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Opinion of Loyal Merulina, from a disgruntled Yareli main (with tl;dr summary)


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On 2024-03-05 at 8:44 PM, Lord_Chibi said:

I mean, Loki technically doesn't need the ability to disarm every enemy because he can just go invisible. 


However I do agree that DE is beginning to go the Minecraft route where they'll rather play everything "safe" instead of being innovative.

It's sad we went from frames like Lavos, Sevagoth, and Protea who all had really good ideas and simply *needed more support on what actually made them unique* and instead we have multiple frames in a row that are mostly the same. 

However I will say, good job DE on Qorvex and Dante, although I would've wished they gave Dante more than four possible outcomes for his book abilities

It's not about you being safe its the fact they it keeps everyone else from being picked off by gunfire. When i play loki i play him as a support in a team. I've replaced his decoy with silence and i will keep the eximus units from going crazy like the fire ones blowing their aoe flame loads as soon as they catch a glimpse of you, or the ones that drop AOE's of energy and health siphons all over the place.

Silence is great on Loki. If Loki doesn't get ruined in this rework i may swap out switch teleport as the new Decoy looks promising for crowd control. I just don't want them removing Radial Disarm. Loki is a good battle frame. If decoy is made better and switch teleport then fine but invis and disarm are perfect as is. I don't want them stuffing in another omnibuffarmorstrip bulls**t because that is bad design to do that. It's not safe it's just a lack of any real imagination.

I will never forgive what they did the hydroid. Pablo probably didn't know how to use the puddle proper and most likely sat in it bored. So basically what we got was what HE wanted and not the community. This is all Pablo's choices not the playerbase.

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  • 4 weeks later...

and it appears my worst fears are already beginning to surface

Onos incarnon is bugged on Merulina and there's no mention of it being a "known issue."

and she's still not able to use ciphers on the lab computers if she's on Merulina

when I have time I'm gonna update my little bug list in hopes that they'll do something but I'm not holding my breath. 

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9 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

and it appears my worst fears are already beginning to surface

Onos incarnon is bugged on Merulina and there's no mention of it being a "known issue."

and she's still not able to use ciphers on the lab computers if she's on Merulina

when I have time I'm gonna update my little bug list in hopes that they'll do something but I'm not holding my breath. 

I’m hesitating putting more forma on  the Onos since it feels meh. But my Tenet Cycron on Yareli though, chef’s kiss.

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On 2024-02-26 at 1:00 AM, Skoomaseller said:

but the fact that the augment will be introduced at all tells me DE may have given up on trying to fix Merulina

That's a surprise, to me... I would have thought that the bit that told you DE was giving up on Yareli was the Game Awards interview last year.

When they confirmed that they had absolutely no intention of ever letting Helminth Abilities work on Merulina.

Now, I happen to know why they won't be doing this, and why they didn't in the first place, and I think it's a valid reason. But the confirmation of it was what made me give up on DE ever actually fixing anything about Merulina.

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17 hours ago, Monolake said:

If you are yarely main - have they fixed merulian i-frames not working half the time and insta killing you as soon as merulina is destroyed?


10 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

That's a surprise, to me... I would have thought that the bit that told you DE was giving up on Yareli was the Game Awards interview last year.

When they confirmed that they had absolutely no intention of ever letting Helminth Abilities work on Merulina.

Now, I happen to know why they won't be doing this, and why they didn't in the first place, and I think it's a valid reason. But the confirmation of it was what made me give up on DE ever actually fixing anything about Merulina.

helminth on Merulina is one piece of the bug-infested pie

9 hours ago, helioth137 said:

i don't get it, seems a solid augment mod.

i like playing her without it too, but now she can do indoor missions with ease :|

it is a nice augment but it's not addressing her problems. it's sweeping them under a rug and turning her into Nezha but slower. 

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1 hour ago, Skoomaseller said:

it is a nice augment but it's not addressing her problems. it's sweeping them under a rug and turning her into Nezha but slower. 

I tried it out yesterday and came to the same conclusion. It’s powerful, but it’s also… sad?  

I don’t love k drives indoors, but I would like this mod a bit more if there were a toggle function. If I’m in a survival and the group moves to a large, open tile, then yeah, I would want to be on board sometimes. 

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4 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

helminth on Merulina is one piece of the bug-infested pie

It is.

You wanna know why? I'll tell you anyway ^^


So, Warframe's Abilities are based on the player avatar's state. This is why, for the longest time, DE didn't have casting in the air for any ability that interacted exclusively with the ground, like Rhino Stomp or Nidus' 1.

What DE had to do in that case was implement a trigger between Ability Cast and Ability Effect that basically checked if they were in the air first, then executed a quick travel to the ground, then performed the Ability effect.

This is because the effects have to be triggered in relation to the Player, Enemy and Global Navigation Mesh. The Player one has to check where other players are, the Enemy one has to check where the Enemies are, and the Global one is what checks for line-of-sight, if that's applicable, and also maps the travel of abilities like Nidus' 1 or Qorvex's 2 over terrain.

This becomes important when you realise that DE's other movement modes are exactly that; completely other movement modes and require their own check of the Player versus the Enemy and Global Navigation Meshes.

In Archwing they kind of bypassed this problem by giving Archwings completely new Abilities. They put them into completely new Maps where they could ignore all the regular Nav Meshes and instead play them all as Line-of-Sight and Radial checks. Where are the players in a radial 3D space, where are the enemies in a radial 3D space and where are the objects that will affect directional movement or line-of-sight.

The two biggest problems this caused, when implementing Archwing into the main game, was the size difference (archwings were scaled down to 0.25x scale to make the environment seem bigger and the enemies more imposing) and the checks for the Ability effects. Luckily since they were all radial, line-of-sight style checks, all they had to do with the Abilities was append the radial Enemy check with an additional one of the enemy Nav Mesh to place whether those enemies would have status animations play when the effect took place.

This is exactly why Titania has many Helminth Abilities that work perfectly with her, you'll note that the best are all radial casts, sustained casts, self buffs, or targeted ones, like Silence, Fire Blast, Gloom and Thermal Sunder. 

Basically, because DE went to all the trouble of making Archwing a separate mode first, then integrating it to make it work with the base game, it has all the functions necessary for both its own Abilities and adding in Helminth to the mix.

Then we come to K-Drives.

K-Drives are like Archwing in that they're a separate movement function, they are unlike Archwing in that DE didn't program in anything for K-Drives to actually do. They couldn't, by default, cast any abilities at all. The strategy here was to restrict that function and only add in what they need when they needed it.

K-Drive could have been a mode on its own, the racing having actual missions where it's necessary, or even just one Arena type where you have races against NPCs and your team.

But because it didn't have that, DE literally didn't add anything to the mode until Yareli appeared years later. In this case they added... her three casts. Nothing more, nothing less.

The only thing that works on Merulina is any Helminth you can cast first, then sustain after on a Drain or Duration. Nothing else works. K-Drive doesn't have those functions, and DE have outright said they're not intending to add them, so we aren't going to get the kind of improvements that people wanted to Merulina.

It's kind of sad. DE not putting in that effort has directly caused the bad opinion on Yareli that people have. And from that point on, fixing Yareli has become largely impossible for DE because they didn't lay the groundwork on K-Drive in the first place.

But hey, live and learn (as the Sonic soundtrack said), maybe later DE will get so bored that somebody wants to add in real K-Drive racing and then... maybe then... we'll have the update to Merulina that we really deserve.

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On 2024-02-26 at 5:48 AM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

However... there were certain issues that popped up. Times when Secondary wouldn't fire/work, or no abilities would work, or just some other small bug/issue. Nothing super significant, but I nearly died a few times, because of it, and in a solo Netracell mission... So it is a bit of a shame that such issues persist and plague the character

This happens to me with every frame: revenant, hildryn, etc. It is not unique to Yareli

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On 2024-03-31 at 2:18 PM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

This happens to me with every frame: revenant, hildryn, etc. It is not unique to Yareli


Unfortunate it sounds like. I hope it improves for you. (I mean that sincerely, just in case that seems like sarcasm). 

Pretty much all my experiences with every other Warframe has been smooth the last couple of months. Mind you, I don't play Hildryn or Revenant that much, but pretty much everyone else not counting Caliban, or Chroma. (Well I play a little Chroma now and then.)

Anyway relatively speaking. 

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