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Dante, some issues i've found.


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so, summarizing the stuff we know:

>he looks like a fountain pen
>he has an exhalted tome called "noctua", which could mean night owl, night bird or little owl. 
>he has a quill hand which will be integral to his animations
>his alt helmet makes him look like a wizard.

1st: we don't know yet
2nd: book of life, function unknown
3rd: book of death, function unknown
4th: final chapter: function is determined by your last two casts of book of life and book of death.


the way i understand it, final chapter is supposed to do something different depending on which combination of books you use (life-life, life-death, death-life, death-death), this means it will have either 3 combinations (if order is not important) or 4 combinations (if order is important).

i find this concept quite cool, but if his 2nd and 3rd are just there to decide which function final chapter will have it'd be a great concept with poor execution since you may as well just rig the different functions of final chapter to the different ability slots and skip the "casting multiple abilities to get an effect" step altogether.

multi-cast or "synergetic-style" frames are already not the best, since their setup time is simply much higher than "press button to kill things" frames, meaning that in public missions they won't be as effective as your teammate who's on a nuke build.

as for the exhalted tome: i really hope this works like garuda's tallons, where it's part of his animations and if you have no sidearm equiped you can use the tome. if it's his 1st ability, then it's likely to just be the same kind of ability as balefire charger. 

not that it really matters *too* much, because of another issue with synergetic frames: synergetic frames force you to use a specific slot for subsumes OR not do subsumes at all. in this case, if you subsume off his 2 or 3, you significantly nerf his 4. if you subsume off his 4, you limit the usefulness of his 2 and 3, therefore, you MUST subsume over his 1 if you wish to subsume at all.

honestly, for the core concept, i'd like to see the amount of books influencing final chapter to be increased to 3, with the order mattering this would lead to a total of 8 different effects and would give dante a real "versatile caster" vibe. 


lastly, a small comment about his alt helmet: DE, please reconsider releasing this. If you color it all-white it'll look like uh.... a certain group of unsavoury people. it's already a given some edgelords will do this.


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ultimately, until his kit is out, there's not much point speculating, except for fun. he's still very much subject to being changed before the February Devstream.

1 hour ago, SDGDen said:

lastly, a small comment about his alt helmet: DE, please reconsider releasing this. If you color it all-white it'll look like uh.... a certain group of unsavoury people. it's already a given some edgelords will do this.

I wouldn't worry too much. pretty sure most of the unsavoury group you're referring to are too dumb to read or write anyway, so it wouldn't be an accurate cosplay at all! :crylaugh: 

1 hour ago, (XBOX)AO Heart6770 said:

I haven’t watched the stream but if he a wizard or librarian?

they referred to him as a Scribe, a wizard implies that he just straight up casts powers from his hands, but we see him using the quill. I like the idea of a librarian frame though: just wants to kill everything so that the room will be quiet XD. 

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1 hour ago, SDGDen said:

if his 2nd and 3rd are just there to decide which function final chapter will have it'd be a great concept with poor execution since you may as well just rig the different functions of final chapter to the different ability slots and skip the "casting multiple abilities to get an effect" step altogether.

You're worried about a concept we have basically 0 information about

All we know is that the cast order of his other abilities will affect his ultimate, that's it; we know nothing of how all four abilities will work

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Ain't no way you're making a thread to complain about a warframe whose abilities and how they work or function haven't been revealed yet 💀we saw CONCEPTS
Some of you guys literally wake up and decide to complain about whatever

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13 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

good points about 2&3, and possible subsume issues. Maybe book of life and book of death could be combined into a tap/hold toggle with the hold being faster than normal, not only would that allow for faster combo casts but it would free up ability slot.  

You completely misunderstood what DE was going for, having his other abilities affecting how his ult works is exactly what they want, & that's without saying that his ult has apparently 4 different states of activation, which we wouldn't be able to achieve with a tap & hold mechanic

& second, as we already said, you guys know 0 things about his 2 & 3; I'll repeat myself, you are complaining about something you have no information about

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1 minute ago, -Krism- said:

second, as we already said, you guys know 0 things about his 2 & 3; I'll repeat myself, you are complaining about something you have no information about

Nah cause fr it feels like they just needed to complain and didn't find anything to complain about 💀

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9 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:


they referred to him as a Scribe, a wizard implies that he just straight up casts powers from his hands, but we see him using the quill. I like the idea of a librarian frame though: just wants to kill everything so that the room will be quiet XD. 

Wizards do use tomes/grimoires, so it could be a double theme

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2 hours ago, -Krism- said:

You completely misunderstood what DE was going for, having his other abilities affecting how his ult works is exactly what they want, & that's without saying that his ult has apparently 4 different states of activation, which we wouldn't be able to achieve with a tap & hold mechanic

& second, as we already said, you guys know 0 things about his 2 & 3; I'll repeat myself, you are complaining about something you have no information about

🤦Ugh...  No I did not. I completely understand the spell combination aspect of Dante and what DE is going for I was just giving my opinion based on the OP thoughts. Yah know cause chatting in the forums is fun.

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15 hours ago, SDGDen said:

so, summarizing the stuff we know:

>he looks like a fountain pen
>he has an exhalted tome called "noctua", which could mean night owl, night bird or little owl. 
>he has a quill hand which will be integral to his animations
>his alt helmet makes him look like a wizard.

1st: we don't know yet
2nd: book of life, function unknown
3rd: book of death, function unknown
4th: final chapter: function is determined by your last two casts of book of life and book of death.


the way i understand it, final chapter is supposed to do something different depending on which combination of books you use (life-life, life-death, death-life, death-death), this means it will have either 3 combinations (if order is not important) or 4 combinations (if order is important).

i find this concept quite cool, but if his 2nd and 3rd are just there to decide which function final chapter will have it'd be a great concept with poor execution since you may as well just rig the different functions of final chapter to the different ability slots and skip the "casting multiple abilities to get an effect" step altogether.

multi-cast or "synergetic-style" frames are already not the best, since their setup time is simply much higher than "press button to kill things" frames, meaning that in public missions they won't be as effective as your teammate who's on a nuke build.

as for the exhalted tome: i really hope this works like garuda's tallons, where it's part of his animations and if you have no sidearm equiped you can use the tome. if it's his 1st ability, then it's likely to just be the same kind of ability as balefire charger. 

not that it really matters *too* much, because of another issue with synergetic frames: synergetic frames force you to use a specific slot for subsumes OR not do subsumes at all. in this case, if you subsume off his 2 or 3, you significantly nerf his 4. if you subsume off his 4, you limit the usefulness of his 2 and 3, therefore, you MUST subsume over his 1 if you wish to subsume at all.

honestly, for the core concept, i'd like to see the amount of books influencing final chapter to be increased to 3, with the order mattering this would lead to a total of 8 different effects and would give dante a real "versatile caster" vibe. 


lastly, a small comment about his alt helmet: DE, please reconsider releasing this. If you color it all-white it'll look like uh.... a certain group of unsavoury people. it's already a given some edgelords will do this.


This is a bit too much wasted energy for something not touchable yet. We can't even get the popcorn out yet.

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

🤦Ugh...  No I did not. I completely understand the spell combination aspect of Dante and what DE is going for I was just giving my opinion based on the OP thoughts. Yah know cause chatting in the forums is fun.

Then tell me what all four of his abilities do

If you want to talk about them, you should be able to tell me how they work, individually & together

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On 2024-01-27 at 12:25 PM, SDGDen said:

lastly, a small comment about his alt helmet: DE, please reconsider releasing this. If you color it all-white it'll look like uh.... a certain group of unsavoury people. it's already a given some edgelords will do this.

If that was an issue and a given we would have already seen that with a frame that already exsists. But I've seen no Kaspers Kampy Komrades fashion frame coming from that frame either. And that frame has it all to make that a potential, including the religious nutjob angle.

edit: Oh and do you seriously expect 3k groupies would use a frame that can both read and write?

Edited by SneakyErvin
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7 hours ago, -Krism- said:

Then tell me what all four of his abilities do

If you want to talk about them, you should be able to tell me how they work, individually & together

First ability - noctua (the exalted book)

Second ability - book of life : positive effects/buffs most likely healing/regen, adds positive effects to 4.

Third ability - book of death : negative effects/debuffs on foes probably weakness or lowers/cuts their maximum health, adds negative effects to 4.

Fourth ability - final chapter : Big wa-blam spell, has more self(maybe allies) beneficial effects with more casts of 2 has more destructive effect the more 3 was cast. 

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59 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

First ability - noctua (the exalted book)

Second ability - book of life : positive effects/buffs most likely healing/regen, adds positive effects to 4.

Third ability - book of death : negative effects/debuffs on foes probably weakness or lowers/cuts their maximum health, adds negative effects to 4.

Fourth ability - final chapter : Big wa-blam spell, has more self(maybe allies) beneficial effects with more casts of 2 has more destructive effect the more 3 was cast. 

Cool, where'd you find that?

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

For everything else it's just an educated guess

I see, so to reiterate one last time: You're complaining about information you made up by yourself & have no actual evidence on how his abilities work


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All we really truly know is his name inspiration, the fact that he's a builder/spender frame (books to build, Final Chapter to spend), and that he kinda looks like one of those fancy bookmarks you find at larger retail bookstores.

On 2024-01-27 at 6:25 AM, SDGDen said:

lastly, a small comment about his alt helmet: DE, please reconsider releasing this. If you color it all-white it'll look like uh.... a certain group of unsavoury people. it's already a given some edgelords will do this.

I sorta agree with this to an extent, but I'm also aware that initial designs like that usually don't wind up 1-for-1 in the game.  Just ask any fans of the sketch art for Voruna before her debut in-game.

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On 2024-01-29 at 4:55 PM, -Krism- said:

I see, so to reiterate one last time: You're complaining about information you made up by yourself & have no actual evidence on how his abilities work


First, I was never complaining to begin with I was just talking about how two abilities on one button would be more convenient/faster for combo casting the way it seemed it was talked about on the dev stream. This idea was based on the OP posted when talking about limited space/options for helmith.

Then, You being offended were all in my face about have an opinion in a "issues" post assuming I was complaining when I wasn't.

You then pissed me off with your arrogant tone suggesting I knew nothing about the character which led me to (in my frustration) overcompensating by using the word "completely" (which I admit was a mistake) when I said how much I understood, when I knew all of the dev stream information same as everyone else.

Which then led you to ask me how I thought it all works, so I thought sure, and told you my best educated guesses based on theme and ability name. So, theory crafting.(its fun)

So, you completely misunderstood my intentions here which were just to talk about Dante not complain.


That's what happened people.

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22 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

I was just talking about how two abilities on one button would be more convenient/faster

Already answered:

On 2024-01-27 at 11:39 PM, -Krism- said:

[...] & that's without saying that his ult has apparently 4 different states of activation, which we wouldn't be able to achieve with a tap & hold mechanic


23 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Then, You being offended



25 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

You then pissed me off with your arrogant tone suggesting I knew nothing about the character which led me to (in my frustration) overcompensating by using the word "completely" (which I admit was a mistake) when I said how much I understood, when I knew all of the dev stream information same as everyone else.

Which then led you to ask me how I thought it all works, so I thought sure, and told you my best educated guesses based on theme and ability name. So, theory crafting.(its fun)

So, you completely misunderstood my intentions here which were just to talk about Dante not complain.

I simply asked you if you knew how his abilities worked, as in exactly how they worked, no assumptions or interpretations, which you weren't able to do, that's all there is to it

& since this whole topic is based on those assumptions & not exact facts stated by DE themselves, there is nothing to discuss further ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

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On 2024-01-27 at 5:25 AM, SDGDen said:

as for the exhalted tome: i really hope this works like garuda's tallons, where it's part of his animations and if you have no sidearm equiped you can use the tome. if it's his 1st ability, then it's likely to just be the same kind of ability as balefire charger. 

That's going to be a firm no thanks from me.  Garuda's halfway exalted talons are a disaster.  They're not quite a melee weapon.  Nor are they an exalted.  They don't play nicely with limiting modifiers like sorties.  Nor do they play nicely with the Circuit.  They've also historically (and maybe still?) had recurring glitches with appearances/skins.


I honestly wish Garuda's 3 could get a hold-to-cast function that summons her exalted talons, as it would fix a lot of the issues her talons already have.  But that's never going to happen.


For Dante, it's too soon to say, but I just hope he doesn't have weird halfway mechanics like Garuda's talons.  They're a mess, and DE should aim for cleaning messes up, not adding more.

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