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Please bring back clean Dormizones!


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To my understanding there was a time where the dormizone was once very clean and polished. Here is an image of that below:


Apparently with a past update, there's now a grimy, grungy, moldy/algae-looking overlay all over the walls and floors and... well, everything.


I understand that the Zariman aesthetic is meant to be run down, overgrown, etc., but I think that should at least be optional for the dormizone, just like the wear and tear option is in the orbiter. The furnishings of the enigma archives I thought would pair nicely with the dormizone, but not with this grimy look. The same goes for a lot of the Zariman furniture.

If a DE developer ever does see this, please consider it. I would love something clean and inviting and I hope to make use of my dormizone down the road, especially with the enigma furnishings you introduced with the Duviri update.

Edited by Juibe
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1 hour ago, Juibe said:

Apparently with a past update, there's now a grimy, grungy, moldy/algae-looking overlay all over the walls and floors and... well, everything.

I live in the UK, mouldy walls are a thing in most places (at least in lower income households, where some walls are BLACK), so what may look incredibly unattractive and filthy to some just looks like a regular wall to me.

it also reminds us that the tenno operator is still a kid: they go on a crazy journey where they get powers and save the galaxy dozens of times over, and are capable of felling enormous monsters, .. and they still don't clean their room! :crylaugh: 

clean Dormizone would be pretty "neat" though. hell, any attention to the Dormizone at all, like being able to spawn in there, would be nice.

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14 hours ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

DE just have to add "wear and tear" slider for Dormizone like they've done to the Orbiter. I really wonder why such simple solution takes them so long.

cuz it doesn't bring them money, why do you think so many things in-game have been abandoned? 

Dorms need a lot more tweaks to them worth using 

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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I dont understand what the hell the point of the dormizone was to begin with. I wouldve much rather had an orbiter expansion. The space was a complete waste of development time. It wouldn't be if it was a space that allowed everyone access to dojo decorations in their own space, or an orbiter replacement option. But that's not what we got. We just got a useless warehouse we have absolutely no reason to ever visit, to litter with decorations we could be using to pretty up the space we use most in the game.

Even for DE. these things were just a completely baffling decision.

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53 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

I dont understand what the hell the point of the dormizone was to begin with. I wouldve much rather had an orbiter expansion. The space was a complete waste of development time. It wouldn't be if it was a space that allowed everyone access to dojo decorations in their own space, or an orbiter replacement option. But that's not what we got. We just got a useless warehouse we have absolutely no reason to ever visit, to litter with decorations we could be using to pretty up the space we use most in the game.

Even for DE. these things were just a completely baffling decision.

Because they don't think before they do something, they just make up a grand idea and throw it into the game, if it doesn't generate "wow de wow!!11 best thing evaa!!" then it gets left behind and abandoned as I said.

The dormizones could've been so much more besides a box and a few randomly selected items and another waste of space for dojo fanatics, there have been countless suggestions or feedback to make them better but have gone ignored, all it was built for was to be a glorified teaser for the paradox update. 

There are 2 simple ways to make the Dorm's a better place and they are not that complicated either 


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5 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

I dont understand what the hell the point of the dormizone was to begin with. I wouldve much rather had an orbiter expansion. The space was a complete waste of development time. It wouldn't be if it was a space that allowed everyone access to dojo decorations in their own space, or an orbiter replacement option. But that's not what we got. We just got a useless warehouse we have absolutely no reason to ever visit, to litter with decorations we could be using to pretty up the space we use most in the game.

Even for DE. these things were just a completely baffling decision.

They probably looked over at Path of Exile, or someone had recently played it and went "oh! Hideouts in WF! Kewl rite peeps!?" followed by "sure". Then nothing more than a non functional pointless hideout was added. All of that S#&$e could have gone into an expansion to the orbiter aswell as the TNW hideout so we could use it as an actual hub with more things.

Right now I enter my dorm once per week, when I run through it on my way to Acrithis. Totally pointless like other things added that arent actual content. Public hubs outside of the trade relay are completely pointless. Why do I care about other people running around? Jack squat socialization tied to etc. Just why?

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