:

Rhino.  press 2 to not die. His Iron skin will carry you through the star chart no problem.  Barely needs mods.  If you learn how to optimize and and put in the work to build for it,   it can carry you well into Steel Path.  Roar is a meta damage buff. 

Nova.   Mass slow.   Her Molecular Prime makes interception and Mobile Defense a breeze. It's even good in Steel Path.   It takes some work to get all the mods she needs,  though.  You want to build her for duration. 

Frost.  Classic defensive frame.  If you need to keep something alive,  you can toss down a snowglobe to protect it.   He's not strictly necessary at Star Chart levels,  but can be useful if you have a hard time keeping things alive. Frost also scales well into Steel Path and can become very tanky if you build him right.

Wisp.    For Defection and drone escort bounties.   But also just for general support. She's a very strong support frame.   Can speed everyone up,  regen their health,  and give them shock auras.    She's all about placing her reservoirs in the right place so people will run through them and pick up the buffs.   Breech Surge is also really good.   Farming her requires completing The Sacrifice, t hough.

Trinity.  The old best support frame,  still extremely good,  especially for a new player.  Her big drawd are energy vampire,  which gives energy in an AOE around an enemy,  and  Blessing,  which full-heals everyone in affinity range and give them DR.     Early in the game when energy is a limiter,  energy vampire is extremely strong.  

Volt.  He can boost everyone's speed.  Shooting through his shields increases damage,  he can boost damage with his augment.    He's a meta frame in many situations,  from hunting eidolons to running plague star.  

Saryn.  For murdering everything.     Saryn's spores make her an extremely strong nuker.  She's also good at buffing weapon damage. 


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There’s fundamental concepts worth learning, like how movement and positioning and threat management helps (if you’re jumping face-first into the dangerzone in the middle of groups of enemies and swinging wildly and dying with no idea what’s happening or relying on ability spam and constantly running out of energy, those problems can be addressed quite readily through mechanics available to every frame and doing things like spreading damage around and not committing to the kill unless safe and consideration of when to use an ability), and also what kind of damage you’re doing and what role your weapon is built for and how to intertwine your loadout according to the situation.

For damage types, grab a scanner, scan enemies to learn what they’re weak to and to give you more options to play around with in the controlled environment of Simaris’ Simulacrum. Simaris also sells an upgradeable scanner you can upgrade to point at bad guys mid-mission and it’ll tell you what damage the enemy is weak to if something feels off with your damage.

Aside from that, anything you would want to use should be fine with a bit of build and playing consideration, and if you learn the fundamentals, you can expand your options and learn when it’s safe to shed unnecessary mods if you want to replace them with something else instead of relying on overkill for the content you’re doing.

What frames and weapons did you want to use? Whatever you’ve got may be more than enough already and may just need some build and play tweaking for the content you’re doing

Edited by Merkranire
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Oh, and that’s also around the level range where Eximus and their overguard can feel particularly crunchy; your damage across your kit may be sufficient for the different types of standard enemies, but Eximus overguard will feel particularly crunchy without at least your first proper amp built from Cetus.

Just make sure to hit them in the weakspots; for most enemies it’s their head, but for those laser MOAs, you actually want to hit their backsides where their batteries are

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